The strongest saint

Chapter 335 Changes in the Cloak of the Medicine Spirit

Chapter 335 Changes in the Cloak of the Medicine Spirit
As soon as the Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon appeared, it was already entangled by countless roots before it could figure out what was going on.

"Burn it!" Tianhuo said hastily.

Nine Souls Yinglong's reaction was not slow either, thick flames spewed out when he opened his mouth, instantly enveloping his whole body for several meters, and under this dragon flame, countless roots instantly withered.

"It works!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, taking advantage of the withered roots all over his body, he used both arms to break free.

Without hesitation, Tianhuo copied the medicine spirit cloak into his hand with his backhand, and at the same time put away the Nine Souls Yinglong, and teleported into the sky. This time, Tianhuo did not dare to teleport farther away, after all Xu is too weird, if he is caught again, he wonders if he will have a chance to escape.

In an instant, it reached a height of a thousand meters, but the sky fire still did not dare to stop, and once again teleported to the sky, and looked down, there were indeed countless roots entangled from below, but perhaps because it was too high, these roots The speed is getting slower and slower.

"What are you looking at? Waiting to be arrested?" Tianling said angrily.

Tianhuo nodded, "Teleport!"

After performing dozens of teleportations in a row, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree was no longer visible, and Tianhuo summoned the Star Devouring Moon Beast and flew towards the distance.

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, you have the Nine Souls Responding Dragon, but when did you become so daring, you still don't forget to steal a piece of equipment from someone before you leave." Tian Ling was relieved and joked.

Tianhuo shrugged, "How can it be called stealing? It was originally my medicine spirit cloak, okay?"

"Tch, your cloak is still on you, so it's obviously stolen," Tianling said.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, opened the panel, and sure enough, his cloak was still there!
And looking at the cloak in his hand again, Tianhuo suddenly became puzzled, "How could this be?"

Cloak of medicine spirit (broken), defense 75, constitution +10, use requirements: none.

The Yaoling cloak in his hand is exactly the same as the one on his equipment, even the attributes are the same, Tianhuo always thought it was the only one, after all, it was a cloak given by Yao Lao, but at this moment, there is another one!
After being puzzled for a moment, Tianhuo let out a dry cough, "That can't be called stealing, after all, it's ownerless, it's considered picked up."

Tianling didn't answer, but Tianhuo checked for a while, and took off the medicine spirit cloak on his body, and there were two identical pieces of broken equipment, which seemed a little too weird.

The two pieces of equipment appeared in his hands, and they were exactly the same, with the same texture!
Seeing this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help rubbing his chin, "Weird!"

"Ding! The system prompts: The medicine spirit cloak (broken) has been collected, do you want to fuse it?"

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded, making Tianhuo startled, "Is there something wrong?"


Following Tianhuo's response, the two medicine spirit cloaks collided instantly, and before Tianhuo could react, the two cloaks had become one and fell into Tianhuo's hands again.

Cloak of medicine spirit (broken), defense (spirit) 20, physique +1600, use requirements: pharmacist sub-profession.

It's still the medicinal spirit cloak, but the attributes have changed drastically, with a spiritual defense of 20 and a constitution of 1600, and the requirement for using it has also changed to a sub-profession of a pharmacist.

"I said how to repair the medicine spirit cloak, so it's like this!" Tianhuo murmured in astonishment, and equipped the medicine spirit cloak again. It seems that if you want to repair this cloak in the future, you need to continue to find other ones, isn't that true? Simple things, it took me so long to come across one, who knows if I will meet the next one.

The life value has increased a lot, but the impact is not big, Tianhuo didn't care, turned his head to look in the direction of the Primordial Spirit Tree, feeling a pity in his heart, if he could control the big tree, the countless treasures on it would become his own. of.

It's just that once the white light passes, the entire Hunyuan Spiritual Tree will probably become empty again, and everything will be absorbed by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo asked: "Tianling, what kind of strength do I need to subdue the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree? What's the use of it?"

"I have to correct you, it's not to subdue, but to collect. After all, it's not a monster, it's just a spiritual thing of heaven and earth, just like a spiritual grass, and if you collect it, you can go to it when you get another Glyph Saint suit." Try it." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "It's really a pity, I don't know how many treasures are absorbed by it like this."

"You are content, it would be nice to escape."

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders and looked up into the distance. The Fenghuo Treasure Land is so big, and he doesn't know where he is at the moment. It's not easy to find the Glyph Saint suit!

As for the ring of the sage, there has been no response, which makes Tianhuo feel a little helpless.

On the map, the places where Tianhuo walked have been opened, and Tianhuo has also marked the location of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, and must come and collect it when the time comes!

After walking for a long time, Tianhuo didn't find anything unusual. There were barren mountains everywhere, and no life could be seen.

"Tianhuo, open the Legion panel and share the map you have opened. It's unbearable to walk around like this." At this time, the secret words of Twilight and Dawn came.

"Can the legion share the map?" Tianhuo was stunned, but he didn't find this function.

"Well, the newly updated function has been shared by everyone, but we still can't get a complete map of this Fenghuo Treasure Land. This place is beyond imagination!" Twilight broke dawn.

Tianhuo opened the Legion panel, and saw that there was an extra Legion map on it. All members can put the map they opened here, and other members can also copy it directly from here. In this way, it becomes easier for legion members to open the map. stand up.

After checking for a while, Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue, "Twilight, I didn't hear the system update prompt, how did you find out?"

"Now the system updates are all done online, and there is no prompt. You have to go to see it yourself to find out. I'll go, Tianhuo, the map you opened is so big!" While Twilight was talking, Tianhuo had already shared the map of Fenghuo Treasure Land up.

More than 2 people ventured into Fenghuo Baodi together, and they were scattered everywhere. The map opened is naturally very huge, and everyone was amazed when they saw the part shared by Tianhuo. It's on.

Tianhuo was a little helpless. Looking at the maps uploaded by everyone, they couldn't be connected at all. They were divided into countless pieces, separated by dark places, and few of them could be connected.

After making a copy of the map shared by all members, Tianhuo said: "Everyone, come on, as long as you open more maps, things will be more convenient."

There are coordinates on the map. Although a large part of the map has not yet been opened, it is still east and west at this moment, but judging from the current map, Tianhuo also inferred the direction of the center of Fenghuo Treasure Land.

After checking the map for a long time, Tianhuo found out the direction of the center, and flew towards that direction without hesitation. If you want to say where the Glyph Saint suit is, Tianhuo believes that it must be in the center. If not, Tianhuo I'm afraid there is no chance at all.

"Heavenly fire is big, I have encountered a palace that I can't enter, hehe, do you want to come and have a look?" Fatty's voice sounded, full of anticipation.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up when he heard the words, it's better to have a goal than to scurry around, "Fatty, join the team."

Fatty sent an invitation to form a team, and Fatty quickly accepted. Immediately, Fatty's location appeared on the map, and where Fatty was, it was the direction of Tianhuo.

Checking where the fat man was, Tianhuo shook his head secretly, "Fatty man, it's too far away, I'm afraid it will take more than ten days to get there, please mark the location of the palace, don't run around."

"It will take more than ten days? The sky fire is big, isn't this too fast?" Fatty said in amazement, he can see where the sky fire is naturally when he checks the map, but to get here, he still needs to go through a large area where the map is still dark. After careful calculation, Fatty also understands the distance. If he goes there by himself, it will take at least a month, but Tianhuo can arrive in more than ten days.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, that was more than ten days, if something happened on the way, it would be extended.

As soon as this idea appeared, there was a fire in the distant sky. I don't know how far away, but there was a scorching breath coming from it.

"Master, it's such a strong flame. I'm afraid it's not weaker than Long Yan, the boss of the Nine Souls. What should I do? Do you want to change direction?" Star Devouring Moon Beast slowed down a bit, and asked worriedly.

Tianhuo stared at the distant sky intently, but was amazed in his heart. Could it be that Fenghuo Baodi got its name because of the mysterious wind and the fire in front of it?
"When you encounter wind, you can only run away. If you encounter fire, you don't have to worry. Not to mention the Nine Souls Yinglong, your innate spirit cauldron is not afraid." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo nodded and signaled the Star Devouring Moon Beast to move on. After traveling hundreds of miles again, the ground below turned into scorched earth. Looking around, you can already see that everything around you has been reduced by the heat wave. twist up.

Just looking up, the fire is still far away, as if it will never reach it.

Tianhuo didn't feel the heat at all, and it was still the same mild. This feeling didn't match the surrounding situation at all, which made Tianhuo a little surprised. It seemed that it was due to the innate spirit cauldron.

The cauldron was originally inseparable from fire. Although there was no flame when Tianhuo's Xiantian Lingding cauldron was refining things, Tianhuo also knew that if it had some kind of flame, the Xiantian Lingding cauldron might become even stronger.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo asked expectantly: "Tianling, can the Xiantian Lingding cauldron absorb flames to evolve?"

"Of course it is possible. If the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron absorbs the flames, not only may it evolve, but it will also give you the ability to control the flames within." Tianling's affirmative answer made Tianhuo's eyes light up.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, if that's the case, then just let the nine souls spray dragon flames into it? The dragon flame is so strong, it will definitely be able to..."

"Stop it, your thinking is too beautiful, the Xiantian Lingding cauldron is not absorbing such flames, but..." Tianling stopped suddenly.

After waiting for a while, Tianling did not continue to speak, which made Tianhuo anxious for a while, and asked: "Don't be foolish, Tianling, speak quickly!"

"Hee hee, Tianhuo, you promise me one thing first." Tianling smiled.

 I'm really sorry, there is something urgent, I can only update it until January 1th, I will try my best to update it when I come back, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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