The strongest saint

Chapter 325 Mysterious Man

Chapter 325 Mysterious Man

The mysterious man in black was extremely fast, bringing up a series of afterimages and landed in front of the old man with bones on the stand. He took out a jade card that Tianhuo was very familiar with, and poked towards the dragon needle on the old man's abdomen.

Tianhuo looked at this scene in astonishment, the jade tablet was naturally necessary to pull out the prisoner's needle!
'Who is this?There is such a thing! ' Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, but he looked forward to it.

The Xuanzong disciples in the field were even more astonished, their jaws dropped. They all seemed to know this mysterious man in black.

As soon as the jade pendant approached the Prisoner Dragon Needle, the Prisoner Dragon Needle quickly shrunk and escaped from the old man's body.

"I pulled out the prisoner's needle for you, and bought time for you to recover, please kill him for me!" the black-robed man said to the old man with bones, it was a soft female voice.

The old man with bones looked at the man in black in astonishment, then nodded slightly, and recovered with his back against the stone tablet.

"Damn it!" Ding Ba stepped forward angrily, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know what you're doing?"

The man in black was not afraid at all. A pair of pure white jade hands protruded from under his sleeves, and he stood in front of Ding Ba, and said calmly: "Of course I know, I have been waiting for this opportunity for too long."

Ding Ba stared at the man in black angrily, but was speechless for a moment.

After a moment of silence, Ding Ba gritted his teeth suddenly, "Go away!"

The man in black didn't move at all, "I should have died a long time ago, if you have the ability, would you kill me?"

Ding Ba clenched his teeth, "Smelly woman!"

boom!A mighty wave of air swept across Ding Ba's body. Suddenly, Ding Ba slammed his palm at the man in black, and the latter didn't seem to intend to resist, and was immediately blown away.

Without the black-robed man's obstruction, Ding Ba quickly sprinted towards the recovering old man with bones, but the latter suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, "Good time!"

With a flip of his fleshless palm, the old man with withered bones shot out like a sharp arrow, and the battle was imminent!
Tianhuo looked suspiciously at the black-robed man who was blown away, and the black veil on her head was immediately lifted off, revealing her face. The woman looked haggard in her forties.

What Tianhuo wondered was why this woman wanted to kill Ding Ba, but Ding Ba didn't kill her?Are you afraid, or why?

After looking at the woman for a while, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, he couldn't even see the name, he really didn't know who she was.

At this moment, the battle between Ding Ba and the old man with bones has become fierce, but knowing that Ding Ba's tail can also attack, the old man with bones has always had the upper hand and suppressed Ding Ba to death. After such a short effort, Ding Ba is covered in blood .

Seeing the big battle in the field, Tianhuo was secretly glad that he ran fast last time. Sure enough, the old man with bones is extraordinary!Especially the bone hand without flesh and blood, it is simply invincible.

Many disciples watched the battle nervously. If this continues, Ding Ba will surely die!
"Great elder, let's activate the formation!" Beside the big man, several peak masters said worriedly.

The big man nodded heavily, before Ding Ba said no need, but if he doesn't start it now, Ding Ba will be in danger!
While nodding, the big man folded his hands together, and made a series of mysterious seal formulas, and following his movements, a halo gradually appeared over the entire square, and at the moment the seal formulas were completed, the halo suddenly closed, It turned into a huge light shield covering the entire square.

The face of the old man with bones changed slightly, but seeing Ding Ba who was beaten by him and had no strength to fight back, he still gritted his teeth and continued to attack. As long as he is not given a chance, he cannot use the power of the big formation to attack himself.

"Yu!" Seeing that the big formation was completed, the big man flicked his fingers, and a beam of light suddenly shot down from the sky in front of Ding Ba, just blocking the attack of the old man with bones, and Ding Ba took advantage of this opportunity to quickly dodge, "Bones, Today is your day of death!"

As he spoke, Ding Ba stretched out his arms, and made a series of handprints with each hand. The light film covering the square was slowly shrinking, but within a few breaths, it had already shrunk to around the stands.

"Attack!" Ding Ba yelled violently, and on the light film, sharp arrows composed of rays of light roared out, attacking the old man with bones.

The old man with bones looked a little ugly, and he still missed the best chance to kill Ding Ba. Now under the big formation, Ding Ba can use the power of the big formation to attack and defend, so he can't kill Ding Ba himself!

Countless sharp arrows whizzed towards him, and the old man with the bones reached out to grab it, and layers of air shields suddenly appeared, wrapping around his body.

The sharp arrows whizzed and hit the air shield, breaking through the shield layer by layer, and dissipated under the resistance of the air shield at the same time. When the last layer of air shield dissipated, those sharp arrows also dissipated.

At this moment, the second round of attacks has gathered again!

The old man with bones was panting, and stared at Ding Ba viciously, "Boy, you can hide today, but you won't be able to hide next time!"

As soon as the words fell, the old man withered bones retreated violently, picked up the prisoner's needle on the ground, and stabbed towards the large array of light film, immediately piercing a hole in the light film, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the old man with dry bones shot out Come out, let the second round of attack fail.

Out of the formation, the old man with the bones waved his palms, and two terrifying attacks shot out towards the sides. The old man with the bones stepped into the air without even looking at it, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

boom!The two attacks roared and sank into the crowd. Amidst the rumbling, dozens of Xuanzong disciples died again!
"Old bastard! What's the point of killing my disciples!" Ding Ba was furious, but he didn't dare to chase after him. After all, he was no match for the old man with bones after leaving the formation.

Tianhuo was stunned, and attacked three times before and after, just like that, taking away hundreds of people's lives, and the old man with bones didn't even frown. No wonder this guy has a purple-black name!I don't know how many people he killed!

However, Tianhuo firmly remembered the action of the old man with bones before he left. He didn't even think that the prisoner's dragon needle would have such a function. It could break the light film formed by the large formation with one stab. This function is quite good.

There was no longer the figure of the old man with bones in the field, but the faces of the senior officials of the Great Xuanzong were not good-looking, and those disciples dared not show their air.

In this meeting, first the sacrifices were taken away, and then the old man with the bones came to make trouble, so I am afraid it will not be able to go on.

Ding Ba's face was gloomy, and he turned sharply to look at the black-robed woman on one side of the stand, "You are responsible for today's loss, Lin Qiaoqiao, I didn't want to kill you at first, but this is the end of the matter, how can I die if I don't kill you?" Confess to those disciples!"

"I said, I should have died a long time ago, so kill me if you want!" the black-robed woman said calmly.

"Then you can't blame me, suffer death!" Ding Ba roared angrily, his figure shot out.

"What? Lin Qiaoqiao?" Tianhuo stared at the black-robed woman in surprise. Is she the one he was looking for?
Without hesitation, Tianhuo hastily replaced the delicate mask with an ice dragon mask, took off the Great Mysterious Token, and teleported out, instantly blocking Lin Qiaoqiao, "Stop!"

Ding Ba was stunned for a moment, then stared at Tianhuo with a livid face, "You haven't left yet! It's just right, let's die together!"

As soon as the words fell, the light film surged again, and fierce attacks began to gather again.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, he was anxious about Lin Qiaoqiao's affairs, and forgot about it, it's easy to get into the big formation, but difficult to get out of the big formation!
Last time at Wanchaomen, Tianhuo had experienced the power of this large formation, and now this large formation is very concentrated, the attack is naturally not comparable to last time, I am afraid it can kill himself in seconds!
On the big formation, the attacks were gathering rapidly, and it was too late for Tianhuo to leave, and seeing the woman's begging to die, if she left by herself, she would definitely suffer those attacks without any resistance, and at that time, she would not be able to complete the task !

Tianhuo smiled wryly, he just got the surrogate puppet, so I'm afraid it will be used here!
The attacks had gathered, and Tianhuo sighed inwardly, preparing to bear this attack.

Suddenly, the entire formation dissipated silently, as if it had never appeared before, and Tianhuo, who was ready to accept the attack, was stunned. What is the situation?
Looking up, Tianhuo found that an old man in ragged clothes appeared on the stone tablet at some point, and it seemed that he broke the formation silently!

"It's you!" Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the old man, this old man was none other than the first person he rescued from the Daxuan Ice Mountain!

"The first great elder..." In the square, countless people looked at the old man in surprise and murmured.

"Oh? It turns out that you are the Great Elder of the Great Xuanzong! No wonder!" Tianhuo smiled and understood why he was able to break the Great Formation silently. As the former Great Elder, it is not surprising that he can control the Great Formation.

The old man nodded slightly at Tianhuo, then moved his eyes to Ding Ba, his face became ferocious, "Bastard, for the sake of the position of suzerain, you joined forces with that smelly woman to kill the old suzerain, thinking that if you trap me, no one can cure you ?”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ding Ba's expression changed, and he pointed at the old man.

However, many senior officials of the Great Xuanzong looked at Ding Ba suspiciously, making Ding Ba's face even more ugly, "Everyone, don't listen to this old guy's nonsense, he is already crazy!"

"Nonsense? Huh!" The old man slowly shifted his gaze to Lin Qiaoqiao, "My wife, you dare to murder your own husband, you won't dare to admit it like this bastard, right?"

A relieved smile suddenly appeared on Lin Qiaoqiao's face, "Elder Elder, you are right, I am a damned person, please kill me!"

"What!" The expressions of all the peak masters changed, and they looked at Lin Qiaoqiao and Ding Ba in disbelief. Did they join forces to kill the old sect master?
And Tianhuo looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him in astonishment at this moment, she was actually the wife of the previous suzerain, wouldn't that be Yifeng's mother?How could it be possible to kill his own man together with outsiders?

"Have you heard it all? Huh! It's all because of you, Ding Ba, that Daxuanzong became like this all these years. Today, what else do you have to say!" It looks like it will be shot at any time!

Ding Ba glared at Lin Qiaoqiao viciously, and was about to say something, but there were domineering auras in the sky at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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