The strongest saint

Chapter 341 Suzaku Fan

Chapter 341 Suzaku Fan

The palace is as high as hundreds of feet, the whole body is blue and black, and there is a simple and heavy atmosphere.

In front of the gate, Tianhuo looked around carefully, hoping to find a way to open the hall.

However, after a long time, no mechanism was found at all, which made Tianhuo puzzled, at least there should be a keyhole, right?But it didn't.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo said via voice transmission: "Tianling, do you know this hall?"

"Of course..." Tianling's voice dragged on for a long time, which made Tianhuo happy for a while, but then Tianling said, "Of course I don't know you."

Tianhuo rolled his eyes and looked at Fatty again, only to see Fatty shaking his head hastily, "I've tried everything, but I can't split it, and I can't push it."

Tianhuo shook his head secretly, if he couldn't open it, wouldn't it be in vain?

Thinking, Tianhuo tentatively pushed over.

The fat man on the side shook his head and looked at Tianhuo's movements with a smile. He had tried these himself, and the door could not be pushed open.


Suddenly, a deep voice came, making Tianhuo and Fatty stunned, "I'll fuck it, what's going on!"

I saw that the door opened slowly by itself under the push of Tianhuo!
The fat man looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, he had tried it before, but he couldn't push it away at all, why did Tianhuo open as soon as he pushed it?
Tianhuo raised his eyebrows towards Fatty, "Let's go!"

Suddenly, a burst of red light shot out from the open door. Unprepared, Tianhuo was hit in the chest and flew out. When the blow succeeded, the red light quickly receded and disappeared into the depths of the hall. not see.

Tianhuo turned over and stabilized his body, staring intently at the dark hall, "Fatty, do you see what it is?"

The fat man hurriedly shook his head, and looked at the hall in horror, "I didn't see clearly."

"You wait for me here, I'll go in and have a look, and I'll call you when it's safe." Saying that, without waiting for Fatty's answer, Tianhuo rushed into the hall quickly.

In the blue-black hall, more than a dozen tall stone pillars support the entire hall, and they are neatly arranged towards the depth of the hall. In the hall that others can't see clearly, it is as bright as daylight in front of Tianhuo, without the slightest influence.

There was nothing here, but Tianhuo was on alert, because the red light that appeared to attack him earlier made Tianhuo have to be careful.

An inaudible, rapid and soft sound sounded behind Tianhuo, and Tianhuo hurriedly moved away before turning around to look, but saw an illusory phoenix phantom appearing where he was standing before, and looked a little astonished at the sudden appearance of a hundred meters away. Fire outside.

"Phoenix!" Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, never thinking that it was this illusory Phoenix that attacked him before!

After being dazed, Tianhuo cupped his fists, "This senior..."

Before the words could be fully uttered, the illusory phoenix moved again, shooting towards Tianhuo again, with a flaming afterimage, and did not listen to Tianhuo at all.

Tianhuo frowned, and retreated violently, "Senior, please don't do anything yet."

"Oh, that's not a remnant soul, but a phantom created by something. It has no intelligence. What are you talking about with it?" Tianling's funny voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo was stunned, right?Judging from the eyes of this phantom, it should be possessed of spiritual intelligence, otherwise why would he have shown a look of astonishment before?

After hesitating for a while, Tianhuo shrugged and said: "Okay, let's fight first, then verbal punishment, the iron clothes will be broken on the battlefield!"

hum!Large golden characters emerged one by one, illuminating the entire hall, and as the characters fell, the phoenix phantom paused, and hurriedly fled towards the depths of the hall again.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo used teleportation to quickly catch up, but found that there was no way to stop the path of this phantom. In an instant, the phantom had disappeared on the stone table not far away.

"So it came out from there." Tianhuo murmured as he stared at the stone table placed in the center of the hall.

Walking over to take a look, I saw a big seat behind the stone table, but that is not important, what is important is that there is a folding fan quietly placed on the stone table, the phantom of the phoenix is ​​the one who entered in it.

The stone table was covered with dust, but the folding fan was spotless, such a strange situation made Tianhuo a little puzzled.

While in doubt, something jumped in the ring of the sage of the sage, and the sky fire hurriedly opened, but seeing the basalt whip shaking, I don't know what it meant, and at the moment of opening the ring of the sage of the sage, I saw the fan on the table It also trembled in the same way, echoing the Xuanwu whip.

"Could it be... the Suzaku Fan!" Seeing the abnormal state of the two, Tianhuo's eyes lit up immediately, and thought of a possibility. Back then, Lei Shen said that the Xuanwu Whip would have a reaction with several other artifacts. My folding fan must be the Suzaku fan!
"The Eye of the Glyph Sage!" Thinking of this, Tianhuo cast the Glyph Sage's Eye, and sure enough, under the Glyph Sage's eyes, the attribute of the folding fan appeared!

Suzaku fan (artifact), unknown attribute, unusable.

"Lead the sheep by hand!" Tianhuo waved his sleeve robe, and the Suzaku fan appeared in his hand instantly, making Tianhuo look forward to it, this artifact can summon Suzaku by itself, it must be very powerful!
"Glyph Sage's Eye!" Using the Glyph Sage's Eye again, Tianhuo naturally intended to identify the attributes of the Suzaku Fan.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on triggering the appraisal ability of the Eye of the Grave Sage, this item does not require appraisal."

The system prompt that appeared made Tianhuo puzzled for a while, why did he remind himself that he didn't need to identify when he couldn't see the attribute?

The Xuanwu Whip is a quest item, and I can figure it out if I can't use it, but the Suzaku Fan in my hand at the moment is not a quest item.
Tianhuo clearly remembered that Lei Shen said at the beginning that the four artifacts of Xuanwu Whip, Suzaku Fan, Qinglong Ling, and White Tiger Gauntlets were the weapons of the four main gods in their early years. If they were gathered together, they could exert extraordinary power. Now there are two He started with the artifact, but the situation made Tianhuo a little confused. Could it be that he had to collect all four pieces to see the attributes?
Putting the Suzaku fan away with some regret, Tianhuo's heart moved. He heard from the god of thunder that these four artifacts were the weapons of the four main gods in the early years, so the Suzaku fan appearing here should be the weapon of the Fengshen. If he is here, then, will Fengshen also be here?

"Tianling, help me sense, is Fengshen coming here?" Tianhuo said a little excitedly.

"Tianhuo, Fengshen is not here, but you have the Suzaku Fan, as long as Fengshen is in Fenghuo Baodi, you will be able to find him." Tianling said.

Tianhuo was a little disappointed, but then he nodded firmly, just like he got the Xuanwu Whip, now that he got the Suzaku Fan, he would definitely be sensed by Fengshen, and even if he didn't go to Fengshen, I'm afraid he would.

"Tianhuo, what's the matter?" Outside the main hall, the fat man shouted at the top of his voice.

Tianhuo teleported out of the main hall, and handed the Suzaku fan to Fatty for inspection, "There is this thing, let's go, let's go to the center."

The fat man took the Suzaku fan, his chin could not be closed in surprise, and he muttered: "It is said that there are infinite treasures in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, as expected, I found a divine weapon!"

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and took back the Suzaku fan, "Don't be too happy, the Suzaku fan can't be used yet, let's go!"

The two got on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast and continued to head towards the central area, but Tianhuo was a little worried. The map of the Fenghuo Treasure Land is too big. Where can I find it?

"Skyfire is big, our attribute bonuses are almost gone, hey, what's the matter with this place, many people die every day!" Fatty said helplessly behind Skyfire.

Tianhuo nodded. Now there are still 90% of the staff in Fenghuo Baodi, but many members die every day. After a while, it will be lower than 90%. At that time, the double attribute bonus will be gone. At that time, It will also become dangerous to act here.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't fly too high, so it flew at a distance of more than ten meters from the ground. Fortunately, there was no danger. This guy could roughly sense the danger, so Tianhuo was relieved.

In the sky ahead, the flames are still soaring into the sky, but there is no sign of reaching it at all. It was said before that Tun Xing is not far away, but at this moment, it seems that it may not be reached at all, or maybe it is simply a vision in the sky.

Fatty has been observing the flames in the sky these days, and he is walking towards the flames at this moment. Fatty couldn't hide his excitement, "The fire in the sky is big, what do you think will be there, I'm looking forward to it!"

The next day, the place that was originally a flat river became rough, and mountains appeared again, and not far away, several figures appeared, flying towards the center.

Tianhuo and Fatty stared at those people intently. Those who could fly in the air were usually NPCs.

The speed of the five people in that group was not fast. It seemed that they knew the danger here and did not dare to speed up. Naturally, they also found Tianhuo and Fatty. They were separated by several miles, and Tianhuo could clearly see the clothing of the five people. There was a piece of carving on their waists. With the token of 'Ziyao'.

"It's a disciple of a certain sect, Fatty, be careful." Tianhuo turned his head and said, he was far away, and he was not afraid that the other party could hear him.

The five people on the other side also didn't know what they were talking about, they suddenly stopped flying, and threw a stone forward, only to see that the stone flew tens of meters and then shattered into powder, the five people looked at each other, and landed in a hurry go down.

"Tun Xing, let's go down too." Tianhuo could clearly see the movements of the five people. Obviously, the mysterious wind appeared in that piece of sky again.

It landed straight in the mountains, and with a stampede of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, countless gravels shot out, detecting the surrounding situation. However, as before, it was only dangerous at high altitudes. safe.

"The sky is full of fire, those five people are gone." Fatty said suddenly.

Tianhuo looked up, sure enough, when he observed the situation around him, those five people didn't know where they went.

"Never mind, let's go." Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast and said.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast continued to move forward, the speed was not fast, when it came to the place where the five people were standing before, the Star Devouring stopped, and repeated the same trick, shooting out rubble all over the sky, testing the safety of the surroundings.

The five people disappeared here before, so Tun Xing dare not be careless, maybe, those five people died silently in the mysterious wind!

"Ah!" As the gravel shot out, no danger was found, but a scream came from the side, which stunned Tianhuo and Fatty.

Turning his head to look, he saw a young man with a gloomy face coming out from behind a boulder, with blood streaming from his forehead, "Junior brothers, come out and take them down for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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