Chapter 318
Fatty and Hua Xiaoran left smoothly, but Tianhuo became worried. As long as the master of Yunv Peak went in to check, and saw the extra passage and the disappearing spirit beads, he would know that Fatty and the others did it. when……

There are more than [-] Lingzhu, the number is very large, Tianhuo can already predict the anger of the master of Yunv Peak, and will definitely issue a warrant for Fatty and Hua Xiaoran at that time. mixed up.

"Fatty, Xiaoran, hurry up and get out of the range of the Great Xuanzong, bad luck is coming soon." Tianhuo opened the friend system and said to the two.

"Uh, Tianhuo is great, we are still in the Great Xuanzong, there are so many roads, I don't know how to get there." The fat man said helplessly.

At this moment, Fatty and Hua Xiaoran remained invisible and wandered around, unable to find a way out.

Tianhuo patted his forehead, but he himself dragged them into the water, this time it is difficult to handle, if he is caught, who knows how the master of Yunv Peak will deal with them.

"How about... Let's hang it up? Anyway, our resurrection point is not within the scope of the Great Xuanzong." Hua Xiaoran said hesitantly.

"Damn it, it's going to drop one level!" Fatty said distressedly, then his eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh, and said with a smile: "I was misled, hehe, just let Twilight pull us back, what a simple matter what!"

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and he himself forgot about it. Apart from himself, Twilight Breaking Dawn could also use the rallying skills, and he would naturally be able to pull them back when the time came.

"Ding! System prompt: The deputy army chief is using the assembly skill and intends to teleport you to his side. Do you accept it?" At this time, a system prompt sounded next to Tianhuo's ear, making Tianhuo laugh.

"Go quickly, and come to see you after my business here is over." Tianhuo said with a smile.

Fatty and Hua Xiaoran accepted the assembly and were sent away immediately. This time they are safe.

"Damn adventurers from another world, I'm going to peel off your skin!" Not long after the two of them left, the peak master's roar came from Yunv Peak.

The roar spread all over the nearby mountain peaks, startling Tianhuo and Wei Cheng, and sure enough, they were discovered!
"What's the situation? Why is the master of Yunv Peak so angry?" Wei Cheng looked at the other side in shock and murmured.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Who knows, go, don't look at it, it will be over if you are discovered."

After saying that, Tianhuo jumped off the balcony and walked towards the hall on the first floor. Wei Cheng didn't dare to stay too long, because that was the peak master, and he couldn't peek at it.

However, just as Wei Cheng fell from the balcony, he saw a slender figure following him, landing in the courtyard, and a icy aura pervaded the entire courtyard.

Tianhuo's footsteps paused, feeling the powerful and icy aura, he hurriedly turned around to look, and couldn't help but burst into his heart, "Master of the Jade Girl Peak!"

Wei Cheng was also quite frightened, and hastily bowed and said, "Master Peak Master!"

The peak master stared at Tianhuo for a moment, as if he saluted because he didn't see Tianhuo, he said coldly: "You are the first disciple who dares not to salute when he sees me!"

Saying that, the peak master jumped up, landed on the balcony, and turned to look towards Yunv Peak.

Tianhuo walked out of the living room, came to the courtyard and looked up, but saw that the peak master just turned his gaze down, "You were here to watch my female disciple of the Yunv Peak take a bath, right?"

Wei Cheng's complexion suddenly changed, and he knelt down hastily, not daring to vent his breath, while Tianhuo shook his head and shrugged, "The peak master was joking, we are so far apart, how could we waste our efforts, just discussing some things." .”

The peak master looked to the opposite side again, and was about to say something, but suddenly raised his head and looked into the air.

"Hehe, Ice Girl, why come to my 72nd Peak when you have time?" In mid-air, a middle-aged man landed, with the words '72nd Peak Master Zhao Bing' written on his head.

Wei Cheng pulled Tianhuo, and both of them bowed together and said, "I've seen Mr. Peak Master."

Zhao Bing glanced at the two of them indifferently, then shifted his smiling eyes to the master of the Yunv Peak on the balcony, "Ice girl, I am very tired looking up!"

Tianhuo looked up, but saw the gorgeous white clothes of the master of Yunv Peak Shengxue. Under the shroud of moonlight, her body seemed to emit a faint and holy light. The white dress fluttered with the wind, just like that otherworldly fireworks. The Guanghan Fairy is average.

Facing such a peerless beauty, Tianhuo didn't have the heart to appreciate it. Since she came here, it might not be easy, maybe it's because of those spirit beads.

However, Tianhuo believes that no matter what she does, it is impossible to know that the Lingzhu is on him.

"Zhao Bing, all of my Yunvfeng Lingzhu has been stolen. I think the view here is very good, so I came here to take a look, hoping to find some clues." The master of Yunvfeng said.

Zhao Bing's expression froze, "The Lingzhu was stolen? Ice girl, who did it?"

The ice girl stared at the opposite side of the jade girl peak, her red lips parted slightly, "It should be two adventurers from another world who did it, I will find out about this matter."

Zhao Bing frowned, "It's impossible for outsiders to come in my Great Xuanzong, Ice Girl, are you sure?"

The ice girl shook her head slightly, "It doesn't matter if you don't mention this matter, when I came here, I happened to find that two of your disciples were peeking at my disciples from the Jade Girl Peak taking a bath, Zhao Bing, tell me, what should I do about this matter?" The ice girl raised her voice some.

Zhao Bing frowned, turned sharply and looked at the two of them, "Bold!"

Tianhuo cursed secretly in his heart, as expected, nothing good happened, he hadn't done his own thing yet, so he couldn't make a mistake, thinking, Tianhuo said: "Master Peak Master, we really don't have one, but we are just chatting on the balcony, and they are so far apart. , how could you see it?"

Zhao Bing was stunned for a moment, as if he was a little surprised by Tianhuo's attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing, but after he was stunned, he let out a cold snort, "If Master Bingfeng said it was, then he was, and you will be punished by going to Daxuan Bingshan, regardless of whether you can live or not." Come out and let this matter go!"

Hearing this, the ice girl looked at Zhao Bing in astonishment, while Wei Cheng's expression changed drastically, but he didn't dare to vent his anger.

But Tianhuo's eyes lit up, Daxuan Bingshan?It can't be such a coincidence, can it?Xuanxuan was trapped in the Daxuan Iceberg, so, didn't he have a chance to save her?

"Is there any objection?" Seeing that Tianhuo didn't have the slightest fear, Zhao Bing couldn't help being puzzled. It's just that the identity of the peak master is here, so he can't be ashamed to ask.

"Don't dare!" Wei Cheng and Tianhuo said in unison, and Tianhuo was already happy.

Zhao Bing seemed very satisfied with the reaction of the two, turned his head to look at the ice girl, and asked, "Ice girl, is this okay?"

Bing Nu didn't say much, stepped into the air and flew towards Yunv Peak.

When Zhao Bing saw the ice girl leaving, he turned around and looked at the two of them again, and two jade pieces appeared in his hands, "If you come back alive, I promise to reuse you, if you die, it's your bad luck. "

With that said, two pieces of jade were thrown to the two of Tianhuo.

Wei Cheng took the jade piece, glanced at Zhao Bing anxiously, did not dare to hesitate, bent down, crushed the jade piece, and disappeared into the courtyard immediately.

Tianhuo's heart moved, it turned out that this jade piece was used in this way, and he crushed it without hesitation.

Suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed, but in the blink of an eye, he was already in the ice and snow, and the biting chill came along with it.

He hurriedly put on the top-quality cotton jacket, and immediately resisted the cold outside his body. Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief. Under this kind of cold, if he didn't have this kind of cotton jacket that can resist 90% of the cold, it would be no wonder he didn't freeze to death.

The padded jacket I bought in Ice Wind City, I didn't expect it to be useful here.

Looking at the icy and snowy land around him, Tianhuo shook his head secretly. Wei Cheng was afraid that he was going to die. Under this kind of cold, without a cotton jacket, he couldn't last long!It's just that he doesn't know where he was teleported to, otherwise he could be sent to the Palace of Fanshen, in that case, it would save his life.

After looking at it for a while, Tianhuo spread his wings with a thought, and was about to step into the air, but a system notification sound came from his ears.

"Ding! The system prompts: Special environment, unable to fly."

"Damn it..." Tianhuo cursed secretly, he couldn't fly, that would be a big trouble, with mountains covered in ice and snow all around, how could he find Xuanxuan?I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to go out by myself.

"It turns out that Daxuan Bingshan is the place to punish disciples, Tianhuo, you are in trouble." Tianling said.

Tianhuo looked at the knee-deep snow, shook his head and smiled, "It's not troublesome, it's just a waste of time."

"Hee hee, take a step and try." Tian Ling laughed.

Tianhuo was stunned, and from Tianling's words, he could hear something unusual. Could it be that this place is not as simple as he thought?
With doubts, Tianhuo took a step forward, and suddenly his feet were empty, and the snow around him actually reached his waist!
"It's really troublesome. I won't walk on the snow without trace." Tianhuo frowned. He didn't expect that the snow would be so deep, and it would be very difficult to act!

Fortunately, with the padded jacket on his body, Tianhuo didn't feel too cold. Otherwise, if he walked in such deep snow for a long time, he would be exhausted if he didn't freeze to death.

"Hee hee, the trouble I'm talking about is not this, but there are monsters here that are not weak. If you encounter them later, you will have difficulty moving. How do you deal with them?" Tianling laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head, let's talk about it when we meet, Tianhuo has always been confident in his own strength, looking at the situation around him, Tianhuo used his pet heart to connect with the Star Devouring Moon Beast, "Tun Xing, where have you been?"

"Master, you haven't arrived at the Great Xuanzong yet, how are you doing?" Tun Xing quickly responded.

"My place is going well, ask Huanchen Binghu where Xuanxuan is trapped." Tianhuo said.

After a while, Tun Xing responded: "It said it was in a cave, and the exact location is not clear, but if it came over, it could be found by the breath it left behind."

Tianhuo smiled wryly, come here?It is not my pet, there is no way to get it here, it seems that I can only find it by myself, but there are so many peaks here, how difficult it is to find a cave!
"We must find a way!" Looking at the continuous peaks, Tianhuo said to himself.

But as soon as the murmur came to an end, a snow-white animal head suddenly protruded from the snow in the distance, and its blue eyes were fixed on Tianhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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