The strongest saint

Chapter 324 The Man with the Long Tail

Chapter 324 The Man with the Long Tail

Curious about what Daxuanzong did to sacrifice to heaven, Tianhuo inadvertently turned his head and took a look in the direction of Daxuan Hall, but with just this one glance, Tianhuo's face changed drastically!
In front of the Daxuan Hall, two disciples escorted a slender woman with a light veil over her face. This is the sacrificial offering!
There is no need to doubt that the blood of this woman is sacrificed to the heavens, and that is to kill her!
What changed Tianhuo's face was that although this woman was covered with a light veil, Tianhuo could tell at a glance that she was Xuanxuan!

The granddaughter of Xuandu, the suzerain of Danzong, was actually captured by Daxuanzong to sacrifice to heaven!

At this moment, the discolored Tianhuo understood in his heart that Xuanxuan was not found in the Daxuan Ice Mountain, it was because she had been transferred to the Daxuan Hall by the Daxuanzong for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heaven at the Zongmen Conference.

"It's a great honor. In this conference, we can invite the granddaughter of the Patriarch of the Pill Sect, and sacrifice her life to the heavens. My Great Xuanzong will definitely become the same existence as the Pill Sect in the future!" On the stands, the big man said without any concealment.

As soon as these words came out, the entire square erupted, and countless disciples cheered.

Tianhuo frowned even deeper, and his heart sank even more. He blatantly ignored Danzong, who gave them the courage to this small second-class sect!
Concentrating on it, Tianhuo replaced the delicate mask with an ice dragon mask. If you don't do it at this time, you may have no chance!

As soon as he put on the ice dragon mask, the skyfire teleported out. At this time, in the eyes of others, he was an adventurer from another world!
Appearing in front of Xuanxuan and those two disciples in an instant, Tianhuo put his arms around Xuanxuan's waist, "Gen Sheng's disgust!"

Phew... The terrifying impact instantly diffused with the sky fire as the center, and immediately knocked the two disciples ten meters away.

Xuanxuan's face under the light veil showed joy, and there were tears in her beautiful eyes. This mask, this inexplicable coercion, made her understand the identity of the young man in front of her. She would never have thought of it anyway. The one who saves himself will be Tianhuo.

But at this moment, Tianhuo was hugging her waist, causing an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Sensing that Xuanxuan had no intention of resisting, Tianhuo had a thought, and immediately received it in the Palace of Fanshen, then turned to look at the big man in the stands, and said in a deep voice, "You don't want Xuanzong to exist?"

Everything happened so fast that before everyone could react, Tianhuo's voice let everyone see the situation clearly, but at this moment, there was no shadow of the sacrifice, but instead turned into a masked adventurer from another world.

The big man was taken aback, and he didn't see what was going on. He only saw the two disciples backing out, but the sacrifice was gone, and he became a talking adventurer from another world.

In the arena, everyone stared blankly at the adventurers from another world in the arena. In a word, they couldn't regain their senses.

The big man came back to his senses first, snorted coldly, stared at Tianhuo, "Hand over the sacrifice, and I'll give you a good time!"

Tianhuo was about to speak, but the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he used teleportation again, and disappeared from everyone's eyes immediately.

And at this moment, a loud laugh came from the sky in the distance, "Haha, Daxuanzong is really brave, no wonder you dare not take my old man with bones in your eyes. It turns out that even an existence like Danzong You don't pay attention to it!"

Tianhuo teleported away, and then used the evasion technique to sink into the soil. Naturally, this was because Tianhuo saw the old man with the bones stepping into the air from a distance. This scene was what Tianhuo had been waiting for for a long time!
At the beginning, I deliberately dressed myself as a disciple of the Great Xuanzong, just to attract the old man with the bone to come here. From the current situation, Tianhuo is very satisfied. .

Moreover, it can be seen from the old man with bones that the mysterious light film at the entrance of the Great Xuanzong can't stop him, so it is enough to show his strength.

After performing the escape technique, he returned to the previous position. Tianhuo put on a delicate mask before leaving the earth. At this moment, he became a disciple of the Great Xuanzong again. No one noticed at all. After all, at this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by the old man with bones past.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked up behind the crowd, this time, there is a good show to watch!
Sure enough, seeing the old man with the bones coming, the face of the big man in the stands changed, but he was secretly cursing in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it, he hurriedly cupped his hands, and forced an ugly smile on his face, "So it's Senior Withered Bones, I don't know what is my great Xuanzong's business?"

"Hehe, what's the matter? You were scared when I came to the door?" The old man with bones landed directly on the stone tablet, and said sarcastically, but his eyes searched the crowd.

The big man watched the old man's actions without saying a word, and he also wanted to know who provoked this evil star!
After a long time, the old man with bones turned his eyes to the big man, "Tell your suzerain to get out and give the old man an explanation!"

As he said that, the old man withered bones flipped his hand, and a prisoner's needle fell to the ground.

"Bone, I don't care about your trespassing on my Great Xuanzong, you leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!" A powerful voice sounded in the hall, but no one was seen.

The old man with bones snorted coldly, "Boy, when the old man became famous in the second-level area, you didn't know where you were peeing and playing in the mud. How dare you talk to me like that, get out!"

As he said that, the old man with bones raised his fleshless palm, and suddenly, a suffocating and terrifying force gathered in his palm, and blasted towards the Daxuan Hall fiercely.

"Bold!" In the main hall, the voice was full of anger. Following the violent shouting, a burly middle-aged man galloped out, raised his palms, and turned his fists into palms, smashing the attack of the old man with bones. .

Breaking through the attack of the old man with the bones, the middle-aged man kept walking, stepped out of the air, and landed on the stand in an instant, staring at the old man with the bones coldly, "With the bones, I don't take my big Xuanzong too seriously. Bar?"

Countless people watched this scene silently, and so did Tianhuo. At this moment, Tianhuo saw the words 'Ding Ba, Sovereign Master of the Great Xuanzong' on the middle-aged man's head, but he was happy in his heart, the show is about to begin!

"So what? Ding Ba, I'm here today just for this matter, hand over that man, and I'll leave." The old man with bones pointed to the prisoner's needle on the ground and said.

"Prisoner Dragon Needle!" Ding Ba lost his voice, his face changed slightly, but it was well concealed.

As the suzerain, Ding Ba naturally knew the Prisoner Dragon Needle, and he also had it in his hand. It was a gift from the Prisoner Dragon Sect. In the entire Prisoner Dragon Sect, there were only two people who owned the Prisoner Dragon Needle. Apart from himself, he was the deputy suzerain!
"Just know, hand him over! I don't want to say it again!" said the old man with bones.

Ding Ba frowned slightly, and slowly raised his head to look at the old man with bones, "With bones, to be honest with you, he disappeared yesterday!"

As soon as this remark came out, the old man with bones narrowed his eyes immediately, and looked at Ding Ba coldly, but at this moment, Tianhuo became suspicious in his heart, as if he had succeeded in setting the blame by mistake.

This prisoner's dragon needle is the one that I didn't dare to take back at the beginning, but the prisoner's dragon needle is the same, there is no difference. Now that the old man with bones took out the prisoner's dragon needle, Ding Ba didn't deny it. Therefore, Tianhuo also judged that Ding Ba and someone also had prisoner needles in their hands!
There is God's will in the dark, Tianhuo secretly rejoiced in his heart, the prisoner's needle left behind at the beginning, unexpectedly became the fuse of this incident.

The face of the old man with bones gradually became gloomy, and his mighty strength gathered in his fleshless palm, "I said it, I don't want to say it again!"

Suddenly, the old man with bones moved, and a terrifying attack blasted towards the crowd on one side, and those disciples had no ability to resist. Suddenly, dozens of disciples fell down like this, and they didn't even have the chance to scream. Hang up if not.

Killing dozens of people with one palm, the face of the old man with bones did not change at all, it was still gloomy, but a terrifying attack gathered in the palm again, this time, it is unknown where it will attack.

"Withered bones! Do you really think that I, the Great Xuanzong, are afraid of you?" Ding Ba roared suddenly, and he stepped into the air amidst the roar, his hammer-like fists clenched tightly and blasted towards the old man withered bones, a mountain-like aura quietly permeated at this moment .

Facing Ding Ba's attack, the lonely old man was not afraid at all. He lifted his fleshless palm and grabbed Ding Ba's fist, "Only by you? It's unsightly!"

Fear appeared in Ding Ba's eyes, his angry punch was unexpectedly received so easily by the old man with bones, and at the moment when the fist was caught by the old man with bones, Ding Ba felt that his fleshless palm was like iron tongs, unable to shake it at all!
The gap in strength can be seen here!Tianhuo also frowned, he hoped that both sides would suffer, but it seemed that the suzerain of the majestic Xuanzong was not the opponent of the old man with bones!

"All disciples obey the order! Form the formation!" The big man in the stands backed away quickly, and at the same time, his voice spread throughout the square.

"No need! To deal with him, there is no need for a large formation!" Ding Ba hurriedly stopped the movement of the crowd, and when the words fell, a slender tail suddenly appeared behind Ding Ba, and on the tip of the tail, the prison dragon needle flashing with cold light was clearly visible!

The speed of Ding Ba's tail was too fast, and the prisoner's needle wrapped around it quickly pierced the abdomen of the old man with bones. The latter didn't expect Ding Ba to have such an ability at all, and was immediately pierced through the abdomen by the tail.

"Ah..." Amidst the screams, the old man with bones retreated, and a spider web-like crack was stepped on the ground.

"Hehe, old man with bones, enjoy yourself!" Ding Ba smiled jokingly and folded his arms.

In the arena, countless people watched this scene in astonishment. Everyone didn't understand, how can human beings grow tails?

The old man with the bones was sure of winning, but if he was stabbed by the dragon needle that suddenly appeared with its tail curled up, he would end badly!
Tianhuo was even more astonished, staring at Ding Ba's tail intently, it shouldn't be innate, right?It grew out of something, because Tianhuo remembered that the senior he met in Lin Xinhu also had a long tailbone.

The scream of the old man with bones brought Tianhuo back to his senses, and when he looked up, he saw that the old man with bones was desperately trying to pull out the prisoner's dragon needle, but it was pierced so deeply that there was probably no way to get it out except for the key.

Seeing this, Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, it seems that he can't sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman!
However, as soon as this idea appeared, a mysterious man wrapped in a black robe suddenly appeared on the stands with a series of afterimages. The next action shocked Tianhuo, and even made everyone's jaws drop in astonishment. down!

(End of this chapter)

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