The strongest saint

Chapter 337 Fate Soul Pill

Chapter 337 Fate Soul Pill

The flames filled the canyon, and with the previous warning that the boulder was instantly burnt to pieces, the Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't dare to move forward and just stood there.

Tianhuo swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and his palms were covered with sweat at some point, "Tun Xing, keep going!"

"Ah? Master, are you sure?" Star Devouring Moon Beast asked nervously, startled.

Before these flames gushed out, the boulder had already been burned to pieces by an invisible force. Now, the sky fire actually let it go on?
Tianhuo nodded solemnly, "We can't wait. If the innate spirit is exhausted, then we are finished. If we continue to move forward now, there is still a glimmer of hope."

The Star Devouring Moon Beast hesitated for a while, but still nodded. Tianhuo was right. If he waited here, he would surely die in the end, so he might as well go forward and take a gamble!
Thinking of this, the Star Devouring Moon Beast took some difficult steps, and the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron was always protecting the heads of one person and one beast, preventing those flames from advancing an inch.

After walking a few steps, seeing that there was nothing abnormal, the Star Devouring Moon Beast took another step cautiously.

"It seems to be really useful. We have reached the place where the previous boulder was shattered." The Star Devouring Moon Beast relaxed a lot and said.

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "Then continue."

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, and stepped out step by step, not daring to speed up at all. Every time it took a step, it felt relieved, but when it was about to take the next step, its heart was full of worries.

Under this complicated psychology, the Star Devouring Moon Beast moved forward.

Tianhuo is not much better. Every step of the Star Devouring Moon Beast affects his heart, as if stepping on his heart, but it has walked a distance of more than ten meters, but Tianhuo seems to have experienced a big battle, but There is no end in sight for the road ahead!


Suddenly, there was a howling wind in front of the canyon, and then, the flames in the entire canyon surged rapidly with the help of the wind, roaring like a torrent.

In an instant, the flames in the entire canyon seemed to be boiling, and a huge impact came oncoming, making the Star Devouring Moon Beast stop, "Master, I'm in trouble!"

Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, and what he was worried about was not that he couldn't take a step, but that at this moment, the light emitted by the Xiantian Lingding tripod trembled, as if it would burst at any time.

"Tianling, hold on!" Tianhuo said hurriedly, his face paled in shock.

"It's over..." Tianling's words made Tianhuo's heart fall to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

puff!Following Tian Ling's voice, the turning light released by the Xiantian Lingding cauldron was instantly shattered, and a terrible heat wave directly blasted on Tianhuo and the Star Devouring Moon Beast, but in the blink of an eye, the Star Devouring Moon Beast was completely covered. It was scorched black, and the sky fire was not much better, the hair burned instantly!
Terrible burning pain appeared on Tianhuo's face, and under the violent heat wave, Tianhuo couldn't breathe at all, and his health dropped rapidly at this moment.

"Take it!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth and hurriedly took back the Star Devouring Moon Beast. One death is better than two!
Tianhuo felt helpless, he didn't expect that his surrogate puppet would be used here, and even if the surrogate puppet died for himself once, Tianhuo might not be able to resist the rest, he still had to die!

The Star Devouring Moon Beast disappeared under the Skyfire Seat, and Skyfire's HP dropped a bit. If this continues, it will be over in the next second!
Despair surged in Tianhuo's heart for the first time, facing such a flame, there was no chance at all!
"Chirp..." Suddenly, a cheerful cry of a phoenix resounded beside Tianhuo, and in an instant, Tianhuo felt the heat wave all over his body disappear instantly.

Turning his head to look, Tianhuo saw a terrifying scene. He saw a gigantic phoenix coming out of nowhere, burning with blue flames all over his body. Under this flame, the flames in the entire canyon seemed to be drawn. Usually, they rush towards the phoenix completely.

The tingling feeling quickly disappeared on Tianhuo's face, but the flames in the canyon surged towards the Phoenix, as if being absorbed by it, but within tens of breaths, it disappeared completely!

The phoenix flew up in circles, and flew straight towards the fiery land in the distance, and disappeared in front of Tianhuo in an instant, only a crisp voice came, "You saved my life, and I saved yours too." One life, even."

After the clear voice fell, Phoenix's figure also disappeared from Tianhuo's sight.

Tianhuo was taken aback, "Little Phoenix?"

If you want to talk about the phoenix I have saved, it is only the one in the palace of the gods. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, it was the little phoenix that saved me!
Sure enough, Tianhuo hurriedly checked towards the Fanshen Palace, but saw that the little phoenix was no longer in it, apparently it had left the Fanshen Palace.

"Master, I can't help it. It insists on leaving. I can only let it go." The housekeeper sensed the arrival of Tianhuo and said helplessly.

Tianhuo nodded, that's okay, we owe each other right now, it's not a bad thing to let it go, Tianhuo wondered why the little phoenix was able to leave the Fanshen Palace by himself, but now it seems that it was the housekeeper who let it go.

Xinnian left the Palace of Fanshen, and saw that the canyon had returned to calm, there was no shadow of flames at all, only the earth was emitting green smoke, proving that the previous scene was true.

After subsiding for a while, Tianhuo said: "Tianling, didn't you say that with the innate spirit cauldron, you are not afraid of these flames? I almost died, what's going on?"

This time, Tianhuo became suspicious of the Xiantian Lingding, and he almost died!
"Hee hee, it's all right, you can't blame me, it just so happens that the congenital spirit cauldron has been successfully refined, and it's time for the pill to come out." Tianling said, and a pill floated in front of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was taken aback, was it successfully refined at this critical moment?I almost killed myself!If Little Phoenix was not released by the housekeeper in time, it would really be over.

But the matter has passed, and the canyon has returned to normal now, and it should be able to move on.

Seeing the elixir with light color flowing in front of him, Tianhuo copied it into his hand.

Fate Soul Pill: A elixir refined from Fate Soul Ghost Face Flower, after taking it, the four major attributes +2000.

Latent effect: 1. There is a 10% chance to activate the recovery effect in the state of serious injury, and instantly restore the injury.

2. After death, there is a 20% chance to trigger resurrection on the spot, and stand up after breaking, increasing the four attributes +3000.

"Eh?" Tianhuo was stunned when he saw the attributes of the Fate Soul Pill, there were actually two latent effects, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that these two latent effects were cursing himself!

"Surprised, aren't you? Hee hee, you have another life, shouldn't you thank me?" Tian Ling joked.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly. I strongly hoped not to use this latent effect. Not to mention the first one, let's take the second one as an example. After death, there is a 20% chance of him being resurrected. The probability is too low. It is estimated that it cannot be triggered.

So Tianhuo doesn't care about the two latent effects at all. There are four major attributes + 2000, which is enough. Such a pill is already very powerful, which makes Tianhuo very satisfied. As for the latent effect, Tianhuo doesn't even want to think about it .

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have taken the Life Soul Pill, the four attributes +2000, and you have obtained the latent effect."

Taking the Life Soul Pill without hesitation, Tianhuo's attributes have increased a bit, which has already satisfied Tianhuo, "Tianling, how long does it take for the Xiantian Lingding to advance to the intermediate level?"

"It's hard to say, just wait slowly!" Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, and summoned the Star Devouring Moon Beast again in a flip of his hand. As soon as the latter appeared, he looked around cautiously. After seeing that the canyon had returned to calm, he let out a long sigh of relief, "Master, are you okay?" ?Uh?"

When the Star Devouring Moon Beast turned its head, it saw that most of Tianhuo's eyebrows and hair had been scorched. Although the health had recovered, the eyebrows and hair would not recover so quickly.

Seeing the star devouring moon beast's eyes, Tianhuo hastily touched his eyebrows and hair, and suddenly smiled wryly, "It's not bad, at least I saved my life, let's go on, this time it should be safe."

As he said that, Tianhuo jumped onto the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and the latter repeated his old tricks, using boulders to open the way, and continued to move forward, but it seemed that because those flames appeared and were absorbed by the little phoenix, there was no fire in the canyon. Danger again.

When dawn came, we finally left the Grand Canyon.

Walking out of the Grand Canyon, Tianhuo's eyes lit up with the scenery in front of him. He saw that the jungle was densely covered here, and it was difficult to see the peak in front of him. Only low but densely forested hills were left, and flying monsters were flying in the sky. Wandering wantonly, like another world.

"How is this possible? Don't those flames appear here?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast asked in amazement.

Tianhuo was also surprised. In the rising sun, flying monsters were flying one after another, and judging from the jungles on those hills, there must have been no wind or fire here, which made this place look like a paradise.

There are two worlds behind and in front of him!

And the far horizon was still glowing red, and it was impossible to tell how far away it was.

"It should be safe here, Tunxing, let's go!" Tianhuo said without delay, patted Tunxing.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, then stepped into the air, and continued to fly forward. It had been aggrieved for so long before, and now it was able to fly freely, which made Tun Xing feel happy.

"Roar!" Flying high, the Star Devouring Moon Beast couldn't help but let out a long roar. Under the long roar, the monsters in the sky were scattered in all directions screaming. After all, under the pressure of the intermediate beasts, They dare not make any changes.

However, following the roar of the Star Devouring Moon Beast rippling away, in the jungle in the distance, there was also a terrifying beast roar, followed by an angry roar, "It's fine if you break into my territory, and you dare to disturb me?" I'm cleaning up, little beast, you're tired of living!"

With the appearance of this roar, a figure also rose from a distance, pointed directly at Tianhuo and Swallowing Star, and shot towards them.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he murmured: "It may not be safe here! Is it a human or a beast?"

(End of this chapter)

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