The strongest saint

Chapter 326 The position of the suzerain

Chapter 326 The position of the suzerain
In the sky, more than a dozen powerful auras filled the air, causing everyone in the field to look up in amazement.

"They're all the former elders, aren't they dead?" The peak masters knew the former elders, and they became puzzled when they saw the figures in midair.

When Ding Ba took over as suzerain back then, those elders all disappeared or died suddenly, but at this moment, all of them have appeared!
More than a dozen people landed towards the stands, and landed behind the previous Great Elder. They all bowed to the previous Great Elder, and then waited quietly.

"You guys are not dead!" Ding Ba's face was ugly. When these people pretended to be dead, the whole sect suspected that he did it, but only he understood that he really didn't have time to do it, and these guys died. Missing, missing, unexpectedly came back at the same time this time.

"Yeah, we're not dead, Ding Ba, what do you have to say now? Today, you and Lin Qiaoqiao don't even want to leave!" The former Great Elder stood on the stone tablet and said in a deep voice.

These elders who took office all understood that Ding Ba and Lin Qiaoqiao killed the old suzerain, but because Ding Ba had the relationship with the prisoner Longzong, they had no chance to resist and could only pretend to be dead. After so many years, after learning that Ding Ba When those imprisoned were freed, they knew that their opportunity had come.

"Hmph! I don't think you guys want to leave, do you?" Ding Ba's expression became ferocious, and he suddenly turned to face Lin Qiaoqiao, "I'll kill you traitorous woman first!"

Before the words fell, Ding Ba shot out. Tianhuo, who was standing in front of Lin Qiaoqiao, took a deep breath, flipped the book of the sage of literacy on his hands, and opened the book of sage of literacy without hesitation. On the third page, a string of poems bombarded Ding Ba in an instant, sending him flying.

In front of everyone in the Great Xuanzong, Tianhuo made a move, and as soon as he made a move, everyone could see that it was an attack method unique to the scholars of Wen Shengmen. For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Tianhuo.

Before Tianhuo didn't dare to do anything, it was because his attack method was too special, and he could tell at a glance that he was not a member of the Great Xuanzong, but now, with these elders present, Tianhuo no longer worried.

However, when Tianhuo made a move, it was completely beyond his expectations. Everyone was stunned in the field, and it took a long time for Ding Ba to recover, "You are from the Wenshengmen! What are you doing?" At that time, Wen Shengmen also wants to have a foot in my Great Xuanzong?"

Even the first elder who took office stared at Tianhuo in astonishment. He knew that Tianhuo was an adventurer from another world, and he just sneaked in disguised as a disciple of the Great Xuanzong, but he didn't expect that Tianhuo's attack method would be unique to Wenshengmen.

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and said: "It's not wrong for you to regard me as a member of Wenshengmen, but you should be a member of Prisoner Longzong, right?"

Tianhuo stared at Ding Ba jokingly, and he had already guessed that this guy was indeed a member of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, because the two Prisoner Dragon Tokens in the Ring of the Glyph Sage reacted the moment Ding Ba approached him.

That is enough to show that Ding Ba is a disciple of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, and he probably joined the Great Xuanzong in order to make the Great Xuanzong a subordinate of the Prisoner Dragon Sect. This guy is quite capable, he did it!

"Nonsense! Sue!" Ding Ba's pupils narrowed slightly, never thinking that Tianhuo could see his identity. Only Lin Qiaoqiao knew this secret!Because Lin Qiaoqiao is a disciple of Prisoner Dragon Sect just like him!

"Hmph!" Seeing Ding Ba's attack again, the former Great Elder stepped out with a cold snort, and appeared beside Ding Ba strangely, a whip leg slammed into Ding Ba's chest fiercely, only the sound of bones breaking , and Ding Ba has already flown out.

No need for the previous elder to explain, the other senior elders also shot out, taking the opportunity to capture Ding Ba!

"Without the great seal of the suzerain, you can't be regarded as the suzerain of my Great Xuanzong at all, and your strength is even more vulnerable! I really don't know how you killed the old suzerain!" The former elder snorted coldly, but he understood in his heart that Ding Ba He had already been severely injured by the old man with bones, so he was captured so easily.

But he understands better that with Ding Ba's strength, it is impossible to kill the old suzerain even in his prime, so the problem lies with the suzerain's wife Lin Qiaoqiao!
Thinking of this, he slowly turned around and looked at Lin Qiaoqiao behind Tianhuo, "The death of the old suzerain, the whereabouts of the young suzerain Yifeng is unknown, don't you want to explain?"

Lin Qiaoqiao took a slight step forward, with a relieved smile on her face, "Qin Mo, you just killed me, why ask so many questions!"

Tianhuo became a little nervous, this woman is related to his mission, and the mission reward has the whereabouts of other Glyph suits, so she can't die!

The last Great Elder's name was Qin Mo, probably only the senior officials of the Great Xuanzong knew about it, but now that Lin Qiaoqiao called him by his name, everyone in the venue knew it.

And the dozens of peak masters and more than a dozen current elders in the field did not dare to act rashly at this moment. Although these people in front of them are already in the past tense, the remaining prestige is still there!
Qin Mo snorted coldly, "That's an admission! You can do the murder of your own husband, and the old man will fulfill you!"

As he said that, powerful attacks began to gather in his palms.

"Senior, please wait a moment!" Tianhuo hurriedly stopped.

Qin Mo paused, looked at Tianhuo, and raised his voice, "Little brother, do you want to stop it?"

Tianhuo coughed softly, "Senior, I was entrusted by someone to invite this Senior Lin to meet him, and when Yifeng arrives, you won't be able to explain if his mother died, right?"

"What!" More than a dozen elders who took office, as well as Lin Qiaoqiao lost their voices, and Yifeng will come later?
"Feng'er..." Lin Qiaoqiao stared blankly at Tianhuo, and murmured: "Feng'er is not dead? He is coming back?"

Tianhuo nodded, but he used his pet's heart to urge him: "Tun Xing, hurry up, you won't be able to control the situation later!"

"Master, I've arrived at the mountain gate, but I can't get in!" said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Tianhuo's heart moved, he looked at the crowd, nodded and said: "That's right, Yifeng has already arrived outside the mountain gate, senior please let him in."

There is a protective mysterious light film at the gate of the Great Xuanzong Mountain, and no one can enter without the Great Mysterious Order, and Tianhuo knows that these elders who have taken office must have a way to temporarily close the mysterious light film.

Qin Mo didn't say much, he had already heard about Yifeng from Tianhuo, but Tianhuo refused to tell him about Yifeng's whereabouts at the beginning, and now Tianhuo said that he had arrived at the mountain gate, how could he not like it? ?Hastily closed the light film.

"Everyone has heard that Ding Ba is a spy who imprisoned the Dragon Sect and sneaked into our Great Xuanzong, and our young Sect Master has returned!" Qin Mo looked around and said, his voice spread throughout the square.

At this time, an elder had already taken out a token from Ding Ba, "The evidence is solid, this is the identity token of Prisoner Dragon Sect!"

Qin Mo nodded, looked around again, and said: "At the beginning, the old suzerain was murdered by Ding Ba secretly, and suppressed us with the help of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, and took over my Great Xuanzong. Now the truth is revealed. Slash the evil platform!"

"Yes!" The senior officials of the Great Xuanzong hurriedly knelt down, but those ordinary disciples didn't understand why.

However, this kind of high-level matter does not have much involvement with those ordinary disciples, they just need to watch quietly.

In front of the stone tablet on the stand, a beheading platform was slowly raised. With the rise of the beheading platform, Ding Ba's face became extremely pale. This time his head will be decapitated!
However, Qin Mo did not rush to give an order, but said: "Ding Ba, the young master will personally execute you!"

"Roar..." A long animal roar came from a distance, attracting everyone's attention, and Qin Mo and the others were delighted, knowing that it should be what Tianhuo said, Yifeng is coming!
The Star Devouring Moon Beast is extremely fast, and the roar of the beast has not dissipated. It has already carried Huanchen Binghu, Yifeng and Zi Meier to the stands, but after falling, the two of them looked at it suspiciously. Come on the field.

"Haha, master, I'm fast enough!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast flew up to Tianhuo and laughed.

Yifeng and Zi Meier fell on Tunxing's back, Yifeng smiled and said: "I'm not used to your appearance, Tianhuo, what's going on?"

When Tianhuo put on the exquisite mask for the first time, the two had already seen each other, so it was no surprise, but they were used to seeing Tianhuo's original face, and seeing the completely different face at this moment, it was a little unaccustomed.

"Brother Yifeng, the situation... is that you, the young suzerain, have the hope of becoming the suzerain, and your mother is here!" Tianhuo said, stepping aside, making Lin Qiaoqiao fully displayed in front of Yifeng.

"Mother?" Yifeng stared at Lin Qiaoqiao suspiciously, while Qin Mo and the others couldn't bear to look directly at him. After all, in their opinion, Lin Qiaoqiao killed Yifeng's father, and Yifeng How to deal with the wind?

Lin Qiaoqiao had long since froze, staring at Yifeng intently, and at some point, tears were already in her eyes, "Feng... Feng'er..."

Yifeng frowned slightly, he didn't know his mother at all, he was young when he went to the third-level area, how could he remember?For a long time, Yifeng just firmly remembered that he wanted to come back for revenge, and only knew that he was the young suzerain here!
Lin Qiaoqiao naturally knew this fact, wiped away her tears hastily, and looked at Yifeng with a smile, "Feng'er, it's good that you come back, it's good that you come back..."

Seeing Lin Qiaoqiao's appearance, Yifeng's body trembled, even if he didn't know her, but the feeling of being connected by blood was unmistakable!It's just that Yifeng has no impression of his mother, so it's hard to accept it for a while!

"I've seen the Young Sect Master!" Qin Mo and the others hurriedly bowed down, and following their actions, the senior officials of the Great Xuanzong also bowed one after another, and the rest of the ordinary disciples bowed down one after another.

Tens of thousands of people saluted Yifeng, which made Tianhuo stunned, and Yifeng was not much better, he also froze in place.

But no one seemed to care about Yifeng's stupefied, Qin Mo got up and smiled, "The young suzerain is back, so it's time to take over the position of suzerain."

After finishing speaking, Qin Mo took out a big seal from his arms, "Back then, Ding Ba imprisoned me in the Daxuan Ice Mountain in order to obtain the great seal of the suzerain, but without this thing, Ding Ba is nothing at all. Here it is, suzerain!"

Yifeng frowned, wanting to be the suzerain of the Great Xuanzong?It stands to reason, it's just...

Tianhuo looked at Yifeng expectantly, and thought to himself: "You should pick it up soon!"Become suzerain, our legion will be settled! '

(End of this chapter)

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