Chapter 358
"Then why are you standing there in a daze? Go!" The little girl was stunned when she saw Tianhuo, and said again through voice transmission.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on triggering the mission to protect the elf tree, do you accept it?"

Tianhuo swallowed his saliva, already stunned by the strength and strangeness of the Fenghuo Saint Elf, nodded and said: "Accept!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on accepting the task of guarding the elf tree. Please check the task panel for details!"

Before Tianhuo went to check, the little girl rolled her eyes and said again via voice transmission: "I'll give you half of the reward first, and I'll drive him down quickly!"

As the voice fell, the system notification sound came from Tianhuo's ear again, "Ding! System notification: Congratulations on the evolution of your skill Thunder Catcher. Please check the skill panel for details."

Tianhuo glanced at the little girl in astonishment. The reward she gave was to upgrade his thunder catcher?And that's only half the reward, don't know what the rest will be!
Thundercatch Hand: Active skill, cannot be upgraded, pulls the target in the field of vision to the front instantly after casting, does not cause damage, does not distinguish between enemy and friend, use requirements: level 50.

Looking at the Thunder Capturer today, Tianhuo felt an unreal feeling in his heart. The Thunder Capturer in the past just pulled the target within a hundred meters, but now, it was actually within the field of vision!

With Tianhuo's eyesight, everything two or three kilometers away can be clearly seen. Today's Lightning Hand is like a fish in water for Tianhuo. Finally, there is a skill that can match his eyesight!
Just taking a look, Tianhuo raised his head and looked towards the elf tree. On the luxuriant elf tree, the figure of the old man with bones was completely blocked by the branches and leaves, making it impossible for Tianhuo to find him for a while, but after listening carefully, Tianhuo heard I heard the sound of the old man with bones stepping on the tree trunk.

With this discovery, Tianhuo hurriedly changed his direction and looked towards the place where the sound came from. Through the gaps in the leaves, Tianhuo saw a fruit that was filled with colorful light and was crumbling on a branch a thousand meters high. Not far from the fruit, the old man with bones was crawling over carefully.

Flying is not allowed here, and the old man with bones has to walk slowly along the trunk, so the speed is not fast.

"I see you! The Lightning Hand!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he unleashed the Thundering Hand violently!
The old man with bones didn't know that Tianhuo had also come here, and he was very excited when he saw a fairy fruit not far away.

At the moment when the old man with the bone was about to reach the elf fruit, a powerful restraining force suddenly appeared. Before the old man with the bone could react, he was bound by the strange force instantly, and immediately after, the old man with the bone was even more horrified. He unexpectedly left the elf tree uncontrollably and fell towards the bottom.

At this moment, the old man with bones only felt that the scenery in front of him was changing rapidly, but this change was very fast, but it stabilized in the blink of an eye, and when it stabilized, a familiar face appeared in front of him, looking at it with a smile Own!

Under Qin Lei's hands, the distance between the two was only [-] centimeters. The old man with bones was startled, and flew back, his face turned cold, "It's you!"

For Tianhuo, the old man with bones still has a fresh memory. He saw Tianhuo again after many days. It is impossible to forget.

Tianhuo grinned and looked up and down the old man with bones, nodded slightly, playful: "Isn't it me? It seems that you are doing well, old man with bones, and you are still alive."

"Little bastard!" The old man with bones yelled angrily, and then he rushed out, white light flickered on his fleshless left hand, and a powerful aura also permeated the air.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly. Although his strength had increased a lot compared to the last time, the old man with bones was too weird. It might not be easy to fight him. He turned his head and glanced at the frozen space not far away. Intend.

"Teleport!" Seeing the white jade-like left and right sides of the old man with bones approaching in front of him, Tianhuo directly teleported away and appeared a thousand meters away.

The old man with the bones was stunned for a moment, then became even more angry, and galloped over, "Where can I escape!"

"Escape? It's you who should escape!" Tianhuo said slowly, and raised the scribe's pen in his hand.

The moment the old man with the bones entered the attack range, the fire in the sky moved, and a series of strokes roared out, "Ten steps kill one person..."

Dao Dao's strokes cut through the air, and flew straight to the old man with bones. With the advantage of distance, Tianhuo didn't have to worry about the old man with bones' counterattack at all, he just needed to do it uninterrupted.

And the next scene made Tianhuo dumbfounded, seeing those strokes in front of the old man with bones in an instant, but the old man with bones didn't dodge, but just raised his left hand glowing white, and blasted towards those strokes. Just in time, the brush attack unleashed by Tianhuo was picked up by the old man with bones!

This is the first time Tianhuo has seen such a situation. The enemies he encountered before either avoided his own attack, or he could only bear it, but the old man with bones was lucky to be able to fly his own pen attack , it seems that those strokes are solid weapons!
Although surprised, Tianhuo would not be careless at this time, the literary sage's pen was put on his chest, and he opened his mouth: "Mouth to punish, furious, rest in the middle of the corridor, the rain..."

Immediately, large golden characters appeared in the sky, and the old man with bones just entered the range of the big characters. When he looked up and saw the big characters appearing in the sky, he was obviously taken aback.

In a daze, each big character has been smashed down quickly.
2680, -3140...

Two to three thousand damage points emerged from the old man's head. Tianhuo didn't expect to kill the old man with the bone by verbal punishment. After all, he knew how powerful the old man with the bone was.

The old man with bones slammed down big characters one by one, and still rushed towards the sky fire, but the speed was obviously much slower.

Tianhuo's expression was calm, and he turned his head to look at Yima Xianxian's situation indiscriminately. He saw that Yima Xianxian and the little girl were still standing there, and it seemed that it was not yet time for the space to freeze and disappear.

The big characters fell down, and the old man with bones also successfully approached Tianhuo, "I see how you still run!"

Tianhuo jokingly smiled, teleported away again, and came out of the frozen space, verbal criticism turned into pen attack again, and Dao Dao strokes roared out again.

"How could it be possible to use the teleportation that comes with the equipment so quickly?" The old man with bones was in a daze again, then gritted his teeth, and charged again. He believed that Tianhuo couldn't teleport like this forever. When he couldn't teleport, it was him The time of death!

"Broken Iron Clothes on the Battlefield of Hundred Battles..." Tianhuo once again used the skill of verbal punishment. Although this style of attack is rogue, the effect is very obvious. Not to mention that he doesn't need to be hurt, the fight is also very easy.

In the sky, big golden characters reappeared, and as the big characters fell, there were crisp cracking sounds in Tianhuo's ears.

Looking at the place where the sound came from, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and saw that the solidified space was actually loosened, and cracks appeared one after another, and he didn't know whether it was broken by the big characters or the time was up.

With the appearance of the crack, the little girl's eyes were fixed, and a powerful aura suddenly permeated the air, "You guys are so brave if you dare to attack the Elf Tree!"


Following the little girl's coquettish shout, the frozen space was like a shattered mirror, turning into countless fragments and falling down in an instant!
"Damn it! Tianhuo, you're ruining my good deed again!" Immediately took the lead and suddenly became able to move, turned around and ran towards the distance, not daring to stay in front of the little girl.

"Fixed!" Tianhuo hastily cast the immobilization spell, immobilizing the first horse in place, then turned to look at the little girl, folded his arms, and said with a smile, "My mission is complete."

The little girl glanced at Tianhuo, completely ignoring the immobilized one who took the lead, and suddenly raised her head to look at the old man with bones, "Hand over the things!"

Hundreds of meters away, the old man with bones felt endless coolness suddenly permeated his heart at this moment, his body trembled slightly uncontrollably, and there was a deep fear in his eyes, he had known for a long time that the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire was very powerful , Facing her at this moment, I realized that that kind of strength is not something I can resist!

There was silence for two seconds, seeing that the old man with the bones did not move, the little girl's eyes turned cold, she stepped on her bare feet, and her figure appeared in front of the old man with the bones like a phantom. The object ring was in his hand, and from the beginning to the end, the old man with bones didn't dare to move!
Watching the movements of the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire, Tianhuo shifted his gaze to the immobilized lead. Tianhuo remembered clearly that a few days ago this guy was resurrected with the Hades Scorpion and teleported away. This time, he couldn't give He has this chance!

He was the first to be fixed, knowing that Tianhuo was already in front of him, but he couldn't even open his mouth, so he could only feel anxious.

As for Tianhuo, he looked up and down at the head of the horse, and finally found a slight bulge on the chest of the head of the horse. The last time, the Hades Scorpion came out from here!

With this discovery, Tianhuo smiled at Yimao, "Leave the horse, it's not good to hide the scorpion here, if it stung you, it will be poisoned, for your safety, I kept it for you!"

As he said that, Tianhuo pulled away the collar of the leader's clothes, and immediately, the white scorpion appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes, it was the Hades Emperor Scorpion!
The Pluto Scorpion shook its sharp barb, as if it was threatening Tianhuo not to approach, and the threatening aura emanating from the barb also made Tianhuo hesitate, "Tianling, how do you get it?"

"Take it directly, it's a good thing if you get stung." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he grabbed the Pluto Scorpion with his hand, but the strange thing was that the Pluto Scorpion let Tianhuo grab it, but there was no sign of resistance at all, let alone stinging Tianhuo.

"Eh? It seems that Pluto Emperor Scorpion is not interested in you, so keep it for now!" Tian Ling said.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and he could be stung even if he took the lead. This little guy is not interested in him?That is to say, it won't help itself anymore?

But even if this kind of thing is useless to him, he can't give it the lead. Tianhuo flipped his hands and sent the Hades Scorpion to the Palace of Mortal Gods. Just as he was about to speak, he took the lead but suddenly moved!

Before the time to freeze, Tianhuo didn't worry about being able to move first, but things were so unexpected. The 20-second fixation time was only half past, but he moved, and the flickering horns suddenly appeared in the hands of the first, He stabbed at Tianhuo's chest!
(End of this chapter)

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