The strongest saint

Chapter 338 Flame Vortex

Chapter 338 Flame Vortex
In the sky, a figure galloped towards Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast, and stopped a hundred meters in front of him in a few breaths, staring at Tianhuo angrily.

This is an old man who looks like he is about to decay, with a rickety figure and bark-like skin, but the whole body of the old man is trembling with relief, and one can tell that the strength of this old man is extraordinary.

"It's fine to pass by my site, but if you disturb my cultivation, you are doing your own death!" said the old man coldly.

"Master, this is a divine beast in human form, very powerful!" the voice of the Devouring Star and Devouring Moon Beast rang out in Tianhuo's mind, full of fear.

Tianhuo's heart suddenly turned into a humanoid beast?I have only seen those guys from the Dragon Clan and Iron Stone, but now I have met one.

Needless to say, the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo also knows the strength of the old man in front of him, and he is not invincible at all!

"Sorry, senior, we didn't know you were here to clean up, and you still look at Haihan when you disturb me." Tianhuo said, cupping his fists.

Since it is a divine beast in human form, Tianhuo can imagine how powerful it is. Thinking about the Linlong who was born not long ago, his strength was astounding. Now this old man who has been transformed into a divine beast in human form has survived for many years. shocking.

"Haihan? It sounds good. At the critical moment when the old man is recovering his youthful appearance, this guy under your seat yelled at me and made me lose all my previous efforts. How can I be Hanhan!" It seems to be afraid of something.

"It's a side branch of the Dragon Clan. You have a token presented by the Dragon Emperor on your body. He dare not move rashly." Tianling expressed the doubts in Tianhuo's heart.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, is this old man a side branch of the Dragon Clan?Could it be a dragon?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "How difficult is it for seniors to restore their youthful appearance? If I can help you, do you want us to leave?"

The old man's expression changed, he looked Tianhuo up and down, and was about to speak, but saw Tianhuo took out several pills.

"Senior, don't let go and try these elixirs." Tianhuo popped out the elixirs in his hand, and the old man grabbed them completely, and checked them suspiciously.

After checking it, the old man was slightly moved, then relaxed a little, and his voice became calm, "Only three? It's not enough."

Tianhuo smiled, and took out seven more, "Senior, there are only so many."

Huiyan Dan: After taking it, it will make the appearance younger for five years, and it can be taken many times.

This is the elixir that Tianhuo got back then, but it has never been used. He can't offend the old man right now, so he just gave away this useless thing to Tianhuo.

The old man took the elixir and was not in a hurry to take it. He glanced at Tianhuo again and said, "Didn't the Dragon Clan send you here?"

"Senior, don't get me wrong, we are just passing by here and need to rush to the center of Fenghuo Treasure Land." Tianhuo was a little puzzled, but he still said.

Hearing this, the old man secretly sighed, "Then you guys go!"

As he said that, the old man stepped aside, but he simply did not block Tianhuo's way.

Seeing the old man's expression, Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, "Could it be that senior is waiting for the Dragon Clan to arrive?"

The old man lost his previous anger, stared at Tianhuo for a moment, and said hesitantly: "I saw that you have the aura of the Dragon King on your body, and you must be carrying the token of the Dragon King. It is impossible to send humans here, so I cut off this idea, so let's go!"

Tianhuo's heart moved, could it be that this guy was sent here by the Dragon Clan?Looking at the appearance of this old man, I am afraid that he has lived here for many years, so he must know Fenghuo Baodi very well. If he can get his advice, it will be very convenient for him to do things here!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't help but be moved, let's try it out!
"Senior, do you want to return to the Dragon Clan?" Tianhuo asked tentatively.

The old man nodded slightly, and looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "I've been here for an unknown amount of time, so I naturally want to go back, but forget it, I'll continue to wait, you can go!"

After finishing speaking, the old man's figure flickered, and soon disappeared from Tianhuo's sight.

Tianhuo hesitated to speak, he miscalculated, and wanted to trick the old man to his side to give him advice, but the old man didn't give him the chance.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, let's go!"

This time, the Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't dare to roar presumptuously, and left quickly in silence.

Tianhuo looked back at the place where the old man fell. He was waiting for the Dragon Clan to arrive. Why?Looks like it's been a long time!

But there is no chance to ask, and Tianhuo is not reluctant. When he arrives at Fatty's place in a few days, let's take a look at the palace first. From Tianhuo's point of view, since there is a palace in Fenghuo Land, it must be left by Fengshen. Seeing Fengshen in it is naturally the best.

A few days passed, and it seemed that we had reached the edge of this green land, but the front turned into a barren area again, with less and less vegetation.

Skyfire and Star Devouring Moon Beast are on alert again. In this situation, it is usually because of the invisible wind and flames that this area has become such a barren place.

The flying height of the Star Devouring Moon Beast has been lowered a bit. With the previous experience, it dare not be careless now.

Keeping flying at a low altitude, the Star Devouring Moon Beast also slowed down, "Master, the air has become hot again, and it seems that it is not far from the place where the fire appeared."

Tianhuo looked up, and the sky in the distance was still full of flames. It has been a few days, but it is still like this. .”

The place where the flames soared into the sky was the only way for Tianhuo to pass, but after a few days it hadn't arrived, but Tianhuo was relieved, maybe those flames were still far away, perhaps after the palace that the fat man discovered.

As they moved forward, the ground gradually became scorched black, and from time to time, traces of flames could be seen emerging from the ground, burning the already scorched ground red.

Suddenly, a flame shot up into the sky, and a terrible heat wave swept away. It happened to appear tens of meters in front of the sky fire, but it dissipated in an instant.

Even so, the Star Devouring Moon Beast hastily stopped its figure and looked down in horror, not knowing where the flame would come from. If it happened to hit it, the consequences would be disastrous!

It's just that the sky is full of dangers, so the Star Devouring Moon Beast dare not fly high!
Tianhuo's heart was full of worries, in such a place, he had to be careful everywhere, after a few days, he felt his heart was full of exhaustion, if he continued like this, he might not be able to bear it.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast moved ahead vigilantly, while the Skyfire stared at the ground below vigilantly, and if there were flames emerging, he could find out in advance.

Not long after, Tianhuo's expression froze suddenly, "Zi Meier!"

On the ground below, Zi Meier was galloping forward, but upon closer inspection, one could find that her movements were as swift as the wind, and with a light tap of her toes, she could fly a distance of tens of feet, which was not slower than ordinary people's flying, but only because of the surrounding temperature. High horror, Zi Meier was already dripping with sweat.

"Go down and pick her up." Tianhuo patted Tunxing and said.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast speeded up, and quickly caught up with Zi Meier, who also noticed someone coming, turned around on guard, and when he saw that it was Tianhuo, his eyes lit up, "Skyhuo!"

"Come up!" Tianhuo beckoned.

Zi Meier didn't neglect either, she didn't have a mount, she was exhausted these days, and she almost died here after encountering crises again and again.

"Tianhuo, have you met Yifeng?" Zi Meier asked impatiently as soon as she got on Tunxing's back.

Tianhuo shook his head, when entering here, everyone was separated, the Tianyan Legion was nearly 3 people, and Tianhuo only met Zi Meier.

Seeing Tianhuo shaking her head, Zi Meier showed a worried look, the danger here can only be known by experiencing it first-hand, there are crises full of near-deaths everywhere, I don't know how Yifeng's luck is.

After a moment of silence, Zi Meier said again: "Tianhuo, where are you going?"

"Fatty found a palace in front of him. I'm going to go and have a look. It just so happens that this direction is also the direction to the center. My destination should be there." Tianhuo said with a smile.

Zi Meier nodded, "Then I will follow you, hoping to meet Yifeng."

"Well, by the way, what is he looking for?" Tianhuo remembered Yifeng's goal. He needed to find a treasure to restore Yikuang's body. If he encountered it, he could get it for him.

"Holy Spirit fruit and powerful blood essence. Countless strong people died in this Fenghuo Treasure Land, and there are also powerful beasts. There should be some blood essence left behind. Getting any of them can make Senior Yi Kuang recover more smoothly." Zi Meier said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and kept the two materials in mind. If he encounters them, he will naturally not let them go.

"The flame here is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know if I can pass through it." Zi Mei'er said worriedly, and then said: "Tianhuo, are you not hot? You are not sweating."

Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose, there was the Xiantian spirit cauldron, this heat wave was nothing, even if those flames came out, he might be able to resist it, and he almost died before, all because the Xiantian spirit cauldron just happened to be refined.

Right now, the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron has not refined any items, so the previous problems should not occur.

"Zi Meier, shall I take you to the Fanshen Palace? I will let you out after passing here." Seeing Zi Meier dripping with sweat, Tianhuo couldn't bear it, and said.

Zi Meier was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and smiled, "Alright, I'll rest first."

Tianhuo smiled, Zi Meier had disappeared on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Phew... Zi Meier had just entered the palace of the mortal gods, but suddenly a flame burst out from below, blasting to the belly of the Star Devouring Moon Beast in an instant, and for a moment, a terrifying heat wave surged around.

"Moon Devourer!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast reacted extremely quickly, and hurriedly used its skills to resist the flames. Unexpectedly, under the skill Moon Devouring, those flames could not advance an inch, and were successfully resisted!

"Huh? Tun Xing, not bad!" Tianhuo joked in relief.

However, as soon as the words fell, the flames under Tun Xing's belly suddenly turned into a whirlpool, and a terrifying suction came, instantly sucking one person and one beast down.

(End of this chapter)

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