The strongest saint

Chapter 328 Tragic Ending

Chapter 328 Tragic Ending

Tianhuo frowned slightly, looking at the hundreds of people in front of him, all of them were rescued by himself, but it seemed too embarrassing!

These people want to destroy the Great Xuanzong, and I can understand it, but now that the Great Xuanzong has changed hands, what else do they want to explain?
While thinking about it, Qin Mo also came from the sky, and after cupping his fists at everyone, he said with a smile: "Everyone, we meet again so soon!"

"Senior Qin!" Everyone returned the courtesy.

Qin Mo nodded, "Everyone, if you came to destroy the Great Xuanzong before, count me in, but now, Ding Ba has been captured by us, and the position of suzerain has also fallen to Sect Master Yifeng. Xuanzong has already returned to Danzong, so, can everyone give Danzong this face?"

"Let me tell you another secret. Ding Ba is a member of the Prisoner Dragon Sect. He has been with my Great Xuan Sect. You don't need me to tell you the rest, right?" Qin Mo continued.

Everyone's expression tightened, it is normal for those big sects to send eyeliner to each sect, but Daxuanzong has already won the position of suzerain. Became a refugee prisoner Longzong!
All of a sudden, everyone understood that this was not only the case of the Great Xuanzong, but also other sects.

And judging from Ding Ba's big move, he must have received the support of the Prisoner Dragon Sect. At this time, the Prisoner Dragon Sect began to subdue the affiliated forces of other big sects. The purpose may be...

"Where's Ding Ba?" After a long silence, someone finally asked.

Qin Mo turned around and flicked his fingers, only to see the stone tablet descending quickly, revealing Ding Ba on the Xie Zhantai, "Everyone, Ding Ba is at your disposal, but I think his life should be handed over to my Daxuanzong Sect Master!" Good, after all, Ding Ba killed my old suzerain of Xuanzong!"

After speaking, Qin Mo turned to look at the crowd, and then smiled, "Everyone, we are also in trouble together, come with me!"

This sentence was very meaningful. Sure enough, the more than 100 people rescued by Tianhuo followed Qin Mo and landed down, while the others, hesitant, stayed in midair without any action.

Tianhuo also followed closely, shaking his head helplessly, and blamed himself for not making it clear, so he mistakenly thought that these guys were not giving face.

When he returned to the stands again, Ding Ba's face was already pale, he didn't know these people, they were all captured by him, when did he escape from the Daxuan Ice Mountain!

"Are you really a prisoner of the Dragon Sect?" Everyone stared at Ding Ba coldly. He had suffered for many years, and now, the enemy was right in front of him.

Ding Ba was overwhelmed by the momentum of the crowd, and under the shocking anger, Ding Ba was even more timid. He thought that his savior had come, but now it seems that it is over!

Seeing that Ding Ba is silent, how can everyone not understand that he is really a prisoner of the Dragon Sect!

"Hmph! So what about the Prisoner Dragon Sect? Can you still attack the second-level area?" In the crowd, a middle-aged man snorted coldly, stepped forward and punched Ding Ba on the left rib.

Ding Ba was restrained on the Zhanxie Platform and could not move at all. At this moment, he was bombarded by the middle-aged man, and a muffled sound came from Ding Ba's mouth.

If the first person makes a move, there will naturally be a second one. Everyone understands that since being caught by Ding Ba on the Daxuan Iceberg, everyone's fate has been tied together, so at this time, no one flinched, and they took turns to beat Ding Ba.

After one round of attacks, Ding Ba's neck, which was stuck on the Zhanxie Platform, was still intact. In other places, there was no trace of it intact. His bones were broken, and he was not far from death.

But this world is so magical, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as there are elixir or recovery skills, you can always hang your life. If someone was not on the side to perform the recovery technique for Ding Ba to restore his health, I am afraid that he would have died. .

However, in exchange for recovery, it was endless pain, which made Ding Ba suffer even more.

Everyone was venting their anger. Seeing Ding Ba's tragic situation at this moment, no one said anything. They all clasped their fists and said to Yifeng: "Sect Master Yifeng, if you are free, you might as well come to my sect for a walk. Right now We won't bother."

"Yes, there is also Brother Tianhuo, you are our savior, if you are free, you must come to my Bingnanzong."

Everyone bid farewell to Tianhuo and Yifeng. The new lord of Daxuanzong just took office, and there are still many things to be busy. Naturally, it is not easy to disturb, and there are thousands of people waiting in mid-air. It would not be good if it caused the dissatisfaction of Daxuanzong up.

Tianhuo smiled, clasped his fists at everyone and said: "Seniors, if you are free, you will definitely come. There is still something to do here, so I won't send it off!"

Everyone nodded, then stepped into the air, and led the thousands of people away from the Great Xuanzong.

Seeing these people leave, everyone in the Great Xuanzong breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all turned their eyes to Tianhuo. It is naturally the credit of Tianhuo that these people can leave, Tianhuo is their savior.

"Sovereign, what should Ding Ba do?" Qin Mo asked, pointing to Ding Ba who was almost out of breath.

Yifeng took a deep breath, and pulled away the rope with his probing hand. Immediately, a heavy sword fell along the track, and instantly separated Ding Ba's body.

Being abused by hundreds of people into this state, to Yifeng, it was a big revenge.

After a long time, Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly turned to look at Lin Qiaoqiao, "Since you are my mother, why did you harm my father?"

Lin Qiaoqiao's eyes that had been closed all this time slowly opened, and they turned red at some point, staring at Yi Feng and said: "Feng'er...I am not worthy to be your mother, let them kill me..."

Yifeng frowned, "I came into this world because of you, but now you say such words?"

Tianhuo at the side shook his head impatiently, took out the earring, and handed it to Lin Qiaoqiao, "Senior, someone wants to see you, and you will understand after seeing this."

Lin Qiaoqiao didn't seem to hear Tianhuo's words, she stared at the earring in Tianhuo's hand dumbfounded, and then snatched the earring away. Immediately, tears welled up in her eyes, and she couldn't help squatting down slowly, Holding the earrings and crying bitterly.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, sure enough, it seemed that his task was not difficult to complete.

Sighing secretly, Tianhuo found that the former elders on the side were staring at the earrings in Lin Qiaoqiao's hands in astonishment, and each of them was gasping for breath, and their expressions gradually became excited.

Qin Mo strode up to Tianhuo, "Little friend Tianhuo, please tell me, is it the earring given to you by the old suzerain? He is not dead?"

Tianhuo was taken aback, "The old suzerain? That man is the old suzerain of the Xuanzong? Is it Yifeng's father?"

Qin Mo nodded quickly, "The one who can take out this earring is naturally him. Tell me, does he have a tail similar to Ding Ba's?"

Tianhuo nodded, indeed, that senior skeleton looks like this.

"Haha, that's right, the suzerain of my Daxuanzong can practice that secret skill, and all of them will grow a tail-like existence, just like a part of the body, but very powerful!" Qin Mo laughed.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, so that's the case, the skeleton and Ding Ba both have tails, so it turned out that they were cultivated by some secret technique!
In other words, Yifeng became the suzerain, and he can also practice the mysterious secret skills. At that time, he will also grow that tail-like thing?Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't help turning his head to look at Yifeng, with a tail growing out, wondering if Yifeng could bear it.

Yifeng understood Tianhuo's eyes, rolled his eyes and said, "Don't look at me like that, I don't want more tails!"

Tianhuo smiled, but was grabbed by Qin Mo, "Little friend Tianhuo, tell me quickly, where is the old suzerain? Let's go and bring him back."

Tianhuo became embarrassed, hesitated and said: "Senior, don't be too happy, your old suzerain should be dead, but his bones can still move and talk, so he entrusted this matter to me .”

Qin Mo and the elders were startled, the old suzerain has become a skeleton?Then why can it still move and talk?
But no one doubted the authenticity of Tianhuo's words. After all, even the earrings were taken out, so there would be no fakes.

After a moment of silence, Qin Moning said divinely: "No, we have to go and see. If this is the case, maybe the old suzerain can still be saved!"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and it became like that, how could it be saved?But after thinking about it, this world is full of magic, maybe it really is!

"Take me to him quickly, okay?" Lin Qiaoqiao also stood up hastily, with some inexplicable throbbing on her face covered with tears.

Tianhuo nodded, but it seemed that the dozen or so elders who took office couldn't be sent away, and they would definitely go with him.

Just looking at the hopeful eyes of everyone, Tianhuo couldn't say anything, and the senior didn't say that he might bring these confidants to him, so let's take them!
Skyfire rose from the air, looking at the crowd who followed, he was a little speechless, the formation seemed a little too big.

Qin Mo also noticed something was wrong, and stopped, "Leave everyone below the third elder, this place has just stabilized, and you still need to guard it, don't let anything happen again."

Everyone was helpless, but they still obeyed Qin Mo and stayed.

Tianhuo led Yifeng, Zi Meier, Lin Qiaoqiao, Qin Mo, and an elder he didn't know to head towards Lin Xinhu. This way, he had to send more than ten times, but there was an elder who took office. With the elder here, things became easier. He was too familiar with everything about the Great Xuanzong.

The next day, several people rushed to Lin Xin Lake, and Tianhuo didn't hesitate. After pointing to the surface of the lake, he directly touched Li Shuizhu, "Don't stay too far away from me, it's very deep below."

Saying that, Tianhuo took the lead in falling towards the lake, and as the lake was separated by the water droplets, everyone also fell rapidly.

Tianhuo was a little excited, the task was almost completed, when Yifeng's father told him the whereabouts of the parts of the Glyph Saint suit, he didn't know what it would be and where it would be.

Under the leadership of Tianhuo, everyone quickly came to the last passage, and at the end of the passage was Yifeng's father.

But when it came to the end, Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he frowned deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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