Chapter 317
Tianhuo breathed a long sigh of relief. In this short period of time, he was living like a year. Fortunately, he successfully entered.

After calming down for a while, Tianhuo walked towards the depths of the passage, anticipating in his heart, wondering how many spirit beads Tianling mentioned.

What Tianhuo is looking forward to even more is naturally the attribute bonus after the Xiantian Lingding is upgraded to the intermediate level.

"This passage seems to have just been opened, it's a little strange!" After walking for a while, Tianhuo said while walking and looking at the passage.

"You don't care, hurry up and get the Lingzhu, I can't wait." Tianling laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, and after a turn, his eyes lit up.

What catches the eye is just an ordinary hall, surrounded by dark stone slabs, but in this hall, there are actually mountains of spirit beads, but the spirit beads rolled down automatically, covering the ground I don't know how thick it is.

"Sent, the Xiantian Lingding will definitely be promoted to the intermediate level!" Tianling said happily.

Tianhuo was also excited, but he was puzzled and said, "Tianling, why are they all Lingzhu? There are no other treasures."

"The spiritual beads are what the strong in the second-level area need to practice. This is like a gold coin in the hands of ordinary people. What's so strange about it?" Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo nodded, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he asked, "Then can I use the Lingzhu?"

"Tch, of course adventurers from another world like you can't use it, just kill monsters and upgrade." Tian Ling snorted.

Tianhuo shook his head, NPC is better, he can fight monsters and upgrade, and he can also use spirit beads, but he doesn't know how many spirit beads can make npc upgrade to a level, but that doesn't matter anymore, when he gets here, these spirit beads are his own .

Opening the Zhantuan channel, Tianhuo confessed: "I use the assembly skill, Fatty and Hua Xiaoran come over, others don't accept it."

Under the management of Twilight Breaking Dawn, the legion members are strictly prohibited, but no one will go against Tianhuo's intention, otherwise it will be a big loss to be kicked out. With so many attribute bonuses, everyone wants it!
"Assemble!" After the confession, the figures of Fatty and Hua Xiaoran emerged in the white light.

"Haha, what a good thing this time!" The fat man laughed excitedly, but when he saw the beads all over the floor, he frowned suspiciously and said, "Heavenly Huo Da, what kind of treasure are these glass balls? Do you want to invite us?" Everyone in the Legion is playing glass balls, right?"

Tianhuo smiled. Indeed, if you saw these beads for the first time, you would really think they were glass beads played by children on the earth, but the color is a bit weird. Tianhuo didn't explain, "Do it, don't keep a single one."

The fat man shrugged his shoulders, and then turned his head to signal to Hua Xiaoran, but when he turned his head, he saw a stranger standing in front of him, he was stunned, and said: "Heavenly fire, how did you become like this?"

The only ones who can gather them together are Tianhuo and Twilight Breaking Dawn, so the fat man knows that the seemingly strange person in front of him is Tianhuo, but he doesn't know why he became like this.

"I'm wearing a mask, stop talking nonsense, get all the Lingzhu soon." Tianhuo shrugged.

Fatty nodded, flipped his hand, and the spirit beads on the ground disappeared quickly.

Hua Xiaoran didn't move too slowly, pieces of Lingzhu disappeared in front of him and fell into his backpack.

Tianhuo waited quietly, looked around, but found that there was a staircase spiraling upwards on one side of the hall, and he didn't know where it led, but compared to the passage he came in, this staircase seemed to be the original existence, and he came in before It seems that the channel has just been dug.

"Tianling, can you sense what's on it?" Tianhuo communicated with Tianling in his heart.

"The top is naturally the exit of this treasure house, but don't even think about going up, this passage leads to a hall, and there are very powerful people in it." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo nodded. With these spirit beads, he was able to evolve the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron to an intermediate level, which was enough, and there was no need to make extra troubles.

After more than ten minutes, Fatty and Hua Xiaoran had already put away all the spirit beads and gave them directly to Tianhuo, and Tianhuo naturally handed over all the spirit beads to Tianling. Evolved to Intermediate.

"Tian Huo Da Da, it seems that you have important matters here, hehe, let's not bother." The fat man said with a smile, he can still distinguish the importance of some things.

"You can't use the scroll to return to the city." Hua Xiaoran said coldly.

The fat man tried it, shook his head helplessly, and looked at Tianhuo, "Tianhuo is big, what should I do?"

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, it seems that it should be the problem of this hall, at most it is out of the passage, and it can be used if it goes outside.

"Follow me." Tianhuo nodded and led the two of them towards the way they came. As long as they leave the passage, there should be no problem.

Soon, he came to the wall again. On the passage on one side, there was a very conspicuous protrusion, which should be the mechanism to open the passage. "Everyone is invisible. Go back to the city immediately when you get out of here."

Fatty and Hua Xiaoran nodded, and then the three of them used their stealth skills. As the sky fire opened the entrance, the scene that caught their eyes made Fatty and Hua Xiaoran stunned.

In front of him, more than a dozen beautiful disciples are preparing to dress in the house, all in white flowers!
The passage that appeared suddenly attracted the eyes of all the female disciples. They all walked to the passage and looked into it suspiciously, regardless of their clothes.

For a moment, more than a dozen slim figures were fully revealed in front of the three of Tianhuo, but these female disciples could not see the three of Tianhuo. After all, the invisibility skills of the three were not ordinary invisibility.

"Damn it... the sky is so hot, I found that I don't want to leave, how about letting me stay here for a while?" Fatty's voice sounded in the battle group channel.

Talking on the battle group channel can only be heard by the members of the battle group, so naturally they are not afraid of these female disciples hearing it.

"It's strange, how come there is a secret passage here, and they opened it by themselves." The dozen or so female disciples stood in front of the passage naked, but they didn't know that their every move put great pressure on Tianhuo and the others. This scale is too big!
Tianhuo took a deep breath, "Then you all pay attention to your own safety, if something goes wrong, hurry up and leave, I'll dodge first."

As he said, Tianhuo flew up quietly while maintaining his invisibility, and flew slowly towards the outside of the house. Taking advantage of the night, he quickly returned to the residence. After entering the room through the back window, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Fatty and Hua Xiaoran also kept their invisibility and walked out of the passage cautiously, but they didn't intend to leave at all. With such a good opportunity to observe, who would want to leave?
As the two left the tunnel, the tunnel slowly recovered, and those female disciples had been discussing for a while, so they naturally planned to report it.

Seeing all the female disciples start to put on clothes, Fatty and Hua Xiaoran swallowed hard, "Xiaoran, look outside the door, I'll fuck you, it's not in vain!"

Outside the door, of course, was the bathhouse. The faint lights were shining around the bathhouse, illuminating the bathhouse, making it clear to the two of them at a glance. Watching this situation from such a close distance, the two of them didn't want to leave.

Tianhuo didn't worry about the safety of the two fat men at all. They were assassins with hidden professions, and they still had means to save their lives. Now that they returned to the house, they heard Wei Cheng swallowing saliva from the balcony outside the door, and couldn't help shaking their heads secretly. This guy, After watching it for so long, I still haven't seen enough.

"Oh, that seems to be the master of the Yunv Peak. Could it be that he also went to the bathhouse?" Suddenly, Wei Cheng muttered to himself.

The peak master of Yunv Peak was naturally invited by those female disciples. After they reported the hut, she rushed over in a hurry, and Wei Cheng happened to see her.

Tianhuo hurried out of the house and looked towards the opposite side, but saw a graceful and luxurious young woman coming from the air, landing towards the bathhouse, she must be the master of Yunv Peak that Wei Cheng was talking about.

"It's dangerous, Fatty and the others haven't left yet!" With the help of Wen Sheng's eyes, Tianhuo clearly saw the invisible Fatty and Hua Xiaoran sitting in the bathroom blatantly, watching openly!
"Fuck, you two, go away, the woman who is here can probably see you." Tianhuo hurriedly said in the battle group channel.

But the fat man replied: "Hey, peerless beauty, I'll go, I will never see you in reality!"

As soon as the fat man's response sounded, the peak master had already landed. After glancing at the people who were still joking in the open-air pool, he looked at the fat man and Hua Xiaoran with strange expressions.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, sure enough, this woman could see Fatty and the others!
"Have you seen enough?" The peak master stared at Fatty and Hua Xiaoran coldly, and the cold voice made the surrounding temperature drop a lot.

And as the words came out, a strong air wave suddenly surged from the peak master's body, and instantly hit Fatty and Hua Xiaoran. Immediately, the two were thrown out, and their figures were also revealed.

The two stabilized their bodies, the fat man took a step forward, he smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, we are just passing by, let's go!"

As soon as the word 'go' was uttered, Fatty and Hua Xiaoran smashed the scroll of returning to the city together, but what happened next made them both stunned and did not respond at all!
The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, "These two guys are already in a fighting state, and they still want to use the scroll?" '

"Hmph! Are you leaving?" The peak master took a step forward and stepped on the water in the air. Suddenly, crystal clear ice flowers appeared all over her body, and danced around her figure.

"Hey, let's go, why don't you go?" The fat man patted Hua Xiaoran, and then the two of them disappeared abruptly, leaving only a wave of air rolling in place.

The peak master, who was about to make a move, stared blankly at the direction Fatty and Hua Xiaoran left, and her expression changed, she didn't see how the two left!
But Tianhuo, who was watching from the opposite side, was relieved. Fatty's reputation as a god of thieves is really well-deserved, and he doesn't even know where this guy took Hua Xiaoran to escape.

However, while he was relieved, Tianhuo frowned again, afraid that troublesome things are still to come!
(End of this chapter)

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