The strongest saint

Chapter 362 Bloody Ancient Wood

Chapter 362 Bloody Ancient Wood

The scroll that the old man withered bones took out made Tianhuo understand that he might not have a chance to escape!
After all, how can a strong man like the old man with bones waste the scroll in vain?

Without time to think about it, the old man with the bones had already crushed the scroll. Immediately, the three of Tianhuo felt that the world was completely dark. Even Tianhuo, who had the eyes of the sage, couldn't see anything. It was pitch black in front of his eyes!

"Ding! The system prompts: Entering the dark sky, you cannot use any skills!"

Following the system prompt, Tianhuo's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the next scene made Tianhuo even more desperate, because Wu Ping and the Star Devouring Moon Beast beside him had disappeared!

"Swallowing Stars!" Tianhuo tried to shout, but found that his voice could not be heard at all!

"Your uncle's!" Tianhuo couldn't help cursing inwardly due to the sudden change, he hurriedly took out a thunder bead, and crushed it without hesitation!

The thunder light flickered, but Tianhuo's pupils shrank. In the thunder light, Tianhuo clearly saw that the old man with bones came to him silently holding the Yunlong sword!

Not daring to be careless in the slightest, Tianhuo hurriedly retreated, secretly rejoicing in his heart, if it wasn't for the flash of thunder that made him see the scene in front of him, he was afraid that he would be stabbed by the old man with withered bones again, in that case, he would definitely die!
Tianhuo's agility is extremely high, with the addition of wings, the speed is so fast, and he is away from the old man with bones in an instant. With the help of the thunder, he faintly saw Wu Ping and Tun Xing not far away. it is good!
In the light of thunder, Tianhuo originally thought that the old man with bones would be disturbed, but unexpectedly, the Yunlong sword in his hand actually pushed away the lightning, leaving the old man with bones unscathed, and continued to move forward in the light of thunder, chasing after Tianhuo.

The thunder light appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, but after a few breaths, it had already dimmed, making Tianhuo's heart sink. Under the thunder beads, the dark sky was not broken!

The thunder light disappeared completely, and Tianhuo was once again plunged into darkness. Such a situation made Tianhuo a little anxious, unable to use his skills, and he could only rely on the two remaining thunder beads!
"It's useful, the dark sky is not as thick as before!" A few seconds after the thunder light disappeared, Tianhuo found that he could see a vague figure in the darkness rushing towards him. Obviously, it was the old man with bones!

Before using the Thunder Bead, Tianhuo possessed the Eye of the Gravity Sage, but he couldn't see his fingers. After the Thunder Bead was crushed, he could already see things vaguely, which showed that the Thunder Bead did have a restraining effect on the dark sky.

With this discovery, Tianhuo crushed another thunderball without hesitation. Immediately, the violent lightning power shot out again, flooding the entire dark sky in an instant, forcing the darkness back. For a moment, the sky was clear again.

Two thunder beads completely broke the dark sky!

Everything in front of him returned to normal, and the old man with bones looked up in surprise, as if he couldn't believe that the dark sky was broken like this, and he forgot to attack for a moment while holding the Yunlong sword.

"Let's go!" Tianhuo signaled to Wu Ping and Star Devouring Moon Beast not far away, if you don't leave at this time, what are you waiting for?
The two nodded and fled towards the ancient forest, while Tianhuo looked at the old man with bones warily. This time, he probably won't come up with any weird tricks again, right?

"Hmph!" The old man with bones snorted coldly, completely ignoring the two departing Wu Ping and Star Devouring Moon Beast, staring at Tianhuo with cold eyes, "So what if the dark sky is broken? You have already lost the chance to escape! "

Tianhuo clenched his fists, his star-like eyes flashed with vigilance, and stared at the Yunlong Sword in the hand of the old man with bones. This artifact is too dreadful.

Seeing Tianhuo's fear, a joking smile gradually appeared on the face of the old man with bones, and he was not in a hurry to make a move. He sneered and said: "I just like to see people helpless before they die, hehe, little bastard, suffer death!" !"

'almost! Tianhuo thought to himself, Wu Ping and Tun Xing have already run away, now, he should go too!
"Escape!" Tianhuo secretly used the escape technique, and at the moment when the old man with bones came to attack, his figure suddenly disappeared!
"Hehe, where are we going?" The old man with bones had expected it a long time ago, and hurriedly stepped up into the sky holding the Yunlong sword, and looked at the surrounding forests intently. He knew that the teleportation distance of Skyfire was only about a kilometer, so he must not be far away.

However, after looking at it for a while, the old man with bones turned cold. He couldn't see Tianhuo in the vicinity!
How could he have thought that what Tianhuo used this time was not teleportation, but escapism?

After escaping into the earth, Tianhuo did not leave in a hurry, but carefully observed the old man with bones. He saw the old man with bones patrolling in mid-air. After a long time, he landed fiercely and continued to walk towards the height of Fengshen Mountain. He gave up the search for Skyfire.

Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, if the old man with bones didn't have the Yunlong sword in his hand, he would not be afraid at all, but with the sword of Yunlong, the old man with bones is so powerful that he can't deal with it at all.

After the old man with the bones walked away, Tianhuo got out of the ground and continued to teleport to chase Wu Ping, the two of them, and the beast. As long as they avoid the old man with the bones, they should not meet him.

After another round with Wu Ping, Tianhuo's expression was a bit unsightly. He lost the surrogate puppet and two thunder beads in the hands of the old man with bones, but he didn't get any benefits. This time, he was too aggrieved!

"Brother Tianhuo, as long as you are fine..." Wu Ping stared at Tianhuo and looked up and down, and he was relieved to see that Tianhuo was safe.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "The old man with bones is far away from us, so he should be safe this time. By the way, Senior Wu Ping, what do you want to gain by going up the mountain?"

Tianhuo didn't want to mention more about the old man with bones, so he changed the subject.

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at each other, and looked at Tianhuo with some doubts, "Brother Tianhuo, of course it is for the Fengshen Temple on the top of Fengshen Mountain. I heard that there are countless treasures in it, even artifacts. If we get something suitable, we will take revenge." There is hope."

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, he really didn't know about Fengshen Peak, but that didn't matter, as long as he got the parts of the Glyph Saint suit, the rest was not important to Tianhuo.

However, Tianhuo remembered the warning of the Fenghuo Holy Spirit. She said that she could not get close to the Fengshen Temple unless she got the Fixed Wind Orb. It must be because the Fengshen Temple is in danger. If you can only get the parts of the Glyph Saint suit after entering the Temple of Wind, Tianhuo still needs to find a way to get the fixed wind beads.

It's just that there is no clue, where can Tianhuo find Dingfengzhu? "Tianling, do you know about the Dingfengzhu?"

"I know, it's something made by Fengshen. There were a lot of it back then, but I haven't seen it since the Great War. I don't know how many are still left." Tianling quickly gave Tianhuo the answer.

Tianhuo thought about it, and put down the hand rubbing his chin, "Let's go up and talk about it, maybe the parts of the Glyph Sage suit are not in the Fengshen Temple, then I don't have to look for any fixed wind beads."

"Well, it's a pity that it's hard to find materials for a while, otherwise you can use the Xiantian Lingding to refine the Wind Orb. It's not a rare thing, it's just a spiritual weapon." Tianling said.

Tianhuo paused as he wanted to step forward, "The things made by Fengshen are just spiritual weapons?"

"Hee hee, the fixed wind bead has only one function, just like your Lishui bead, but it is to expel the wind within a few feet of the body, so it is not a high-level thing, but no one can refine it except Fengshen That's all, but you are different, with the innate spirit cauldron, everything is possible." Tianling laughed.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, thinking that the Dingfeng Orb was a divine weapon or something, but he was overthinking it.

Putting aside the matter of Dingfengzhu, Tianhuo and Wu Ping continued to move forward, but this Fengshen Mountain is really too big, and after a few days, they still haven't seen the top of the mountain.

Fortunately, the past few days have been relatively peaceful, and I have not encountered any enemies, and I have avoided those spirit beasts with powerful aura along the way, and I have not encountered any danger.

It’s just that these days, the double attribute increase of the battle group has already passed, because more than half of the members of the battle group who entered the Fenghuo Treasure Land have been hung back, and less than 90% of the members in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, naturally there is no bonus .

Tianhuo's attributes returned to normal, which made Tianhuo feel regretful. If he can persist for a few more days, he will be more confident after going to the top of Fengshen Mountain, but he can't force it. Even if it returns to normal, Tianhuo is not weak. There is a star devouring moon beast.

"There is a situation!" Just as he was lamenting that Tun Xing was present, Tun Xing suddenly stopped and looked ahead warily.

Suddenly, the three of Tianhuo sensed several powerful auras rushing forward from all directions, obviously because something unusual happened ahead.

"In front of us, we can't hide even if we want to hide this time, but it's really strange that more than a dozen spirit beasts that are not weak are all rushing forward. Could it be that some treasure has been unearthed or the spiritual fruit of heaven and earth is ripe? "Wu Ping said doubtfully.

"It's fine if you can't hide. After a few days of calm, it's time to join in the fun. Let's go and have a look." Tianhuo smiled, and didn't feel that something was wrong. He would naturally know what was going on after watching it.

As we moved forward, a bloody light appeared in front of us. Although it was not strong, it also reflected the entire ancient wood forest into a bloody color. It looked very strange, but this situation made the three of Tianhuo affirm that there must be treasures ahead. !

"Look, the blood-colored ancient tree!" The Star Devouring Moon Beast stopped behind an ancient tree and said in a low voice.

Needless to say, the three of them also saw the situation in the field. They saw a blood-colored ancient tree with intertwined roots five or six meters high standing in the open space in front, and there was nothing within hundreds of meters around, perhaps because of the blood-colored tree. The growth of ancient trees robbed the surrounding area of ​​a large area of ​​nutrients, making it impossible for other plants to grow, and this happened.

Beside the blood-colored ancient tree, more than a dozen spirit beasts were waiting eagerly, staring quietly at the top of the ancient tree. There, it seemed that something good was about to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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