Chapter 322

Tianhuo stared expectantly at the treasure box that slowly opened by itself, what would the treasure box that can only be opened with 1 reward point give him?
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained a replacement puppet × 1."

The moment the treasure box was fully opened, the treasure box gradually faded and disappeared from Tianhuo's eyes, and the system notification sound came again.

In the backpack, there was an extra item. It was a palm-sized puppet, which looked like a toy.

Death puppet: A mysterious puppet handed down from ancient times. It has no fighting ability, but it can replace its master to die once and disappear after death.

"Death puppet!" Tianhuo exclaimed in surprise, this kind of thing was seen when he first met Yimadaoxian. Back then, Yimaidao used this kind of thing to save his life in his own hands. Now, Tianhuo actually got it too.

With this thing, Tianhuo has an extra life. At this moment, Tianhuo only feels that breathing becomes difficult. After so long, he finally has a chance to be resurrected. With the death puppet, he can die without fear!
In the past, because of the time travel to the game, Tianhuo had to be careful everywhere. After all, once he died, he would definitely not have a chance to be resurrected. It wasn't until now that he got a replacement puppet that Tianhuo regained the feeling of a normal player.

"I hope you won't be used!" Tianhuo murmured, and he would recognize the dead puppet as the master. Suddenly, the dead puppet turned into a stream of light and sank into Tianhuo's body. He didn't know where it was hidden in his body. He couldn't find it arrive.

Naturally, Tianhuo hoped not to use a surrogate puppet, that would mean that he would be fine.

"Nine souls, go back to the pet space first." After calming down for a moment, Tianhuo said, now, of course, he is looking for the Glyph suit!

After using the hidden spirit skill, Tianhuo got up and opened the door and walked towards the place indicated by the map, but he felt a little funny in his heart. The middle-aged man who was killed brought himself to the Daxuan Hall, intending to kill himself secretly He seized the extreme ice qi, but was killed by himself, and in order to do this, that guy naturally didn't dare to let people find out.

Unexpectedly, now it is cheaper for me. Since no one knows that I am here, even if I run into the treasure house to plunder, no one will know that I did it. will affect.

What Tianhuo needs to worry about now is whether the treasure house is guarded or not.

Under the night, the corridors of Daxuan Hall were dimly lit, and the invisible Tianhuo was walking in the corridors, gradually becoming suspicious in his heart, there was no one guarding here!
It stands to reason that an important place like Daxuan Hall should be guarded everywhere, but unexpectedly, the corridors that Tianhuo walked through were all empty, and no one was seen at all.

Both sides of the corridor are densely packed with rooms, but the sound insulation effect of these rooms is extraordinary, and Tianhuo can't know whether there are people in them, but that doesn't matter, the destination of Tianhuo is the treasure house under the center of the hall.

With Tianhuo's current speed, even if it is only half of the usual speed in the invisible state, it is not within the reach of ordinary people. Not long after, Tianhuo has arrived at the location indicated by the treasure map.

Looking at the room with the closed door in front of him, Tianhuo closed the treasure map, and said excitedly to himself, "This is it!"

The treasure map pointed to the room in front of him, and the sage's ring also pointed to this place. Obviously, the sage's suit was in the treasure house.

Carefully checking the corridors on both sides, seeing no one coming, Tianhuo didn't hesitate, and pushed his hand towards the door, and the door was pushed open in response, revealing the situation inside.

In the room, there are blue and black walls on all sides, without even a window, and this room is even more empty, it is impossible to be a treasure house.

Tianhuo walked into the room with some doubts, looked around carefully, and frowned slightly, "Tianling, this should be the entrance of the treasure house, there is nothing wrong with that, but I didn't see a place where the entrance of the treasure house can be opened. "

At this moment, the light on the ring of the sage of the sage pointed directly at the ground. Obviously, the sage's suit was underneath, but he couldn't find the mechanism to open the entrance just by letting Tianhuo grope.

The treasure map stated that the treasure house could be opened once, but at the moment there was no response from the treasure map, which made Tianhuo's excited mood cool down a lot.

The surrounding walls have been searched by Tianhuo, and nothing abnormal was found at all. After frowning and thinking for a while, Tianhuo couldn't help turning his eyes to the ground.

The ground is paved with blue-black stone bricks, with almost no gaps, and these stone bricks are delicately carved with various patterns, which are really hard to find if you don't look carefully.

The pattern on each stone brick is different, and if you look closely at each piece of Tianhuo, maybe these are the keys to opening the treasure house.

Not long after, Tianhuo had checked all the stone bricks, but strangely, he still didn't find anything unusual, which made Tianhuo frowned again. The treasure house was right under his feet but he couldn't enter it. This feeling is so urgent!
Tianhuo got up and moved his aching waist, checked the ground from all angles, and found nothing unusual. So, how to open the treasure house?
Looking at the treasure map in his hand again, there was no explanation on how to open it, but Tianhuo suddenly discovered that this thin treasure map drawing seemed to be the same size as a floor tile!
With this discovery, Tianhuo was looking forward to it, and after bending over for a comparison, his eyes lit up and he murmured: "It's really the same size, maybe if you put the treasure map on a certain floor tile, the treasure house will be opened." !"

"Huh? It seems so, Tianhuo, look at that wall, there is a floor tile that seems to be a little lower than the others." Tianling said lightly.

Tianhuo slightly raised his head and looked towards the side Tianling said. Indeed, there was a floor tile slightly lower than the position of a piece of paper. If Tianling didn't say it, he really didn't notice it.

Put the treasure map directly on the floor tile. At the moment when the two completely overlap, strange runes suddenly appeared on the treasure map, and the soft luster also diffused in an instant, moving towards a surrounding stone brick. Spread away.

In just a few breaths, the ground of the entire room became radiant, and under this light, the ground in the center separated towards the two sides like flowing water, revealing a staircase extending downward.

"It's finally opened!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, after hours of torture, he finally saw the entrance to the treasure house!
Without hesitation, Tianhuo quickly stepped into the entrance of the cave and walked along the stairs. With the entry of Tianhuo, the entrance was quickly restored.

Puff puff……

Entering the passage, a series of popping sounds sounded, and the mysterious lights hanging on both sides of the passage ignited by themselves, illuminating the entire passage, and then the lights, Tianhuo saw that at the end of the passage was a hall, Countless shelves are neatly placed, here is the treasure house of Daxuanzong!

The figure rushed out, and Tianhuo came to the treasure house within a few breaths, his eyes were attracted by the shelves one by one, approaching the first-class sect Daxuanzong, the items in the treasure house were naturally beyond imagination.

Every item shelf is full of items, equipment, jade bottles, boxes... everything!

After wandering through these item racks for a while, Tianhuo discovered that these item racks were placed in an arc, guarding the center, presumably the real good things were in the center.

And the light of the sage ring is also pointing to the center at this moment.

"What a great opportunity! It's a pity that if the treasury is emptied, it will definitely arouse the anger of Daxuanzong. At that time, it may not be good for the next thing." Tianhuo was entangled in his heart, and wanted to gather professional thieves players in the legion to evacuate the treasury. But in that case, Great Xuanzong's anger will inevitably spread, and it will be very difficult to find Xuanxuan at that time.

Moreover, Tianhuo still has the task of finding Lin Qiaoqiao. Now is not the time to evacuate the treasure house, but after this time, Tianhuo may not have a chance to come in here again. After all, the treasure map is one-time. Disappeared.

"Don't even think about it, how could it be possible to use teleportation skills in this kind of treasure house of a large sect?" Tianling said, breaking the entanglement of Tianhuo in an instant.

Tianhuo was taken aback, looked around, and asked, "Are you sure you can't use teleportation skills? Then I didn't come here for nothing?"

If you can't use the teleportation skill, that is to say, you can't ask someone to help you. In that case, how can you take the Glyph Saint suit?After all, in this kind of place, theft technique is needed to get the items!
And Tianhuo's literary sage profession doesn't have theft skills!
"Assembly!" Probing, Tianhuo used the rally skill, but then, a system prompt that he could not use this skill sounded in his ears!

Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he froze on the spot, "Damn... I'm so happy!"

In Tianhuo's plan, it was nothing more than to find the sage suit first, and then pull the fat man over to get the sage suit for himself, but now, the assembly skills can't be used!
"That's right, if the treasure house of this kind of big sect can use teleportation skills, then they will be in vain. They don't know when the treasure house is emptied. No wonder no one is guarding it. That's how it is!" Tianhuo murmured murmur said.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo continued to walk towards the center. Since he was here, at least he should see the Glyph suit first.

Passing through rows of arc-shaped item racks again, Tianhuo came to the center. Looking from here, you can see that the surrounding item racks surround the center, and here, there is a A long stone table.

On the stone table, several wooden boxes of different sizes were randomly placed, and at this moment, on the ring of the Glyph Saint, the light pointed directly at one of the wooden boxes. Obviously, the parts of the Glyph Sage suit were in it!

Tianhuo walked to the stone table and stared at the wooden box helplessly, unable to let Fatty and the others come over to help, it was impossible for him to take the wooden box away!

Holding the wooden box with both hands, the system prompt sounded, "Ding! System prompt: You have not yet learned theft technique, so you cannot steal this item!"

"It really is like this!" Tianhuo secretly thought, the last time he was in Prisoner's Glory's treasury, it was the same situation, but that time, there was help from everyone, and nothing was left, but this time, it seems that he can only be anxious.

I don't know what part of the suit is placed in the wooden box, Tianhuo is very itchy, how can I take away the Wensheng suit right in front of me?

(End of this chapter)

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