The strongest saint

Chapter 320 Great Profound Palace

Chapter 320 Great Profound Palace

Anger flashed in the old man's eyes, and the hostility erupted at this moment, which made Tianhuo's heart skip a beat. Who is the Lin Qiaoqiao he was looking for?

After a long time, the old man calmed down a little, and said in a deep voice: "I know, even if I turn into ashes, I will know!"

Tianhuo frowned, it doesn't matter who Lin Qiaoqiao is, the important thing is to take her to Lin Xinhu.

"That smelly woman killed the old suzerain, are you looking for her?" The old man calmed down and asked.

Tianhuo didn't know how to answer for a while, and nodded after a moment of silence: "I accept a senior's entrustment to take her to a certain place."

"Hmph, it's better to die there. That stinky woman should still be in the Great Xuanzong now, but she just has no face to face people." The old man said.

Tianhuo gave a dry laugh, and it seemed that he couldn't ask any more questions. Just then, the mail system rang. Tianhuo opened it and saw that it was a cotton jacket sent by Twilight and Breaking Dawn.

"Senior, you put on the padded jacket, and I'll rescue you." Tianhuo said as he handed the padded jacket to the old man.

The old man didn't hesitate, he didn't know how many years he had been trapped here, why didn't he want to go out?

Tianhuo took out the fire source crystal, the moment the fire source crystal came into contact with the restraint, the restraint melted quickly, but within a few breaths, it had already disappeared at the entrance of the cave, and the old man's face was full of excitement color.

"Senior, wait for a moment, I will rescue the others." Tianhuo said, and quickly moved towards other cave entrances.

Soon, more than 100 people had been rescued by Tianhuo, but the strange thing was that they didn't see Xuanxuan!
More than 100 people stood in the cold wind, waiting for Tianhuo to send them away. After all, Tianhuo has pets that can fly, which is faster than them leaving here alone. However, Tianhuo frowned and looked at the mountain in front of him. He checked all the caves himself. Why don't you see Xuanxuan?

"Little brother, what's the matter?" asked the old man who was first rescued by Tianhuo.

Tianhuo frowned, scanned the crowd, and asked, "Seniors, have you seen anyone from Danzong?"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, but they all shook their heads, which made Tianhuo's heart sink. Could it be that this is not where Xuanxuan was trapped?But according to Huanchen Binghu's description, there is nothing wrong here!
"All the people from the Danzong have been arrested? The Great Xuanzong is so bold, what are they trying to do?" Everyone was startled, all of them looked ugly, even the Danzong dared to provoke them, so why is the Great Xuanzong?

Tianhuo didn't have time to pay attention to them, he frowned and stared at the mountain, thinking in his heart, could it be that Xuanxuan had already been transferred to the place of detention?In that case, things will be troublesome!

"Gen Sheng's Eye!" Gritting his teeth, Tianhuo cast the Wen Sheng's Eye, and suddenly, a white soft light appeared in his eyes, and under the Wen Sheng's eyes, the mountain gradually became illusory, and everything inside Tianhuo could see clearly.

Glyph Sage's Eye is a god-level skill that can see through everything, but because of the level of Skyfire, it has been unable to exert the power of Glyph Sage's Eye. Now that it is used with all its strength, everything in front of it has become different.

The mountain peak became an illusion in Tianhuo's eyes, which made Tianhuo easily see everything inside, but at this moment, there was no other object in the mountain peak, let alone Xuanxuan's figure.

The white light in Tianhuo's eyes slowly faded away, but Tianhuo's face sank, as expected he was not here, it seemed that he was indeed transferred by the Great Xuanzong!

"Let's go! Seniors, please come up!" Tianhuo turned on the back of Void Ray and greeted everyone.

Everyone was overjoyed, as long as they could leave here and return to the sect, they would be safe.

"Finally I can leave this damned place. When I return to the sect, I must destroy the Daxuanzong!" Everyone has such thoughts in their hearts. After all, they are all important figures of various forces. Can play a big role.

Tianhuo ignored them and stood on the back of Void Ray, but his eyes searched around, hoping to find something.

However, a few hours later, they had already reached the edge of the Daxuan Iceberg, and further on, there was a normal yellow and green mountain range, but Xuanxuan was never found.

"Brother Tianhuo, the great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten!" When they got here, everyone was able to fly, and all the strong NPCs clasped their fists at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo also clasped his fists in return, "Seniors, this is still within the range of the Great Xuanzong's mountain gate, how do you get out?"

"Haha, it's natural to kill them!" Everyone laughed, although with the strength of more than 100 of them, they could not compete with the Great Xuanzong, but if they wanted to kill them, there would be no problem at all.

Tianhuo nodded and smiled, the strength of these people was unfathomable, so he didn't have to worry about it, he also hoped that they would make a big disturbance in Xuanzong, the more chaos the better.

Everyone walked away, Tianhuo took out the exquisite mask and put it on again, put away the pet and looked in the direction, and walked towards the 72 peak.

Leaving the Daxuan Ice Mountain, Tianhuo didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart, not to mention not finding Xuanxuan, and Wei Cheng's whereabouts are also unknown, he might have died in it!
Although Wei Cheng and Wei Cheng were not close friends, the boy treated him pretty well, so it was inevitable that Tianhuo would feel a little lonely after he died like this.

"Bold! Come down for me!" While thinking about it, a loud shout resounded between heaven and earth, and then he saw a big hand made of blue light suddenly appearing in front of Tianhuo, caught off guard, Tianhuo was caught by the big hand and moved downward pull away.

"Damn it!" Tianhuo cursed in his heart, who did he provoke?
The figure was falling sharply, but being caught by Qingguang's big hand, Tianhuo couldn't break free at all. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ground, Tianhuo gritted his teeth. If he just fell like this, it would be difficult not to die!
However, as soon as this idea appeared, the big blue light hand suddenly disappeared, Tianhuo hurriedly took the opportunity to stabilize his figure, but hit the ground under the majestic inertia.

The ground trembled, but Tianhuo only felt his legs go numb. At this moment, he lost all feeling in his legs, and the ground paved with gray stones cracked with Tianhuo as the center!
"Hmph! How can you fly over the center of the sect!" The violent shout sounded again.

Tianhuo looked up, and saw not far in front of him, a thin middle-aged man was staring at him coldly, he was the one who pulled him down from mid-air!
Tianhuo was astonished, his flying speed was close to the speed of sound, but in front of this middle-aged man, he seemed nothing, at such a fast speed, he was still caught by this middle-aged man!

"Sorry, senior, I just came out of the Daxuan Ice Mountain, and I didn't know I was already in the sky above the center of the sect!" Tianhuo said without haste, cupping his fists.

The middle-aged man frowned, "Daxuan Iceberg?"

Tianhuo nodded, "Exactly!"

The middle-aged man looked at Tianhuo for a moment, then frowned, "Really! But that's not the reason for you to fly above."

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows indistinctly, but found that he was actually in a square at the moment, and behind him was the Daxuan Hall, which was actually the core of the Daxuanzong!

"For the sake of you coming out of the Great Xuan Ice Mountain, I don't care about it. The sect meeting will start tomorrow, so you can wait here!" said the middle-aged man.

"Tomorrow?" Tianhuo was overjoyed, that was just right, when countless disciples gathered here, it was time for him to take advantage of the excitement to look for the Glyph Saint suit.

"Which peak master's disciple are you? Come with me." The middle-aged man seemed to have changed a lot in his attitude towards Tianhuo because he came out of the Daxuan Ice Mountain.

"Back to senior, Peak 72." Tianhuo followed behind the middle-aged man and responded, but seeing the middle-aged man lead him towards the Daxuan Hall, he felt even more delighted.

"You can come out of the Daxuan Ice Mountain, but you actually chose the 72nd peak? Hehe, you can go to the first peak, but the level is a little lower." The middle-aged man laughed.

Tianhuo had some doubts in his heart, but he shrugged his shoulders indifferently, he was only doing the task, and the task was completed, the Great Xuanzong was none of his business.

"You will stay with me in the Great Profound Hall tonight. Tomorrow morning, after the meeting starts, you will meet up with your people from Peak 72." While the middle-aged man was speaking, he had already arrived in front of the main hall.

Tianhuo slightly raised his head and glanced at the Daxuan Hall, only to see that the hall was hundreds of feet tall and occupied an area of ​​an unknown number of acres. The holy ring has responded!

On the ring, a light that only Skyfire could see emerged, turning into an arrow pointing forward!

"Gentleman suit!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, "Sure enough, the Glyph suit is here!"

Stepping into the main hall, the middle-aged man led Tianhuo directly to the side hall. After passing through countless corridors, the middle-aged man pointed to a room, "Stay in there at night, don't run around."

"Yes, senior!" Tianhuo bowed and clasped his fists, but he was happy in his heart, won't he run around?hey-hey.

The middle-aged man nodded and continued walking, and soon disappeared from Tianhuo's sight. Tianhuo looked at the corridor for a moment, then pushed the door open and entered.

The light in the room is a bit dim, with a simple stone bed and stone table, nothing else.

After closing the door, Tianhuo looked at the ring of the sage, but saw that the light indicated on the ring of the sage was facing downwards. Obviously, the sage's suit was under the hall, "There should be a passage leading to the bottom, maybe it is Great Xuanzong's treasure house!"

Tianhuo murmured, but he was looking forward to it, as soon as it got dark, he would be able to do it himself.

While Tianhuo was waiting quietly, the sky gradually darkened, and after waiting for a long time, the middle-aged man did not come back, so Tianhuo got up with confidence, and it was time to act.

However, as soon as the door was opened, the middle-aged man was raising his hand as if knocking on the door. Both of them were stunned, and the middle-aged man asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Tianhuo smiled, "Senior, I just want to open the door for some air."

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at the empty corridor, and motioned, "Go back first."

Saying that, the middle-aged man entered the room together with Tianhuo, and after looking at the corridor again, he actually locked the door behind him.

Tianhuo frowned, what does this middle-aged man want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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