Chapter 356

The breath of death filled the air, and Tianhuo was shocked to find that after those roots turned black, they were actually immune to thunder and lightning!

Seeing such a situation, Tianhuo was horrified, the root hairs were already immune to lightning, and the entire root hair field had recovered again, how could he escape?
There were only three remaining thunder beads, and Tianhuo did not crush them, because they were useless. I only hoped that the change of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon was only temporary, but even if it returned to normal later, I am afraid that Tianhuo would have no chance, because The Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon launched an attack again!
Being deflated by Tianhuo many times, the anger of the Wannian Tree Demon has reached its limit, he doesn't want to give Tianhuo any more chances, and the strongest method right now is to kill Tianhuo!

In the dark field, countless roots exuded the breath of death, and they all danced together, shooting towards Tianhuo from all directions, and Tianhuo, after scanning around quickly, his heart completely cooled down, and he couldn't help but feel the death. There is nowhere to escape!

"It's over..." Tianhuo sighed, he no longer has the means to deal with the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon, it seems that this time he is really going to hang here!

"Noisy people..."

Suddenly, a crisp female voice appeared in the field. The voice was full of laziness, as if it had just woken up.

And with the appearance of this voice, the Wannian Tree Demon froze, with deep fear in his eyes, without hesitation, withdrew from the domain, quickly sank into the soil, and disappeared in front of Tianhuo in an instant.

Tianhuo was even more horrified, who is that?Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice appeared, it scared away such a terrifying existence as the Wannian Tree Demon!

However, the powerful existence of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon was scared away, so how could Tianhuo not run away?It also teleported out without hesitation, and chased after the place where Wu Ping and the two had gone.

"Disturb Miss Ben's sleep, just leave?" The lazy voice raised a little, and appeared in the ears of Tianhuo and Wannian Tree Devil again. As soon as Tianhuo teleported out, the scenery in front of him was not stable yet, and suddenly changed again , when he stabilized again, Tianhuo discovered in horror that he had returned to the original place!
Not only that, but the Ten Thousand Years Tree Demon also suddenly appeared where he was standing before, one person and one tree, as if they had never moved!
This time, the Wannian Tree Demon still had no intention of doing anything. He looked around nervously, as if he was looking for the owner of the voice, and the same was true for Tianhuo. , what kind of powerful ability is this?
However, unexpectedly, after Tianhuo looked around, he couldn't find the owner of that voice!

Suddenly, the Wannian Tree Demon stopped moving, and stared intently at a big tree not far away. Tianhuo also followed the Wannian Tree Demon's gaze. Suddenly, Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. color.

Tianhuo remembered clearly that before, the poisonous gas of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon completely shattered the surrounding big trees for several miles, but at this moment, there was actually a big tree intact, not to mention the branches of the big tree On the bed, an eight or nine-year-old girl was sitting steadily on it, shaking her white jade-like calf with her bare feet.

While Tianhuo and Wannian Tree Demon were looking at the little girl, the little girl also tilted her head to look at Tianhuo and Wannian Tree Demon, with playful eyes, "Do you know that it is the most rude to disturb others' sleep!"

The Wannian Tree Demon shrank his pupils, knelt down hastily, and begged nervously, "My lord, please forgive me..."

Tianhuo glanced at the Wannian Tree Demon in astonishment, and then looked suspiciously at the little girl. According to Tianhuo's induction, the little girl was just a very ordinary existence, but judging from the reaction of the Wannian Tree Demon, I'm afraid ...

"You big villain, it's fine to leave your own territory without authorization, and you have destroyed so many ancient trees. Do you know how long it took them to grow to this extent?" The little girl tilted her head and stared at the ten thousand-year-old tree demon. Said.

The Wannian Tree Demon knelt down on the ground, did not dare to lift his head, and begged: "The villain will never dare again, please forgive me this time!"

"Hmph!" The little girl lifted her chin, "Father said that bad people should be punished!"

As she spoke, the little girl waved her hand casually, and a blue rainbow instantly submerged into the Wannian Tree Demon's body, and then, a dark bead floated from the top of the Wannian Tree Demon's head, flying straight towards the little girl, falling into the hands of the little girl.

Tianhuo's pupils suddenly constricted, it was the demon core of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon!

Who is the little girl?To actually take away someone else's demon core out of thin air, this kind of strength, I am afraid that it is difficult for an existence like Xuandu to do it?For a moment, Tianhuo felt a deep chill in his heart, not daring to make any changes.

But the demon core was taken away by the little girl, and the Wannian tree demon didn't dare to make any complaints. He still knelt on the ground trembling nervously, not daring to vent his breath!
"Okay, let's go, if you don't do bad things within 100 years, I will pay you back!" The little girl said, ignoring the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon, but shifting her gaze to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo's heart tightened, but the little girl's jewel-like pure eyes filled Tianhuo with deep horror. Under these eyes, it seemed that everything about him had been seen through.

"You have a share in disturbing my sleep, you have to make it up to me!" The little girl spoke, but there was a faint smile on her face.

Tianhuo coughed lightly to hide his astonishment, and said, "What compensation do you need? Please tell me!"

The little girl smiled, showing two small dimples on her cheeks, "Fire Origin Crystal!"

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows indiscriminately, the source of fire is Tianjing?How did she know she had this thing on her?
"My father said that if you do something wrong, you will be punished. If you do something wrong to others, you must make up for it. So you have to make up for me, the Fire Origin Crystal, right?" the little girl said again.

When her father was mentioned again, Tianhuo couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Who is your father? He is right."

"Tianhuo, don't ask too much, give it to her!" Tianling's voice suddenly sounded in Tianhuo's mind, with an unquestionable taste.

Tianhuo thought for a while, and when he looked at the little girl, he saw that the smile on the little girl's face had disappeared, and she seemed to have changed her face. Seeing this, Tianhuo hurriedly took out the fire source of the crystal, and threw it directly at the little girl , "When I didn't ask, can I go?"

It seems that Tianling knows the identity of the little girl, so let's leave here now, the identity of the little girl is too weird, and judging from the previous actions, she is even more unfathomable, so Tianhuo doesn't want to think about it for a moment stay.

The little girl waved her hand to take the Fire Source Sky Crystal into her hand, with a smile on her face again, she said to Tianhuo: "You can do whatever you want, we will see you again!"

After the voice fell, the little girl's figure disappeared on the branch, as if she had never appeared before, so that Tianhuo had no way of knowing how she left!
Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, turned around and teleported towards the direction where Wu Ping and the two left, "Tianling, who is that? Even the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon dare not provoke her, yet he is so afraid of her!"

"Fenghuo Holy Spirit!"

Tianling said lightly, but there was doubt in her voice, she didn't know what she was thinking about.

"Spirit of Wind and Fire?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows again. He had never heard of such an existence. It seemed that he was attracted by the roar of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon.

As for the Wannian Tree Demon, this guy is so unlucky that even the demon core was taken away. Although he is not dead, his strength is probably reduced by [-] to [-]%. He must have gone to hide somewhere at this moment, without the demon core. It didn't dare to act rashly at all.

"The Holy Spirit of Fenghuo was born from the heaven and the earth. He has gathered immeasurable wind and fire power in his body, and his strength is even more difficult to guess. He actually appeared here..." Tianling murmured.

Hearing this, Tianhuo was taken aback, "Born from heaven and earth? Then who is the father she mentioned? Could it be the Fenghuo Saint Elf?"

"Impossible. Although the two powers of wind and fire in Fenghuo Treasure Land are very strong, it is impossible to give birth to two Fenghuo holy elves, and such a strange existence is generally unique." Tianling said.

"Oh? That little girl must have taken a liking to the fire power contained in the Fire Source Sky Crystal, and tried to get it in a different way. If we meet again next time, I don't know what her plan will be." Tianhuo said thoughtfully.

Although I don't care about the Fire Source Sky Crystal, I am still a little worried. If that little girl attacks me, I'm afraid I won't have the slightest chance to resist. Next time, who knows what that little girl will like about me?
"Hee hee, you're not angry about being robbed just like that?" Tian Ling teased.

Tianhuo shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Don't say it's so serious, it's not a robbery, is it? That little girl looks very cute, if she needs the Fire Source Crystal, it's okay to give it to her, anyway, I don't need it." arrive."

"Don't get her idea, the existence of the Fenghuo Saint Spirit is no less than a top-level beast, you have to weigh it carefully." Tianling warned.

Tianhuo was surprised, the top beast?Even if the Nine Souls Yinglong is only a high-level beast, that little girl is no less than a top-level beast?
"Oops!" After teleporting out again, Tianhuo's expression froze suddenly.

In the forest ahead, Wu Ping knelt on the ground and wept uncontrollably, while Gong Ming, with black air surging all over his body, had a very weak breath, like a candle in the wind, and would die at any moment.

"Gong Ming... Big Brother, I'm sorry..." Wu Ping knelt down in front of Gong Ming weakly, his clothes had already been wet with tears.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, and rushed towards the two of them, the man did not flick his tears lightly, because he hadn't reached the place where he was sad!
"Senior Wu Ping, don't worry!" Tianhuo said as soon as he appeared, and then he touched the seeds of the fire tree and silver flower.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, he was indeed going to miss the chance of being invulnerable to all poisons, staring at the seed, Tianhuo directly sent it into Gong Ming's mouth.

Following the entrance of the seeds, the black air surging around Gong Ming quickly faded away. This sudden change made Wu Ping on the side stop crying, and stared at Gong Ming in a daze.

"This is the seed of Fire Tree and Silver Flower. Senior Wu Ping, you don't have to worry. Senior Gong Ming should be fine soon!" Tianhuo said calmly, suppressing the reluctance in his heart.

"Fire tree silver flower seeds that can make people invulnerable to all poisons?" Wu Ping looked at Tianhuo in disbelief and asked uncertainly.

Tianhuo nodded, "Exactly!"

While speaking, Tianhuo was a little worried. After all, Gong Ming's breath was too weak at the moment, and he wondered if he could hold the fire tree silver flower's seeds to detoxify.

(End of this chapter)

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