The strongest saint

Chapter 347 Intermediate Innate Spirit Cauldron

Chapter 347 Intermediate Innate Spirit Cauldron
The star devouring moon beast rushed towards the flames quickly, its eyes were full of anxiety, and the fire dragon attack that was released first immediately, after hitting the sky fire, it completely turned into a raging fire and enveloped the sky fire, and it was impossible to see the situation in it what!
More than 400 members of the Tianyan Legion nervously stared at the tens of feet of huge flames. Around the flames, the ground quickly turned into scorched black. I couldn't imagine what happened to the Tianhuo in it?

Those players from Qiu Tianmen who were wearing colored lights were already a hundred meters away from everyone, but everyone from the Tianyan Legion had no time to deal with them, they were all concerned about the fire of heaven!
For a long time, Skyfire has always been an invincible existence in everyone's hearts. Even in the eyes of all players, Skyfire is simply a bug-like existence, and it is impossible for any player to surpass it. , was defeated?
While everyone was nervous, the Star Devouring Moon Beast had already flown out of the flames, but suddenly stopped, and stood there blankly to check, only to see that the flames in front of them were shrinking rapidly!

This weird scene made the eyes of all the legion members light up, "The legion leader is fine! Haha, I knew it, how could our legion leader be defeated first?"

"Haha, the commander of the legion is mighty! Take the lead!" Everyone was overjoyed, and their morale was high for a while.

"Meet the enemy!" Sanren Dodge heaved a long sigh of relief, then his expression became concentrated, and he stared at those Qiutianmen who had rushed more than ten meters away.

Everyone turned their heads and raised their weapons, "It's just a defeated general, so what if there is a status bonus?"

"Brothers, don't leave a single one behind!" Dodge the Sanren yelled violently, maintaining his formation and making the first move!
Suddenly, a scorching hot breath permeated the world, making everyone's breath condense, and then they became unable to breathe, and the battle that was about to start stopped!

Thousands of people on both sides looked in horror at the place where the heat wave came from. They saw that the place where the sky fire was surrounded by flames was shrinking sharply. The figure of Tianhuo was revealed.

At this moment, Tianhuo's eyes were slightly closed, those flames seemed to have been absorbed by him, and they had disappeared completely. What is strange is that the ground around Tianhuo quickly became scorched black, and the scorching breath came from him. from!

Everyone held their breath and stared at Tianhuo in disbelief. They couldn't figure out why Tianhuo, who seemed normal, could emit such a terrifying hot breath?

Immediately taking the lead, he also stared at Tianhuo in amazement, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

As for Tianhuo, he was extremely fortunate in his heart. The first attack at the head of the horse had reduced his life to more than 100 points. Yes, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron actually completely absorbed that fire dragon.

"Ding! The system prompts: The innate spirit tripod has evolved successfully, and it is currently intermediate."

"It's successful, and it's not far from being a senior. Congratulations, Tianhuo." Tianling's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Naturally, Tianhuo was delighted. The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron had successfully evolved, so it absorbed the flame attack released by the first one for him. This time, the evolution was very timely. If the first one used other types of attacks, then I'm afraid that he would still be doomed.

The Xiantian Lingding relied on the spirit beads obtained from the Great Xuanzong by Tianhuo to evolve to an intermediate level. The next step would naturally be to use the Ziji Spiritual Fire to evolve to a high level. It was only a matter of time.

Before Tianling suppressed the Ziji Spirit Fire in the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, at the moment when the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron evolved successfully, she let go of that suppression and allowed the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron to refine the Ziji Spirit Fire, so she took the lead The attack was absorbed, and a terrifying scorching aura spread out, but unexpectedly, everyone in the field was stunned.

Tianhuo couldn't wait to look at the panel of the Xiantian Lingding cauldron. It has been a long time since he expected the Xiantian Lingding cauldron to advance to the intermediate level. At this time, he finally succeeded!

Xiantian Lingding (intermediate level), four attributes + level × 100.

Explanation: The Xiantian Lingding Cauldron despises the world, in addition to its powerful alchemy power, it can also ignore external coercion.

The four attribute bonuses are stronger than the Wensheng suit, but there are no other attributes, but today's Xiantian Spirit Cauldron is not only as simple as it seems on the surface, especially because it contains Ziji Spiritual Fire, it is not as good as Ziji Spiritual Fire The flame, the sky fire can walk sideways.

And waiting for the Ziji Spiritual Fire to be successfully refined, Skyfire can control the Ziji Spiritual Fire, and then there will be an additional attack method.

Tianhuo is very much looking forward to the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron reaching an advanced level, but he also knows that it will take a long time. Right now, only the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron has suddenly increased the four attributes of 6750 for himself, and the attributes have become stronger again.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Intermediate)

Level: Ling 35

Upgrade experience (spirit): 43611540/61285000
HP (spirit): 53804/53804
MP (Spirit): 10704/10704
Scroll Attack (Spirit): 9493-9493
Defense (Spirit): 6342
Strength: 48555, Constitution: 41665, Intelligence: 42815, Agility: 48345
Reputation: 4884700
Sin: -3892102
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (divine beast), Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (advanced divine beast), Void Ray (divine beast)
Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: War Spirit (Dark Gold)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Junior Legion)


The four attributes have all exceeded 100, and the attribute that makes Tianhuo's eyes shine the most is naturally the agility attribute, which is related to his flying speed. With Tianyu, the artifact wing, his flying speed is agility/483 meters per second. , it reached a speed of [-] meters per second, faster than the speed of sound!

"It seems that his innate spirit cauldron has become an intermediate level, and it is faster than before rebirth. Why is it not the same as before my rebirth?" Yi Ma took the lead, staring at Tianhuo, thinking to himself.

This is not the first time that such a thing has happened. Many things in Tianhuo are ahead of what Yimadao knew. In such a situation, Yimadao was puzzled and worried at the same time. Could it be because of his actions?
Thinking about it, he took the lead and became firm, no matter what, he couldn't let Tianhuo live in Fenghuo Treasure Land, he had to hang here!
With this in mind, he took the lead and suddenly glanced at the many members of the Qiu Tianmen who were in a daze, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be dazed, go!"

As soon as the words fell, he took the lead and replaced the staff with a long sword. When he stepped on his foot, his body shot out and galloped towards Tianhuo. Obviously, the opportunity to kill Tianhuo with a long-range attack had already been missed. Going to use close attack!
Tianhuo raised his head slightly, looked at the galloping horse in the lead, and curled his mouth slightly, "You want to kill me so much? If you didn't use flame attacks before, I would definitely fall down now, but now, it's your turn!"

Tianhuo understood that the two attacks used before must have a time limit, otherwise this guy would not have changed to a melee attack, but so what?If you want to attack close, you need the opportunity to get close to yourself.

"Kill!" At the same time as the first attack, the people of Qiu Tianmen also moved, only tens of meters away from the people of Tianyan Legion. The lingering rays of light surrounding the people of Qiu Tianmen disappeared immediately, obviously, the blessing disappeared.

Everyone in the Tianyan Legion was not afraid at all, and they were attacking one after another when they raised their hands.

"Oh, your subordinates are going to die. Those guys receive the bonus of the berserk scroll, and the power is superimposed by the number of people. Although they can only perform an attack once, but so many people perform it together, your subordinates are finished." Tian Ling Said in surprise.

Tianhuo raised his brows, glanced at the one who was getting closer and closer, and then teleported out, appearing in front of everyone in the Tianyan Legion, and planted the Nine Dragons Battle Flag with his hands.

Players cannot be attacked in the safe area, and as the Nine Dragons battle flag was planted, the attacks floating above the crowd suddenly disappeared.

"This guy who takes the lead knows too much. He can even get such scrolls. He has to be more careful in the future, but now..." Tianhuo whispered to himself, and retracted the Kowloon battle flag with his hands. It's a crime!"

As soon as the word "kill" was uttered, a golden word "kill" hundreds of meters in size suddenly appeared in the sky. The world, which was still extremely hot before, suddenly became icy cold, and endless coolness emerged in the hearts of everyone in the Qiu Tianmen.

"Bastard!" Yimao in the distance yelled angrily. He didn't expect that at this moment, Tianhuo would still care about those subordinates, and Tianhuo's speed was too fast, and it was difficult to chase after him, so he had to watch helplessly. Substantial characters fell down.

The moment the big golden characters hit the tops of everyone's heads, they shattered, and everyone in Qiu Tianmen's heads burst out with over [-] damage!
How can a player with more than 20 levels of general spirit have a spirit life value exceeding [-]?Under the attack of Tianhuo, they all fell down without any delay.


Kill hundreds of people with one word!
"The head of the legion is mighty!" Everyone in the Tianyan Legion was stunned, and they didn't know who would recover first, and hurriedly shouted.

Tianhuo waved his hand and turned his head to look, only to see the Star Devouring Moon Beast blocking the lead. However, as a mount, the Star Devouring Moon Beast has a very single fighting method and limited attack skills. Absorbs the first attack.

"Take the lead, it's time for you to leave Fenghuo Treasure Land!" Skyfire teleported out, directly appearing on the back of the Devouring Star and Devouring Moon Beast, and suddenly, its attributes skyrocketed.

Immediately snorted coldly, and jumped high with a swing of the long sword, "Do you think I'm still as unbearable as before?"

Following the first leap, the long sword abruptly turned into streaks of sword light and wrapped around his body, but Tianhuo didn't intend to strike later, and when he raised his hand, his black strokes quickly condensed.

(End of this chapter)

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