The strongest saint

Chapter 323 Part 6 of the Suit

Chapter 323 The Sixth Suit Part

"Ding! The system prompts: You have not yet learned the theft technique, so you cannot steal this item!"

Tianhuo tried again, he could put his hands on the box, but he couldn't pick it up, and with Tianhuo's force, the system notification sound came again.

After a while, Tianhuo left the box with both hands, and said, "Tianling, think of a way, I have seen the parts of the suit, so it's impossible to just leave like this?"

"What can I do? At worst, I'll bring your friends with me in the future!" Tianling said without thinking.

Tianhuo shook his head, the treasure map to open the treasury was only owned by the suzerain master and the deputy suzerain, and the deputy suzerain must be the middle-aged man who had been killed by himself, if he wanted to come in again, he had to kill the suzerain, Tianhuo didn't have the slightest grasp.

"There is another way, that is, you become the suzerain of the Great Xuanzong, hehe, in that case, you can take whatever you want." Tianling said playfully.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly, what a joke, his own strength is not to that level, the Daxuanzong is not comparable to the little Wanchao sect, and if he wants to become the suzerain of the Daxuanzong, Tianhuo thinks that he can do it in a short time It cannot be done inside.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo gritted his teeth, "I don't believe it anymore, with more than 3 strength, you still can't move it?"

As he said that, Tianhuo jumped onto the stone table, stretched out his hands again, and pulled up the box violently.

"Ding! The system prompts: You have not yet learned the theft technique, so you cannot steal this item!"


Following Tianhuo's movements, a series of system prompts sounded, but Tianhuo didn't care at all, and was still exerting all his strength. Under the huge force, the stone table trembled violently, as if it would break at any time.

"Ah... I'm not a thief. How can stealing require such effort..." Tianhuo murmured, his face flushed red under the extreme force.

"Eh? Tianhuo, I think it's better to forget it! Don't steal it, it's impossible for you to steal it." Tianling said weakly.

Tianhuo paused slightly, panting, and said, "Stealing? This is not stealing. There is a saying that 'scholar's business is not considered stealing!', I can at most be taking advantage of it."

"Come again!" After finishing speaking, Tianhuo exerted his strength again.

This time, the stone table could no longer support the power of Tianhuo, and it shattered instantly. Tianhuo staggered and flew out under the huge inertia, but Tianhuo didn't even notice that he was already holding the wooden box in his hand.

Turning over in mid-air, Tianhuo just landed steadily. As soon as it landed, Tianhuo looked at the broken stone table in astonishment, and then at the box in his arms, "It's done?"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on comprehending the exclusive skill of Wen Sheng. Please check the skill panel for details!"

Then the system prompt sounded, but Tianhuo was stunned, is this okay?Could it be that he has comprehended the theft technique?

Without bothering to check the Glyph Saint Kit in the box, Tianhuo hastily opened the skill panel.

Take advantage of the sheep: Wen Sheng's exclusive skill, after using it, there is a chance to take away items that do not belong to him. Can a scholar's business be considered stealing?
"Huh? Sure enough, it can't be considered stealing. Compared with the thief's theft technique, it is far worse..." Seeing the newly realized skill, Tianhuo was a little speechless. This skill is not considered theft technique. Item casting is effective, but theft is not the same.

The thief's theft technique can be used on unknown items, but Tianhuo can only use it on the items he sees!
In other words, this skill can't be used on players or npcs at all, but it's not bad. Right now, there are countless treasures in this treasure house, and this skill of mine is just right!

However, the parts of the Glyph Saint suit had already been obtained, and Tianhuo couldn't wait, so he hurriedly checked it.

The box was easily opened, and immediately, a plain belt appeared in Tianhuo's eyes, without hesitation, Tianhuo recognized the owner with blood.

Glyph Saint Belt: Demon weapon, exclusive suit for Glyph Saint. (Owned, cannot be traded, cannot be dropped, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen.)
Attributes: None.

Occupational Requirements: Wen Sheng.

Escape, an active skill, can travel through all substances after casting. The travel speed is 50% of the movement speed and consumes 100 MP (spirit) per second.

Each part of the Glyph suit has a special skill or special ability, the automatic pick-up of the ring, the experience bonus of the mount pet of the wrist, the number of pets summoned by the crown +1, the support of the book on paper, the reverse of the pen, are very useful.

And the glyph sage belt in Tianhuo's hand right now made Tianhuo even more dumbfounded, "Escape technique?"

"Oh, you're amazing this time..." Tianling couldn't help but say.

Tianhuo nodded his head mechanically, and equipped the Wensheng belt, this time there is another means of saving his life!

"Ding! System prompt: Glyph Saint's suit attributes have changed, please check the suit attributes panel for details."

Set attributes (currently six pieces):
Attack +500%
Defense +500%
Four basic attribute bonus levels x50 (currently +6500)

Experience bonus +500%
Burst rate bonus +500%
Damage Reduction +25%
Critical strike chance +25%
Critical damage +500%
Negative status resistance +20%
Ignore Target Defense +5%
On the basis of the previous ones, there were additional attributes that ignored the target's defense, while other attributes, as expected by Tianhuo, had increased on the basis of the past.

Tianhuo nodded his head in satisfaction. He already has six Glyph Saint suits, but after wearing the Glyph Saint belt, the previous demon belt cannot be worn, which made Tianhuo a little puzzled. After all, the demon belt is also very good, although the attributes are somewhat Low, but the attribute of shortening the negative state time by half made Tianhuo a little entangled.

Demon belt (monster weapon), defense 1200, strength +200, intelligence +200, constitution +200, the time to bear negative state is shortened by 50%, use requirement: level 30.

Additional skills: Demon Body, active skill, immune to negative status within 20 seconds after casting, cooldown time 30 minutes.

After checking the replaced demon belt for a moment, Tianhuo sighed helplessly, he had no choice but to eliminate it!

Fortunately, the attributes of the suit have been enhanced. Even if the Glyph Saint belt has no attributes, after replacing it, the attributes of Tianhuo will not be reduced, but will be enhanced.

One of the three things to come to the Great Xuanzong has been completed, and the rest is to find Xuanxuan and Lin Qiaoqiao, but right now, naturally, try to find treasures here.

In front of the broken stone table, several boxes were scattered on the ground. Although I don't know what was placed in them, it shouldn't be bad if they can be placed together with the Glyph Sage suit.

"Take the sheep by hand!" Tianhuo hugged a box in front of him, and displayed the newly learned skills in an instant. Suddenly, the box was picked up by Tianhuo.


Suddenly, there was a faint sound of rubbing boulders in the whole hall, which made Tianhuo pause, and hurriedly looked towards the entrance, where the sound came from!

"Someone has come in, hurry up!" Tian Ling said.

Naturally, Tianhuo knew that someone had come in, and the only one who could enter here at this moment was the suzerain of the Great Xuanzong!

Looking at the few boxes left on the ground, Tianhuo gave up helplessly. He had no time to take the sheep by hand. He hurriedly used the evasion technique attached to Wensheng's belt, and his figure immediately disappeared towards the ground, disappearing into the treasure house without a sound. .

Being in the ground, Tianhuo's spiritual mp dropped at a rate of [-] per second, but the recovery was faster, and he recovered almost as soon as he fell, so there was no need for Tianhuo to worry.

And being in the ground, Tianhuo only felt that the soil around him didn't block him at all, as if he didn't exist, and it seemed that he had merged into the earth and could walk freely, but there was darkness in front of him, and he couldn't even distinguish the direction clearly.

"Oh, Tianhuo, why can't you see anything?" Tianling asked suspiciously, it can see only what Tianhuo can see, but the darkness in front of her eyes made her puzzled.

"Well, I overestimated this skill, it's black in the eyes." Tianhuo nodded, and then tried to use the Glyph Sage's Eye.

Under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, the surrounding situation became clear. He directly penetrated the thick soil and looked forward. When he looked up, the situation above was also clear.

"It's good that the Escape technique and the Glyph Sage's Eye can be used at the same time." Tianhuo murmured, and stomped towards the square.

As for the treasure house, Tianhuo didn't need to pay attention to it. Even if the suzerain went in and saw the destroyed stone table and two boxes missing, he might think it was done by the deputy suzerain, and it was impossible to think of outsiders.

Countless disciples had already gathered in the square in front of the Daxuan Hall. Today is the Zongmen General Assembly. Although it is not yet dawn, most of the disciples arrived early in the morning due to the long distance.

Tianhuo came out from a corner, no one would pay attention to him at all, and just as Tianhuo wanted, looking around, there were people everywhere in the square, but no one Tianhuo was familiar with.

After looking around for a long time, Tianhuo couldn't find the location of Peak 72, so he just waited. Tianhuo also wanted to see this kind of big sect's conference.

The sky was getting brighter, and more and more people gathered around the square. As for the Daxuan Hall, the gate had already been opened, and many disciples came out and prepared around. It seemed that it would start soon.

Not long after, a group of disciples walked out of the Daxuan Hall, walked directly onto the square, and dispersed the crowd, "Each peak finds its own position, hurry up!"

At some point around the square, flags had been hung up, with the names of the peaks written on them. Soon, many disciples in the square found their positions, and Tianhuo, standing behind a flag at will, stood among those The disciple waited quietly behind him.

Boom!Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the rumbling sound continued, completely suppressing the noisy voices in the square, and amidst the rumbling sound, a circular grandstand with a radius of one kilometer was slowly raised in the center of the square.

Before the stand was fully raised, a big man had already shot out from the Daxuan Hall and landed straight towards the stand. After stabilizing his figure, he looked around and said, "As in the past, after offering sacrifices to heaven, the general assembly Let's start, put the sacrifice up!"

"Sacrificing to Heaven?" Tianhuo frowned, but saw a square stone tablet slowly rising in the center of the stand, with strange runes flashing on it, and upon closer inspection, one could find that those runes were actually flowing like blood!

"What a weird stele, what is the so-called sacrifice to heaven by Daxuanzong?" Tianhuo thought to himself.

However, when he inadvertently turned his head and saw the entrance of Daxuan Hall, Tianhuo's expression suddenly changed.

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(End of this chapter)

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