Chapter 359

"Ox horns?" Tianhuo looked at the thing stabbed in his hand in surprise, and lost his voice.

Although I didn't expect to be able to get out of the fixed state ahead of time, Tianhuo's reaction was so fast. The moment the horn reached his chest, Tianhuo slammed out of the way.

The bull's horn brushed against Tianhuo's chest slightly, but Tianhuo had already swept into the distance, staring intently at the lead, and was about to speak, when a system notification sound stunned Tianhuo.

"Ding! The system prompts: Affected by the horns of the Northern Underworld Divine Bull, level -1!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Your level has decreased, the current spirit level is 37, and the four attributes are -5."

Listening to the system prompt, Tianhuo frowned, Beiming Shenniu?It's just touching his chest, and it actually made him drop a level directly. You know, he didn't even lose his life points!
"The reaction is quite quick. Luckily for you, next time, it won't be as simple as dropping a level!" Immediately raised the horn in his hand and snorted coldly.

As he said that, he turned around immediately and wanted to retreat. Now that the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo has regained his freedom, he is no longer able to deal with him. If he still wants to leave, do he have to wait for the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo to abuse him?

"Hmph! Take the lead, come and go without indecent assault, I'll give you something good too!" Tianhuo snorted coldly, and a ball appeared in his hand, and then instantly shattered into pieces.

Haina Spirit Ball: A prop with a mysterious origin, which can absorb the player's experience value and store it after activating the "suction" tactic, and can obtain the experience value stored in it after activating the "receive" tactic.

Current stored experience value: Level 51 to 68 x 10 times.

Curse of current absorption: After being released on anyone, the person cannot gain any experience points for one month.

Note: The Heiner Spirit Ball has limited power to absorb the curse, and it will be destroyed after releasing the curse.

"Ding! System prompt: Successfully absorbed the experience value stored in the Haina spirit ball, level +1, and successfully released the curse!"

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations, you have reached level 38, the four attributes +5."

The Heiner spirit ball, which had been stored in Tianhuo's hands for a long time, finally shattered because of the release of the curse. The spirit ball shattered, and an invisible light instantly poured into the body of Yima Xianxian, and the latter was about to leave. His expression suddenly changed!

"You..." Turned around suddenly and stared fiercely at Tianhuo, but couldn't even utter a complete sentence!

The corners of Tianhuo's mouth hooked slightly, making it impossible for the leader to gain any experience points for a month. Although Haina's spirit ball was broken because of this, it was worth it!

Although he knew that Tianhuo had the Heina spirit ball, he didn't know that there was such a curse in this thing, and he couldn't get experience points for a month!It made him want to die.

Gritting his teeth, he took the lead and didn't dare to stay longer, turned around again and galloped away. With the presence of the Fenghuo Saint Elf, he didn't dare to stay for a long time!
Seeing that he was the first to turn around, Tianhuo didn't chase after him, but put on a mysterious smile and turned to look at the Fenghuo Saint Elf. This little girl shouldn't let the first one to leave like this, right?
Sure enough, it seemed that she sensed that she was about to escape. The little girl put away the storage ring of the old man with bones, and blasted the old man with bones into the woods thousands of meters away. Appeared in front of the leader, blocking the way of the leader.

Tianhuo looked at the old man with bones who was blown away in astonishment. The little girl just waved her hand casually, and the old man with bones had already arrived in the forest thousands of meters away. This mysterious method really surprised people!

However, it seemed that the Fenghuo Saint Elf didn't intend to kill the old man with bones, which made Tianhuo a little disappointed.

It's just that the storage rings of the old man with bones were all taken down by the Phoenix Holy Spirit. I'm afraid the old man with bones would suffer a great loss. The threat is not that great, and it doesn't matter if you let him go.

He took the lead, if he stayed in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, he might be a threat to the Glyph Saint suit.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo turned to look at the little girl who stopped the lead, and said with a smile: "He is an adventurer from another world, he can be resurrected immediately after death."

The little girl glanced at Tianhuo suspiciously, and then looked at Yimadaoxian with jewel-like eyes, with suspicion, a green light flooded into Yimadaoxian's body with the flick of her fingers.

Under the light, he took the lead and fell down without even a chance to scream, instant kill!

Tianhuo's eyes lit up. From the looks of it, the Fenghuo Saint Elf didn't know about the adventurers in the other world. After all, after staying here for a long time, it might be difficult to know about the outside world.

After killing Yimadao, the little girl squatted down and looked at Yimadao's body curiously, and just as Tianhuo expected, Yimadao quickly revived on the spot!

"Oh, it's really possible to be resurrected..." The little girl said in surprise with joy flashing in her jewel-like eyes.

Tianhuo knew that Yimadao had the props to revive him in situ, so it was not surprising. As long as he was killed within 1 minute, Yimadao couldn't be resurrected in situ again, so he could only hang back to the second-level area.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tianhuo flipped his hands, and the light on the book of literati flashed, and the third page was opened, and the whole poem of Xia Kexing roared out, and he was in front of the leader in an instant!
He took the lead and just resurrected on the spot, with only one-tenth of his health, and he didn't expect Tianhuo to make a move at this time. Feeling the breath of death coming from behind, he hurriedly turned around, but it was too late. The Changhong that the whole poem transformed into It has already arrived in front of him, and there is no way to avoid it!
At this moment, the hairs all over stood on end, and there was only one thought in his mind: he was going to die at the hands of Tianhuo again!

Suddenly, the Fenghuo Shengling suddenly appeared in front of the Changhong transformed by the Knight Walk, and when he grabbed it with his hand, the whole poem disappeared without a sound!
This sudden scene stunned both Tianhuo and Yimadao. Tianhuo didn't expect that the little girl would block the fatal blow for Yimadao, and Yimadao obviously didn't expect that the little girl who was hostile to him before would turn around Do yourself a favor.

"What are you doing?" After breaking Tianhuo's attack casually, the little girl stared at Tianhuo questioningly, with some displeasure in her eyes.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, he didn't understand what the little girl meant, everyone came to drink the spirit fruit, and trapped her in the frozen space, but at this moment, she actually blocked this fatal attack for them.

"I've already punished him, don't try to kill him right under my nose, do you hear me?" Seeing that Tianhuo didn't respond, the little girl said again.

Tianhuo frowned, this little girl, is her head broken?

And the one behind the little girl took the lead, smiled jokingly at Tianhuo, her figure flickered, and soon disappeared into the distant forest, and the little girl didn't intend to stop her.

Seeing that the first horse had left, Tianhuo reluctantly put away the book of the sage of literati, and was blocked by the holy spirit of Fenghuo, so he didn't want to kill the first.

Seeing Tianhuo put away the Book of Grammar, the little girl stepped forward, "My father taught me not to kill people. I was just curious that he could be resurrected, but I can feel that if you let me do it at that time, he would not be able to kill people." It was revived on the spot, so I can't let you make a move."

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, "Are you also so kind to the enemy?"

"Enemies? I have no enemies. If I insist on calling them enemies, they are monsters." The little girl looked up at Tianhuo and said calmly.

"Monsters? Are there monsters in Fenghuo Treasure Land?" Tianhuo asked in surprise.

The little girl shook her head, "With my father and I here, it is impossible for there to be monsters. This is where I am helpless. I really want to kill monsters in the outside world, but my father does not allow me to go out."

Tianhuo looked at the little girl carefully, and knew in his heart that although she looked eight or nine years old, she was not at that age, and her actions and thoughts were not what she should be at this age.

Tianhuo remembered Tianling's words, so he didn't ask about the little girl's father anymore, he cupped his fists and said: "There will always be a chance to go out, I should go."

The little girl glanced at Tianhuo, then turned her head to look at the seemingly infinite Fengshen Mountain, and said: "It seems that you want to go to the Fengshen Temple, I warn you, if you don't have the fixed wind beads, don't go near the Fengshen Temple."

As she said that, the little girl flipped her hands and took out a fruit surrounded by a faint color, "This is for you, use it with caution."

Tianhuo looked at the fruit handed over by the little girl in surprise. This was the elf fruit that the old man with bones wanted to pick before. He didn't expect the Fenghuo Saint elf to be so generous, and gave it to himself as a reward for the rest of the mission.

Since it was a mission reward, Tianhuo naturally wouldn't refuse it, so he accepted it as a thank you, and didn't rush to check it, so he put it in the ring of the sage.

The little girl nodded, and flew towards the elf tree in a blink of an eye, and disappeared from Tianhuo's field of vision in an instant, but Tianhuo didn't stop, sensing the location of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and teleported away.

In the luxuriant elf tree, the little girl stared at the direction where Tianhuo was leaving, as if she could see Tianhuo through the dense leaves, and murmured: "Is he the one my father said? I have to go Ask your father."

After the voice fell, the little girl's figure also disappeared on the elf tree.

And Tianhuo, teleported out all the way, rushed towards the place where the Star Devouring Moon Beast was. Its position had moved, and it seemed that Gong Ming must have woken up before they started moving forward, which reassured Tianhuo.

"Huh? Where's the elf fruit?" Rest assured, Tianhuo looked into the ring of the sage, but the situation in it made Tianhuo stunned, and the elf fruit disappeared!

"Tianling, did you take the elf fruit?" After thinking about it, Tianhuo understood and asked.

"Hee hee, Tianhuo, let's discuss something!" Tianhuo said with a smile, with a flattering taste in his words.

Tianhuo shrugged, only Tianling could activate the ring of the Glyph Sage, naturally there is no need to doubt that Tianling must have taken it, "Tell me."

"It is said that the elf fruit can give birth to elves. I don't know if it is true, but I know it has a great use. I think... I used it!" Tian Ling hesitated and said.

Tianhuo hasn't even looked at the properties of the elf fruit yet, so he shook his head and said, "What's the big use? Let's talk about it first."

(End of this chapter)

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