The strongest saint

Chapter 334 Hunyuan Spiritual Tree

Chapter 334 Hunyuan Spiritual Tree
Seeing that Yiqi Meteor also came to snatch Huoshuyinhua, but led Wandu Beast over, Tianhuo was overjoyed, what a great opportunity!
I was worried about the Ten Thousand Poisonous Beasts before, but now I was lured away by those two idiots. I guess it was because the two of them didn't sense the hidden spirit jade pendant, otherwise they must know that they were still there.

The corners of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes moved to Huo Shuyinhua again, only to see that Huoshuyinhua was only the size of a fist at this moment, and the fiery red mixed with silver flames was jumping.

Tianhuo is quietly preparing, it should soon become a seed!

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, the fire tree and silver flower suddenly condensed, and the flames around him suddenly shrank, turning into a finger-sized silver seed and falling to the ground.

"Hurry up, the seeds only have 30 seconds to fall to the ground, otherwise they will germinate, and then they will become highly poisonous again!" Tianling said hastily.

Tianhuo was not slow either, he used the escape technique to the extreme, and fled towards the seeds. Even though the speed at this moment was only half of the usual speed, a few seconds were enough to break through the ground!

Escaping quickly, Tianhuo copied the seeds into his hands and said happily, "I got it!"

Roar!However, at this moment, Wan Du Beast also found out that the seeds had been stolen, and hurriedly gave up on the two Yi Qi Meteors, turned around and roared, and rushed towards Tian Huo!

"Haha, it's already late, Yiqi Meteor, thank you very much!" Tianhuo laughed.

"How could you still be here!" Xu Liuxing stared at Tianhuo dumbfounded. They had sensed it before, but they didn't sense the breath of the hidden spirit jade pendant. They thought that Tianhuo had left, but now, Tianhuo appeared in front of them again. And the seeds of the fire tree silver flower have been snatched away!

"Huh? Look, his speed is very slow. He should have been poisoned last night. Come on!" Xu Yiqi's eyes lit up. With Tianhuo's current speed, the two of them have a great chance of defeating Tianhuo.

What's more, at this moment, they still have ten thousand poisonous beasts to help them!

Although the speed of Wan Poison Beast is not too fast, it is not comparable to Tianhuo at the moment. Seeing that it is getting closer, Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Goodbye!"

Saying that, Tianhuo suddenly escaped into the earth and disappeared in front of the two and one beast.

The two and one beast lost their target, and they all froze in place. The three of them were filled with anger, but this situation did not last long. The Ten Thousand Poisonous Beast turned around and looked at the two of them. Obviously, its anger was going to be vented. It's on the two of them!
After all, if it weren't for the arrival of these two people, it would be impossible for Wandu Beast to leave the seed of Fire Tree Silver Flower. In that case, the seed would naturally not be taken away by Skyfire!

"Let's go!" The Yiqi Meteors naturally knew that they had been tricked again, so they turned around and retreated with gloomy faces, but Wan Poison Beast would not let them go, and chased after them with strides and roars.

This time, Tianhuo did not stop, and once he escaped into the earth, he continued to flee towards the direction he chose. At this moment, Tianhuo was overjoyed, and got the seed of Fire Tree Silver Flower, which means that all poisons will not invade!

However, Tianhuo was not in a hurry to take it, because he didn't know if this seed could be refined into a elixir, and if it could be refined, he would naturally take it after refining.

"Tianling, see if this kind of seed can be refined..."

Before the words were finished, a root suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo without knowing where it came from, wrapped up the fire tree and silver flower seeds in Tianhuo's hand, and left quickly.

"I..." Tianhuo was taken aback, looking at the empty palm, "Damn it!"

Cursing secretly, Tianhuo used the Glyph Sage's eyes to the extreme, staring at the rapidly retracting roots in the distance, and followed closely.

"Should it be some kind of tree demon? It actually provoked me!" Tianhuo galloped angrily, but he was still unable to catch up, and could only maintain a distance of several hundred meters.

However, Tianhuo believes that the length of this root must be limited, and when it is completely retracted, it will be its main body, and it will not be difficult to deal with it then!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo calmed down instead. Now that his attributes have doubled, if he rides the Star Devouring Moon Beast, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this monster.

However, to Tianhuo's surprise, the tendril retracted for a full hour before slowing down.

"It's really long enough, it looks like it's coming to an end!" Seeing that the speed of the roots slowed down, the sky fire broke through the ground and looked around.

There is a huge valley in front of you, surrounded by barrenness, and in the center of the valley, a tall tree stands one hundred feet tall. The eyes of Wen Sheng looked through the earth, and it was this tree that took away the seeds. big tree!

Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, with hidden attributes.

Glyph Saint's Eye saw Dashu's name, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a hidden attribute!
Facing the existence that he couldn't see through, Tianhuo was inevitably a little worried, and hurriedly disappeared several miles away, "Tianling, do you think I have a chance to get back the seeds?"

"It's actually a Hunyuan Spiritual Tree! Tianhuo, you're out!" Tianling's simple words made Tianhuo's eyes shine.

"Isn't the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree a monster?" Tianhuo asked, but his eyes were fixed on the big tree.

"Of course, this is a spiritual object of heaven and earth. I never imagined that there is such a tree hidden in the space left by Lord Fengshen. If you move it to your mortal god palace and plant it, there will be unexpected benefits." Tianling said happily .

Tianhuo nodded, looked at the hundreds of feet tall Hunyuan Spiritual Tree again, and couldn't help rubbing his chin. Even if it stood still, such a big Spiritual Tree, he probably wouldn't be able to move it away!
"It's a pity, your strength doesn't seem to be enough..." After a long time, Tianling said again.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, it really is so!What was Ling talking nonsense for so long that day?It seems that it is difficult for me to even regain the seeds!

"No, Tianling, if it is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, how could it snatch the seeds of Fire Tree Silver Flower? It's a bit exaggerated to protrude the roots so far!" Tianhuo said.

"That's it. The Hunyuan Spiritual Tree naturally likes to collect all kinds of treasures, not only the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, but also powerful weapons and equipment." Tianling said.

Tianhuo clicked his tongue, and there is such a spirit tree?

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, and he saw a root protruding from the ground, and the seeds of the fire tree silver flower were rolled into the center of the big tree!

"Seed!" Without hesitation, Tianhuo stepped into the sky and galloped away while maintaining his invisibility.

"Stop quickly, if you get entangled by him, you will be finished." Tianling was shocked, she didn't expect Tianhuo to strike without any explanation.

"It's okay, I'm just taking back the seeds!" Tianhuo waved his hand, and the speed didn't slow down. He quickly came out of the canopy, took a slight breath, and teleported out, appearing directly in front of the seeds!

Casting teleportation, the invisibility state naturally escaped, but Tianhuo's quick hands and eyes snatched the seeds from the roots, and teleported away again without hesitation.

It was smoother than Tianhuo expected, Tianhuo appeared a thousand meters away in an instant, but suddenly, the whole land and the sky trembled slightly, and then, densely packed roots shot out from the ground quickly!

"Teleport!" Tianhuo's pupils narrowed slightly, and he hastily teleported out again. However, when his figure appeared, he bumped into the big net composed of countless roots!
"Oops..." Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree's weirdness was beyond his expectation, before he could react, several roots had already entangled Tianhuo.

"Look, I told you not to act rashly, this time you are doomed!" Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo struggled and didn't care to talk to Tianling, but let himself struggle, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of these roots, and these roots had already pulled Tianhuo towards the big tree.

Pulled by the roots, it slammed into the trunk of the big tree, and then, the roots entangled upwards, binding Tianhuo to the trunk.

Tianhuo was knocked out of order, dizziness came from his mind, and when the dizziness ended, Tianhuo also saw the situation in front of him clearly, and saw that he was tied to a thick and thin branch surrounded by several people. A huge tree branch, with roots hanging down from the branches, and at the source of each root, there is actually something hanging!
"I'll go, this is a precious tree!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and a look of disbelief appeared.

"Think about how to escape first, and return Gu Baobao?" Tian Ling said anxiously, although the Hunyuan Spirit Tree has not moved yet, but once it moves, it will be the time of Tianhuo's death!
Tianhuo looked at the surrounding situation in disbelief, countless treasures of heaven and earth, weapons and equipment were hung on the branches, and the closest to Tianhuo was a very familiar cloak.

"Fuck, isn't this my medicine spirit cloak?" Tianhuo was taken aback, the cloak was less than one meter away from him, and it looked exactly the same as the medicine spirit cloak he was wearing!
Tianhuo was a little puzzled, the equipment he was wearing was forcibly taken away by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree?

Without waiting for Tianhuo to think about it, the big tree suddenly moved and began to tremble slightly. Starting from the roots, soft white light swept up along the trunk.

Tianhuo's gaze was attracted by the white light, and he hurriedly lowered his head to look, only to see that where the white light diffused past, the things on the trunk were melted one after another, and directly merged into the big tree.

Seeing this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help but shrink his pupils, "Damn it, this is the trump card!"

Even those treasures were absorbed by the big tree under the white light, Tianhuo had no doubts at all, and when the white light filled him, he might be dead. For a while, cold sweat broke out from Tianhuo's forehead. For the first time, Tianhuo was so close I can feel the breath of death from a distance!
A hundred meters along the tree trunk diffused up, and soon reached the countless branches, the same diffused, turning the branches and trunks into the color of white jade, but Tianhuo didn't have time to watch this strange beauty, gritted his teeth , At this time, the only one who can help me is the Nine Souls!
Tianhuo was a little hesitant, if summoning the Nine Souls Yinglong could not help him escape from the shackles of the big tree, it would probably make the Nine Souls also be bound by the big tree, and then they would have to hang up together.

"It's a gamble, Nine Souls!"

Seeing that the white light was getting closer and closer to him, Tianhuo gritted his teeth and summoned the Nine Souls Yinglong. Whether he could escape or not was up to the Nine Souls!
(End of this chapter)

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