The strongest saint

Chapter 365 Eight Star Punishment Evil Messenger

Chapter 365 Eight Star Punishment Evil Messenger

The puppet battle spirit has been following Tianhuo for a long time, but most of the time it is useless. After the self-detonation, the berserk power is raging in this ancient forest.

The four of Tianhuo stabilized their bodies and looked towards the center of the explosion together. The old man with bones should be dead, right?
The raging power gradually receded, and the situation in the arena gradually became clearer. Wu Ping and the others secretly clicked their tongues, "Brother Tianhuo, you are willing to blow up the puppet yourself. This is not a small loss!"

Tianhuo shook his head with a wry smile, as long as he could kill the old man with bones, what was the self-destructing puppet?
The smoke and dust in the field slowly fell, and the next scene changed the faces of the four of them again. In the center of the explosion, the old man with bones was covered in torn clothes and looked very embarrassed, but he was not dead!

At this moment, the withered bone old man's breath was messy, and his figure was trembling, even the right hand holding the Yunlong sword was trembling, but from his sharp eyes, it could be seen that there was nothing serious!

Seeing such a situation, the four of them swallowed their saliva. The old man with bones seems to be too strong, right?
" must die!" The old man with bones stared at Tianhuo with sharp eyes, and glanced at Yifeng and others lightly, and a voice as low as from Jiuyou came out.

Tianhuo opened his mouth, unwillingness welled up in his eyes, and he said helplessly, "Run!"

"Huh!" Tianhuo's voice had just come out, but the old man with bones snorted coldly. Yunlongjian pointed at the sky, and his figure also stepped into the air. In the blink of an eye, he was in the sky above the four of Tianhuo, with a messy but powerful breath Diffuse and open.

"Yunlong locks the world! Destroy!"

A deep roar resounded through the forest, and the old man with bones pressed his long sword, and suddenly, an indescribably vast aura suddenly appeared, and under this aura, the four of Tianhuo felt unable to move, and watched helplessly. Attacks with a destructive aura are gathering.

"It's over this time, Tianhuo, you adventurers in another world have unlimited lives, remember to help my father recover his body, thank you!" Yifeng's eyes flashed with despair, and then he became firm, and said in a deep voice.

After the words fell, the old man's attack roared out, Tianhuo clenched his fist with difficulty, he couldn't die here!

"hold head high……"

Just as he was about to make a move, a familiar dragon roar suddenly resounded, "Who dares to hurt my master!"

"Nine Souls!" Tianhuo looked bitter, at this moment, why would Nine Souls come out to cause trouble?I was planning to take everyone to use the escapism technique and leave. Once it came out, how would I go?
Tianhuo didn't care how Jiuhun ran out of the pet space at all. Looking up, Jiuhun's huge body enveloped everyone, and above, the attack of the old man with bones had also arrived!
'Alas... Nine souls, it looks like I have to find a way to resurrect you after I go out. Tianhuo thought to himself, this kind of powerful attack, Tianhuo knew that Jiuhun couldn't resist it at all!
As soon as this thought appeared, the powerful attack also fell, and instantly hit Jiuhun Yinglong, Tianhuo closed his eyes slightly, unable to bear to watch Jiuhun's death.

"Hmph! The Yunlong Sword is a sacred object of my Dragon Clan. Do you want to use it to hurt me?"

The thick voice of Nine Souls resounded through, making the eyes of Tianhuo and the others brighten. It survived that terrible attack, but it was all right?
The old man with bones looked at the undamaged Nine Souls Yinglong in horror, and then looked at the Yunlong Sword in his hand. He couldn't understand that this strongest attack couldn't hurt it?
In the midst of horror, Nine Souls Yinglong moved, the dragon's claws protruded, and invisible fluctuations gathered in front of him. Immediately afterwards, Yunlongjian was seen struggling violently, desperately trying to leave the palm of the old man with bones. He grasped it, but he couldn't suppress the violent struggle.

At this moment, the face of the old man with bones changed, and his horrified eyes glanced between Nine Souls Yinglong and Yunlongjian. He didn't understand why Yunlongjian had such a reaction!
The Yunlong sword suddenly vibrated and escaped from the old man's control. It turned into a stream of light and shot in front of Jiuhun Yinglong. The latter opened his mouth and swallowed the Yunlong sword.

"Master, the Yunlong sword belongs to my Dragon Ancestor, and it is revered as a sacred object of the dragon. Now I take it back and keep it for the Ancestral Dragon. I am afraid that I will also undergo some changes because of the Yunlong Sword..."

The voice of Nine Souls Yinglong rang in Tianhuo's mind, but before it fell, the voice was suddenly interrupted, replaced by a system notification sound, which rang in Tianhuo's ear.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your pet Jiuhun Yinglong for swallowing the Yunlong sword, and began to evolve under the influence of the Yunlong sword."

"Evolved again?" Tianhuo frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up. As a high-level beast, Nine Souls Yinglong actually started to evolve again!

The Nine Souls Yinglong suddenly disappeared in front of Tianhuo, and returned to the pet space. On the pet panel, the Nine Souls Yinglong has also become evolving. This time, I don’t know how long it will take to complete the evolution, but Tianhuo was surprised. That Yunlong sword is actually the thing of the ancestor dragon!
Zulong, that is the supreme existence of the dragon clan. Tianhuo had heard about it when he was in Longdao, and now he has seen the thing of Zulong, which made Tianhuo feel a burst of anticipation. Will Zulong be at the same level as the main god? What about the existence?
"Want to leave? Without the Yunlong Sword, let's see how you can resist us!" Wu Ping shouted violently when he saw the old man turned around and wanted to leave.

The old man with bones stagnated, and it is not appropriate to entangle with Tianhuo and others at this time, not to mention that the Yunlong sword is gone, and he has been severely injured by the self-destruct of the puppet.

However, after losing Yunlongjian and being seriously injured, how could the old man with bones have a chance?In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by the three of Wu Ping, and the stormy attack roared away.

Tianhuo raised his head slightly, and looked intently at the old man with bones. The old man with bones at this moment is a tiger who has lost his claws and claws.
"Prisoner!" At the flick of a finger, light from Prisoner's Sky Ring emerged, instantly forming a cage around the old man with bones, trapping him firmly.

Today's skill prison can last for 69.5 seconds, and the old man with bones has been severely injured, how can he have the power to break through the cage?Such a long time, under the siege of everyone, is enough for him to die several times!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on beheading the old man with bones and gaining 50 crime points."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your promotion of the title Evil Punisher Envoy, currently 8 stars, please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up equipment x 2, skill book x 1."

"Finally dead!" Wu Ping let out a long sigh of relief, watching the skeleton old man's body gradually fade away, his face showed a look of relief.

The old man with bones has entangled Tianhuo and the others for so long, and was chased by him time and time again. Now, they finally killed him!

Tianhuo also heaved a sigh of relief, the old man with bones was extremely strong, and fortunately he was severely injured by the puppet's self-detonation, otherwise it would be hard to say whether he could be killed, and fortunately Jiuhun Yinglong appeared in time and took away the Yunlong sword, Otherwise, Tianhuo and the others still have to escape.

Several people sat down with relief, Tianhuo was not in a hurry to check the spoils, but looked at the title immediately.

Emissary of Evil Punishment (8 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -4800000. After using this title, the favorability of kind NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes +2500, life recovery +21%, mana recovery +21%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

Now the evil value of Tianhuo has reached -5292103, and this title upgrade has 700 more four attribute bonuses than before. Although it is not much for Tianhuo today, it is also quite a lot, and the most useful one is naturally Life magic recovery, 21%, ah, 21% of its own HP and MP are recovered every second, this is not a small number.

After checking his own attributes, Tianhuo looked at the loot. The most attractive thing was naturally the skill book. Tianhuo hadn't gotten the skill book for a long time, and the old man with bones was so strong, the skills he released Books shouldn't be weak, right?

Withered Bone Hand: Active skill. After being cast, it will cause poisoning to enemies within a radius of 30 meters, losing 5% of HP per second. The duration depends on the resistance of the enemy. Cooldown time: 30 minutes. Occupational requirements: Assassin.

Looking at this skill, Tianhuo couldn't help thinking of the negative state in the previous battle, it seemed that it was caused by this skill, it was very powerful, but fortunately it was broken by Gong Ming.

But it's not that Tianhuo can learn, it seems that it is more suitable for Fatty.

Mentioning Fatty, Tianhuo remembered that he and Zi Meier had been kept in the Fanshen Palace for so many days, so it was time to let them out.

With a thought, Fatty and Zi Meier appeared next to everyone. Yifeng was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the two, but Wu Ping and Gong Ming were different. They didn't know that Tianhuo had a mortal god who could pretend to be a living thing The palace was curious about Tianhuo's methods for a while.

But Tianhuo didn't need to explain, releasing the two in front of them was enough to show his trust in them.

"Fuck me, I'm suffocating..." The fat man sighed as soon as he came out, and then he looked around intently.

"Yifeng!" Zi Meier saw Yifeng sitting cross-legged on the ground at a glance, and couldn't help saying happily.

Yi Feng responded with a smile, and pointed to the flesh and blood Bodhi tree beside him, "Help me out!"

Although the ancient tree was affected by the puppet's self-explosion, it was not damaged at all. At this moment, the remaining two bodhi flesh and blood fruits are crumbling. If they are not picked off, they may really return to heaven and earth.

Seeing Zi Meier take off the two Bodhi flesh and blood fruits, Tianhuo nodded slightly, "Brother Yifeng, Zi Meier, you have got the things, you go back first!"

"Tianhuo, it's hard to get here, how about going to see the place where Fengshen lives?" Yifeng said a little tiredly, obviously he didn't want to go back at this time.

Tianhuo shrugged, and he didn't force it. Anyway, if he was in danger, he could send them to the Palace of Fanshen.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo raised his head and looked forward. He didn't know how far he was from the top of Fengshen Mountain. Although there was no threat of the old man with bones on the road behind, there might be other stronger enemies.

"It's almost time to rest, let's go!" Tianhuo got up, patted the dust off his body, and said.

However, as soon as the words fell, a majestic aura shot from a distance, before the figure arrived, a somewhat old but very majestic voice came over, "Please stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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