Chapter 330
In the palace of all gods, there was a scene that made Tianhuo dumbfounded.

I saw Xuanxuan was riding a little phoenix, flying around over the mountains in the center of Fanshen Palace, one person and one beast were laughing happily.

"What's the situation?" Tianhuo murmured to himself in a daze. Little Phoenix's temper was something that humans can't get close to, but at this moment, Xuanxuan was actually being carried!

After observing for a while, Tianhuo shook his head slightly. Wouldn't it be a loss if the little Phoenix he rescued was subdued by Xuanxuan?
But after thinking about it, Tianhuo felt relieved, Xuanxuan knew her character, and she probably wouldn't sign a contract with Xiaofenghuang.

"First Elder, Second Elder, don't you know how to save my father?" Yifeng's voice interrupted Tianhuo's inspection.

Tianhuo pricked up his ears, and his eyes moved to the two elders.

The Second Elder hurriedly shook his head, but the First Elder hesitated, as if he was considering whether to tell Yifeng.

After a long time, the Great Elder was still hesitating and kept silent, but he was not far from the city. If he teleported more than ten times, he would be able to return to the Great Xuanzong.

Looking at the expectant eyes of Tianhuo and Yifeng, the elder sighed, "Of course there are ways, but I can't let the suzerain take risks!"

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly, he just said it, but he was silent for so long.

"Great Elder, no matter what the method is, you can talk about it first, and I will naturally do what I can." Yi Feng said.

"This..." The Great Elder hesitated again, "Let's talk about it later, I need to show you something."

Yifeng nodded, it was related to his father's life and death, how could he not do it.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, "Brother Yifeng, I have something to discuss with you. I have more than 90 children here, and I don't know if they have parents. I'm afraid you need to use the power of the sect to find out."

Yi Feng also just became the suzerain, and he didn't know much about the situation of the sect, so he turned his head to look at the elder, who nodded slightly, "It's not difficult, as long as there is a general scope, it can be found out within three days."

Tianhuo was overjoyed, "That's good, I'll hand them over to you when I return to the sect."

After such a long time, these children can finally be settled, and Tianhuo is relieved of some burdens, at least he does not need to take these children to Fenghuo Treasure Land, after all, those are very dangerous, and they may not be completely safe in the Palace of Fanshen.

Soon, everyone returned to the Great Xuanzong, and Tianhuo released Xuanxuan and the children. After being inside for so long, the children felt a little uncomfortable seeing the outside world.

"Xuanxuan, long time no see." Looking at Xuanxuan who was still covered with a light veil, Tianhuo laughed.

Xuanxuan looked at the situation around her, and when she heard Tianhuo's voice, she also smiled, bowed slightly, and said, "Skyfire Messenger, thank you for saving me!"

"It's good that you're fine, otherwise the Great Xuanzong will be gone when the suzerain of Xuandu arrives." Tianhuo joked, but it was also true, if something happened to Xuanxuan here, then the Great Xuanzong would definitely be destroyed.

Xuanxuan looked around, and looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "This is still the Great Xuanzong, what's going on?"

"I was just about to tell you about this. The Great Xuanzong was controlled by the people who imprisoned the Longzong before, but now we have taken it back. He wants to join your Danzong. If you are here, this matter is not difficult, right?" Tianhuo said with a smile.

Xuanxuan frowned slightly, "So that's the case, I said how could it be like this! I took the initiative to invite Ying to come here to find out about the matter of Daxuanzong's conversion to the Prisoner Longzong, but unexpectedly, I was captured by the suzerain Ding Ba. It turned out that he was the prisoner of the Dragon School people..."

"Is this the new suzerain? We seem to have seen it before!" Xuanxuan looked at Yifeng and said.

Yifeng also cupped his fists, "Hello, I'm here, Yifeng, hunting demons... eh? No, the suzerain of the Great Xuanzong."

Xuanxuan smiled, and looked at Tianhuo again, "That matter will be easy to handle, I will just talk to grandpa, if Prisoner Longzong does such a thing, grandpa may not be able to sit still."

"Sister!" At this moment, Huanchen Binghu's voice sounded, and its figure also shot forward like a white rainbow, and it fell straight into Xuanxuan's arms.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Okay, let's go to the Daxuan Hall first, Yifeng still has something to do here, and I want to ask you something."

Entering the Daxuan Hall, the Great Elder arranged a living room for Tianhuo and Xuanxuan, and then left with Yifeng, naturally to talk about the previous matter, and Tianhuo left Xuanxuan for the matter of Fenghuo Baodi.

Xuanxuan comes from ten major sects and is the granddaughter of Xuandu Sect Master, so she must have a lot of knowledge about Fenghuo Baodi.

"Fenghuo Treasure Land?" Hearing Tianhuo mentioned Fenghuo Treasure Land, Xuan Xuan looked at Tianhuo in surprise.

Tianhuo smiled, "I have to go in, I heard that it will be opened in about ten days, so I want to know more about it."

Xuanxuan was silent for a moment, and said with some concern: "You have decided? You must know that even if there are ten major sects, not many people can come out alive."

Tianhuo has heard such words several times, shrugged and said: "That's why I asked you."

Xuanxuan shook her head slightly, "Fenghuo Baodi is a place left by a main god, it is another piece of heaven and earth, it is used to enhance the strength of the strong in the mainland, crisis and opportunity coexist, and most of those who can survive can become one side. Chu, it’s just that there are too few people who can come out alive.”

"The one left by the main god? Which main god?" Tianhuo's eyes lit up. Could it be the place where the gods' bodies are stored?In that case, he would be able to complete the task assigned by Thor.

"Feng Shen Yu Fei! The fastest main god among all the main gods, the power to control the wind is beyond our imagination." Xuanxuan's voice was a little dry, as if she was palpitating from the power of Feng Shen.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be a main god that he had never heard of!
"Xuanxuan, what is the relationship between Fengshen, Leishen, and Fanshen?" Tianhuo asked tentatively.

"The God of Wind is the same as the God of Thunder, and he is also the uncle of the God of Mortals. After the great war, no one knew whether the God of Wind was alive or dead. If you really want to go in, the Heavenly Fire Messenger, remember not to offend the God of Wind," Xuanxuan said.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, these main gods, shouldn't they all be people of the same power?

"Besides, when you enter the Fenghuo Treasure Land, you need to test everywhere. Under the seemingly peaceful world, there are hidden murderous intentions everywhere, especially the silent wind. It is said that it is easy to destroy the world." Xuanxuan looked at Tianhuo. , continued.

Tianhuo nodded his head, listening to Xuanxuan's introduction, the more he listened to it, the more surprised he was.
Tianhuo is a little strange. Although there are many strong people in the mainland, there are probably not many who are truly powerful. If Fengshen does this, isn't he afraid of causing too much loss to the mainland?Now that the monsters are recovering, if the strong in the mainland lose too much, how will they deal with it?

'I don't know if there are any remnant souls left by Fengshen, otherwise, I can ask Fengshen to inquire about it. Tianhuo secretly thought in his heart that the matter about his father has been bothering him all the time!
"Skyfire Messenger, I should go back, so I won't send you to the Fenghuo Treasure Land, remember what I said, I wish you all the best." After finishing talking about the Fenghuo Treasure Land, Xuan Xuan got up and said.

Tianhuo got up too, "Send my greetings to Senior Xuandu!"

Xuan Xuan smiled, "Grandpa still mentions you often, so I'm leaving!"

As she said that, Xuanxuan took out a piece of jade and crushed it easily, and her figure also disappeared in a soft light.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that it's not that NPCs can't use teleportation things, it's just that this thing is in the hands of Da Zongmen, it's very rare, as Xuanxuan, she should have quite a few!

Sitting alone in the living room, Tianhuo casually opened the Ring of the Glyph Sage. Now that his spirit is level 35, it's time to change his equipment.

Spirit skull shoes (spirit weapon), defense (spirit) +80, strength +1980, intelligence +1980, agility +1980, movement speed +50%, use requirement: spirit level 35.

After finally getting a good piece of equipment that can be used, Tianhuo has been looking forward to it for a long time!

As soon as the equipment was replaced, the attribute of Skyfire increased a bit. Although it was not obvious, it was not bad. In the second-level area, the explosion rate of the equipment was not as high as that in the third-level area, but the equipment here was much stronger.

Before Tianhuo checked his attributes, Yifeng walked in with a look of joy on his face, and he knew at a glance that this guy knew the way to save Yikuang.

"Haha, Tianhuo, this time we can go to Fenghuo Baodi together." Yifeng's first words made Tianhuo stunned.

"Are you going too?" Tianhuo asked in surprise, the current Yifeng is no longer the free-spirited demon hunter before, and the Great Xuanzong would not be able to do without him.

Yi Feng nodded, "The treasure to restore my father's body can be found in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, so I naturally have to try my luck."

"Eh? Brother Yifeng, I'll help you find what it is, you should stay here!" Tianhuo shook his head.

Yifeng raised his eyebrows, pretending to stare at Tianhuo viciously, "Tianhuo, I knew I was fooled, didn't you say that you want me to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and still be a free-spirited demon hunter?"

Tianhuo teased a smile, "That's true, but you just took over, do you think you can leave?"

Yifeng rolled his eyes, "As expected, you didn't have good intentions, but you made me suffer, but this time, I really want to go in person."

Tianhuo shook his head, he could understand Yifeng's mood, but there were dangers in it, and Tianhuo didn't want anything to happen to Yifeng.

"Yes, tell me what I need, I'll go, don't go, this is an order!" Tianhuo thought for a moment, then said.

Yifeng was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Tianhuo to talk to him in such a serious tone, his expression became weird.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, and said again: "If you go, Zi Meier will go too, what if something happens to her? You have to be responsible for her!"

Yifeng fell silent, and gradually frowned. After a long time, he suddenly said: "There is a way, the portal is only open for a stick of incense, and I will tie her up at that time! Let the Great Elder let her go after I leave." Let her go!"

"Hmph! Yifeng, you dare to tie me up!" Zi Meier's voice suddenly sounded in the living room.

Tianhuo was immediately happy. This time, he can go there with peace of mind. The npcs in his army can't have any accidents. After all, they only have one life, and those players are different. Tianhuo plans to take all the players away!
Zi Meier walked slowly from outside the living room, stopped in front of Tianhuo, stared at Tianhuo and said: "Head of the Tianhuo Army, needless to say, he and I are going!"

Tianhuo's expression froze, thinking that Zi Mei'er would persuade him not to go, but this time it's all right, there is another trouble!
"Your sister!" Tianhuo cursed secretly, what would he do if something happened to them?They have known each other for so long, they are both their best friends!

But after thinking about it, Tianhuo's eyes suddenly lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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