Chapter 336
Hearing Tianling's words, Tianhuo shrugged helplessly and said: "Tianling, just because of our relationship, if you have something to say, just talk about it!"

Even though he said that, Tianhuo was still a little curious, what did Tianling want to promise her?
"This is different. I used to think that my master was dead, but since I saw Thor, I realized that I seemed to be wrong. The master should still be there, but she is just sleeping somewhere, so I want you to promise me , must lead me to find my master!" Tianling said solemnly, without the previous laughter.

Tianhuo smiled calmly, "I thought it was something, no problem, I will try my best."

"Hee hee, I knew you would agree." Tian Ling said happily.

"You should know that even if you don't tell me, I will still go to Luoshen, Tianling, but tell me, what kind of fire does the Xiantian Lingding cauldron absorb?" Tianhuo said.

Before Tianling said that she didn't absorb the existence of the Nine Souls Yinglong's flame, Tianhuo was looking forward to it and curious at the same time. Apart from the strength of the flame, could there be other differences?
"Nine Souls Yinglong's dragon flame is extremely strong. It would be good if it could be absorbed, but it's useless. The innate spirit cauldron needs it. In other words, it should be called fire. Every kind of flame has fire. If you can find it , the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron can absorb it naturally."

Tianhuo thought about it, Tinder?Could it be the essence condensed from some kind of flame?Can trigger the existence of flame explosion?

There are no wonders in the world, and Tianhuo deeply believes in this truth. Knowing that the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron can devour flames, it is inevitable that he will look forward to it. Tinder, that would be great!
"Don't look at it, the rarity of Tinder is extraordinary, it's impossible for you to encounter it just like that." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, "What if there is?"

"If there was one, the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron would have sensed it a long time ago. You don't need to find it. Don't think it's too beautiful." Tianling joked.

"Oh? Can the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron detect fire?" Tianhuo raised his brows, showing joy. In this case, he didn't need to look for it specially. Presumably, as long as he got close to a certain range, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron would be able to sense it.

The improvement of Tianhuo's strength mainly depends on the Glyph Sage suit, and now, the Glyph Sage suit is really hard to find, and Tianhuo also understands that the more difficult it is to get, so if you want to improve your own strength, the Xiantian Lingding has become the biggest hope.

The current Xiantian Lingding Cauldron has absorbed more than [-] spirit beads, and it is only a matter of time to be promoted to the intermediate level. However, at the next level, I am afraid that it is not as simple as the spirit beads, so Tianhuo has set his sights on various heaven and earth spirit fires. .

This place is known as the treasure land of wind and fire, and I have already seen the mysterious wind, but the flames in front of me made Tianhuo look forward to it, and I don't know if there is any kindling.

While Tianhuo was expecting, the Star Devouring Moon Beast slowed down, "Master, there is a sudden and inexplicable sense of crisis, as if the front is not safe."

Tianhuo came back to his senses, looked around, there were still endless mountains below, stretching away, and there was nothing unusual in the sky except for the rolling heat waves.

"Someone!" Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes narrowed, and he saw a figure walking in the air a few miles away, also walking in the same direction as Tianhuo.

Tianhuo stared at the man intently, only to see that the man was sweating profusely and his face was full of exhaustion, but he was exerting his speed to the extreme, as if he wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

While Tianhuo was looking at that person, that person also found Tianhuo, turned his head unabated to look, his face was filled with joy, but before he could speak, his body exploded abruptly, turning into a ball The blood mist floated in mid-air and was blown away immediately.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast also discovered the tragic death of the man, and hastily stopped its steps, and fell towards the mountains below, "I said how did I sense the dangerous breath, it turned out to be the wind!"

Tianhuo stared blankly at the place where the man disappeared. Isn't this way of death too abrupt?

The Star Devouring Moon Beast landed steadily among the mountains, and looked at the sky with lingering fear, "Master, what should we do? We can't see the wind at all, and it will be troublesome if it is affected."

Tianhuo took a breath, "I can only go tentatively, I was too careless before."

If it wasn't for that person in front, I'm afraid that those who burst into blood mist would become Skyfire and Star Devouring Moon Beast!

"I understand, Master!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, and lifted its front foot violently, only to see a huge boulder as tall as a person was bounced up, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast kept moving, kicking the boulder at will. On the ground, the boulder was thrown high and flew straight into the sky.

However, after flying tens of meters, the boulder suddenly turned into powder and fell down. Such a situation made the hearts of Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast sink, "It seems that it can't fly in midair."

"Well, Master, I'll try again." As the Star Devouring Moon Beast said, its front hooves slammed down again. Immediately, stones of various sizes within tens of meters of its body were bounced off one after another. Immediately afterwards, the Star Devouring Moon Beast A violent wave of air gushed out from around him, and it swept away in an instant.

Under the air waves, countless large and small stones scattered and flew in all directions.

Pfft... There were soft puffs resounding in the mountains, and the rocks that shot out, when they reached the mid-air of tens of meters, instantly turned into dust. Obviously, the mid-air is not safe!
Tianhuo took a deep breath, "Tun Xing, pay attention to safety."

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, with a serious look in its eyes, "What the hell is this place? It seems that we can only pass through here."

There are tall mountains on both sides, forming an endless canyon in front of Tianhuo, a man and a beast. The only safe place is probably tens of meters below the canyon.

Tianhuo looked up at the mountains on both sides again, "With this mysterious wind, the mountains are actually fine. It's a bit weird. It seems that these winds will not cause damage to the mountains."

I don't know how many years have passed, and I don't know if these mountains are used to the existence of this kind of wind, and they can stand upright now.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast sized it up lightly, chose a boulder about Zhang Xu in size, kicked it with its right front hoof, and kicked the boulder straight away, and then, the Star Devouring Moon Beast followed the boulder with strides. .

After chasing a hundred meters, seeing that the boulder was about to fall to the ground, the Star Devouring Moon Beast kicked the boulder again, kicked the boulder up again, followed the boulder and shot away, and so on.

Tianhuo shook his head secretly, this is undoubtedly a good way at the moment, but it is a pity that the speed has dropped a lot, not to mention, it is tiring enough to swallow stars, but this is the only way to leave here safely!
If there is no damage to the place where the boulder passes, it means it is safe. There is nothing wrong with Tun Xing following the boulder, but this way of advancing will undoubtedly delay the time of Tianhuo.

Several hours passed, and the sky was about to darken again, but neither man nor beast flew out of the canyon. Fortunately, there was no danger.

"Master, it should be safe, right? I'll give it a try." After traveling for so long, the Star Devouring Moon Beast was a little tired, allowing the boulder to fall to the ground, and Star Devouring used the previous method again, causing countless explosions. Stones flew all over the sky.


Just like before, any huge boulder that entered the air of tens of meters would turn into dust in an instant.

"Hey, I haven't walked out of this dangerous area yet." The Star Devouring Moon Beast shook his head helplessly. If this continues, he doesn't know when he will be able to get out of here.

Tianhuo also shook his head helplessly. In this twilight, the light of the fire in the distant sky is more obvious, as if it has never changed.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast kicked the boulder away again and followed it forward, but it didn't take long before the boulder that was galloping suddenly turned into a fireball, but it was burnt to pieces in the blink of an eye.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast hurriedly stopped and looked around warily. It seemed calm here, but the burning boulder made it and Tianhuo both understand that it might have entered a dead end.

"First it was wind, now it's fire, swallow stars, try it." Tianhuo said concentratingly.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast repeated its old trick, and the stones scattered all over the sky, but except for behind, all the stones that were more than ten meters away from the front were burned instantly, and the stones that flew into the air were also burned. It crumbled to pieces with a light pop.

"Master, it looks like we have to turn around," said the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Tianhuo patted his forehead, he has been walking here for a long time, who knows if the way back will become dangerous, and if we change the way, it may still be like this!

While thinking about it, the sky darkened, leaving only the fiery red light shining on the land, and at this moment, starting from the distance that Tianhuo could see, walls of fire burst out from the ground, towards Tianhuo and swallowing stars. The Moon Devouring Beast filled the air.

Suddenly, a terrifying heat wave swept through the canyon.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast stepped back, "Master, what should I do?"

With the Xiantian Lingding, Tianhuo didn't feel the attack of the heat wave, but the heat wave in the entire canyon was clearly visible, and the air became thinner at this moment.

"Tian Ling, can the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron protect us from here?" Tian Huo asked intently, the speed of those diffuse flames was too fast, even if Tun Xing turned around, he couldn't escape the sweep of these flames.

"Yes, but it is very likely that the refining of the elixir will fail." Tianling said innocently.

"If you fail, you will fail. It's important to save your life." Tianhuo gritted his teeth, now is not the time to care about his life.

"Oh, okay!" Tianling said with some reluctance. Immediately afterwards, the Xiantian Lingding cauldron came out of Tianhuo's body and fell down backwards. A soft light spewed out from the cauldron's mouth, covering Tianhuo and the Star Devouring Moon Beast. stand up.

As soon as they were shrouded by this magical light, the flames roared in front of them and devoured the sky fire and the devouring star and moon beast. For a moment, each person and beast felt that they had entered a world of flames, surrounded by dense flames.

However, under the light of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, those flames were not allowed to enter at all, and were firmly blocked from the light.

All around, where the flames passed, the mountains and rocks were shattered, only Tianhuo and Tunxing stood intact under the protection of the Xiantian Lingding.

Tianhuo only felt that his throat was a little dry, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He didn't know how long the flames would last, and he didn't know how long the innate spirit cauldron could last. If the protection of the innate spirit cauldron failed, each person and beast would be dead.

 I can only update once these days, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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