The strongest saint

Chapter 321 The Use of Reward Points

Chapter 321 The Use of Reward Points
The abnormal behavior of the middle-aged man put Tianhuo on alert, how could he enter someone else's room and lock the door behind him?

Frowning, Tianhuo cupped his fists, "I don't know what orders do you have, Senior?"

The middle-aged man turned around slowly, looked at Tianhuo with deep playful eyes, but said nothing.

Tianhuo's heart tightened, why did he feel that the middle-aged man looked at him like he was looking at a beautiful woman?This guy, won't be good at that, right?

Suddenly, the middle-aged man laughed, and the slutty laughter echoed in the room, "Hey, the rooms here are all soundproof, and here, nothing will be discovered by the outside!"

Tianhuo frowned slightly, and said calmly: "Senior, please speak up if you have something to say."

"Haha... I have to tell you first, no one knows that I brought you here, and no one will care that a disciple is missing." The middle-aged man kept laughing.

Tianhuo sneered in his heart, although this guy's strength was unfathomable, but if he wanted to leave here, he might not be able to stop him, but Tianhuo also wanted to see what he wanted to do!
"Hey, you're not nervous at all? It's really boring. What I like most is watching other people resist!" The middle-aged man continued, looking up and down Tianhuo playfully.

Tianhuo shook his head and sighed, "Senior, I don't have anything, it seems that there is nothing worthy of your opinion?"

The corner of the middle-aged man's mouth curled into a strange arc, and he answered the wrong question and said: "It is said that no one can ever leave the Daxuan Ice Mountain. In fact, many people still left, but in the end they disappeared. You know this is Why?"

Tianhuo's heart moved, was it because of the Daxuan Iceberg?

"Haha, when you come out of the Daxuan Ice Mountain, you will always carry the extreme ice qi that has been tamed invisibly. This kind of qi is very useful for my cultivation, and it can be called a great tonic, so they all disappeared!" The middle-aged man laughed and said.

The hands under Tianhuo's sleeves tightened unconsciously, staring at the middle-aged man and said: "So, you also want me to disappear?"

A calm voice came from Tianhuo's mouth, making the middle-aged man stunned, "Understood, are you still nervous?"

Tianhuo sneered, "Sorry, you made the wrong idea."

The middle-aged man shook his head boredly, suddenly, a strong chill suddenly appeared all over his body, and everything in the whole room froze quickly!
"Nine Souls!" Tianhuo flipped his hand, Nine Souls Yinglong appeared beside him, and Tianhuo continued: "Destroy him!"

"Received!" Nine Souls Yinglong let out a dragon cry, and then a terrible heat wave swept away, instantly turning all the ice in the room into mist, and the middle-aged man's face changed. In the extreme fog, he couldn't see Tianhuo and Nine Souls Yinglong at all!
In Tianhuo's eyes, these dense fogs had no effect at all. Seeing the middle-aged man watching on guard, he couldn't help but snort, trying to make up his own mind?I got the wrong guy!

Without the use of the sky fire, the flames roared out from the mouth of the Nine Souls Yinglong, covering the entire room in an instant, and under the flames, the thick fog dissipated in an instant, and the middle-aged man quickly formed an ice shield to resist with.

"It's up to you?" Jiu Hun snorted disdainfully, and the dragon's tail swung out fiercely, passing through the flames, and blasted in front of the middle-aged man, smashing the ice shield instantly.

"Good opportunity, teleport!" Skyfire teleported out, and the prisoner's dragon needle appeared in his hand. The moment he teleported to the middle-aged man's side, the prisoner's dragon needle pierced out, pointing directly at the back of the middle-aged man's neck !

laugh!Very smoothly, the prisoner's needle was inserted into the back of the middle-aged man's neck, and Tianhuo kept moving, and the second prisoner's dragon needle appeared in his hand, but at this moment, the middle-aged man turned around quickly, and slammed his palm on Tianhuo's neck. on the chest.

Skyfire was blasted out and hit the wall fiercely, more than 5000 damage points also emerged from the top of his head, but the middle-aged man was about to chase after him, but the dragon tail of Nine Souls swept over him again, and shot him from the top of his head. hit down.

puff!The bluestone bricks under the middle-aged man's feet shattered instantly, but unexpectedly, being hit by such a terrifying attack from Nine Souls, the middle-aged man's body trembled slightly, and he seemed to be fine.

Tianhuo hurriedly got up, feeling astonished, the prisoner dragon needle had already been inserted into this guy's neck, but he didn't react much, it seemed that the prisoner dragon had no effect on him, "I don't believe it, just get another one and insert it !"

"I'll kill you first!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice after being struck by Nine Souls, but staring at Tianhuo with icy eyes.

Holding the prisoner's needle, Tianhuo teleported out again, and came directly to the middle-aged man. The latter seemed to have expected it, and turned his palm into a fist, waiting for Tianhuo to teleport.

As soon as he teleported over, he faced the middle-aged man's fist, which made Tianhuo's heart shudder, and hurriedly raised the prisoner's needle, which happened to meet the middle-aged man's fist!

Pooh!The prisoner's dragon needle was terrifyingly sharp, but it only pierced the middle-aged man's fist an inch, but it couldn't penetrate an inch!
But it wasn't without effect, the middle-aged man's complexion suddenly turned pale, with pain all over his face, at this moment, he was about to be stabbed by two prisoner dragon needles!

"Good opportunity!" Nine souls' eyes flashed, and the dragon's tail roared again. This time, it planned to blast the prisoner dragon needle on the back of the middle-aged man's neck!

"Ah..." The middle-aged man screamed, turned his head suddenly, raised his left fist, turned slightly to avoid the nine souls' bombardment, and instead punched the nine souls on the tail of the dragon!
Nine souls were bombarded by the middle-aged man, and took a few steps back to stabilize, but taking advantage of this opportunity, the third prisoner needle in Tianhuo's hand thrust out fiercely, and pierced straight into the middle-aged man's right rib!

This time, the Prisoner's Dragon Needle sank most of it, and the middle-aged man trembled while maintaining this movement, "I... want to..."

The middle-aged man was trembling all over, unable to utter a complete sentence, while Tianhuo and Jiuhun Yinglong heaved a long sigh of relief. This time, this guy is done!
I saw the middle-aged man aging rapidly, as if all the essence of his body had been absorbed by the prisoner's dragon needle, but after dozens of breaths of effort, he had already turned into an old man who was about to decay, and immediately after, he turned into a mummified corpse.

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up treasure box x 1, treasure map x 1, spirit beads x 900."

Killing such an npc also has no experience points, but why does Tianhuo care about this?It would be nice to kill him.

"Tsk tsk, the Prisoner Dragon Needle made by the Prisoner Dragon Sect is really good. You have killed all the existences at level 60." Tian Ling laughed.

Tianhuo nodded. Originally, there were 5 prisoner dragon needles, but one was lost when dealing with the old man with bones. Now, among the remaining four, three can be used 7 times, and one can be used 8 times.

The Prisoner's Dragon Needle can be regarded as Tianhuo's trump card, but it cannot be used every time, especially for powerful NPCs like the old man with bones.

"Tianling, take the Lingzhu yourself, how long does it take for the Xiantian Lingding to evolve?" Tianhuo said.

"It's hard to say, just wait slowly!" Tianling said.

Tianhuo shook his head secretly. In the current situation, the stronger the better, and the fastest way to become stronger right now is naturally the Xiantian Lingding. After all, the four attributes are the foundation of Tianhuo.

"I found that in the second-level area, things are hard to break out, no more than the third-level area." Tianhuo shook his head and said, and dug out the treasure box and treasure map.

This npc doesn't know what his identity is, but he can take him freely into the Daxuan Hall, so he must have a high status. Unfortunately, none of the equipment was exposed, only some Lingzhu and the East XZ treasure map in Tianhuo's hand: unknown!
The same is true for the treasure maps obtained by Tianhuo in the past, which need to be appraised.

Treasure map: A map that records the location of the treasure house of Daxuanzong. Only the deputy suzerain and the suzerain own it. With this treasure map, you can open the treasure house once.

This treasure map is made of some kind of animal skin. There is a simple introduction on it. There is a map in the center, which looks like a maze. What, it looks like this guy is actually the deputy suzerain of Xuanzong, no wonder..."

The map records that it is the Daxuan Hall, and the entrance of the treasure house is in the center of the Daxuan Hall. As long as you follow the guidance of this treasure map, Tianhuo can easily reach the treasure house, but you don’t know if the Glyph Saint suit is in it or not. !

Right now, Tianhuo is in the Great Profound Hall, so he can find his location by comparison, and then go to the treasure house is easy, but let's wait until he sees the treasure box.

Cautiously put away the treasure map, Tianhuo looked at the treasure box.

Treasure Box: A rare and mysterious item in the Destiny Continent. After opening, there is a chance to obtain various rare treasures.

"Hey, Tianhuo, this thing is good, try your luck." Tianling urged.

Tianhuo had opened bronze, silver and other treasure chests before, and got a lot of good things from them, but now, he actually let himself burst out a treasure box, but he didn't know what the treasure box could open compared to those treasure chests.

Tianhuo nodded, looking forward to opening the treasure box.

"Ding! The system prompts: 1 reward point is required to open this treasure box. Do you want to open it?"

The system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear, making Tianhuo stunned, reward points?I have 8 reward points now, and I don't know what they are used for. Now a small treasure box actually consumes a little bit?
It is very difficult to get reward points, it must be extremely precious, but this treasure box will consume a little, which makes Tianhuo hesitate, the reward points will definitely have other uses, if a little is consumed here, I don't know if it is worth it.

"Hurry up! I can't wait." Tianling urged.

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, "Alright, you can get reward points again, then open it and have a look!"

"Turn on!"

"Ding! The system prompts: 1 reward point will be deducted, congratulations on opening the treasure box."

Following the system prompt, a faint light glowed in the treasure box, and Tianhuo stared at the treasure box expectantly, "It must be a good thing, otherwise I'm sorry for this reward point!" '

(End of this chapter)

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