Chapter 361

Although I haven't seen the attributes of the Yunlong Sword, there is no need to doubt it. This is definitely a top-level artifact, after all, it can be seen from the previous attack released by the Yunlong Sword.

The self-released attack directly kills two people who can match the old man with bones. With such an attack intensity, even the peerless powerhouse in the second-level area like the old man with bones cannot do it!

With the Yunlong sword in hand, Tianhuo has no doubts that from now on, the old man with bones will definitely be able to walk sideways in the second-level area!
At this moment, being pointed at by Yunlong sword, Tianhuo only felt his scalp go numb, and an endless chill gushed out of his heart, it was too terrifying!
"Boy, die!" The old man with bones laughed jokingly, his expression suddenly turned cold, and he said in a deep voice.

In the hands of Tianhuo, the old man withered bones was deflated more than once. He had great strength, but he was helpless against the sky fire in front of him. Now that he got a powerful artifact, the old man withered bones seemed to have seen the situation of killing the sky fire!
After the words fell, the old man with bones waved his sword Yunlong, and suddenly, the whole sky was filled with violent waves, and the wind raged violently.

"Teleport!" Faced with this terrifying power, Tianhuo hastily teleported out, and instantly came to the edge of the square, and said in a deep voice: "Seniors, withdraw!"

Before Wu Ping and Gong Ming reached the stone platform, seeing that the old man with the bones had successfully obtained the artifact, they knew it was too late, and when they heard the voice of Tianhuo, they backed away without hesitation.

The old man with bones ignored Wu Ping and his first target was Tianhuo, holding the Yunlong Sword, accompanied by the strong wind in the sky, the old man with bones slowly floated up, and then stepped towards Tianhuo in the sky!

"Able to fly?" Tianhuo frowned, and was amazed in his heart. Holding the Yunlong Sword, he could actually fly in Fengshen Mountain. In this case, it would not be easy for him to escape.

"Hehe, as expected of Yunlong Sword, strong!" With a lot of excitement on his face, the old man with bones looked at Yunlong Sword, stepped on his foot, and his figure turned into a phantom, rushing towards the sky fire.

"This time, I won't let you go!" Amidst loud laughter, the figure of the old man with bones appeared on top of Tianhuo's head, and the long sword stabbed down in the air. Suddenly, the dazzling sword light on the long sword surged towards The skyfire shot over.

"Teleportation!" Without hesitation, Tianhuo performed teleportation again, and appeared on the stone platform in an instant, avoiding the attack of Yunlong Sword, but his heart sank. Yunlongjian's attack is already incredibly powerful, if he recognizes the master, what will happen?
The same is true for divine artifacts. Many divine artifacts need to be identified before they can be used, and some special artifacts can be used without identifying the owner, but the power they display is not strong.

Tianhuo avoided the attack, and the attack fell as usual, and there was a rumbling sound, and the place where Tianhuo was standing before was covered with dust, and the ground was trembling for it, and as the dust dispersed, there has become a Big pit.

"Yunlong Sword hasn't recognized its owner yet, you can take it. This sword hides a big secret, and it will be useful to you." Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo nodded, he didn't use the teleportation to leave, it was precisely because the old man with bones hadn't recognized the Yunlong sword, otherwise, what would he be doing here?
Seeing that his attack failed, the old man with bones was not angry, but jokingly smiled, and turned to face Tianhuo in the center of the square, "Don't think I don't know what you mean, hehe, since you want the Yunlong sword, let you see it Look at the power of Yunlong Sword."

As soon as the words fell, the old man with the bones moved his right hand. On the Yunlong sword, the dazzling light flashed again, and the terrifying breath permeated again. The world seemed to have turned into a world of ice and snow, and endless coolness filled the air.

"Brother Tianhuo, let's go!" Wu Ping and Gong Ming rushed to the underside of the old man with bones, swung their weapons, and launched powerful attacks towards the old man with bones, trying to buy time for Tianhuo to escape.

Facing the bottom-up attack of the two, the old man with bones just stepped in the air to avoid it, and did not leave, still concentrating on the attack in his hands.

Tianhuo waved his hand, feeling the terrifying attack from Yunlong Sword, and said in a deep voice, "I can leave easily, you guys back away!"

Here, probably only the old man with bones can fly with the help of the Yunlong sword. It is difficult for Wu Ping and his attack to fall on the old man with bones. Hearing Tianhuo's words, he glanced at Tianhuo worriedly and retreated out of the square together.

But at this moment, the light on the Yunlong sword became stronger and stronger, like a sun, piercing so much that people couldn't open their eyes.

Suddenly, the whole world froze and became quiet. Obviously, the attack was about to be released!
Tianhuo frowned, "It's now, the fixing spell!"

Strange fluctuations suddenly flocked to the old man with bones. Tianhuo waited for a long time, just waiting for this extremely critical moment. best chance!
Under the spell of fixation, the old man with bones froze for an instant, and then fell to the ground. Tianhuo's expression froze, and he used teleportation again, and appeared in front of the old man with bones, and stretched his hand, "Let me go!"

Take advantage of the sheep: Wen Sheng's exclusive skill, after using it, there is a chance to take away items that do not belong to him. Can a scholar's business be considered stealing?
The second time he used it to lead the sheep, Tianhuo was nervous and full of anticipation, Yunlongjian, I don't know if he can get it.

"Ding! The system prompts: No items have been obtained!"

"Come again, lead the sheep by hand!" Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo used the hand to lead the sheep again, but before Tianhuo heard the system prompt, he saw the Yunlong sword tremble suddenly in the hand of the old man with the bone, and broke the holding spell of the old man with the bone!

The old man with bones can move!
"Ding! The system prompts: No items have been obtained!"

"Hey, can't you think of it?" The old man with bones said lightly, Yunlong sword was lifted, but Tianhuo seemed to be suppressed by a mountain. At this moment, he couldn't move. Before Tianhuo was surprised, Yunlong sword had pierced into Tianhuo's chest !

The stabbing pain came from the chest, and then spread to Tianhuo's whole body. At this moment, Tianhuo felt that time had frozen, and there were only endless stabbing pains!

"Don't..." The Star Devouring Moon Beast turned pale with shock, and galloped towards it. Wu Ping and Gong Ming's expressions also changed suddenly, and they rushed over in a hurry.

Tianhuo breathed hard, looked down at the Yunlong sword piercing his chest, and saw the light flashing on the Yunlong sword, and at this moment, his life value was instantly emptied!
Just looking at Yunlongjian, Tianhuo felt that his eyes were almost dark, and fell down with severe pain, only vaguely heard a few angry roars.

The old man with the bones pulled out the Yunlong sword, and Tianhuo's body fell down and hit the ground heavily.

The galloping two and one beast stopped in their tracks, looked at the old man with bones, and then at Tianhuo who fell to the ground.

"Ding! The system prompts: You are about to die. The dead puppet will use your last chance to die for you. All status will be restored, and the dead puppet will disappear."

In the backpack, the dead puppet disappeared, while Tianhuo's chest healed instantly, his health suddenly returned to full, and his consciousness returned!

Not only did his health fully recover, Tianhuo also found that the cooling time of all his skills had been reset, and the Immobilizing Curse, which required a 10-minute cooling time, could now be used!

Still lying on the ground, Tianhuo cast the Fixing Curse, and suddenly, the old man's movements froze again, and at this moment, the light on the Yunlong Sword had disappeared, obviously it was impossible to lift the Fixing Curse for him!

After stopping the old man with bones, Tianhuo turned over and bounced up, with an ugly look on his face, he shouted fiercely: "Let the sheep go!"

Tianhuo was furious. The surrogate puppet who could die for him once was actually used like this. If he was in danger again in the future, what would he do?
However, Tianhuo was even more afraid for a while, and his heart became colder. Obviously, his body has traveled to the self in the game, and there is indeed no chance of resurrection. There is only a chance to recover all the states in an instant.

The system prompt is very obvious, he is about to die, and the death puppet will take effect. If the old man with bones pulls out the Yunlong sword slowly, and then pulls out after he is dead, the death puppet may not be able to take effect. At that time, he will be dead.

For so long, although Tianhuo is used to having only one life, instead of being infinitely resurrected like other players, but after truly experiencing a death, Tianhuo understood that life is so precious!

"Good Xuan, you only had a little life left just now. You scared me to death. You are only a little less life, and the dead puppet won't be able to take effect!" Tianling panted slightly, and said with lingering fear.

Tianhuo didn't pay attention to his health at that time, but Tianling did, and there was only a little life left. Perhaps the system directly judged that Tianhuo was about to die based on the situation at the time, so let the death puppet take effect!

But at this time, Tianhuo, who was full of anger in his heart, had no time to pay attention to Tianling, and used it over and over again to take advantage of it!

There are no dead puppets, and the angry Tianhuo just wants to seize the time to use it to catch the sheep. If the bone old man's body state has passed and he still fails, he can only teleport and escape!
Time passed by second by second, and a series of system prompts sounded in Tianhuo's ears. Tianhuo didn't need to listen or look at it, and stared closely at the Yunlong sword in the old man's hand. It was in his backpack, but as time passed, the Yunlong sword in the old man's hand was still there!

Seeing that the time was about to pass, Tianhuo's heart sank again. It seemed that because of the huge level gap, he couldn't snatch the Yunlong sword from the old man with bones!

At the last second, seeing that the old man with bones was about to regain his ability to move, Tianhuo gritted his teeth and teleported to Wu Ping's side, saying in a deep voice, "Withdraw!"

Saying that, the three of them and one of the beasts hurried away without looking back.

At this moment, the old man with bones was also able to move. He turned sharply and looked at the three people who were about to escape, his face turned cold, and he roared: "Little bastard, I said, you will die!"

Amidst the roar, the old man with bones stepped up into the air holding the Yunlong sword, turned his hand and took out a scroll from his arms, Tianhuo who happened to turn his head was stunned, did this guy hide something?All his storage rings were taken away by the Fenghuo Saint Spirit!

And the scroll that the old man withered bones took out at this moment made Tianhuo's heart sink even more, and he might not be able to escape!

(End of this chapter)

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