The strongest saint

Chapter 343 Purple Extreme Spirit Fire

Chapter 343 Purple Extreme Spirit Fire
Hundreds of meters away, Tianhuo stared ahead through the sea of ​​flames, curious in his heart, who was that monster talking to?I didn't see anyone in the distance!
"Tianhuo, your luck is against the sky, and you actually met a kindling, look!" Tianling said excitedly suddenly.

Tianhuo looked carefully at the field, and saw a purple light group that was very conspicuous under the phoenix sycamore tree, and the surrounding flames were constantly rushing towards the light group.

"You mean the purple light cluster? I thought it was something from that monster!" Tianhuo said in amazement.

"That's Ziji Spirit Fire, a very aggressive heaven and earth spirit fire. You must get it. It can help the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron to be promoted to a high level." Tianling couldn't suppress her excitement.

Tianhuo frowned, his eyes lit up, "That's what I didn't say, I must get it!"

"Well, don't touch it, just use the Xiantian Lingding to collect it." Tianling confessed.

Tianhuo nodded, "Gen Sheng's Eye!"

Demon armor mad flame beast (spiritual beast), spirit level 70, HP 5900000, attack (spirit) 26000, defense (spirit) 25000.

Explanation: A strange spirit beast that lives on flames. Although its attack is not strong, its defense is very strong.

"Eh? This spirit beast should be a low-level spirit beast, and its attributes are not strong, but I can't deal with it." Tianhuo shook his head in astonishment.

"Chirp!" As soon as the self-talking sound fell, Tianhuo's eyes lit up when he heard a familiar cry. Although he might not be able to deal with this spirit beast, but with the owner of this voice, it seems that the problem is not too big Woolen cloth!

At this moment, Tianhuo also understood that the Demon Armored Flame Beast was talking to Little Phoenix. As soon as this idea appeared, Little Phoenix suddenly appeared not far from the former. Useless, get out of the way!"

Cold words came from Xiaofenghuang's mouth, and colorful flames began to gather around him.

The Demon Armored Flame Beast is not afraid at all, "Don't think that you can snatch my things casually as a beast, you are too tender, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Little Phoenix's eyes flashed with anger, if it wasn't because of his low level, he would have done it long ago!
And the Phoenix Parasol Sacred Tree is very important to the Phoenix Clan and to her, so she must get it!
Not far away, Tianhuo rubbed his chin. The little phoenix was born not long ago, so his strength was naturally weak, and he had to rely on the protection of the innate spirit tripod in the flames. The soul responds to the dragon, it should not be afraid of these flames.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo rode out on Tunxing.

The two beasts who were confronting each other sensed the arrival of Skyfire and Star Devouring Moon Beast, and they all turned to look at Skyfire. As Skyfire walked out of the flames, little Phoenix had an inexplicable look in his eyes, while Demon Armored Flame Beast was There was a dignified color.

"Little Phoenix, you take the sacred Phoenix Phoenix tree, and I take that thing, how about joining forces?" Tianhuo said straight to the point.

Xiao Fenghuang's eyes lit up, Tianhuo saved her last time, and she also saved Tianhuo a few days ago, now it is not necessary to join forces, after all, she cannot give up on the Phoenix Parasol Sacred Tree, but as for the Ziji Spiritual Fire beside her, she It doesn't matter.

"Listen to you!" Little Phoenix's crisp voice sounded.

"Hmph! Just rely on you?" The Demon Armored Flame Beast snorted coldly, making preparations for battle.

Tianhuo called out the Nine Souls Yinglong, and said with a smile: "Of course it's not just us, it's also there!"

As soon as the Nine Souls Yinglong appeared, even the little phoenix trembled slightly, staring at the Nine Souls in astonishment, and the Demon Armored Flame Beast was also uncomfortable, feeling an inexplicable coercion permeating the air at this moment, straight It's like pressing in my heart.

"I'm suffocating, Master, how could you lock me up for so long!" Nine Souls complained as soon as they appeared.

Tianhuo glanced at the Demon Armored Flame Beast, "Nine Souls, help us deal with this guy first."

Nine Souls Yinglong shifted his gaze to the Demon Armored Flame Beast, shaking his head disdainfully, "That's it?"

The Demon Armored Flame Beast froze for a moment, then snorted coldly, "Don't let me catch the chance, or you are all dead!"

As the warning sounded, the Demon Armored Flame Beast hurriedly backed away, and was submerged in the flames in a blink of an eye. Facing the three divine beasts, it didn't even have the courage to fight.

"Tsk tsk, once the boss of the Nine Souls comes out, he will be defeated without a fight!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast exclaimed.

"This place is not bad, master, don't take me back this time, I'll play here by myself." Jiuhun Yinglong said.

Tianhuo didn't force it, because he was afraid that something would happen to it before, so he sent it to the pet space. Since it said everything, Tianhuo naturally wouldn't do it.

"Little Phoenix, how are you going to move the sacred Phoenix Phoenix tree?" Tianhuo said as he walked towards Ziji Spiritual Fire.

"You don't need to worry about this, Tianhuo, thank you." The little phoenix also flew over and landed directly on the sacred tree.

Tianhuo smiled, what is there to be thankful for?After all, the Demon Armored Flame Beast escaped by itself!
"Little Phoenix, then I will collect this thing." Tianhuo pointed to Ziji Spiritual Fire and said with a smile.

Little Phoenix nodded, not intending to object, but with his words first, Little Phoenix didn't look down on Ziji Spiritual Fire at all, after all, the flames of the Phoenix family were much stronger than Ziji Spiritual Fire.

"Tianling, do it!" Tianhuo said via voice transmission.

Immediately afterwards, the Xiantian spirit cauldron on top of Tianhuo's head turned and sucked fiercely towards the Ziji spirit fire. In an instant, the Ziji spirit fire was sucked in by the Xiantian spirit cauldron.

Tianhuo is overjoyed, the high-level innate spirit cauldron is expected!
Suddenly, the surrounding flames danced strangely and violently, causing Tianhuo and all the beasts to be taken aback. Without waiting for everyone's reaction, they saw raging flames roaring towards the innate spirit cauldron above Chaotianhuo's head, and they were all caught by it. The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron absorbed it.

"Ding! System prompt: Accept the influence of the innate spirit tripod. Congratulations, you have obtained 1000 spiritual experience points, and an additional 7000 spiritual experience points."


At this moment, countless system prompts sounded in Tianhuo's ears. Even with such a low experience value, Tianhuo's experience bar is growing rapidly, which made Tianhuo feel puzzled. Provoked such a reaction!
"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 36, and the four attributes are +5."

In just a few minutes, Tianhuo has been upgraded to a level below these experience points, and this is not over yet, the experience points are still being refreshed constantly!

"Tianling, what's the situation?" Tianhuo asked in surprise and doubt.

"Ziji Spiritual Fire ignited the surrounding flames to resist the refinement of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, but you don't have to worry, there will be no problem with me here." Tian Ling said relaxedly.

Tianhuo's heart stagnates, it's okay not to ask, if he doesn't ask, he can wait for the upgrade with peace of mind, and knowing this situation, Tianhuo is inevitably a little worried, there are endless flames here, if they are all recruited by Ziji Spiritual Fire , Can the Innate Spirit Cauldron bear it?

In the worry of Tianhuo, the surrounding flames are still coming continuously, there is no tendency to stop at all, and the experience value of Tianhuo is also rising rapidly, but after a few minutes, it has been upgraded again, reaching Ling 37 class.

As the time passed, Tianhuo was silent and waited anxiously, while the nine souls and three beasts looked at the surroundings curiously. A flame storm had formed here unconsciously, with Tianhuo as the center, A raging flame storm has already formed.

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 38, and the four attributes are +5."

"Upgraded again!" Tianhuo murmured, raised his head and looked worriedly at the flame storm above, but don't be surprised!

"Tianhuo, please help Fenghuang, I can't suppress it anymore, Ziji Spiritual Fire is stronger than I imagined." Tianling's voice sounded.

Tianhuo was startled. If Tianling couldn't suppress it, the consequences would be unimaginable. Under these endless flames, he was afraid that he would be burned to ashes in an instant.

"Little Phoenix, I can't stand it any longer, help me." Tianhuo looked at Little Phoenix for help.

Teasing flashed in Little Phoenix's eyes, "I thought you improved your strength by doing this!"

As he said that, the little phoenix moved, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at the center of the blazing storm. With his wings spread out, seven-colored light suddenly spread out, and under this light, those violent flames gradually calmed down, but within a few tens of breaths After a while, the previous calm was restored.

"I'm exhausted, Tianhuo, it's okay." Tianling's voice came, with a deep sense of relief.

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, "Little Phoenix, thank you!"

Knowing that the matter has been completed, the little phoenix landed and said with a smile: "Tianhuo, do me a favor too, help me bring the sacred tree to your mortal god palace, and I will take it away someday."

Tianhuo froze for a moment, then nodded, this is not a difficult task, as long as Little Phoenix believes in himself.

Seeing Tianhuo nodding, the little phoenix flew to the sacred tree of the phoenix sycamore, and the colorful light diffused out again, wrapping the sacred tree in an instant, and then saw the sacred tree slowly rising from the ground.

"Receive!" With a thought in his mind, Tianhuo took advantage of the sacred tree rising from the ground, received it in the palace of the gods, and let it fall on the ground that just appeared outside the mountains.

"I'll look for you again after I get out of the Phoenix Treasure Land, Tianhuo, is the Nine Phoenix Ring on you?" Little Phoenix said.

Tianhuo was a little astonished, but his eyes lit up. The Nine Phoenix Ring was taken out in advance when it was being repaired, which resulted in the failure of the Nine Phoenix Ring repair, and the grade dropped again, becoming a bronze equipment. At that time, the old tree also told himself, If you want to repair it, you can only find the Phoenix family!
Right now, Tianhuo naturally understood what Little Phoenix meant, and he definitely wanted to help him repair the Nine Phoenix Ring!

Hurriedly pulling out the Nine Phoenix Ring, Tianhuo said hopefully: "I heard that only the Phoenix clan can repair it, little Phoenix, help me see what to do?"

Little Phoenix stared at the Nine Phoenix Ring, and shook his head regretfully, "The Nine Phoenix Ring has become like this, Tianhuo, it has been damaged to such an extent, I can't help it, you can go to my clan to see it later, those seniors should be able to help you fix it."

As he said that, the little Phoenix turned around, held a feather in his mouth and handed it to Tianhuo, "The reason why the Nine Phoenix Ring became like this is because of the loss of phoenix energy. Let's put this feather together with it, so that it can be repaired later. .”

"You sent it, this little Phoenix actually gave you the Phoenix Feather, hurry up." Tianling urged.

"Phoenix Feather?"

(End of this chapter)

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