The strongest saint

Chapter 340 Mysterious Palace

Chapter 340 Mysterious Palace
"You're courting death!" The Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon suddenly roared in a low voice, and then Tianhuo saw that the magma in the cave was tumbling rapidly.

Seeing this situation, a mysterious smile flashed in Tianhuo's eyes, he stepped up into the air, and went straight to the top of the cave, looking down at the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, "Try it!"

"Hmph! I want you to have no bones left!" Amidst the deep roar, the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon opened its mouth, and a terrifying attack the size of a bucket gushed out, pointing directly at the sky fire!

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he dodged to the side, avoiding the attack of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, but that attack hit the top of the cave without stopping.

Boom!The entire magma cave trembled, and then countless boulders fell down and submerged in the magma.

Tianhuo turned his head and glanced at the place attacked by the scarlet fire monster dragon, only to see that there was a large upside-down hole about ten feet deep, and he couldn't help but secretly said: "It really works!"

Dodging under the big pit again, Tianhuo shook his head at the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon disdainfully, "The attack is too weak! It's not enough!"

With that said, Tianhuo wrapped his arms around him, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

The anger in the eyes of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon was even worse. It slowly pulled up from the magma, and finally stood firmly on the magma, staring up at the sky fire, and its neck suddenly began to turn red.

Tianhuo's heart froze, now he is playing with fire, if he is not careful, he will die, but in order to get out from here, Tianhuo had to take a gamble.

During Tianhuo's guard, the scarlet fire demon dragon's neck had turned crimson red, and powerful flames began to gather around its neck. Immediately afterwards, the scarlet fire demon dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and the breath that made Tianhuo's scalp numb was also released. The moment is in the air.

Under the terrifying breath, the red-golden flame roared out as if materialized, and at this moment, Tianhuo suddenly found that he was unable to move, and was completely suppressed in place by the terrifying attack!
"Look at what you've done, it's over this time!" Tian Ling said in despair.

Tianhuo didn't have time to answer Tianling, because the attack had already arrived!

The attack came in an instant, and Tianhuo was suppressed by an inexplicable breath. Although he could not feel the pressure from outside under the action of the Xiantian Lingding, he couldn't move at all for a while.

At this critical moment, a ball suddenly appeared in Tianhuo's hand, and then the ball shattered. At this time, the attack also arrived, drowning Tianhuo in an instant.

"Hehe, I really don't know how to write the word "dead" bastard, it's a pity that I have waited so long for the skeleton of the sky god." The red fire demon dragon muttered and cursed when he saw that Tianhuo was completely overwhelmed by his attack.

The attack did not stop submerging the sky fire, and blasted it together with the sky fire on the roof of the cave. For a while, endless magma poured down from the roof of the cave.

More than ten seconds passed before the red-gold flame attack dissipated, and it lasted for so long, countless magma fell!
The red-golden flame was getting weaker and weaker, and within the flame, there were faint white lights flashing one after another, making the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon suspiciously alert, not knowing what was going on.

Soon, the flames dissipated, and the next scene made the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon gape from ear to ear in astonishment, only to see Tianhuo standing in the air intact, staring at him playfully.

"I just said that your attack is not strong enough, is there any stronger one?" Tianhuo joked.

At that critical moment, Tianhuo used the injury-free spirit ball for the last time, so far, the injury-free spirit ball shattered.

As soon as Tianhuo's words fell, Tianling's exasperated voice sounded in her head, "What on earth do you want to do? How will you resist the next attack?"

"It's okay, there's a surrogate puppet." Tianhuo secretly said, but his eyes were still staring at the red fire demon dragon below.

There was a look of surprise and uncertainty in the eyes of the red fire demon dragon. He couldn't understand at all, how did Tianhuo maintain this intact state under his own attack?

On a head as big as Zhang Xu, a pair of cold eyes stared at Tianhuo, and the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon said, "This kind of attack can't kill you, you are stronger than you look, but in my eyes, you are still dead!"

Tianhuo slightly raised his head and glanced above, but this scene fell into the eyes of the red fire monster dragon, but it turned into deep disdain, which made him even more angry. Faintly, the magma in the entire cave began to roll again.

Tianhuo glanced at the top, and was amazed in his heart. Under that blow, the entire cave was more than doubled in size, and the entire cave roof was melted to a thickness of [-] meters!
While lowering his head, Tianhuo saw that the magma below was boiling, and the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon was staring at him, "If you don't die this time, I will accept you!"

boom!Following the words of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, the magma in the entire cave was spinning rapidly, and in the center of the rotation, countless magmas formed a fire dragon and drilled out, shooting towards the sky fire.

"Tianling!" Tianhuo shouted violently, and then the Xiantian Lingding cauldron firmly protected Tianhuo.

boom!The fire dragon hit Tianhuo, making a harsh impact sound, but Tianhuo only felt a tingling pain all over his body, and lost consciousness in his legs. go.

Completely covered by magma, Tianhuo discovered that this is not a simple magma, it actually contains the terrifying flame of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon. Wherever it passes, the boulder on the top of the cave instantly turns into magma, making it even stronger. A fire dragon made of magma!

The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron protected Tianhuo's head, and the soft light shrouded Tianhuo. Even so, Tianhuo could feel the terrible heat, and his whole body was in severe stinging pain. Holy Mercy restores health.

Suddenly, Tianhuo loosened his body, and the violent atmosphere around him gradually faded away. He hurriedly looked around, but saw the surrounding magma receding quickly, revealing the surrounding scenery, mountains, rivers, blue sky, and white clouds!
"Come out!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, and hurriedly looked down, only to realize that it wasn't the magma receding, but he was thrown out!
Stabilizing his figure, Tianhuo found himself hundreds of meters in the air, the majestic wind blowing by, bringing the breath of soil, which lifted Tianhuo's spirit, and finally succeeded!

Seeing that the passage was blocked by the attack of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon before, Tianhuo came up with the idea of ​​the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon. Since it can easily blast the wall, why can't it blast the roof of the cave?
Provoking the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon again and again is to let its attack blast open the roof of the cave so that I can come out. Now it seems that although I wasted the last chance of the injury-free spirit ball, fortunately I also succeeded and escaped from the cave. The underground magma world.

"So you came up with this idea, and you didn't say anything first, you scared me to death." Tian Ling said with lingering fear.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, he had already left that depressing place in his heart, and now he felt indescribably comfortable, "Don't be too happy, it's not over yet!"

Although he came out, the scarlet fire demon dragon was still staring at him. Tianhuo knew that it would come after him, but now that he had come out, Tianhuo had full confidence in getting rid of the scarlet fire demon dragon.

Sure enough, from the cave that was forcibly broken by the scarlet fire demon dragon, the scarlet fire demon dragon got out, but to Tianhuo's surprise, when this guy came out, he just looked at Tianhuo lightly, and had no intention of making another move .

The sky fire landed and stopped a hundred meters away from the scarlet fire demon dragon. This distance is enough to deal with the danger by myself!

The Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon stared at Tianhuo, unwillingness appeared in his eyes, and he sighed after a long time, "Okay, I keep my word, I'm convinced."

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the words of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, "If you don't die this time, I will accept you!" '

"Thank you!" Tianhuo clasped his fists at the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, and continued, "I didn't expect that senior's attack would be so strong, and it would directly blow away such a thick earth."

The Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon let out a cold snort, and turned its head away, as if it had received a major blow, ignoring Tianhuo, the attack was strong, but Tianhuo was able to survive his attack intact, it already made its face dull!
"Get out of here, don't talk nonsense!" said the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, and burrowed into the cave.

Tianhuo didn't care at all, and let out a long sigh of relief, "It finally came out!"

"Hey, Tian Huo Da Da, why are you almost here suddenly? So fast!" Fatty's voice sounded in the team channel.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and opened the map to have a look. Sure enough, the map showed that Fatty was not far away.

"It's hard to say, wait a minute, we'll be there soon." As Tianhuo said, he summoned the Star Devouring Moon Beast and stepped up.

He galloped towards the place where the fat man was, but after more than ten minutes, he had crossed countless mountains and rivers, and the front became flat, and on the flat land, a blue-black palace stood upright.

This is the palace that the fat man said he couldn't enter. Tianhuo has been rushing around these days just to get here, and now, he has finally arrived!
"Haha, Tianhuo is big, your mount is majestic, so fast!" Fatty laughed when he saw Tianhuo coming from a long distance riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Landing in front of the palace, Tianhuo rolled over and said, "Fatty, long time no see, you're fat again."

"Uh... I can't see that I'm fat in the game, right?" Fatty hurriedly looked at his figure and murmured.

Tianhuo was dumb, coughed dryly, pointed to the blue-black palace in front of him and asked: "Have you checked everything? No entrance?"

The fat man came back to his senses, and nodded helplessly, "The gate is closed, and the rest of the place is covered with walls. If you didn't want to see it, I would have checked elsewhere. There seems to be nothing in this hall."

"Not necessarily, since the main hall is here, there must be a way to go in, let's take a look." Tianhuo said, walking towards the gate of the palace.

The fat man shook his head and followed, "I know some well-known passwords, such as open sesame, I've tried everything, but it still doesn't work."

Tianhuo staggered, looked at the fat man in disbelief, the muscles on his face trembled slightly, and it took him a long time to say, "You're so funny!"

"Hey, just kidding, let's see if you can open it. Actually, I really want to go in and have a look." The fat man laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, and swept to the front of the gate to take a closer look.

(End of this chapter)

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