The strongest saint

Chapter 348 Underworld Emperor Scorpion

Chapter 348 Underworld Emperor Scorpion

Tianhuo calmly stared at the lead, and when he raised his hand, the black strokes condensed in front of him, "In my opinion, you are still not popular!"

As soon as the words fell, the strokes in front of him roared out, and the sword light wrapped around him suddenly froze, and then shot towards the sky fire and the star devouring moon beast.

"Swallow the star!"

Without Tianhuo's confession, the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat let out a deep roar, and then saw a dark vortex appearing suddenly in front of it, absorbing the whistling sword light, and Tianhuo's pen attack could not stop Stopped, it came in an instant, and fell on the leader of the horse.

Nearly [-] damage points came out from the top of the leader, and his life points were only less than one-fifth left.

"That's all you can do? I still think highly of you!" Tianhuo raised his brows and looked at the blood tank of the leader. Judging from the attack that the leader used before, his attributes should not be much weaker than his own, but one attack Going down, Tianhuo was a little surprised. From this point of view, the life value of the leader is only more than 2, which is not half of his own.

Immediately, his face changed, and with the use of the long sword skills, his figure also landed, and landed firmly on the ground, but he stared at Tianhuo with cold eyes, "You just rely on the bonus of the beast mount. , come down if you have the ability!"

"Pfft..." Tianhuo couldn't help but sneered, "Haha, take the lead, if you say that, I also want to say, if you have the ability, can you get a beast mount?"

"Haha..." Everyone in the Tianyan Legion not far away also laughed unscrupulously. The one who was invincible before took the lead, but now withered!

He took the lead and trembled with anger. He knew that the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the Skyfire Seat was powerful. Although the combat power was not very good, the attached attribute bonuses were too terrifying. After all, this was a beast-level mount!Among the current players, it is still unique.

At least the game has been running for so long, except for Tianhuo, no one has obtained a beast-level mount. Even if it is the lucky twilight, his mount Feiyun Moying Horse is still a high-level spirit beast, but it is said that the additional attributes The bonus has doubled the stats of Twilight Break.

After some comparison, it is not difficult to conclude that the attribute bonus of the Star Devouring Moon Beast must be stronger!
"Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Tianhuo, I want you to lose all face in front of your subordinates!" Immediately snorted coldly, the long sword was suddenly replaced by a saber, and a faint colored light surged on the saber, visible to the naked eye Streams of air rushed towards the sword.

Tianhuo frowned, "Sacred weapon? How many things have you stolen that belonged to others!"

If you are a reborn person, you must know the origin of many treasures and how to obtain them. After all, not everyone is like Tianhuo, who does not mention good things and makes a fortune silently.

"Huh!" Yimao snorted coldly, ignoring Tianhuo's words, and danced his saber, and then, Daodao's almost substantive sword glow emerged around him.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. It was obvious that it was a skill attached to the saber. It must be very strong, but it must have time to use it. Right now, the leader's HP is not much left, and he can't withstand his own attack at all.

While shaking his head, Tianhuo raised his right arm slightly, and the sage pen in his hand drew a random stroke and whizzed away.

call!The strokes came in an instant, passed through the sword glow around Yima Xianxian's body, and rushed into Yima Xianxian's body in an instant.

The first horse fell to the ground as Tianhuo expected, but Tianhuo frowned, and saw that where the first horse fell, the blade lights did not dissipate, and they were gathering together quickly, forming a skyrocket in an instant huge blade.

The blade seemed to have pierced the sky, the height did not reach the top, and the aura of destruction permeated the sky and the earth at this moment, making one's heart chill.

Suddenly, the one who had already fallen to the ground turned over and stood up, staring at Tianhuo playfully, and with a wave of his hand, the huge and incomparably materialized knife glow slammed down!

"Haha, you've been fooled, that's what I want!" Yimao laughed wildly first, but his voice was almost covered by the sharp sound of the knife piercing the air.

The sword glow was so huge that it was indescribable, covering everyone in the army under the sword glow, the terrifying and powerful aura made it extremely difficult to breathe.

Under the blade glow, the wind raged. Before the blade glow arrived, the ground below had sunk, and the people under the blade glow had damage values ​​continuously popping out of their heads!
No one dared to doubt that if this sword light fell, all the legion members in the field would undoubtedly die. For a moment, everyone's expressions changed.

At the moment when the knife was slashing, the divine weapon sword in the hands of the leader immediately shattered, and it was completely damaged because of using such a skill!
Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly. There is no doubt about the power of the skill displayed at the cost of an artifact!

But Tianhuo felt funny in his heart, could such a skill stump him?
"Nine Dragons Battle Flag!" Seeing that the sword light was about to fall, Tianhuo threw it casually, and the Nine Dragons Battle Flag was planted on the ground beside him, and then, the sword light that was about to fall from the sky dissipated, as if it had never appeared before!
If it weren't for the loss of health and the countless broken stones on the ground, everyone would have doubted their own eyes, and the terrifying attack would have disappeared like this?
Immediately stared at the sky in astonishment, then looked at Tianhuo, the muscles on his face trembled, he was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly roared, "Bastard Tianhuo, you fucking...I..."

Roaring, took the lead but was so out of breath that he could barely utter a complete sentence, obviously very angry.

Thinking about it, the powerful skills that were cast at the cost of artifacts actually dissipated because of the safe zone in front of them, who would be furious!

Tianhuo shrugged innocently. He was not surprised at all that the first horse died and was resurrected. When he killed the first horse in Ice Wind City, he used the resurrection props to resurrect him. At that time, he was still at level 20, but now he is at level 20. Yes, he definitely won't lack resurrection props.

"Stop scolding, get out!" Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders, and when he raised his hand, strokes roared out again, rushing towards the leader one after another.

He took the lead, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly turned around and retreated. It was already too late. Although the time interval between Tianhuo's pen attacks was longer than that of verbal attacks, they were extremely fast, almost instantaneous.

Silently, stroke after stroke sank into Yima Xianxian's body, and immediately, Yima Xianxian was knocked to the ground again, and the whole world became quiet.

"Ding! The system prompts: The counterattack is successful, and the evil value is -1."

With the system prompt sound, Tianhuo knew that Yimadao really died this time, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Yimadao was allowed to be in Fenghuo Baodi, it is not difficult to know from the previous threat of Yimadao that he did know the Glyph Saint suit. How to get parts.

If you let the first one take the parts away, you will be in big trouble.

But right now, he has died first, and after being resurrected, he must have returned to the outside world, and the entrance to Fenghuo Treasure Land has already been closed, and he will no longer pose a threat to himself.

"Legion Commander, look!" Sanren Dodge said in surprise, pointing at the body that had not yet dissipated.

Tianhuo looked around, and saw the chest of the first horse pulsating, as if something wanted to get out of his chest, before Tianhuo was puzzled, a white scorpion the size of a palm had already got out of his neckline.

"Pluto Emperor Scorpion, stop it!" Tianling's anxious voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

But it was too late, I saw that the little scorpion's sharp barbs stung Yi Ma Xian's neck, and immediately after that, Yi Ma Xian's whole body glowed white.

Seeing this, Tianhuo opened his mouth without hesitation, and immediately, a large golden character appeared in the air, but before the large character fell, the corpse lying on the head and the scorpion on the corpse suddenly disappeared in the transmitted light.

The big golden characters fell to nothing, Tianhuo frowned, and the rest of the people also stared at the place where Yimadao and Scorpion disappeared suspiciously, "What is that? It's so weird, it seems that Yimadao didn't hang back, but was teleported away."

"That's right, they were all dead, but they were still teleported away. It seems that they can be resurrected immediately." Dodge the Loose Man said.

Tianhuo ignored everyone's discussion, and said via voice transmission: "Tianling, what's going on?"

"There are only a handful of Hades scorpions in the world. That guy is so lucky that he got one. Tianhuo, if there is a chance, he must grab the Hades scorpion." Tianling said.

"Snatch it? Can other people's pets be snatched?" Tianhuo raised his brows and asked in doubt.

"Hey, listen to me. How could the Plutoscorpion be a pet? It is a very strange existence. Whether it is a human or a beast, as long as there is a Plutoscorpion, the body will not dissipate after death, and You also saw that guy was stung by the Hades Emperor Scorpion, and was quickly teleported away."

As Tianling said, she paused before continuing: "Being randomly teleported away is just the second thing. The most important thing is that after being stung, that guy can be resurrected very quickly, and he can also get attribute bonuses!"

Tianhuo frowned, and asked with some uncertainty: "Have you left Fenghuo Treasure Land in the first place? What does random teleportation mean?"

"Knowing the consultant, random teleportation means being randomly teleported to other places. Anyway, the destination is unpredictable, but it can only be done on the same map, and it is impossible to leave this map." Tianling said.

With Tianling's confirmation, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "As expected of a reborn person, if I also know what will happen in the next ten years, it would be great!" '

Tianhuo naturally understood that it must be the memory of rebirth to get the Pluto Scorpion first. This kind of strange thing is really surprising!

"It's not too late. I have to find the whereabouts of the Glyph Saint's suit parts as soon as possible. It shouldn't be far away." Tianhuo muttered to himself, raised his head slightly and looked into the distance. This is almost the central area of ​​Fenghuo Treasure Land. The parts of the Wensheng suit, you can't let a horse take the lead and get there first!

 There will be three changes tomorrow, the latest update is not good enough, I am very sorry, try to get back to normal tomorrow and update more!
(End of this chapter)

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