The strongest saint

Chapter 327 Legion Resurrection Point

Chapter 327 Legion Resurrection Point

In Tianhuo's expectant eyes, Yifeng turned his eyes to Tianhuo for help.

Tianhuo frowned, and said in the Zhantuan channel: "Brother Yifeng, you should pick it up, what are you looking at me for?"

Yifeng shook his head, "I just want to be my demon hunter, not the suzerain of Daxuanzong!"

"Eh? Brother Yifeng, being the suzerain of the Great Xuanzong has nothing to do with being a demon hunter, right? At worst, you will be a shopkeeper." Tianhuo said.

Yifeng hesitated for a moment, sighed, and then reached out to take the suzerain's seal, "Tianhuo, this is what you said, if I am tied up by the Great Xuanzong, I will not trouble you."

However, Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and was immediately overjoyed. The suzerain of the Great Xuanzong is a member of his own legion. If this matter is revealed, all the members will have more face!
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to Yifeng, a member of the Tianyan Legion, who became the sect master of the second-class sect. The head and deputy head of the army have made great contributions to the leadership, and the reward level is +5. All members are proud of it, and the reward level is +2."

As soon as Yifeng became the suzerain, the system notification sounded, making all the legion members stunned. This reward is a bit unexpected!
Tianhuo also looked at the system prompt in astonishment, and rewarded himself with five levels!
"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 31, and the four attributes are +5."


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 35, and the four attributes are +5."

The level soared, but Tianhuo's heart moved. Since members have rewards for becoming the suzerain of a sect, if they become the suzerain of a big sect, the rewards are probably not bad!
Of course, Tianhuo just thinks this way, and may not do it, after all, Tianhuo doesn't have such leisure time.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the members of Tianyan Legion for becoming the suzerain of Daxuanzong. Do you want to set Daxuanzong as the resurrection point of the legion? After setting, all members will get the ability to return to the city."

Resurrection point?City return skills?The system prompt that came immediately made Tianhuo's eyes light up. This is what Twilight Ridawn wanted all along, and he has urged himself several times!
In the second-level area, many players can only set the resurrection point in those ordinary cities. Once set, they will automatically be resurrected in the city after death. If they do not actively set it, they will default to the city they visited for the first time For resurrection.

Such a system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ears, and Yifeng seemed to have heard similar prompts, and nodded slightly to Tianhuo: "Tianhuo, I agree, this can be had."

Tianhuo smiled, "Alright, it's convenient for everyone to gather."

"set up!"

"Ding! System prompt: The setting is successful, and the resurrection point of all members of the Tianyan Legion defaults to Daxuanzong."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on getting the city recall technique, please check the skill panel for details!"

At this moment, all the players of the Tianyan Legion heard such a system prompt, and there was an extra skill on the skill panel, and those npcs naturally couldn't get such a skill.

Return to the city: Immediately return to the Great Xuanzong after being cast in a non-combat state, with a cooling time of 10 minutes.

"Haha, finally there is a garrison!" Twilight broke the dawn and loud laughter appeared on the legion channel. At this moment, the legion channel became lively.

Tianhuo nodded slightly towards Yifeng, and shifted his signal eyes to Ding Ba, "Let's deal with this matter first!"

"See the suzerain!" The former great elder Qin Mo knelt down and saluted.

Following Qin Mo's actions, the rest of the former elders also half-kneeled down one after another. Immediately afterwards, the disciples outside the stands all half-knelt down, and voices came out in unison: "Meet the suzerain!"

Yifeng glanced at Tianhuo helplessly, then raised the big seal in his hand, and said calmly: "I don't know anything about the sect. In the future, I will need your help."

"That's natural, suzerain, this person killed the old suzerain, what should we do?" Qin Mo said, pointing to Ding Ba who was pinned to the ground.

Yifeng's expression turned cold, is this killing his father and enemy?
Ding Ba stared at Yifeng without any fear, "Boy, I'm not the only one who killed that old guy. If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid I wouldn't have succeeded, hehe."

With that said, Ding Ba shifted his gaze to Lin Qiaoqiao.

The joy on Lin Qiaoqiao's face suddenly disappeared, her expression dimmed, her eyes were slightly closed, and tears fell down.

Yifeng looked at Lin Qiaoqiao in disbelief. He only knew that this was his mother before, but now, she is also the murderer of his father?Is that true?Yifeng began to doubt.

Even so, what can I do?That is my mother after all!
Yifeng looked at Lin Qiaoqiao complicatedly, but the latter closed his eyes and sobbed, causing Yifeng to sigh inwardly, and looked at Ding Ba, "The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable, since you admit it, what happens next? You don't have to worry about it!"

Ding Ba's expression changed, no one is afraid of death, it's just that Ding Ba still hopes to be a backer, but now, it seems that there is no hope.

"This is the evil-slaying platform of my Great Xuanzong, right?" Yi Feng looked at the evil-slaying platform in front of the stone tablet with cold eyes. It seemed that he knew a lot about the Great Xuanzong.

"Return to suzerain, that's right!" Qin Mo bowed.

"Go up, I'll do it myself!" Yifeng said coldly, he was forced to leave here when he was young, his father died, although he still doesn't know the specific reason, but if you kill Ding Ba, don't hesitate.

On the Zhanxie Platform, a wide and thick sword several meters long is hanging. As long as the rope is lowered, the sword will fall. Under the huge impact, whose neck can bear it?

Ding Ba was restrained by several senior elders, unable to resist at all, he was imprisoned on the stage of killing evil, as soon as the big knife fell, he would be decapitated!

Yifeng walked slowly to the rope that bound the sword, looked at Lin Qiaoqiao again, and then touched the rope with his hand. Once the rope was untied, he could avenge himself!

Suddenly, countless figures came from a distance, and under the gathering of the majestic breath, the air in the sky trembled violently, and those people were rushing towards the square at an extremely fast speed.

Yifeng frowned, retracted his outstretched hand, and stared at those tens of thousands of people, they were not disciples of the Great Xuanzong!

"Too bad, I forgot to restart the mountain protection restriction before, so that these people can come in without hindrance!" Qin Mo's face changed, those people came aggressively, obviously it was not a good thing.

In order to let Yifeng come in, he closed the restriction on distinguishing the disciples of the sect, but now it is good, and let these people come in easily.

Ding Ba's desperate face once again burst into hope. Although he couldn't move, he sensed thousands of strong men coming. How could he not know that those people were here to cause trouble? Once they arrived, he might be saved!

"Haha, Qin Mo, so what if you regained the suzerain position? I'm afraid it will be mine again in the next second!" Ding Ba laughed.

Tianhuo frowned, he just turned Daxuanzong into a battle group's territory, wouldn't it be so unlucky?
"Brother Tianhuo, aren't we too happy?" Yifeng said in a low voice. He was even more helpless. He had just become suzerain, and now there are thousands of strong men coming to attack!
Before Tianhuo could answer, the thousands of people had already stopped in the sky above the edge of the square. A burly middle-aged man stepped out from the crowd, coldly glanced at the square which was densely packed with Daxuanzong disciples, and said in a deep voice : "Ding Ba! Get out of here. If you don't destroy your Great Xuanzong today, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in our hearts!"

Ding Ba was trapped on the Zhanxie Platform, just blocked by the stone tablet, but at this moment his heart trembled, and the hope on his face turned into despair in an instant. He was wrong, thinking that he was here to save him, but in the end, but It was to trouble him.

Looking at the thousands of people in the sky, everyone in the Great Xuanzong had worried expressions on their faces. Those thousands of people all had strength comparable to the peak masters of all peaks, and the Great Xuanzong only had 72 peak masters. Adding more than a dozen elders, it is no match for the thousands of people!

Yifeng's expression was a bit ugly, he could see that if those thousands of people did their hands, the Daxuanzong might really be wiped out, "You just became the suzerain, so you can't be so unlucky, right?"

Yifeng turned his head to look at Tianhuo, and Tianhuo scanned the crowd with his gaze, his eyes gradually brightened, and the worry on his face faded away.

"Get out!" Thousands of people roared, they united to destroy the Great Xuanzong, but before they could, they had to kill the culprit, Ding Ba!
Amidst the roars of thousands of people, Tianhuo suddenly laughed, quickly took off the delicate mask, spread his wings and stepped into the air, the voice also spread in the sky, teasing: "Seniors, Is it unnecessary to destroy the Great Xuanzong?"

Tianhuo stopped in front of thousands of people and looked at them with a smile.

"Brother Tianhuo, it's you!" Hundreds of people rushed out of the crowd, all with happy faces.

Tianhuo nodded with a smile, "Seniors, these are the elites of your sects, right?"

The hundreds of people nodded hastily, "The Great Xuanzong provoked us, we will naturally come to revenge, Brother Tianhuo, why are you still here?"

Tianhuo shook his head, these people were rescued from the Daxuan Ice Mountain by himself, at the beginning, Tianhuo also wanted to use the power of these people to take down the Daxuanzong, but now, the Daxuanzong has been taken down, Yifeng is also smooth How can you let them destroy the Great Xuanzong?

"Seniors, the Great Xuanzong was controlled by the Prisoner Dragon Sect, that's why we did such a thing to you seniors, but right now, the spies of the Prisoner Dragon Sect have been captured by us, I don't think we will mention the matter of destroying the Great Xuanzong Right?" Tianhuo said calmly.

Everyone froze for a moment, the first thing they did when they went out from here was to gather the elites of the sect, and now they finally arrived, ready to do a big fight, but Tianhuo came out to stop them.

Seeing that everyone was hesitating, Tianhuo went on to say: "Now Daxuanzong is attached to Danzong again, seniors, can you give Danzong this face?"

Someone asked suspiciously: "Brother Tianhuo, my sect is also under the Dan sect, why haven't you heard the news?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at Tianhuo suspiciously. If the news was true, then they had to make a long-term plan.

"Even if this news is true, we can't just leave like this. There must be an explanation for what Daxuanzong did to us!" Another person said.

Tianhuo frowned, things are a little tricky!
(End of this chapter)

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