The strongest saint

Chapter 345 Confrontation

Chapter 345 Confrontation
Taking the lead and leading thousands of people forward in Fenghuo Treasure Land, it has to be said that the advantages of the reborn have been brought into full play!
Only such a reborn person can know the situation here and be free from fear here.

And judging from the speed at which he led everyone forward, he must have obtained some kind of treasure that can speed up the collective speed!

As soon as the members of the Tianyan Legion arrived in front of the Jin Lingyao Fruit, they took the lead and led the thousands of people there. For a while, everyone was on guard.

Taking the lead, he glanced coldly at everyone in the Tianyan Legion, and suddenly smiled mysteriously, "It turns out that I am a member of Tianhuo, I am lucky!"

"Hehe, it turns out to be from the Qiu Tianmen." The leading man in the Tianyan Legion smiled contemptuously. Although he had received Dusk Breaking Dawn's warning, how could he back down at this moment?
"Sanren Daoqi, I know you. You were the one who sent Tianhuo back to Tianhuo when you were in Tianyan City." Yimao said mysteriously.

The leading man was taken aback. Not many people knew about this matter, and he was not there at the beginning, so he actually knew?
That's right, the leader's name is Sanren Daoqi. When Tianhuo first entered Tianyan City, he came to the field but didn't bring back the city scroll. It was Sanren Daoqi who gave Tianhuo one. I didn't expect that he would know about it!
Sanren Dodge almost forgot about this matter, Jing immediately mentioned it, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, "Your Excellency has a good memory, you know all about this."

"Hmph, how can I not know about Tianhuo?" He took the lead and snorted coldly, but his face was full of complacency.

Sanren Daoqi felt amused, so what if he knew such a small matter? "Not necessarily? I heard that your Excellency has lost face many times at the hands of our army commander. I don't know this time..."

As Sanren Dodge said, he pretended to think deeply.

His face turned cold when he took the lead. As a reborn person, he had a great advantage, but for Tianhuo, he was very helpless because he only knew some general things about Tianhuo, and it was impossible to know everything about Tianhuo. Repeatedly tortured by fire from heaven.

If it were someone else, they would definitely publicize the benefits on the forums to increase their popularity, but Tianhuo is different, Tianhuo doesn't even go to the forums at all, and the benefits are silent, and few people know about them.

But this time, he took the lead because he knew that there was a Skyfire professional suit in the center!
Because when Tianhuo got the suit here, there were countless people present, and this was a big event. Although he didn't participate in the rebirth before he took the lead, he also saw it clearly on the forum.

Thinking of this, the gloomy face that took the lead gradually calmed down, "This time, your legion commander will be trampled under my feet!"

"Haha..." As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Tianyan Legion burst out laughing, obviously taking the words of taking the lead as a joke.

In the minds of everyone, Tianhuo is an existence that cannot be surpassed. It is impossible for anyone to defeat Tianhuo. He is simply a bug-like existence!
Immediately took the lead, his face turned cold again, "Laugh? I won't let you cry, come on!"

As he said that, he took the lead and waved his hand, and the Qiu Tianmen players behind him all moved, and quickly grouped towards the members of the Tianyan Legion to surround them.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed? I'll let you see how powerful my Tianyan Legion is!" Sanren Daoqi condensed his laughter and said in a deep voice. Now there are double attribute bonuses, and everyone is full of confidence!
Even if the number of opponents is twice as large as our own, they don't care at all, Qiqi showed their weapons, "Brothers, send these unlucky children back!"

"I don't know how to live or die!" Yimao snorted coldly, he didn't know that the attributes of the members of the Tianyan Legion had doubled, if he knew, he might not be so confident.

The battle is imminent, and this is the first time the Tianyan Legion has fought against Qiu Tianmen, but it did not disappoint. The members of the legion are all hidden occupations, and at this moment their attributes are still doubled. From the beginning of the battle, Qiu Tianmen was firmly defeated Members suppressed.

And the one who watched the battle with his hands behind his back changed his expression again and again. More than 1000 people fought against 500 people, but they were suppressed by the opponent. In just a few tens of seconds, gang members have already fallen down one by one.

He took the lead and believed that his gang members were all elites, but compared with the members of the Tianyan Legion at this moment, they seemed to be a bit insignificant!

The Tianyan Legion has only more than 500 people, and they are scattered into more than a dozen square formations at this moment. They are crushing all the way among the members of the Qiu Tianmen gang, and the opponents are almost powerless to fight back!

In the arena, a large number of damage values ​​emerged from the heads of the two sides, but in comparison, the Qiu Tianmen members were a little miserable, falling down one by one.

"Retire!" Not long after, he started to drink violently. If this continues, the members he gathered will die!
It wasn't until this moment that I took the lead to truly understand the strength of the Tianyan Legion. Although I had seen many videos about the Tianyan Legion before rebirth, it was only after I experienced it that I realized that I overestimated myself.

In less than 1 minute, two or 300 people had been lost, and the Tianyan Legion was actually intact. While the leader was shocked, his anger also burned.

"Haha, want to retire? It's too late!" Dodge the Sanren laughed, regardless of occupation, level, or attributes, the Tianyan Legion had an absolute advantage, but the number was not as large as the opponent, but this was not a problem at all.

Hearing the sarcasm of Sanren Dodge, his face immediately turned livid, and he asked in a low voice, "Too late?"

Amidst the cold shout, he took the lead and took out a strangely shaped staff. On the gemstone inlaid on the top of the staff, a faint blue mixed with fiery red light began to gather.

"Now, even if the sky fire is in front of me, I'm not afraid, you guys, it's not enough to see!" He shouted violently, and swung his staff at the head of the horse. Immediately, two-color rays of light gathered over the people of the Tianyan Legion, and the breath of destruction was also in the sky. The moment diffuses.

There was madness in his eyes, and he made up his mind that the members of the Tianyan Legion grew too fast, and he had to kill one when he met one in the future!
What he is currently using is the large-scale attack that comes with the staff, and he is fully sure that he will be able to kill most of the members of the Tianyan Legion in one move!
And under the concentration of this attack, the members of the Tianyan Legion hurriedly dispersed. Facing this unknown but powerful attack, there should be no hesitation in the slightest!But at this moment, everyone understood why they took the lead and dared to challenge Tianhuo. I am afraid that only Tianhuo could unleash such a terrible attack.

In mid-air, the two-color light swayed, stretched suddenly, and diffused towards the sky above the crowd. Even though the crowd tried their best to disperse, the light diffused too fast, covering everyone in an instant.

"It's too late, defend!" Sanren Dodge shouted violently, no longer retreating, but hastily used defensive auxiliary skills.

As soon as everyone showed their supernatural powers and used their auxiliary skills, the first attack arrived, and the berserk power suddenly permeated the field, and the two-color light completely submerged everyone in it.

In the light, white lights appeared one after another. Obviously, many legion members could not withstand such an attack and had already died!

The ray of light dissipated quickly, and there were fewer people in the Tianyan Legion in the field, leaving only some exploded items, or equipment, or potions.

"Sure enough, it's not weak, but can you guys survive the next time?" He took the lead and glanced coldly at the field, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Under such an attack as his own, only less than 100 people were killed!

Sanren Daoqi was shrouded in a halo of earthy yellow, and the blood tank on the top of his head was less than half. Naturally, he knew that he would not be able to withstand the next such attack, but seeing nearly a hundred brothers died, Sanren Daoqi was already angry.

Not only Sanren Daoqi is like this, but other people are also like this. They finally met together and came over after going through many crises together. It can be said that they have experienced life and death together. But at this moment, nearly a hundred brothers died in the hands of the leader. !
"Take the lead..." Everyone roared angrily from their throats, each of them clenched their fists and tightened their weapons.

"Fight it, kill this bastard!" The scattered man Dodge threw the words of Twilight Breaking Dawn aside, and he can't care so much now, as long as he kills him before he releases the second skill first, the rest of the people will be fine .

However, Dodge is not the only one who has such thoughts, and the remaining 400 people are not retreating but advancing, all rushing towards the lead.

"It's just what I want!" Yimai's eyes flickered coldly, and this time, a fiery red light burst out from the staff, "The previous ones were just appetizers, this is the feast!"

"Natural Selection's Wrath! Go to hell!" Immediately roared, this is currently his strongest large-scale attack skill, as long as this skill is used, everyone in the Tianyan Legion will die!

The fiery red light shot out immediately, covering the sky over the crowd in an instant. Although the speed of the crowd was not slow, it was not yet in the range where they could attack in the first place. Seeing that the attack was about to fall again, everyone showed unwillingness look.

In front of thousands of people, they could deal with it calmly and easily suppress them, but in front of the first one, they actually felt powerless, and they were about to die!
'The Legion Master will avenge us! 'Suddenly, such thoughts welled up in everyone's minds, and they all knew that Tianhuo would not just sit idly by.

The fiery red light fell from the midair with a suffocating breath, and Dodge, a loose man, stared coldly at the lead, "So what if we die? Take the lead, and Captain Skyfire will kill you soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, the attack also fell, but the strange thing is that after the first large-scale attack fell, everyone didn't lose a drop of blood!

Without waiting for everyone's doubts, a familiar voice appeared in everyone's ears, "I finally got here, how can I just hang up like this?"

Everyone turned their heads in surprise to look in the direction of the voice. Who else could this spring-like voice be if it wasn't Tianhuo?

(End of this chapter)

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