The strongest saint

Chapter 364 The Puppet Self-Destruction

Chapter 364 The Puppet Self-Destruction

The old man with bones was very confused. Before he could react, he was already trapped in a strange cage, and what was even more strange was that the group of people who had escaped by him before actually did it now?

The old man with the bones was confused, but the movements of Tianhuo and the others were not slow at all, four enemies to one, plus the Star Devouring Moon Beast, that is five enemies to one!

Skyfire imprisoned the old man with bones, and then unleashed a series of skills, "Battle Soul! Violent Soul! Tough Charm!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

After using the battle group skills one after another in one go, Tianhuo quickly opened the second and fourth pages of the Book of Glyphs.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"The guard's call, puppet!"

Thirteen guards and a dark gold-level puppet all appeared in the field. For a moment, the spirit beasts who wanted to snatch Bodhi's flesh and blood fruit were scared and flew away.

After a series of bonuses, the Devouring Star and Moon Beast stepped back in a tacit understanding. It knew that Skyfire needed to perform long-range attacks, and it was its duty to keep a proper distance from the enemy.

In Tianhuo's hands, the third page of the Book of the Sage of Grammar was also turned over, and suddenly, the whole poem of the knight-errant line shot out instantly and fell into the old man with bones.

The damage value of more than 70 came out from the top of the old man with bones, making Tianhuo's eyes light up. It's not that he has no chance to deal with this guy, it's just that the old man with bones has Yunlong sword in his hand. His attack is too powerful to be attacked by him. attack to.

Tianhuo launched an attack, and Yifeng and the others, as well as those guards and puppets, were not slow, they all roared out one after another, and immediately, the field was filled with powerful attacks one after another.

The face of the old man with bones became very ugly. He never thought that there would be so many not weak enemies in a blink of an eye. At this moment, his life value was decreasing, and he hadn't seen such aggrieved situation for many years.

"Ah!" The old man with bones was bombarded by so many attacks, and the lost health may not matter to him, but this kind of aggrieved made him unbearable, "Die to me!"

Roaring, the old man with bones flipped Yunlong sword, and suddenly, dazzling light surged on the long sword, and the sword energy with destructive aura was even more raging.

"Back!" Without Tianhuo's confession, Wu Ping shouted and led Gong Ming and Yifeng back, but with Tianhuo's thought, thirteen guards stepped forward!
As soon as everyone backed away, they saw the dazzling light surge from the Yunlong sword in the old man's hand, and then the chilling sword energy scattered in all directions, and at this time, thirteen people The guards are on their way!
Pfft... With a burst of puffs, the thirteen guards fell down, and successfully consumed the sword energy trained in the horse, blocking a blow for everyone.

Tianhuo's pupils shrunk, and he killed 75 guards in one move. You must know that the guards' attributes were as high as [-]% of his own, but they couldn't bear the blow of the old man with bones. It can be seen that the old man with bones is so powerful.

Everything happened too fast, and the thirteen guards died as soon as they retreated. A fearful atmosphere permeated the field, but Wu Ping and the others stepped out again and attacked without any fear.

"Fix!" Tianhuo also yelled violently, and cast out the Fixing Curse, after the old man with the bones was fixed in place, strokes whizzed out one after another when he raised his hand.
5630, -5860...

However, more than 5000 damage values ​​emerged from the head of the old man with bones, which made Tianhuo's heart sink again. He is in full strength now, but the damage value is not satisfactory. I hope that there are more people and more strength to kill the old man with bones, otherwise, There will be endless troubles in the future.

Yifeng, Wu Ping, and Gong Ming launched their attacks with all their strength, and Tianhuo's puppet was also clinging to the old man with bones, and the attacks kept falling.

Under the fixed body state, the old man with bones couldn't move for a while, he could only watch helplessly as everyone's attacks fell, endured them abruptly, and his life value was slowly declining.

Within 20 seconds of standing still, everyone's attacks fell like a storm. However, within a few seconds, the old man with bones suddenly moved, and the Yunlong sword swirled quickly, and powerful attacks roared out. Wu Ping and the others were caught off guard. They were all hit by the powerful attack and were immediately sent flying.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Breaking out of the fixed body state, the old man with bones shouted violently, stepped out with his right foot, his body spurted towards the wing wind closest to him, and the Yunlong sword stabbed fiercely!

"Brother Yifeng!" Tianhuo's pupils suddenly constricted, "Prisoner!"

The cage formed by Prisoner's Ring instantly appeared around the old man with bones, but the old man with bones was so fast that the Yunlong sword directly pierced the cage that had just been condensed, and the castration continued, catching up with the winged wind that flew out backwards.

"Teleport!" Seeing that the Yunlong sword was about to pierce Yifeng's chest, Tianhuo gritted his teeth and teleported out, blocking the old man with bones. When he lifted the book of the sage, it happened to block the tip of the Yunlong sword.

The terrible impact force hit like a flash of calcium carbide, Tianhuo felt his arm numb, and his figure flew out uncontrollably, and the old man with bones was not much better. The shape also flew out backwards.

Tianhuo turned over to stabilize his figure, his feet slammed on the ground, and his body still rubbed against the ground under the huge impact force and retreated, leaving long marks on the ground, and he retreated tens of meters before stopping his figure .

On the other hand, the old man with bones was not much better, he was also sent flying tens of meters!

Tianhuo sighed in his heart, and hurriedly looked at the book of the sage, but saw that the place where it intersected with the Yunlong sword was not damaged at all!
The demon weapon is still intact to the divine weapon. For a while, Tianhuo had strange thoughts in his heart, and he was even more looking forward to the Glyph suit.

"How is it possible?" The old man with bones lost his voice, looked down at the Yunlong sword, and then at the sky fire in the distance. He didn't expect that the Yunlong sword didn't even pierce a book.

Taking a breath, Tianhuo teleported out again, and returned to the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast. He raised his hand and waved a series of black strokes like ink. Yi Feng and others also stabilized their figures and continued to move forward. He didn't give the old man with the bones a chance to breathe.

The three of Yifeng chose to attack closely, and while avoiding the Yunlong sword in the hands of the old man with the bones, they also bombarded the old man with the bones, forcing the old man with the bones to fight back again and again. However, the speed of the three of them was not slow, and they retreated with one blow , put another person on top, for a while, let the old man with bones get no benefit at all.

Coupled with the attack from Tianhuo on the periphery, the old man with bones was overwhelmed.

"There is a chance, the skill attached to Yunlong Sword seems to have a long cooling time, kill him before that skill cools down!" Tianhuo saw the abnormality, his eyes fixed, and he accelerated his attack.

Suddenly, Tianhuo found that his damage value had decreased. Obviously, after 30 seconds had passed, the blessing on the fourth page of the Book of Glyphs had disappeared, reducing his attack. smile.

Seeing that the old man with bones could still hang such a smile under the attack of everyone without a chance to fight back, it made everyone feel bad. It seemed that the old man with bones had been brewing something.

As soon as this idea appeared, the old man with bones shone brightly on his left hand without flesh and blood, and a vast aura burst out suddenly, "Bones are everywhere!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the light green light surged violently, and wherever it passed, the ground instantly became barren, and the light green light was so fast that everyone could not avoid it. After being affected, the life value was very fast is falling.

Tianhuo was no exception. Under the pale green light, his health dropped and was fully restored by his own life.

"Gen Sheng's pity!" Tianhuo hurriedly showed Wen Sheng's pity to everyone, restoring their health, otherwise, if this continues, everyone is afraid that they will die.

"Old Man with Dry Bone's great technique, I will break it!" Gong Ming said in a deep voice, and the dark green light scattered from his hands, spreading and pouring into everyone's body, immediately breaking Old Man With Bone's method.

The Poison King secret skill that Gong Ming practiced has a restraining effect on the methods of the old man with bones. Although the old man with bones has been broken, it wastes the time of attacking the old man with bones and gives the latter a chance to breathe. The breath resurfaced again!
"Back!" Tianhuo hurriedly yelled, the power of Yunlong Sword is not something everyone can stop.

"Haha, it's late!" The old man with bones laughed loudly, and pointed at the sky with the Yunlong sword. Immediately, phantoms like the Yunlong sword shot out, densely covering the sky of the crowd in an instant, blocking their retreat.

Tianhuo looked intently, and saw that the phantoms transformed by the Yunlong sword were solidifying, and in the surrounding world, waves of powerful air were also gathering on those phantoms.

The four of Tianhuo quickly gathered together, their faces were all ugly, the old man with bones is not weak, and with the Yunlong sword, it is indeed not invincible to everyone, it is dangerous now!

Tianhuo glanced at the puppet on the side, took a breath, and with a thought, the puppet battle spirit shot out and rushed towards the old man with bones. Spirit explosion!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the puppet war spirit suddenly exploded, and the dazzling white light made people unable to open their eyes. In the white light, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared, and a powerful air wave blasted away from the center of the explosion. The phantom is broken, and Tianhuo and others are also blasted out.

The four of Tianhuo teamed up to defend against the impact of the air wave, and they were blasted hundreds of meters before they stabilized their figure. Although they were not hurt due to the attack mode, they were also very embarrassed, but everyone didn't care about the embarrassed figure. He looked towards the center of the explosion for the first time.

Under the explosion of the dark-gold-level puppet, Tianhuo and the others who were tens of meters apart were in such a mess. I don't know what the old man with bones in the center of the explosion would be like.

(End of this chapter)

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