The strongest saint

Chapter 329 Whereabouts of Parts

Chapter 329 Whereabouts of Parts
A few days ago, Senior Skeleton was still here to explain his mission, but now...

Tianhuo frowned deeply, "Where are people?"

At the end of the passage, there was nothing, and the skeleton senior was gone!

"Tianhuo, are you sure it's here?" Yifeng asked suspiciously, that was his father, but why disappeared?

Tianhuo nodded, he would never remember this wrongly, the last time he saw the senior with the tail was here, and accepted the task of bringing Lin Qiaoqiao.

Task: Find someone.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Task reward: the whereabouts of the parts of the Wensheng suit.

Task penalty: Level -5.

Mission introduction: In Linxin Lake in the endless forest, a mysterious person entrusts you to go to Daxuanzong to find someone, and bring him to Linxin Lake after you find it.

Looking at his task panel, Tianhuo became even more puzzled. The task has not expired, so where did Senior Skeleton go?
After a moment of silence, Tianhuo secretly connected with Tianling, "Tianling, help me sense the skeleton from last time, it's gone!"

Tianling said helplessly: "Tianhuo, I'm not omnipotent, I can sense everything anywhere!"

Tianhuo smiled wryly, it was clear at a glance, did the skeleton go out by itself?Or was it taken away by someone?In this case, things will be troublesome.

"There is indeed the aura of the old suzerain, it should be right here." Qin Mo said, with doubts in his eyes.

Tianhuo took a slight step forward, avoiding everyone's eyes, and cast out the Glyph Sage's Eye secretly. Immediately, the situation at the end of the passage changed, and there was actually a passage hidden behind the wall in front of him!

The passage is not long, only more than ten meters. At the end of the passage, there is a platform. Outside the platform, the fire is burning into the sky. The skeleton is sitting cross-legged on the platform, not knowing what it is doing.

"I found it, just get through this wall!" Tianhuo said happily after the white light in his eyes dissipated.

"I'll do it!" Qin Mo nodded and flew out, leaving the waterless space formed by the water drops, and punched the wall.

boom!Under the terrible attack, the water that filled the channel trembled violently, but the wall was not damaged at all!
"Huh? It's a bit firm, come again!" Qin Mo didn't speak, but the voice of talking to himself spread from the water to everyone's ears, and then he punched again!
boom!More violent trembling came out again, but the wall was still not damaged at all!
Everyone looked at each other, with a strange feeling in their hearts, and Qin Mo was even more surprised. He was very clear about his own strength. There was no problem with that punch that opened mountains and cracked rocks, but it couldn't break through this wall?

Just as he was about to blast out again, runes flickered on the wall, making Qin Mo dare not stay behind, and quickly dodged back to Tianhuo, protecting everyone behind him.

Suddenly, a pair of skeletons squeezed out from the wall and landed firmly in the channel filled with lake water.

"Senior!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, presumably Qin Mo's attack had alarmed Senior Skeleton and lured him out!

Skeleton raised its head slightly, its empty eye sockets seemed to be staring at everyone, and Yifeng and the others were also staring at Skeleton intently, their expressions all changing.

"Sect... Master!" Qin Mo's extremely nervous and choked voice sounded first.

"Brother Crazy..." Lin Qiaoqiao murmured as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Haha..." Skeleton raised its head, and the ethereal laughter suddenly spread, buzzing in the channel full of lake water.

Yifeng stared blankly at the skeleton, swallowed his saliva with some difficulty, his eyes were a little red, how could he not recognize that familiar aura, it was his father Yikuang!
It took a long time for Yi Kuang to stop laughing, and a trembling voice came out: "You are all here, you are Feng'er? You have grown up!"

Yifeng nodded hastily, and quickly walked to the edge of the space opened by the water drops, "Father, I'm back."

Yi Kuang nodded, he had no flesh and blood, and he didn't know what kind of mood he was in, "I sensed the suzerain's great seal on you, so you have regained the Great Xuanzong, haha, you are indeed my son!"

"Father, how did you become like this? How to recover?" Yifeng asked, suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart.

Yi Kuang waved his hand and moved his empty eye sockets to Lin Qiaoqiao, "Qiaomei, you have suffered all these years."

Tianhuo and Qin Mo were taken aback. Could it be that Lin Qiaoqiao joined forces with Ding Ba to kill him?

As if knowing what Tianhuo and Qin Mo were thinking, Yi Kuang nodded to Tianhuo and Qin Mo, "At the beginning I knew I was going to die, so I sent Feng'er away and let Qiaomei lurk in Daxuanzong. Of course, in order for her to succeed lurking..."

Yi Kuang didn't continue talking, but after thinking about it, he understood that Lin Qiaoqiao had to kill herself. Only in this way could Ding Ba's trust be gained and let her stay in the Great Xuanzong, and both of them were imprisoned by the Dragon Sect. People, as long as they do this, it's not a big problem.

Only Lin Qiaoqiao understands the pain, that is her husband, but she wants to do something to him, and she has to bear the infamy. Over the years, I don't know how Lin Qiaoqiao survived it. Perhaps, Yifeng was the one who survived it. The only motivation for it!
"Hehe, it's useless to say these things. I have no chance to recover from my current appearance." Yi Kuang said.

"No, father, you must know how to restore it. Tell me, and I will find a way to restore it for you!" Yifeng said firmly.

Yi Kuang shook his head, and moved his empty eye sockets to Tianhuo, "Hehe, little brother, thank you very much!"

Tianhuo clasped his fists, "You are brother Yifeng's father, how can you thank me!"

"It seems that my son has made a good friend, hehe, it seems that you have already obtained the Glyph Saint suit of the Great Xuanzong, congratulations first, and the next one, I am afraid you will have to go to a dangerous place to get it. "Yi Kuang said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he clasped his fists together, "A dangerous place? Please tell my uncle!"

"Every hundred years, the Fenghuo Treasure Land will be opened. There are infinite dangers and countless treasures. As far as I know, one of your suits is in it, but you need to sense the specific location." Yi Kuang said.

There is hope in Tianhuo's eyes, but he sighs secretly in his heart. It seems that it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain the Glyph Saint suit. The next one is actually in a place that only opens once in a hundred years. I don't know how long it will take to open this time. !
"Fenghuo Treasure Land? Sovereign, every time it is opened, millions of strong people will enter, but less than [-] will come out. It's too dangerous!" Qin Mo said with some fear, although he had never been there, but Know that the chances of survival in it are very low!
Yi Kuang nodded, "Danger and opportunity always coexist, Tianhuo, it depends on you whether you go or not."

Tianhuo also nodded, how could he not go?If you don't go, you won't be able to gather all the parts of the Wensheng suit!

"Of course I have to go, Uncle, how long will it be before it opens?" Tianhuo asked after his expression calmed down.

"Hehe, I don't know how long I've been here, and naturally I can't know how long it will take to open it. You have to ask someone else." Yi Kuang shook his head and said.

"It seems to be ten days later." The second elder who hadn't spoken all this time said with some uncertainty.

Tianhuo frowned, so tight?In ten days, I don't know if the Xiantian Lingding can be promoted to the intermediate level, that is the greatest hope for my strength to increase greatly, and in such a crisis-ridden place, the stronger the strength, the better.

"Every time the Fenghuo Treasure Land is opened, countless portals will appear in the sky, and they will be directly transmitted into the Treasure Land. However, the crisis there is unimaginable. If it is not necessary, I advise Tianhuo to think about it." The second elder continued.

Tianhuo smiled, now that he has the means to save his life, he doesn't have to worry too much, he must get the parts of the Glyph Sage suit, and he must go to the so-called Fenghuo Treasure Land.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have completed the task to find someone, and you have received news of the whereabouts of the Glyph Saint's suit parts. You will be rewarded with 50000 reputation points."

While Tianhuo was thinking, the notification sounded for completing the task. There was no other reward, but the whereabouts of the suit parts was enough.

There are still ten days left, Tianhuo rubbed his chin, the second elder is not sure about the accuracy of this time, maybe he should prepare, if he misses it, it will take 100 years, that is not what Tianhuo can wait for.

It's just that Tianhuo doesn't have anything to prepare, the most is to hurry up and practice leveling, there is no need for Tianhuo such as potions.

"Father, tell me how to restore your body!" Yifeng pleaded.

Yi Kuang shook his head and remained silent, while the Great Elder at the side couldn't stand it any longer, "Sect Master, just tell Sect Master Feng!"

"Old Qin, there is no need at all. I am already half dead, so I can just spend the rest of my life here." Yi Kuang said, and then continued: "Okay, you all go back, the Great Xuanzong cannot live without you."

After finishing speaking, Yi Kuang turned around and flied towards the wall. After sinking into the wall in a blink of an eye, he went to the passage again. Lin Qiaoqiao rushed out of the light film of the water drop and grabbed Yi Kuang's tail , was brought into that passage together by Yi Kuang.

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, but they heard Lin Qiaoqiao's voice resounding in the passage, "Go back, I'm here to accompany Brother Crazy."

Yifeng took a long breath and murmured: "Father, when I come back, I will definitely find a way to restore you!"

Tianhuo patted Yifeng on the shoulder, "Brother Yifeng, there will be a way!"

Yifeng nodded, knelt down towards the end of the passage, and kowtowed three times before getting up, "Tianhuo, let's go!"

It was very easy to leave Lin Xin Lake with the water drop in hand, and soon, everyone broke through the lake and flew out, heading towards Da Xuanzong.

Soon, we will be able to go to Fenghuo Treasure Land, Tianhuo thought, maybe we can bring all the members of the regiment in, after all, everyone is not afraid of death, just hang up and resurrect.

It has been so long since I have been in the second-level area, most of the current legion members should have arrived!
But before going, the affairs in Fanshen Palace must be dealt with. Xuanxuan is easy to talk about, and there are nearly a hundred children, which is always a troublesome thing. If Little Phoenix stays in Fanshen Palace, I am afraid The guy will think he kidnapped it!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo moved his thoughts to the Palace of Fanshen, and the situation in the Palace of Fanshen made Tianhuo dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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