The strongest saint

Chapter 351: Fire Mist Wolf

Chapter 351: Fire Mist Wolf

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at Tianhuo with half-smiles, while Tianhuo was on guard. The strength of these two people was unfathomable. If they fought, they might lose to them!
Suddenly, Wu Ping smiled and said, "Brother Tianhuo, don't take offense. In fact, the two of us have a deep hatred with Ziyaomen. We will not let the disciples of Ziyaomen go."

Gong Ming on the side also nodded, indicating that Wu Ping's words were correct.

Tianhuo's vigilance remained undiminished, but his expression was very calm, and he smiled and said, "Understood."

The two nodded, not intending to make a move. Wu Ping smiled and said, "Let's continue to move forward. There must be many crises along the way, and mutual support is the only way."

"Then thank you two seniors for taking care of me!" Tianhuo clasped his fists and said with a smile, the guard in the depths of his eyes lightened a little.

Wu Ping and the two didn't say much, they took the lead and walked forward, and Tianhuo was not worried, just smiled and followed quickly.

The sparse woods stretched all the way up, and there were beast roars from time to time, but there were no traces of monsters. The three of them kept moving forward vigilantly.

Not long after walking forward, a faint mist began to float in the forest, but in the eyes of Tianhuo's Glyph Sage, the mist had no effect at all, but Wu Ping's vision was obviously affected.

"Be careful, the field of vision is limited." Wu Ping slowed down and reminded.

As soon as Wu Ping finished speaking, Tianhuo hurriedly stopped, "Go around in another direction, there are monsters ahead."

Tianhuo clearly saw that in the mist several miles away, piles of blood-red eyes were staring at the three of Tianhuo, making one's scalp numb.

"Oh? What did you see?" Wu Ping glanced at Tianhuo in surprise, and also looked forward, but he didn't have such eyesight as Tianhuo. Under the obstruction of the fog, he couldn't see those strange eyes in front of him at all.

"I don't know what it is, there are quite a few." Tianhuo frowned.

"There are not weak monster auras on both sides, but the front is weaker, let's try to break through!" Wu Ping was silent for a moment, and said with determination.

Tianhuo looked at Wu Ping in astonishment, then nodded, not only did he have something on his mind, but it was all right to rush over, but the speed had to be fast, otherwise it would be troublesome for other monsters to sense the battle here.

Nodding, the three of them speeded up and rushed towards the fog. As they got closer, Wu Ping's face became ugly, "Is this a lot?"

Ahead, wolf-shaped monsters were densely covered in the forest. Their blood-red eyes stared at the three of Tianhuo who were galloping forward, making their scalps tingle. After a cursory inspection, the number of these wolf monsters was probably around eight or nine hundred. !

"It's the Huowu wolf. There are a thousand of them in a group, no more and no less!" Gong Ming, who had been silent all this time, spoke, his words were full of solemnity.

Tianhuo raised his brows, and secretly cast the Glyph Sage's Eye to look at those monsters, and immediately saw their attributes clearly.

Fire fog wolf (elite), spirit level 60, HP (spirit) 313000, attack (spirit) 2600, defense (spirit) 2300.

A thousand fire fog wolves are actually all elite monsters, and their attributes are extremely strong, comparable to silver bosses!

"Gong Ming, poison!" Wu Ping said hastily as he was about to rush into the Huowu Wolf's base camp.

Gong Ming nodded and reached out with both hands, green light suddenly diffused from his hands, like a shock wave, it permeated into the surrounding wolves in an instant, and the movements of those fire fog wolves became slowed down immediately.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and glanced at Gong Ming indiscriminately. This guy is really good at tricks!

The green light diffused and extended for hundreds of meters, diluting the fog a little, and Gong Ming's actions obviously completely angered the fire fog wolves, and the low howls of wolves resounded, and all the fire fog wolves They all raised their heads, their eyes glowing red, faintly gathering in mid-air.

"Quick!" Wu Ping's speed didn't slow down at all. It seemed that he didn't intend to fight these Huowu wolves, but planned to rush over while the Huowu wolves' speed was slowed down by Gong Ming!
"Aww..." A long howl sounded in the forest in front of the three of them. Under the long howl, Wu Ping's face changed, "Wolf King! Go this way!"

There are fire fog wolves in all directions, a whole thousand!Tianhuo shook his head secretly, if he didn't kill these Huowu wolves, how would he have a chance to leave?The wolf king was relatively far away, obviously not affected by Gong Ming's poison, the speed is not slow!
As soon as this idea appeared, Tianhuo saw an afterimage coming from the forest, and immediately blocked the three people who were turning and turning. The same blood-red eyes were fixed on the three people, and the mouth was full of fangs. He bared it, and let out another low growl.

Wu Ping frowned, it was too late to leave now!

"Let's fight! Hold the wolf king and leave the rest to me." Tianhuo's eyes flashed with fighting intent, and he scanned around before opening his mouth.

As soon as the words fell, the Star Devouring Moon Beast suddenly appeared next to Tianhuo, Tianhuo turned over, and then flipped open the fourth page of the Book of Glyphs.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Valuation, killing one is a crime, but killing Wan is a hero!"

In an instant, the golden light flickered in the woods, forcing away the mist, and in the golden light, large characters were smashed down one after another!
At the moment when the big golden characters lit up, Wu Ping and Gong Ming were slightly taken aback, their eyes flashed with astonishment, and then they rushed towards the wolf king. At this moment, they did not intend to abandon Tianhuo.

Seeing the actions of the two, the corners of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, and it would be best if he didn't leave himself behind, otherwise Tianhuo wouldn't be so polite the next time we meet.
56480, -58360...

A large amount of damage was emitted from the heads of the surrounding Huowu wolves, and under the influence of Gong Ming's poison, these Huowu wolves moved slowly, and before they could run to Tianhuo, they fell to the ground under the blows of golden characters .

"Ding! System prompt: Get 900 reputation points, 42000 experience points, and 252000 additional experience points."


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 36, and the four attributes are +5."


Inexplicable system prompts sounded throughout, and Tianhuo's experience bar is also increasing rapidly. It has been a long time since he has felt the thrill of killing monsters in such a large area. Tianhuo is inevitably a little excited, but unfortunately, except for the wolf king Of the 999 Huowu wolves, all of them fell down after two lines of poetry, making it difficult for Tianhuo to have fun.

However, in just a few seconds, Skyfire's experience value has increased by nearly 35 million, and his level has risen directly from Ling 38 to Ling 39, which is not far from Ling [-]!

What surprised Tianhuo was that killing these Huowu wolves still had reputation points!All the monsters died, and Skyfire's reputation increased by as much as 89!

Tianhuo looked at the experience points and reputation points in astonishment, while Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at Tianhuo in shock and forgot to attack the wolf king. Can kill so many fire fog wolves!

"Aww..." Following the death of those Huowu wolves, the wolf king let out a wail, stared at Tianhuo with blood-red eyes, then turned around sharply and galloped away, disappearing in the blink of an eye. in the mist.

Only then did Wu Ping and Gong Ming come to their senses, but where is the shadow of the wolf king?
Tianhuo frowned, stared at the forest on one side, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up, there are monsters coming."

The two of them had come to their senses, their reactions were not slow, and they rushed forward in a hurry, while Tianhuo was riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and the speed was even faster. I saw the Star Devouring Moon Beast moving its limbs, and rushed to the front of the two in an instant .

"Tun Xing, slow down, don't leave them behind." Tianhuo said via voice transmission.

Star Devouring Moon Beast dissatisfied turned its head and glanced at the two people who were still behind, and said via voice transmission: "Master, why don't you leave them alone?"

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, shook his head and said: "These two are very powerful, it will be useful to be with them."

"Oh, okay!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast nodded, slowing down and waiting for the two to catch up.

Wu Ping and Gong Ming's speed was not slow, but they couldn't compare with the Star Devouring Moon Beast, but after the Star Devouring Moon Beast slowed down, they quickly caught up.

"Brother Tianhuo is very capable. I don't know that Brother Tianhuo is a disciple of Wen Shengmen?" Wu Ping looked at Tianhuo with a different gaze, and asked.

The three of them walked together for so long, Wu Ping and Gong Ming didn't realize at all that Tianhuo would actually use Wenshengmen's unique attack method, and it was only when they saw Tianhuo making a move that they figured it out.

Tianhuo was a little surprised that Wu Ping's name for himself had also changed. He was still a little brother before, but now he omitted the word 'little'. He nodded thoughtfully, "That's right!"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other with great joy in their eyes. After pondering for a few seconds, the two began to communicate through sound transmission. Tianhuo didn't know what the two were communicating at all, but judging from the somewhat excited expressions of the two, It shouldn't be bad for you.

After a while, the two ended their communication. Wu Ping smiled at Tianhuo, clasped his fists together and said, "Brother Tianhuo, do you need the parts of the Glyph Saint suit?"

Tianhuo was taken aback, and hurriedly turned his head to look at Wu Ping, doubting his ears, "Do you know the Wensheng suit?"

Wu Ping nodded with a smile, "If Brother Tianhuo needs it, we might as well make a deal!"

Tianhuo fell silent, his eyes were intertwined with Wu Ping's, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled, "Senior, please speak."

Tianhuo really wanted to know if the part of the Wensheng suit that Wu Ping mentioned was the one in Fenghuo Baodi, whether it was or not, it was a great thing for him!
"Hehe, the two brothers of us know the whereabouts of a piece of the Glyph Sage suit. We heard that the Glyph Sage Gate was looking for the Glyph Sage suit in the early years. We wanted to go to the Wensheng Gate in the first-level area to inform, but we are not strong enough. I didn't expect to meet here. It's so good to be a student of Wenshengmen!" Wu Ping didn't rush to talk about the content of the transaction.

As he said that, Wu Ping looked at Tianhuo expectantly, "It's very simple, brother Tianhuo, please help us, and we will tell you the whereabouts of the suit parts."

"It's just the whereabouts of the parts?" Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the two of them had already got the parts, and it seemed that they had to find them by themselves!
"Hehe, Brother Tianhuo, don't get me wrong, it's really beyond our power to get that part." Wu Ping explained.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, this guy misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that, senior, please tell me what I need to do."

Wu Ping was overjoyed, and glanced at Gong Ming, both of them had expectations in their eyes, seeing Gong Ming nodding, Wu Ping said to Tianhuo: "Brother Tianhuo, we..."

Before he could speak, Wu Ping's voice stopped abruptly, and his body suddenly fell into the ground, disappearing in front of Tianhuo and Gong Ming, leaving only a deep hole in place!
(End of this chapter)

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