The strongest saint

Chapter 319 Triggering Missions

Chapter 319 Triggering Missions
Tianhuo suddenly raised his head and looked not far away, where a snow-white animal head emerged, but its body was hidden under the thick snow.

"Tianling, you have the potential of a crow's mouth, the eye of the sage!" Tianhuo joked, and then cast the eye of the sage.

Extreme ice beast (spiritual beast), spirit level 40, HP (spirit) 1960000, attack (spirit) 12500, defense (spirit) 9800.


"It's actually a spirit beast, troublesome!" Tianhuo murmured, the Star Devouring Moon Beast still needs to accompany Yifeng and the others, and if he doesn't have the bonus of devouring stars, he can't kill this beast by himself spirit beast.

"Hey, another disciple has been sent in, I'm lucky!" the Extreme Ice Beast spoke, drooling and looking at Tianhuo.

"Koufu?" Tianhuo was taken aback, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "You should be familiar with this place, right? Just right! Nine Souls, Void Ray!"

Two rays of light flashed beside Tianhuo, and the figures of Nine Souls Yinglong and Void Ray appeared, and for a moment, the unique and powerful aura of divine beasts permeated.

The Extreme Ice Beast trembled all over, but it didn't expect that two divine beasts would appear in an instant, turned around and retreated without hesitation, submerged in the snow and galloped away.

"Catch it!" Tianhuo pointed to the place where the extreme ice beast disappeared, knowing that the guy was using the thick snow to move forward, so he should be able to stop it now.

The round fleshy wings of the void ray spread, and its body suddenly became hundreds of feet, and it appeared in the place where the ice beast was walking in a flash, "Get out, or you will be destroyed!"

The Extreme Ice Beast didn't respond, and continued galloping on the bottom of the snow. If it stopped, it would surely die!

"Hmph!" Seeing a trace on the snow, Void Ray let out a cold snort, and under its huge body, Void Tremor was displayed, and suddenly, the snowflakes all over the ground disappeared in an instant.

"Stop it, I surrender!" Facing the attack of the void ray, the extreme ice beast gave up and said hastily.

The void ray stopped attacking and waited for Tianhuo to speak, but Tianhuo was very puzzled at the moment, couldn't he fly?Why can void rays fly?
But soon, Tianling answered Tianhuo's question, "Fortunately, you have a void ray, it can fly in the void, and there is no way to restrict it here."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up. It seemed that although the Void Ray was not as powerful as the Nine Souls Yinglong, it still had its merits!

In this way, it is much easier to act on your own, as long as you can fly, the Daxuan Iceberg is nothing.

The Extreme Ice Beast prostrated itself on the ground, trembling slightly, not daring to raise its head, just waiting for Tianhuo to speak. At this moment, it had long since regretted that it shouldn't have troubled Tianhuo, but who would have thought that Tianhuo would just flip his hand over They recruited two divine beasts!

"Don't be nervous, take me to find a cave, and let you go when I find it," Tianhuo said.

Extreme Ice Beast raised its head slightly anxiously, looked at Tianhuo nervously, "Is this true?"

"Nonsense! How can my master's words be counted?" The Void Ray said angrily, and the extremely ice beast trembled in fright.

"Yes, Lord Divine Beast, but there are hundreds of caves here, which one are you looking for?" The Extreme Ice Beast calmed down a little after a long time, and said.

Tianhuo frowned, so many? "A woman is imprisoned in it, do you know where it is?"

"Ah? It's in the central area. Only the caves in the central area are used by Daxuanzong to imprison humans, but there is no way to find them. No one has ever been able to break through the restrictions of those caves." Extreme Ice Beast said.

Tianhuo smiled, it seemed that the Ice Beast knew this place quite well, "Then you don't have to worry about it, just take me there."

The Extreme Ice Beast didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly led Tianhuo and the two beasts forward.

The void ray maintained such a figure, and after Tianhuo and Nine Souls Yinglong went up, they followed the extreme ice beast and flew away.

As the cold wind blew, Void Ray and Nine Souls Yinglong didn't react at all, but Tianhuo felt a very strong chill, but he couldn't help getting excited at the thought of rescuing Xuanxuan soon. In that case, the next two things That's easy.

After turning over several snow-covered mountains, the Extreme Ice Beast gasped and pointed forward, "That's right there."

There is an ice field in front of it. In the center of the ice field, a huge mountain peak covering tens of miles stands upright. It is also covered with ice and snow, but it can be vaguely seen that there are caves on the mountain, and there are faint colored lights at the entrance of the cave from time to time. The emergence must be the prohibition.

"Can I go?" Extreme Ice Beast asked anxiously.

Tianhuo turned his head to look at the Extreme Ice Beast, the corners of his mouth curled up, but this scene fell on the Extreme Ice Beast's eyes, and he immediately became nervous, not daring to vent his breath.

Finally, Tianhuo spoke, "Is there someone strong to guard this mountain?"

Extreme Ice Beast breathed a sigh of relief, you know, your life and death are in the hands of Tianhuo, as long as Tianhuo gives an order, it will be easy for the two divine beasts to deal with you.

"I don't know about that, I've never been close to that mountain." The Extreme Ice Beast said.

"You can go." Tianhuo said, ignoring the extreme ice beast, and focused on the mountain peak.

As if being pardoned, the Extreme Ice Beast retreated hastily, and disappeared into the snow without daring to look back.

"Master, what are we doing here?" Jiuhun asked.

"Save people." Tianhuo said in a deep voice, and at this moment, he saw that there was a person imprisoned in every cave!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on triggering the rescue mission, do you accept it?"

When Tianhuo saw the situation in those caves clearly, the system prompt sounded in his ears.

"Accept!" From Tianhuo's point of view, this is just a little effort, and activating this task is just a reward for himself.

Mission: rescue.

Task Difficulty: B+ level.

Mission reward: unknown.

Mission Penalty: None.

Mission introduction: Daxuanzong has imprisoned many powerful and important people. If they are rescued, the conspiracy of Daxuanzong can be crushed to a certain extent. You have the fire source crystal, and it is not difficult to rescue them. Take them out of the Daxuan iceberg , the task is completed.

After reading the mission introduction, Tianhuo signaled to the two beasts, then flew towards the mountain peak, and landed in front of the first cave entrance.

In this cave, there was a disheveled old man, his muddy eyes stared at the token on Tianhuo's waist, and he ignored Tianhuo at all.

Seeing the old man's reaction, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and took off the mask with his hand. Immediately, the old man's eyes flashed, and he looked at Tianhuo again, "An adventurer from another world!"

Tianhuo smiled, "Senior, I will rescue you."

The old man was stunned for a moment, but saw Tianhuo touch the fire source, the sky crystal, and move towards the restraint at the entrance of the cave, and hurriedly stopped Tianhuo, "Wait, the restraint traps me, but it also protects me. If you just break open like this, I will freeze to death soon."

Tianhuo looked at the old man in astonishment, and the old man said again: "Little brother, I understand your kindness, but the air here contains extremely icy qi, and I can't hold it for too long."

"So that's it!" Tianhuo nodded. At this moment, he understood why it was so cold here. It must be because of the extreme ice qi. Certainly not simple.

Sure enough, the task of B+ level is not so easy to do!
"Senior, if I give you the padded jacket I'm wearing, may it help you resist?" Tianhuo asked again.

The old man nodded, "Of course it's not a big problem, but if you give it to me, I'm afraid you will be frozen into ice soon."

Tianhuo smiled and opened the friend channel, "Twilight, mail me two hundred top-quality padded jackets."

"Two hundred pieces? Uh, okay, I have to wait a minute, I don't know where they are sold in the second-level area." Twilight Dawn responded quickly, and then Twilight Dawn's inquiry rang out on the battle group channel.

Tianhuo waited quietly, and smiled at the old man, "Senior, please wait a moment, by the way, senior, how many people are imprisoned here?"

"You really asked the right person. I was the first to be imprisoned here. Every time someone is sent here, I will pass by here. Up to now, more than 90 people have been imprisoned, all of whom are important figures from various major forces." The old man Said.

Tianhuo raised his brows, it seems that Daxuanzong has a lot of schemes, but he is courageous enough, if those forces come to find him together, Daxuanzong will accept it.

The old man's expression flickered, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The Prisoner Dragon Sect is behind the Great Xuanzong, and it seems that the Prisoner Dragon Sect will make a big move. If the little brother rescues these people, the Prisoner Dragon Sect will definitely throw a rat , dare not act rashly."

Tianhuo nodded, he had thought of this before, "Senior, may I ask which faction you are from?"

"Hehe, I'm just a bad old man, but I was imprisoned here to suffer because of opposing the patriarch of the Great Xuanzong." The old man smiled wryly.

Tianhuo's eyes swept over the old man, but he didn't see any sign of power, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a randomly discarded token in the cave, which was the Great Mysterious Token!
"Oh? Senior used to be a member of the Great Xuanzong?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows.

The old man sneered, "You also said, that was once, since the death of the previous suzerain, I have left the Great Xuanzong."

Tianhuo's heart moved, isn't that Yifeng's father?This man was a loyal follower of his father?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo tentatively asked: "Do you know about Yifeng, senior?"

The old man was stunned, then scrambled to the entrance of the cave, looked at Tianhuo through the light film in disbelief, and asked excitedly: "Little brother, tell me quickly, have you seen the young suzerain? Where is he? "

Seeing the old man's reaction, Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, he guessed right, if the old man goes out, it will definitely be of great help to Yifeng.

"Senior, don't worry, Yifeng is fine now." Tianhuo didn't say much, and it was inconvenient to tell the people of the Great Xuanzong about Yifeng's whereabouts.

The old man's expression was agitated, and he didn't pursue Yifeng's whereabouts, and murmured: "It's fine, it's fine."

"By the way, senior, do you know a person named Lin Qiaoqiao?" Tianhuo asked again, this person should be the older generation of the Great Xuanzong, maybe he can know the goal of his mission.

However, when the words came out, the old man's excited expression froze suddenly, anger surged in his eyes, and hostility also burst out suddenly.

Tianhuo was taken aback, why did the old man seem to be a different person when asked about this person?
(End of this chapter)

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