The strongest saint

Chapter 342 The Abnormal Movement of the Innate Spirit Cauldron

Chapter 342 The Abnormal Movement of the Innate Spirit Cauldron

The young man stared at Tianhuo and Fatty with a gloomy expression, then shifted his gaze to the Star Devouring Moon Beast sitting under the two of them, touched the blood on his forehead, and said viciously: "I didn't provoke you, but you provoked me instead!" ?”

Tianhuo and Fatty looked at each other, a little unclear about the situation, but seeing the young man's forehead, Tianhuo couldn't help but whispered in Fatty's ear: "The stone that Tunxing just ejected hit this guy's forehead."

The fat man's eyes lit up, "This guy is unlucky enough, hehe."

"Bastard, what are you talking about?" Seeing Tianhuo and Fatty whispering, the young man couldn't help saying angrily.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, these guys hid aside, probably to let himself open the way, so that they would know whether the road ahead was safe or not, but unexpectedly, they were embarrassed by the probing methods of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo coughed dryly, "I'm sorry, my pet is just a wayfinder, this is completely accidental."

"Accident? I think you did it on purpose. You dare to touch my Ziyao Sect. You have so much courage!" Another young man came out from the side, followed by the rest of the people.

But the five of them were not having a good time. Under the rubble bounced by the Star Devouring Moon Beast, all five of them were hit to varying degrees. All of them had bruised noses and swollen faces. The young man with bleeding forehead was actually the lightest!

Tianhuo and Fatty looked at each other, and they both secretly gave the Star Devouring Moon Beast a thumbs up, good guy!

"That's right, our Ziyao Sect is a first-class sect, you are looking for death, boy!" The five young people said each other one by one.

"Shut up!" The young man with the injured forehead snorted coldly, stopped everyone's words, then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, and said: "Boy, as compensation, you go forward to lead the way, and when we reach the central area, we will Do not care!"

"Fuck me, Tianhuo is big, these people really use us as a tool to open the way!" Fatty exclaimed, there are crises everywhere here, and at this moment, both of them understand that these guys are waiting here for Tianhuo and the others Step forward and open the way!
The young man in the lead snorted coldly, "Hmph! It's okay if you don't want to, you must have got a lot of treasures if you made it here, right? Hand it over as compensation, then get out!"

Tianhuo frowned, "I'm afraid even if you lead you to the central area, you will kill people and seize treasures, right?"

The expressions of the five people froze, obviously because they were hit by Tianhuo.

Seeing the expressions of the five people, Tianhuo smiled contemptuously, as expected!

"Tun Xing, don't bother, let's go!" Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and said, since he knew that these five people were not good people, Tianhuo didn't bother to bother.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, stepped forward and shot out, kicked a boulder beside him to open the way, and flew straight forward at low altitude.

The five wanted to pursue, but it was too late. The speed of the Star Devouring Moon Beast was beyond their comparability. For a moment, the faces of the five became gloomy, but they inadvertently touched the wound on their faces, and couldn't help grinning. Cover the wound.

"Bastard, if we meet again, you will die!" The young man with a forehead injury said in a deep voice, and he also led the four of them out, chasing in the direction where Tianhuo left.

"Tianhuo, what game is your mount playing?" On Tianhuo's side, the fat man asked, pointing at the movement of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast is extremely fast, but in front of it, the boulder is even faster, and every time it is about to hit the ground, it is kicked away by Devouring Star again, and Devouring Star is also catching up closely, repeating itself with.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, "Tun Xing is testing whether the road is safe. There are dangers everywhere here. I'm afraid it won't take long for you to see it."

The fat man looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, the sky was so clear here, there was no danger at all!

But soon, I saw the boulder suddenly shattered, and in an instant it turned into fine powder and fell down, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast hurriedly stopped in its tracks, "We met again!"

Fatty looked in amazement at the place where the boulder was turned into powder in front of him. At this moment, he understood why Tun Xing did this. Sure enough, there was an invisible crisis!

The Star Devouring Moon Beast looked around, and tried again by bouncing a large piece of rubble, but saw that the rocks shot into the sky were not damaged at all, and only broke when they fell tens of meters above the ground. Here, it is safe The place is actually in the sky!

The Star Devouring Moon Beast blasted a huge boulder into the sky again, and then chased after it, using the boulder to open a way, walked through the air, and rushed towards the center.

Half a day passed, and the eyes of Tianhuo and Fatty lit up. Looking from mid-air, they could see that the endless mountains in front of them were all burned by flames, extending to an unknown distance, and the two sides also extended to the extreme. Far away, you can't see the end at all.

The fire here is the existence that illuminated the sky that could be seen a few days ago!
"The original source is here. I thought I would never reach it!" Tianhuo murmured, with strange colors flashing in his eyes. These flames seemed to have been burning forever, filling every corner of the mountain range. Not to the gap.

"It's really spectacular!" Fatty sighed sincerely.

Tianhuo also nodded. Facing the endless sea of ​​flames in front of him, it really gave people a surging feeling, but something went wrong again, how should we get over it?If you fly over it, you may not be able to breathe at all, and the temperature above may be more terrifying than that in the sea of ​​fire.

As if responding to Tianhuo's thoughts, in front of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, the boulder was kicked straight into the sky above the sea of ​​flames, but in the blink of an eye, the huge boulder was burned to nothing.

Tianhuo looked at it carefully, it seemed that these flames should come from the earth, so the evasion technique would naturally fail.

"Tianhuo is big, how to get there? I guess, after passing here, it should be the center?" The fat man asked hopefully, he believed that Tianhuo would have a way.

Tianhuo nodded, according to the map, he should be able to reach the central area after walking for two or three days, and he should be able to get there by crossing these seas of fire.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo smiled and said, "Fatty, I'll send you to the Fanshen Palace to stay for a few days, and I'll let you out after the flames pass."

Now that Zi Meier has been sent to the Palace of Fanshen, there is no shortage of fat people.

"Huh? Can't you take me with you? But it's okay, it's so hot, I go to the Fanshen Palace to cool off, hehe." The fat man said with a smile.

Tianhuo nodded, "Zi Meier is also inside, please be polite."

Fatty's eyes lit up, he hurriedly patted his chest and said, "Tianhuo, don't worry!"

After sending the fat man into the palace of all gods, Tianhuo rode out riding on the Star Devouring Moon Beast. The Xiantian Lingding Cauldron also floated above his head, with a soft light shining down, and followed Tianhuo closely into the sea of ​​flames.

He tentatively entered the sea of ​​flames, only to see that the flames were completely blocked by the light of the innate spirit cauldron, unable to get close to Tianhuo and swallowing stars, and reassured Tianhuo that it would not be a problem to pass through here safely.

But when he looked up, he saw the Xiantian Lingding cauldron following him all the time, and felt a little strange all the time, so he couldn't help asking: "Tianling, must the Xiantian Lingding cauldron come out to block the flames for me?"

"Well, you won't need it when you evolve to the intermediate level. You can enter and exit such a sea of ​​fire at will, even if you can perform escapism in such a sea of ​​fire, it will not be a problem." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he looked forward to the evolution of the Xiantian Lingding even more, but unfortunately there was no exact time, so Tianhuo felt helpless while looking forward to it.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast carried Tianhuo galloping in the sea of ​​flames like this, and kept going for several hours, but still couldn't see the edge. If it wasn't for checking the map, Tianhuo might have suspected that it was lost.

"Tianling, what kind of personality do you think Fengshen has?" On the way all the time, Tianhuo always chatted with Tianling every sentence.

"Didn't that little beauty say that that day, Fengshen's real name is Yu Fei, and you should know that Fengshen must have a cheerful personality. Why do you ask this?" Tianling asked.

Tianhuo shrugged, "I'm just curious about the main gods, it's nothing. In fact, what I want to know most is the identity of the masters of Luoshen and Fanshen."

"I understand, although I don't know why you want to know, but when you faced that statue, your mood...was very complicated, with all kinds of emotions emerging, Tianhuo, you don't know that person, do you?" Tianling road.

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, "I don't know, that's why I want to know."

"Hehe, if you find my master, I will definitely ask for you." Tianling smiled.

Tianhuo smiled, and didn't know how long it would take to find out by himself, those who knew didn't tell him, which made Tianhuo very confused, after waiting for so long, he couldn't wait!
While thinking about it, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron above his head suddenly trembled. This abnormal movement made Tianhuo's face change. This guy, is he going to strike again?

"Tianling, hold on!" Tianhuo said hastily, if the Xiantian Lingding cauldron retracts the light of the body protection, it will be troublesome, and he has no way to resist these flames.

"Don't be nervous, it's a good thing. The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron seems to have sensed something, but I don't know." Tianling said while holding the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron.

"Then go and have a look!" Tianhuo hesitated, and walked in the same direction as the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron trembled before, but the position was shifted a little, which did not affect his going to the center.

However, as Tun Xing moved forward, the vibration frequency of the Xiantian Lingding became faster and faster, and it seemed that the destination was not far away!

Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Eyes kept on, and kept staring ahead through the sea of ​​flames. Not long after, he saw an astonishing scene in front of him. He hurriedly motioned for the Star Devouring Moon Beast to stop and looked forward again.

In the sea of ​​fire, a monster covered in scales guarded a big black tree, staring at the sea of ​​fire in the distance warily. To Tianhuo's surprise, the big tree survived the sea of ​​fire without any damage!
And that monster, not afraid of the surrounding flames at all, seemed to have the ability to block the flames with its thick scales, with its back facing the big tree, its red eyes staring at the distance, and roared angrily: "Don't even think about it! "

"It's the phoenix parasol tree again. This is the third tree I've seen. What is that monster? Who is he talking to?" Tianhuo murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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