Chapter 352
Tianhuo was looking forward to the deal Wu Ping said, but before Wu Ping could finish speaking, his body sank abruptly and disappeared into the ground in an instant.

Tianhuo was taken aback, he didn't see what was going on at all, Wu Ping just disappeared?
"Brother!" Gong Ming was shocked, staring at the deep hole on the ground, not knowing how to rescue him for a moment, after all, he has not seen Wu Ping's people anymore!

"Follow my mount, and I'll save him!" Tianhuo said, and quickly fell from the Star Devouring Moon Beast's back, and when it landed, his figure also sank into the ground.

This is naturally Tianhuo's evasion technique, Tianhuo is a little anxious at this moment, Wu Ping's life is related to the whereabouts of his parts, he can't let him have an accident, otherwise where can I find the parts he said?

Breaking into the earth, Tianhuo galloped along the deep pit left by Wu Ping, and the Eye of Wen Sheng was also displayed. Under the eyes of Wen Sheng, he finally saw Wu Ping's figure.

At this moment, Wu Ping was wrapped around his waist by a root and dragged away abruptly, and Wu Ping couldn't escape the control of the root even after struggling.

"Tianling, so it's the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree again?" Tianhuo asked while chasing Wu Ping.

"Impossible, it should be another spirit tree or dryad." Tian Ling said very simply.

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if it's not the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree."

The last time I met the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, Tianhuo still has lingering fears. If I let myself face the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree again, it would be a big headache.

Under the tugging of the roots, Wu Ping's clothes were broken, and his skin was covered with blood. If this goes on, he might not be able to last long. Seeing this scene, Tianhuo was naturally anxious. Unfortunately, when he performed the escape technique, his speed was halved. Time cannot catch up.

But Wu Ping was tied around his waist by the roots, so he had no chance to cut off the roots, and he was in the middle of the ground, even if his hands were not tied, he might not be able to do it.

"Tianling, see if you can sense the source of the tree demon's roots, otherwise Wu Ping will die if this continues." Tianhuo chased for a while, and said urgently.

As he said that, Tianhuo also focused on using the eyes of Wensheng to look into the distance, but the way up was a hillside, and there were many trees on it, which were naturally densely covered with roots, so Tianhuo couldn't find the root that trapped Wu Ping for a while. source.

"It won't be too far away. It's already the limit for an ordinary dryad to extend its roots so far." Tianling comforted.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the tendril dragging Wu Ping upwards, and broke out of the ground in an instant.

Tianhuo raised his brows, and hurriedly left the land, saw where Wu Ping was, and teleported to Wu Ping in an instant, "Hold on, Wen Sheng's pity!"

Not daring to procrastinate in the slightest, Tianhuo hastily used Wen Sheng's pity to restore Wu Ping. After using Wen Sheng's pity twice, Wu Ping was refreshed. He looked at Tianhuo gratefully, and was about to say something, but saw It was a root that swept like a long snake.

"Brother Tianhuo, be careful!" Wu Ping yelled violently and exerted all his strength, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of the root.

Naturally, Tianhuo discovered the sweeping roots, frowned, and turned his hand to call Nine Souls Yinglong over, "Nine Souls, fire!"

As soon as the Nine Soul Yinglong appeared next to Tianhuo, Long Yan spat out upon hearing the words, completely covering a large area of ​​his body.


Under the dragon flames, the roots on Wu Ping's body and the roots that were sweeping towards the sky fire made a sizzling sound, and then turned into pieces and fell down, Wu Ping was also out of trouble.

"Hurry up, it's a thousand-year-old demon spirit tree that feeds on flesh and blood humans and beasts, so it's not easy to deal with." Wu Ping said nervously as soon as he got out of trouble and came to Tianhuo's side.

Tianhuo nodded and was about to leave, but Jiuhun Yinglong's eyes lit up, "Master, give it to me, it's a great tonic!"

Tianhuo was stunned, and Wu Ping on the side was also staring blankly at the Nine Souls Yinglong, how many powerful spirit beasts the millennium spirit demon tree has devoured here, its strength must have grown to a terrifying level, how could it be so easy to deal with? of?

Not to mention anything else, the branch that was as thick as a finger almost killed Wu Ping. Wu Ping has a deep understanding of the power of this tree demon!
"How sure?" Tianhuo asked without hesitation.

"Ninety-nine percent!" Jiuhun Yinglong said decisively.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked, "Okay, let's go!"

Jiuhun Yinglong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and his copper-bell-like eyes turned to an ancient tree not far away. The ancient tree looked no different from an ordinary tree, but Jiuhun stared at it like this, Tianhuo understood that it was Millennium spirit demon tree!
"It's well hidden, but can it escape my eyes?" Jiuhun Yinglong said playfully, spread his wings, and instantly reached the top of the big tree. All the big trees are wrapped up.

Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue, his innate spirit cauldron also has a not-so-weak flame, Ziji Spiritual Fire, but it is a pity that it has not been refined yet, otherwise he can also control the spirit fire, and it should not be a big problem to deal with such a tree demon by then Bar!

"Zizi..." Under the dragon flames, the Millennium Spiritual Demon Tree let out an ear-piercing sound, the sound seemed to be able to penetrate the eardrums, making one's scalp tingle!
"Mouth punishment, kill one person in ten steps!" Tianhuo also moved, although Jiuhun Yinglong said that he was [-]% sure to deal with it, but the piercing voice made Tianhuo very uncomfortable, and he just wanted to solve it quickly, let alone what if If it drags on for a long time, maybe other powerful spirit beasts will come.

Seeing that Tianhuo and Nine Souls Yinglong had already made their moves, Wu Ping naturally wouldn't be idle. A saber appeared in his hand, and he raised his hand and waved away with sword aura.

In the dragon flames of Nine Souls Yinglong, the branches and leaves of the big tree withered almost instantly, turned into flying ash and fell down, but within a few breaths, only the trunk and two thick and thin branches were left .

Suddenly, the remaining part of the Millennium Spiritual Demon Tree moved, and countless roots from below rose from the ground, turning into two thick legs to stand up, and the remaining two branches also had bark falling off. It turned into two thick and big hands of trees!
"Treant?" Tianhuo frowned, isn't this the number of people in the movie Lord of the Rings on Earth?This appearance and shape are almost similar!
"Ignorant human beings dare to break into Fengshen Mountain and suffer death!" A hoarse voice came from the Millennium Spiritual Demon Tree, but at this moment, under the dragon flames of the Nine Souls, it did not suffer any harm!
"Wrong, master, this is not a thousand-year spirit demon tree, but a ten-thousand-year tree demon!" Long Yan of the Nine Soul Yinglong froze, his eyes frightened!
Wu Ping on the side also changed his expression greatly, and said in a voiceless voice: "The ten thousand year tree demon? It's actually disguised as a thousand year spirit demon tree, that's too bad!"

Tianhuo looked at Jiuhun suspiciously, then looked at Wu Ping, and asked before the Wannian Tree Demon did anything, "What is the Wannian Tree Demon?"

Although I don't know what the ten-thousand-year tree demon they are talking about, judging from the horror in the eyes of the two, I am afraid that this tree demon is not simple, but it does not have that kind of monster's breath on it, so Tianhuo is relieved that it is not a monster just fine.

"Let's escape first, let's talk about it while it is still recovering the state of the ten thousand-year tree demon!" Wu Ping didn't answer Tianhuo's question, and directly said to escape!
And Nine Souls Yinglong also nodded, and quickly returned to Tianhuo's side, which meant clearly that there was no more fighting!

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders, looked at the Wannian Tree Demon below who was still undergoing some kind of changes, and turned back helplessly. This time, he actually fled without fighting, which made Tianhuo feel a little strange in his heart.

"Jie Jie... run away?" Just as he turned around, the sneer of the Wannian Tree Demon came, and at the same time, the icy breath suddenly permeated. It withered so fast!

Countless leaves fell in the forest, and then even the branches and trunks. In just a few breaths, the trees within a few miles completely fell down. When the breeze blew, those fallen trees immediately turned into powder and scattered.

"Damn it..." Such a weird scene made the galloping Tianhuo feel chills on his back, and Jiuhun and Wu Ping were also feeling extremely nervous.

"Speed ​​up, if you keep going up, there must be stronger existences, and the ten thousand year tree demon will definitely be afraid." Wu Ping said in a deep voice, wishing he could leave here immediately.

Tianhuo heard the words but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, stronger existence?Isn't that courting death?What if someone attacks him first?

However, judging from the looks of the two, the ten thousand year tree demon is indeed not something that two people and one beast can deal with. Besides, if they can escape, anyway, they are now heading towards the top of Fengshen Mountain, and there is nothing to lose. It is better than being driven out of Fengshen Mountains are better.

"Jie can't get out of my palm!" The Wannian Tree Demon sneered, and the air was filled with a scalp-numbing aura.

"Be careful, there is poison in the air." Jiuhun Yinglong said in a deep voice.

The galloping Tianhuo frowned, "Jiuhun, get ready, we'll get on your back."

Tianhuo and Wu Ping couldn't fly here, and Nine Souls, if they wanted to leave here faster, they would naturally ride Nine Souls Yinglong.

"No, master, I don't know what's going on, I feel like I can't carry a load here, and I'm sure I won't be able to fly once you come up." Jiuhun Yinglong said hastily.

Suddenly, Wu Ping slowed down, turned his head and opened his mouth towards Tianhuo, but he didn't say anything, and went limp.

Tianhuo followed Wu Ping, only to see that the latter's face was black and blue, obviously poisoned, "Unlucky, this time it's troublesome, Tianling, think of a way!"

"What else can I do? He has lost consciousness. Hurry up and throw him into the palace of the gods. You can escape first. Fortunately, you have the seeds of the fire tree and silver flower, and the poisonous gas can't get close to you." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo has not taken the Nirvana seeds of Fire Tree Silver Flower obtained a few days ago. He just hopes to get other elixir and refine them together. Fortunately, the poisonous gas is only in the air, isolated by the Fire Tree Silver Flower seeds.

Tianhuo turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon walking towards him slowly, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry to chase after him. It seemed that he was very confident in his poisonous gas!

(End of this chapter)

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