The strongest saint

Chapter 360 Artifact Cloud Dragon Sword

Chapter 360 Artifact Cloud Dragon Sword

Tianhuo frowned slightly, could elves be born from elf fruit?This is a bit weird, right?But let's listen to what Tianling said about its great use first.

Tianling didn't think too much, and said Youyou: "That's just a legend, I don't know exactly what it is, but the elf fruit is a peerless material for shaping the body, I think..."

Tianhuo said, paused, and then said firmly: "I want to create a physical body for me!"

Tianhuo paused, doubting his own ears, and asked uncertainly, "Tianling, can you have a physical body? Become an entity?"

"That's natural. If a weapon spirit like us has a physical body, its strength will be many times stronger. It's just that since ancient times, weapon spirits with a physical body have been too rare." Tianling laughed.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, Tianling is the spirit of his innate spirit cauldron, if she becomes stronger, doesn't that mean that his innate spirit cauldron has become stronger?In this way, what is there to hesitate?
"Okay! I also look forward to the day you have a physical body, how long will it take?" Tianhuo asked expectantly.

Tianling was silent for a moment, before saying: "I'm afraid I have to wait for the Xiantian Lingding to be promoted to a high-level Lingding, but with the dual effects, it shouldn't take long for the Xiantian Lingding to reach a high level."

"Haha, come on then!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Tianhuo teleported away again, all the way up Fengshen Mountain, chasing after Star Devouring Moon Beast and the others.

Although Tianhuo's teleportation distance is not far, but under successive casts, the speed is extremely fast, and soon, it has caught up with Wu Ping and the others.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast had already sensed the arrival of Tianhuo, and stopped behind a big tree to wait for the arrival of Tianhuo. At this moment, Gong Ming had basically recovered, and was waiting for Tianhuo together with Wu Ping, when he saw the sudden appearance of Tianhuo , not surprising, the two hurriedly clasped their fists together, Gong Ming said: "Brother Tianhuo, thank you for your kindness, from now on, the lives of our two brothers will be yours!"

Gong Ming's voice was calm, but under the calmness, Tianhuo could hear the deep sincerity, and couldn't help but smile, "Senior Gong Ming is serious!"

With that said, Tianhuo looked at Wu Ping, "Senior Wu Ping, you haven't talked about our deal yet!"

Wu Ping suddenly looked a little embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: "What's the deal? Back then, Gong Ming and I broke into the Ziyao Gate to find someone to take revenge, but we couldn't find him, but we came across your suit by accident. It's just that there is a formation to protect us. I didn’t take it out by hand.”

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, so that's the deal?Wu Ping actually directly told himself the whereabouts of Wen Sheng's suit!
Silently, Tianhuo thought quickly, and it is not difficult to deduce that the deal Wu Ping mentioned before must be to let him help them deal with the people of Ziyaomen, but because he saved Gong Ming, Wu Ping was embarrassed to mention the deal again That's all, he simply told himself the whereabouts of the suit.

"Ziyaomen is a first-class sect. It's not easy for the two seniors to deal with them, but there will always be a chance. After you go out, you might as well follow me to the Great Xuanzong seat, and then think of a way!" Tianhuo said.

Although Wu Ping had already told him the whereabouts of the Glyph Sage's suit, he still had to help them if he could. Let's see, after all, first-class sects are not easy to deal with.

When the two heard this, they looked at each other and smiled, and didn't mention the matter again.

"Master, there are battle fluctuations over there, do you want to go and have a look." Star Devouring Moon Beast said at this time, staring straight ahead to the right.

I don't know how big Fengshen Mountain is, and the periphery is shrouded in mist, so that people in it can't realize what height they have reached, and the surrounding ancient trees are towering. It is not easy to meet people here. Old man with bones, what an accident.

At this moment, the fluctuation of the battle coming from not far away is obviously someone fighting, and the possibility of fighting before reaching the Fengshen Temple is not much. The biggest possibility is that they are fighting for treasures.

Wu Ping and Gong Mingqiqi looked at Tianhuo. Obviously, they were waiting for Tianhuo's decision. At this time, they seemed to regard Tianhuo as the backbone.

Tianhuo noticed the gazes of the two, and laughed dumbly, "It shouldn't be far away, let's go and have a look!"

The two nodded, that's exactly what they meant. There is nothing ordinary in Fengshen Mountain, and whatever you get casually is a great wealth.

Swept along the place where the battle fluctuations came, and soon, the battle ahead came into Tianhuo's eyes, and the situation in the field made Tianhuo's eyes light up, "What a big sword!"

There is a flat land in front of it, as if a section of the mountain has been cut off by someone, and a small square several kilometers in size has been built. In the center of the square, there is a stone platform two or three feet high. Great sword!

The cold light flickered on the giant sword, and it was obvious at a glance that it was not a mortal thing!

And there is nothing around this small square, and further away, there is a normal ancient wood forest.

"This giant sword seems extraordinary, but it's so big, it should be just for decoration. These people actually want to snatch it?" Wu Ping said shaking his head.

However, Gong Ming showed a pensive look, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Not necessarily, it is said that many artifacts have the function of changing size, this sword may be that kind of artifact!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Tianhuo looked at the giant sword intently, and saw the word 'Yunlong' engraved on the hilt, which must be the name of this giant sword.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Ring moved, making Tianhuo's heart move, and he hurriedly looked at the Glyph Sage Ring, but there was no indication light, and in the Glyph Sage Ring, the token presented by the Dragon Emperor It was actually beating, obviously because of the huge sword on the square.

With this discovery, Tianhuo looked at the giant sword in the field again, "Yunlong sword, is it related to the dragon clan?" '

"Little bastard, it's you again!" A violent shout came, pulling Tianhuo's thoughts back, and hurriedly looked towards the field.

In the arena, the old man with bones quickly left the battle circle, ignoring the two strong men who were confronting him, and rushed towards Tianhuo.

"Old Man with Bones, you really linger!" Tianhuo shook his head and said, his eyes were all attracted by the giant sword before, and he didn't pay attention to the three people who were fighting. Only now did he realize that it was Old Man with Bones who was fighting one against two!

With the appearance of Tianhuo, the old man with bones gave up his opponent directly and ran towards Tianhuo. However, in Tianhuo's view, although the old man with bones is strong, he is not a big threat to him.

The old man withered bones gave up attacking those two people, and they were also so happy. They looked at each other, and there was a lot of joy in their eyes. They swept towards the giant sword, and in an instant, they had already arrived on the stone platform.

As soon as the two of them stepped onto the stone platform, a sudden change occurred. On the giant sword, a dazzling white light suddenly flickered. In the white light, the two people who stepped on the stone platform were instantly bounced away, and their figures flew across the air. After passing a beautiful arc, before landing, there is no breath!

This sudden turn of events startled the galloping old man with bones. He hurriedly turned around to look, but just in time to see the two people who had been fine before just died like this. For a moment, a bitter chill filled his heart.

Tianhuo and Wu Ping also looked at this sudden scene in amazement, Tianhuo was astonished in his heart, the artifact is very powerful, but it is the first time that Tianhuo has seen an artifact that he can do by himself, and the two of them can fight with the dead bones The old man's rivalry is naturally not Ruoguo, but facing the attack of the artifact, there is no chance of resisting at all!
Such an artifact is probably stronger than all the artifacts on him combined!
After killing the two of them in seconds, the light on the giant sword suddenly retracted, as if it had never appeared before, and the previous scene was already unforgettable for Tianhuo and others.

"It seems that this artifact is not something we can get..." Wu Ping swallowed, and said with difficulty.

Tianhuo also nodded, "It's a pity that such a powerful artifact can be seen but cannot be moved."

Suddenly, the old man with bones moved, not towards the sky fire, but towards the giant sword, "Haha, two idiots, I'm just waiting for you to trigger the attack of the Yunlong sword!"

Amidst the loud laughter, the old man with bones landed steadily in front of the giant sword, but what was strange was that the giant sword did not attack like before again, as if it had already been released.

"I've been fooled, the giant sword will only fire once for the attack like before!" Wu Ping murmured for a moment.

"Yunlong Sword is mine now! Haha... Who will be my one-hit enemy in this second-level area from now on?" The old man with bones raised his head and laughed unscrupulously, and slowly reached out to touch Yunlong Sword. .

"Lightning Hand!" Seeing that the old man with bones was about to touch the Yunlong sword, how could Tianhuo be idle, and directly used the Thundering Hand after being separated by thousands of meters!
"Hmph!" The old man with bones seemed to expect that Tianhuo would make a move, and he turned around suddenly, a white light flashed on his fleshless left hand, and he slapped fiercely from the air, "You still want to use this trick on me? It's useless!"

Sure enough, following the movements of the old man with bones, the thunder-capturing hand used by Tianhuo disappeared without a sound, without capturing the old man with bones at all!
And one move broke Tianhuo's thunder-capturing hand, the old man with bones turned around again, and pressed his right palm on Yunlong Jianjian fiercely, "Take it for me!"


Following the movement of the old man with bones, the whole square trembled violently. The three of Tianhuo stabilized their figures and looked towards the field in disbelief, only to see that the Yunlong Sword was slowly shrinking!

"Don't let him get the Yunlong Sword!" Tianhuo yelled violently, and Wu Ping and Gong Ming on the side reacted so quickly, they had already galloped out and rushed towards the old man with bones.

"Come again, Thunder Capture Hand!" Tianhuo didn't rush out, because the long range is his advantage, and once again cast Thunder Capture Hand, as long as the old man with bones is brought over, he can prevent him from getting the Yunlong Sword!

However, to Tianhuo's surprise, this time, the old man with bones did not resist Tianhuo's thunder catcher, but the thunder catcher fell, which did not shake the old man with bones at all, as if he had been connected with Yunlong sword!
"Teleportation!" Seeing that the thunder-capturing hand was ineffective, Tianhuo teleported out without hesitation, feeling a little anxious in his heart. If the old man with bones gets the Yunlong sword, as he said, I'm afraid no one can stop it!
At that time, with the hatred of the old man with bones, he must be the first to attack himself!

But God is not helping Tianhuo every time. As soon as Tianhuo teleported to the old man with the bones, the Yunlong sword became smaller in an instant, and was pulled out by the old man with the bones!

"Haha, little bastard, let you be the first to sacrifice the sword!" The old man with bones pointed at his long sword and laughed.

And being pointed at by the Yunlong sword, Tianhuo's whole body was icy cold, and there was an unreasonable sense of fear in his heart. This time, it was really dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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