Chapter 333

Tianhuo stared excitedly at the mountain stream, where the two were fighting a monster. The strength of both sides was almost the same, and both had already been injured.

And those two people, Tianhuo has met several times, but did he expect to meet him here!
Those two were the strange meteor duo sent by the Yinling Sect to snatch the Yinling Jade Pendant!

Of course Tianhuo clearly killed them, but for some reason, these two guys were resurrected, and they appeared in the second-level area, and fought with the disciples of the Great Xuanzong, but were scared away by Tianhuo.

When they met again, Tianhuo didn't care about the two of them, what he cared about was only what the monster guarded.

In the deepest part of the mountain stream, a burning flower was very dazzling, directly attracting the eyes of Tianhuo. The flower was very strange, it kept burning but never withered, as if the flames were released by it.

It's just that they are far away, and Tianhuo can't know, but such a strange thing must be a good thing.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin. At this moment, Tianling was refining the ghost face flower of the soul. If he did it, Tianling could only be forced to stop, which delayed the time for the ghost face flower to be refined successfully. If he could get the ghost face flower without doing it It is best not to have many strange flowers.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo kept his invisibility and walked cautiously towards the mountain stream. This time, he will make a drastic move!

Cautiously walking down the hillside, Tianhuo soon came to the strange flower not far away. When it got closer, I saw the flower clearly. I saw it on a small silver tree, which was also silver. The flowers are blooming, and the flames are burning on the flowers, releasing a strange fragrance.

Just taking a breath of the fragrance, Tianhuo felt that his spirit was lifted, and he was overjoyed, "This must be a good thing!"

"Ding! The system prompts: enter the slow action state, which will last for 12 hours."

In the midst of great joy, the system notification sounded, and at this moment, Tianhuo's movements suddenly slowed down, not only the speed slowed down, but all the movements slowed down!
"You really know how to choose, so don't hurry up. This is a fiery tree and silver flower that is rarer than the ghost face flower of the soul. It is a highly poisonous thing. Whoever touches it under the Lord God will die. Fortunately, you are not lucky, and when it burns." Tianling said in a helpless voice.

The excitement in Tianhuo's heart was extinguished immediately, "Damn it, Tianling, why didn't you say it earlier? 12 hours!"

"How can I always pay attention to the situation outside, isn't this refining the face of the ghost?" Tianling said helplessly.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly. At this moment, his movements were probably only one-tenth of the normal speed, as if restricted by something, and it was extremely difficult to take a step.

Without hesitation, Tianhuo turned around and walked towards the distance, he had to stay away from this place, after all, only the devil knows how far the fragrance can travel!
While walking forward with difficulty, Tianhuo said: "No, Tianling, if this is a highly poisonous thing, why are they still snatching it?"

"That's right, it's highly poisonous to ordinary people, but it's a great tonic for those monsters that are already poisonous," Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo thought about it, but luckily his thinking didn't slow down, "That's not right, those two obviously want fire trees and silver flowers, what's the use of them?"

"This... Let me think about it." Tianling fell silent.

Tianhuo kept moving forward, but right now, his movements were too slow, a few minutes passed, and he still hadn't walked [-] meters!

"By the way, I got it, it must be this fiery tree and silver flower that is going to nirvana!" Tian Ling said suddenly.

Tianhuo stopped in his tracks, shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's the use of you talking directly."

"Well, Fire Tree Silver Flower will nirvana every once in a while and become a seed. At that time, it is not poisonous, and if it is taken at this time, it will be immune to all poisons!" Tianling's crisp voice sounded.

Tianhuo simply sat down cross-legged and looked towards Huo Shuyinhua, "They're here anyway, just wait and see!"

Tianhuo is used to the feeling of fast speed, and the current speed is really unbearable. Anyway, there is no scent here, so it should be safe.

In the arena, the two of Yiqi Meteor teamed up to deal with the monster, hundreds of meters away from Fire Tree Silver Flower, no wonder they acted normally, obviously they were not affected by the scent.

Tianhuo felt helpless, in his current situation, if they found out, he would be finished.

However, the house leak happened to rain all night, and in Tianhuo's worries, the battlefield of two people and one beast actually moved towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo cursed secretly in his heart, but with their speed, he obviously couldn't leave at this moment, so he simply waited like this. Suddenly, Tianhuo saw the joke flashing in the eyes of the two, and couldn't help but burst into his heart, "It seems that these two guys found out It's gone!"

Tianhuo slapped his forehead, and he actually forgot that if they were separated by a certain distance, these two guys could sense the hidden spirit jade pendant!

But now Tianhuo uses the hidden spirit jade pendant to become invisible, so he can't put the jade pendant away at all. If he puts it away, the invisibility state will be gone, and when it is revealed directly, it may attract the attack of the monster.

"This is my worst failure. The fisherman won't make a profit, but will be dragged into the water by the fish!" Tianhuo murmured and stood up.

The two strange meteors lured the monster towards Tianhuo, and the distance was getting closer and closer. When they were more than ten meters apart, violent air waves suddenly erupted around the two of them. break!
Tianhuo was not surprised when he showed his figure, he had expected this ending a long time ago, and he simply faced it calmly, but the next scene left Tianhuo stunned for a moment!

I saw that the two of Yiqi Meteor actually gave up attacking the monster, turned around and swept towards the hillside at an extremely fast speed!

But the ferocious monster was slower than the two of them. After chasing a hundred meters, they lost their traces and turned to face Tianhuo.

"Roar!" The monster roared towards Tianhuo, and then galloped towards Tianhuo. Obviously, its anger was transferred to Tianhuo!

"Damn it, you still want to pray for mantises to catch cicadas? Yiqi Meteor, you two guys are wrong!" Tianhuo cursed secretly, his body fell sharply, and sank into the ground without a sound.

The monster immediately lost its target, and stood on the spot looking around guardedly, but it still couldn't find Tianhuo.

Tianhuo hid in the ground and walked slowly towards Huoshuyinhua. Anyway, he was already slow now, and he didn't care. Maybe the Huoshuyinhua was about to turn into a seed, and he could take it away at that time, and it wouldn't be in vain.

"Strange, it doesn't seem to be fighting." Xu Liuxing and Xu Liuxing hid on the top of the mountain and felt for a while, Xu Liuxing said.

Xu Yiqi nodded, and looked down with his probe, "It's too dark to see, but there is indeed no fluctuation of the battle."

"Skyfire's strength is stronger than ours, and it's more than enough to deal with that monster. Why didn't he do it? It's strange, don't adventurers from other worlds like to deal with monsters the most?" Xu Liuxing said suspiciously.

"Maybe it's because we're afraid that our fisherman will gain a lot of money. What should we do now?"

Xu Liuxing thought about it, "I still want to find a chance to take back the hidden spirit jade pendant while Tianhuo is injured. It seems that there is no chance. I will talk about it at dawn. By then, the fire tree and silver flower should turn into seeds."

The two waited quietly, and Tianhuo, who was on the ground, naturally waited, but saw the monster crawling directly next to the fire tree and silver flower. It seemed that it was not affected by the slow state.

"Glyph Sage's Eye!" With curiosity, Tianhuo cast the Glyph Sage's Eye on the monster, and immediately saw the monster's bright red name.

Ten thousand poisonous beasts (spiritual beasts), spirit level 45, HP (spiritual) 1653400/2260000, attack (spiritual) 15500, defense (spiritual) 8800.

Explanation: The spirit beast covered with poison is immune to poison attack.

A simple explanation made Tianhuo understand that the fragrance released by the fire tree silver flower is poisonous, and this guy is immune to that poisonous fragrance at all, so he is not affected by the slowness.

But in this way, Tianhuo also understood that even if Huoshuyinhua really turned into a seed, he probably would not have the chance to snatch it from the mouth of Ten Thousand Poisonous Beasts. After all, his speed was already less than one-tenth of normal speed, and he was no match for Ten Thousand Poisonous Beasts.

"Tianling, do you think it's necessary for me to snatch this fiery tree and silver flower if it turns into a seed? It's just that it's invulnerable to all poisons, and it doesn't seem to be of much use." Tianhuo said, already wanting to give up in his heart.

"That's because you haven't encountered the poison yet. I think this kind of opportunity should not be missed in order to enhance your strength. You must know that although Fire Tree Silver Flower is not unique, there is no chance to see it." Tianling said.

Tianhuo hesitated, not because he was afraid of the ten thousand poisonous beast, but because he felt that it was a waste of time.

But after thinking for a while, Tianhuo still decided to stay. After all, it is not suitable for him to travel at his own speed.

"Then wait and see. If there is no result after the slow state passes, then dodge." Tianhuo nodded.

While the sky fire was waiting, the sky gradually brightened, and the flames on the fire tree and silver flower flowers also gradually became weaker with the dawn.

Skyfire in the earth looked up at this scene, but saw that the ten thousand poisonous beasts also got up and stood on guard around Huo Shuyinhua, obviously it also knew that Huo Shuyinhua had reached a critical moment.

This fiery tree and silver flower is the foundation of Ten Thousand Poisonous Beast's cultivation, so don't let it cause trouble!

A soft sound came from the Fire Tree Silver Flower, and then the faint fire light suddenly bounced off, covering the entire Fire Tree Silver Flower, and under the light of the fire, the whole small tree slowly shrank.

"I really met Fire Tree Silver Flower Nirvana, it seems that the seeds have fallen!" Tianhuo murmured, with joy in his eyes, since he has encountered the opportunity of being invulnerable to all poisons, let's do it!

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, the Fire Tree Silver Flower slowly shrank, and after almost a stick of incense, it has become the size of a palm. If it continues, it should turn into a seed in a few minutes.

Suddenly, Wandu Beast, who was guarding Huoshuyinhua, turned sharply and faced the hillside, followed by a roar.

Tianhuo frowned, and turned his head to look, but saw the two Yiqi Meteors flying towards this side quickly. Obviously, they were also for the seeds of Huoshuyinhua!
Seeing this situation, Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, "Isn't this a good opportunity for me? Yiqi Meteor, I really should thank you all!"

(End of this chapter)

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