The strongest saint

Chapter 353 The Poison King’s Secret Technique

Chapter 353 The Poison King’s Secret Technique
Seeing the Wannian Tree Demon walking towards him without any haste, Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, the arrogant guy gave himself a chance.

"Jiuhun, I'll take you back first!" As he said, Tianhuo had a thought, and before Jiuhun Yinglong could react, Tianhuo had already taken back the pet space.

With the Nine Souls taken away, Tianhuo was no longer bound, turned his head and glanced at the Wannian Tree Demon who was slowly walking hundreds of meters away, hesitated, and a stroke roared out when he raised his hand.

The strokes came in a flash, and hit the Wannian Tree Demon in an instant, and the scene that followed made Tianhuo's jaw drop!

"It didn't break the defense!" Tianhuo never thought that without riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, the pen attack would not be able to break through the Ten Thousand Years Tree Demon's defense!
Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly, no wonder Jiuhun Yinglong and Wu Ping were in a hurry to leave, facing such an enemy, how to fight?
"Jie still have the strength to fight? You don't seem to be poisoned!" The Wannian Tree Demon ignored Tianhuo's attack, sneered and sped up the speed, striding forward.

Tianhuo backed away, he didn't plan to fight the Wannian Tree Demon, he just tried it out, and the result of the test made Tianhuo no plan to stay!
"It's really not poisoned, it's weird, I have to arrest you and study it carefully..." The Wannian Tree Demon murmured, and with a footstep made of countless roots, the roots galloped towards the sky fire. He arrived in front of Tianhuo almost in an instant.

Tianhuo's pupils shrank, "Teleport!"

The figure suddenly appeared a thousand meters away, Tianhuo turned his head and took a look with lingering fear, and saw that the place where he was standing before had been shrouded in a cage made up of the roots of the ten thousand-year-old tree demon!
The Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon is not even afraid of the Dragon Flame of the Nine Souls, if he is trapped, the consequences will be disastrous!
Heaving a sigh of relief with lingering fear in his heart, the sky fire stopped staying, and he used teleportation one after another to sweep towards the top of Fengshen Mountain.

Skyfire left just like that, and the Wannian Tree Demon looked at the place where Skyfire disappeared, and was silent for a moment. His body disappeared into the ground, and he didn't know where he went.

On Tianhuo's side, he teleported more than ten times in a row, and stopped teleporting when he saw that the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon hadn't come after him. With the help of his pet's heart, he said to the Star Devouring Moon Beast, "Tun Xing, are you alright? "

"Master, we are fine, can we come over?" The Star Devouring Moon Beast responded.

Tianhuo looked around and saw that there were towering ancient trees all around. They were not densely packed, but they covered the sky and the sun. There was a faint mist floating in the forest, and he didn't feel any danger. "Come here, be careful."

Star Devouring Moon Beast was with Gong Ming, and was attracted by Devouring Star, Tianhuo was not worried about being separated, but Wu Ping was poisoned, so I don't know what happened.

In the Palace of Fanshen, Wu Ping lay quietly on the square. Not far away, more than a dozen giant dragons stared at the unconscious Wu Ping warily, not daring to approach him at all.

The moment Tianhuo Xinnian entered the palace of the gods, Wu Ping was surrounded by black mist. At this moment, his whole body turned black and blue.

Tianhuo frowned and looked at Wu Ping's situation. Although he was an alchemist, he had no way to deal with the poison Wu Ping was poisoned by. He could only hope that Tianling could find a way.

If Wu Ping died like this, what he would lose would be a part of the Glyph Saint suit!

"Tianling, how to detoxify him?" Tianhuo asked hastily, not wanting Wu Ping to die.

"It's simple, I'm afraid you won't want to part with it." Tianling said playfully.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, simple? "It's about the parts of Wen Sheng's suit. If you don't save it, you can't do it. Come and listen."

"Aren't the seeds of the fire tree and silver flower still there? Just give him a drink, and it will cure all poisons!" Tianling said.

"Huh?" Tianhuo was stunned, the seeds of the fire tree and silver flower?If you take this thing, you will be invulnerable to all poisons. Up to now, you are not in a hurry to take it, and you hope to refine the elixir!
Right now, he actually wanted to use the seeds of Huoshuyinhua to save Wu Ping, who was not familiar with him. Tianhuo was a little confused, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "There must be other ways?"

"Of course there are, but in Fengshen Mountain, where do you find them right now? The most convenient ones are the seeds of Fire Tree Silver Flower." Tianling said.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, it seemed that he was going to miss the chance of being invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. After all, the components of the Glyph Saint suit were more important!
"Heavenly Fire!"

At this moment, Gong Ming's voice came from not far away, with slight doubts, he rushed to Tianhuo's side and asked nervously, "Where's Wu Ping?"

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, he didn't know what to say for a while, but Tianhuo's shaking of his head and silence made Gong Ming's expression tense, and his face suddenly turned pale, "He... is dead?"

When he said these words, Gong obviously had a hard time, his voice fell, and he slumped on the ground.

Tianhuo was taken aback, "Senior Gong Ming, don't misunderstand, Senior Wu Ping has been poisoned."

As he said that, Tianhuo hurriedly brought the unconscious Wu Ping out of the Fanshen Palace, and appeared in front of Gong Ming.

Gong Ming was shocked, turned over and crawled in front of Wu Ping, looked up and down at Wu Ping in horror, the expression in his eyes changed, and after a long time, he looked at Tianhuo in shock, "Have you met the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon?"

Tianhuo raised his brows and was secretly surprised. Gong Ming was really good at seeing Wu Ping's situation and knew that he had encountered the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon. Immediately afterwards, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. Before that, Gong Ming casually released some poisonous gas. Let those Huowu wolves be tricked, so Gong Ming should be a master of poison!

But now Gong Ming recognized at a glance that it was the poison of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon, maybe Gong Ming would have a way to save Wu Ping!
"Senior Gong Ming, that's right. Is there a way to save him?" Tianhuo asked hopefully.

With Tianhuo's affirmation, Gong Ming's expression dimmed, and he slumped powerlessly again, muttering: "It's over, only the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon can cure the poison of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon, or kill it and take its demon core. untie……"

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, Tianling said there are many ways, definitely more than what Gong Ming said, it's just that Gong Ming didn't know, but right now there is really no time to find detoxification things, it seems that we can only use the seeds of Huoshuyinhua.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo gritted his teeth, "Forget it, the invulnerability of a hundred poisons is not as important as the suit parts!" '

Tianhuo had just made up his mind, but Gong Ming got up hastily, with a firm look in his eyes, "Now there is only one way, brother Tianhuo, protect me for a while, how about?"

Tianhuo's eyes lit up. Obviously, Gong Ming still has a way!
Nodding hastily, Tianhuo said: "Senior Gong Ming, please rest assured, I will do my best within a stick of incense."

Gong Ming also nodded, and without further words, he grabbed Wu Ping with his hands, completely ignoring the black aura emanating from Wu Ping's body. The surging aura surged around Gong Ming's body, and the soft white light also surged between Gong Ming's hands. But in the blink of an eye, Gong Ming's hands turned into white jade, pressing towards Wu Ping's chest.

At this moment, Wu Ping suddenly opened his eyes, and hurriedly shouted, "Stop!"

Gong Ming paused, but smiled calmly, "Brother, live well and fulfill our common wish. From now on, your life will be my life!"

Tianhuo heard something strange, and couldn't help being horrified. The method Gong Ming used would obviously kill him!

"No! Don't waste your efforts, Gong Ming, I heard that as long as you live, you can fulfill our wishes. In that case, what is my death?" Wu Ping shouted with the last bit of strength, two clear tears has slid down.

Gong Ming kept smiling, but tears also fell from the corners of his eyes, "It's late, brother, remember our wish."

As soon as the words fell, Gong Ming's hands that turned into white jade suddenly pressed towards Wu Ping's chest, "The poison king's secret technique, transfer flowers to trees!"


A terrible wave of air swept away around the two of them, forcing both Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast back a few steps, and then, Tianhuo saw that the black air around Wu Ping's body shrank rapidly, completely moving towards Wu Ping. The chest gathers away.

Wu Ping panted heavily, and roared with difficulty: "Stop...hand!"

But with his eyes closed, Gong Ming didn't seem to hear Wu Ping's roar, and the movement continued, and the black air flowed slowly towards Gong Ming's hands, and penetrated along them.

"Hey, this man is quite courageous. He actually planned to transfer Wu Ping's poison to himself. He has some skills. He actually knows such a powerful secret technique." Tianling sighed.

Tianhuo shook his head, judging from the performance of the two, it seems that they are not bad people, at this moment, the guard against them is completely put down, such a loving and righteous person is very suitable for Tianhuo's appetite.

"Is it alright to interrupt them now?" Tianhuo asked, at this moment, Tianhuo made a decision and planned to use the seeds of Fire Tree Silver Flower to save them.

Tianling was obviously startled, and said after a few seconds: "I understand what you mean, but if you interrupt at this time, both of them are poisoned, who do you save?"

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, if he hadn't hesitated before and saved Wu Ping directly, it wouldn't be such a trouble, but at that time, I am afraid that anyone would hesitate, after all, he is not familiar with these two people, and he had to be on guard against them before.

But it's not too late, after Gong Ming transfers all the poison, he can do it himself.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo looked around calmly. At such a critical moment, you can't be careless. If something disturbs you, I'm afraid both of them will be finished.

The surroundings were peaceful, only a faint mist was flowing, but under this calmness, Tianhuo felt a little uneasiness in his heart. Tianhuo remembered clearly that before, he could still hear the roar of beasts in the distance, but at this moment, It disappeared!
"Master, I have a bad feeling!" When Tianhuo sensed the unusual aura, the Star Devouring Moon Beast also said through sound transmission, and made a posture ready to fight.

Tianhuo flipped his hands and held Wen Sheng's book and Wen Sheng's pen in his hands, turned his head and glanced at Wu Ping and Gong Ming, and the time for a stick of incense has just begun!

(End of this chapter)

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