The strongest saint

Chapter 346 - The Nine Dragon Battle Banner - Guard

Chapter 346 - Battle of the Nine Dragons

Tianhuo's figure was like a ghost, suddenly appeared, and blocked the Tianyan Legion, but his eyes were jokingly staring at the leader.

Immediately took the lead with doubts on his face, stared at Tianhuo for a moment, and suddenly asked: "How could you break my attack silently?"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, and he had already arrived. Fortunately, the loss of the legion members was not too great, but those brothers who died, this revenge will be avenged by themselves!
"You're so good at taking the lead! But you don't seem to know the Nine Dragons Battle Flag." Tianhuo's expression calmed down, and there was no emotion in his voice, but in his eyes, murderous aura began to emerge.

"Nine Dragons Battle Flag?" He frowned first, he knew this battle group artifact, but before rebirth, it seemed that he had never heard that the Nine Dragons Battle Flag could silently defeat other people's attacks.

For a moment, while Yima was the first to be puzzled, the anger in his heart burned, and he was reborn. He didn't know that Jiulong Zhanqi had such an ability, so how could he feel embarrassed?
However, it is natural to know that before he was reborn, Tianhuo had always acted in a low-key manner, and would not tell all his adventures, let alone his divine weapon abilities. Only those who used too many times would be spread by others That's all.

"Hmph! Since you're here, let's finish with them and die!" He took the lead in thinking, and his expression suddenly turned ferocious. On the staff, powerful attacks began to gather again.

"Ding! The system prompts: Skills cannot be used in the safe area."

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in the ear of the first horse, which made him and those behind him who were about to do it stunned, safe zone?

Tianhuo sneered, and naturally saw that everyone wanted to do something, but he was not worried at all, turned his head to look at the legion members, nodded and said: "Back to the distance, I will deal with this unlucky child."

With that said, Tianhuo looked at the Nine Dragons Battle Flag that he planted not far away.

Nine Dragons Battle Banner (artifact, exclusive to the Tianyan Battlegroup.)
Put it in the leader's backpack to take effect, and add to all members: physical attack + number of warband members x 1, magic attack + number of warband members x 1, defense + number of warband members x 1, four attributes + warband members Quantity × 0.1.

Nine Dragons Battle Banner - Attack, active skill, gathers the strength of all members to release a large-scale attack, causing damage to targets within the range of the number of the battle group x 1 attacks, limited to one time per day.

Nine Dragons Battle Banner - Defense, active skill, after casting, all warband members' defense + number of warbands x 10, lasts for 10 minutes, can only be used once a day.

Special function: Nine Dragons Battle Banner - Guard, after the Nine Dragons Battle Flag is planted in the field, a safe area will be formed within the range of the number of battle groups × 1 meters.

Note: The above skills can only be used on the premise that more than half of the members of the warband are present.

This place became a safe area, naturally it is the special effect of the Nine Dragons Battle Flag. This special effect is the first time I have used it. Fortunately, it is only an effect, not a skill. Otherwise, more than half of the members need to be present to display it.

Behind him, many members of the legion retreated, but the one on the opposite side took the lead, his face became ugly. He never expected that the method used by Tianhuo to break his attack was to turn this area into a safe area!
In the safe zone, it is naturally impossible to attack others, and the attack that he used earlier will naturally disappear.

Seeing that everyone had already left hundreds of meters away, Tianhuo slightly shifted his gaze to take the lead, "If you want to make a move, then do it! Let me see how much progress you have made recently!"

After the words fell, the Star Devouring Moon Beast appeared next to Tianhuo. Tianhuo did not turn over in a hurry, but teleported to the distant Nine Dragons Battle Flag, turned his hand to retrieve the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, and then teleported again , appeared on the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

As soon as the Nine Dragons battle flag was retracted, the safety zone would be invalidated. Before Tianhuo could strike, he took the lead and struck first. The staff was replaced with a longbow. When the bow was opened, the air within hundreds of meters around was trembling violently. Gather on the bow!
Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, and he couldn't bring out such a powerful aura. It seems that he has made a lot of progress during this period of time!But this moment is not the time to be surprised, I saw that with the imposing manner on the longbow in the lead, an arrow composed of a dazzling light quickly condensed on the bowstring.

At the moment when the arrows condensed and shot out, the gravel rolled on the large piece of land around the horse leading the horse, and it was instantly reduced to dust.

"Fuck, this guy's attack is so powerful! How did he do it?" Tianhuo stared at the first move in amazement, shocked in his heart, how could the player do this?

This kind of situation is extremely rare even among those npcs. Only powerful npcs can have such an aura.
Tianhuo boasted that the attack was powerful, but it couldn't cause the surrounding air to vibrate and the ground tremble, and the scene in front of him made Tianhuo astonished and confused at the same time. How strong does it need to be or is it the power attached to the skill itself?
"This arrow breaks through the air, the arrow breaks through the air!" Seeing the arrows on the longbow condensed into a solid body, he suddenly shouted out loudly. Amidst the shouting sound, the bow string was loosened abruptly, and the arrow disappeared into the longbow in an instant. superior.

This moment happened in the blink of an eye. At the moment when the arrow disappeared, Tianhuo only felt an endless coolness in his heart, as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The beast teleported out from the back.

Appeared a thousand meters away in an instant, but before Tianhuo could breathe a sigh of relief, the coolness in his heart resurfaced again, without having to look, Tianhuo also understood that it was the arrow that followed again!

"Guiding arrows?" Tianhuo raised his brows, knowing that the first class is a natural selector, who can use weapons from all classes, but he doesn't know that first class can even use such skills.

Guide the arrow, it will never stop until it hits the target, no matter where the target appears, it will keep up, and judging from the speed of the arrow, it is no worse than itself!

"Teleport!" Feeling the coolness coming from behind, Tianhuo teleported again, while holding the Book of Grammar and the Pen of the Grave Sage in his hands, and raised his brows lightly, "I don't believe you can keep up!" '

As soon as Tianhuo had this idea, he saw Yimao first crushing a scroll. Immediately, the members of the Qiu Tianmen behind him all had a faint colored light, obviously they were blessed by something.


Under the blessing, all the members of the Qiutianmen rushed towards the Tianyan Legion in the distance as if they had been spayed with chicken blood, as if they had forgotten that they were not their opponents before.

"Form the formation!" There was no need for Tianhuo's order, and the leader of the scattered people, Dodge, waved his hand, and the members of the legion present quickly dispersed and resumed their previous formation to prepare for battle.

And Tianhuo, after teleporting away again, turned his head to look, but frowned, and saw that the arrow hadn't dissipated, and was still following him. Seeing such a situation, how could Tianhuo not understand, I'm afraid there is no way to hide like this forever, we must face it head-on.

But I don't know when, he took the lead and changed his weapon to a staff, and the fiery red light gathered on the staff again, and he was already preparing for the second round of attack.

"Tianhuo, let's see how you die this time!" A sneer appeared on Yimao's face, as if he had seen Tianhuo fall under his own attack.

As soon as the words fell, the fiery red light on the staff suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into a long flame dragon and roaring towards the sky fire.

Facing the two powerful attacks, Tianhuo was not afraid. After all, he could teleport and dodge completely. However, Tianhuo had to be on guard, because he would not use such a powerful attack knowing that he could not attack himself.

Teleported to a few hundred meters away again, sure enough, I saw that the staff was thrust into the ground first, and then, Tianhuo's feet tightened, and he was entangled by several vines that appeared suddenly!

"Master!" The star devouring moon beast shouted nervously in the distance. Its perception is far stronger than that of humans, so it can naturally sense the power of the two attacks. At this moment, the sky fire is entangled and cannot perform teleportation, which means Now, Tianhuo has to endure these two attacks abruptly!

Tianhuo was also horrified in his heart. This time, seeing him taking the lead this time, he didn't even have a chance to fight back. Before he had time to think about it, he directly used the battle group skills, Tough Charm!

"Ding! System prompt: Legion Commander Tianhuo casts the skill Tough Charm, all team members receive +50% damage reduction and +10% life recovery for 5 minutes."

Tianhuo's equipment already has a 60% damage reduction, and now it has a 50% bonus. It's a pity that this is not superimposed, otherwise it would be completely immune to damage.

As soon as the skill was cast, the piercing arrow arrived and slammed into Tianhuo's back, instantly taking away most of Tianhuo's spiritual health. With one arrow, Tianhuo's health bottomed out, leaving only 100 many!

Tianhuo's heart felt cold, it seemed that his surrogate puppet was about to be used!
Before the recovery of the health value attached to the equipment took effect, the fire dragon also arrived, instantly drowning the sky fire...


"Heavenly Fire!"

The voices of Star Devouring Moon Beast and Tian Ling sounded at the same time, with a heart-piercing smell, Tian Huo, is he going to die here?
The tens of feet of huge fire dragon slammed down, instantly covering Tianhuo's figure, and it was impossible to see the situation from the outside, but at this moment, not only the eyes of the star devouring moon beast were full of anxiety, The members of the Tianyan Legion looked at Tianhuo anxiously.

"Haha, Tianhuo, this time, I will not only let you come to Fenghuo Baodi for nothing, but also make you lose your wife and lose your army. I forgot to tell you, I will keep your suit parts for me!"

He was the first to see that his two attacks fell on Tianhuo, and he raised his head and laughed. He could see clearly that just the first attack had almost emptied Tianhuo's health, and the second attack It is also falling, he has no doubts, Tianhuo is dead!
(End of this chapter)

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