The strongest saint

Chapter 366 Climbing to the top

Chapter 366 Climbing to the top
A gentle but majestic voice came, and Tianhuo hurriedly stopped his footsteps. This voice was no stranger to him.

Turning around and looking, I saw an old man who was about to decay galloping forward, with a rickety figure and bark-like skin, this was the dragon old man that Tianhuo had met back then in human form.

When I met this old man a few days ago, Tianhuo gave him some rejuvenation pills, but after these days, it seems that the old man has not recovered his appearance, he still looks old.

The old man stopped a few meters in front of Tianhuo, cupped his hands towards Tianhuo, "Little friend, we meet again."

Tianhuo clasped his fists to return the salute. He didn't know why the dragon elder came here, but seeing that the other party was not hostile, he was not worried, so he asked, "What's the matter, senior?"

The old man looked Tianhuo up and down, and said slowly: "A few days ago, I sensed that the sacred object of my dragon clan was touched by someone, so I rushed here, little friend, please hand over the sacred object of my clan!"

The old man's tone was very flat, without the feeling of superiority, it seemed to be discussing, but this request still made Tianhuo frown, "Senior, don't you think it's a little too much?"

As soon as the words came out, Wu Ping and the others hurriedly put on guard. If the old man dared to force himself, then he could only fight.

The old man hurriedly waved his hand and said with a dry smile: "I didn't mean that, but the sacred object is of great importance and cannot be obtained by you humans."

Tianhuo's expression condensed slightly, and then he smiled, "Then seniors can rest assured, the Yunlong sword is not on me, but in the hands of your dragon clan."

He kept a smile on his face, but Tianhuo was a little angry in his heart. He worked so hard to snatch the Yunlong sword from the old man with bones. This old man is good, he just asked for it. There is no such thing as cheap, and this is an extremely powerful Yunlong sword , how can give him?
Hearing this, the old man looked up and down Tianhuo again, his brows gradually frowned, and he said in a deep voice: "I remember that you already have a mount for an intermediate beast, but I didn't expect you to have my dragon family as a pet, little friend, do you know that my dragon family is not Very bullying!"

Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, it seems that this old man has stayed in the Fenghuo Treasure Land for too long, if he was outside, he might have received news from the Dragon Clan, so he wouldn't bother about bringing the Nine Souls Yinglong with him!
Thinking about it, Tianhuo simply took out the token presented to him by the Dragon Emperor in the third-level area, and flashed it in front of the old man's eyes, "Senior, the whole dragon clan knows that I have dragon pets on me, and they don't even ask."

"The third-level Dragon Emperor Order! How could the Dragon Emperor in the third-level area give the Dragon Emperor Order to humans?" The old man lost his voice in surprise.

Tianhuo put away the Dragon Emperor Token, a little surprised. He always thought it was just an ordinary Dragon Token, but never thought that it would be the Dragon Emperor's Token, but this is just right, with the Dragon Emperor Token, the old man should be more convinced Come on!

Sure enough, the old man's expression changed, and he hesitated for a moment before saying: "Then I will follow you until this matter is cleared up. If you lie to me, you will not be able to bear the consequences."

Tianhuo frowned, and then felt happy. It's a good thing that such a strong person is with him. If he encounters an invincible enemy, he shouldn't just sit idly by, right?And with him around, many enemies will definitely be deterred. Thinking of this, Tianhuo frowned and said with a smile: "Then senior just follow along, and you will know when you get out of Fenghuo Baodi."

The old man looked puzzled, but he still nodded, "It seems that you are going to go out after going to the Fengshen Temple, right? I want to go up and have a look too."

Tianhuo nodded, his eyes lit up, "Senior has been here for a long time, so he should be familiar with it, why don't you ask the senior to lead the way!"

The old man nodded, and strode forward.

Tianhuo made a reassuring look to Yifeng and the others, and led them towards the front, and quickly disappeared into the forest.

It should be a very pleasant thing to have an old man leading the way, but soon, Tianhuo and the others couldn't be happy, because the old man didn't care about the powerful aura ahead, and went straight forward!
In the past, Tianhuo and the others walked around those powerful auras, so as not to get into trouble, but now it's good, this old man doesn't care about those at all!
Tianhuo and the others were worried, if they angered those masters with powerful auras, they would be in big trouble!
As soon as everyone had this idea, sure enough, an angry roar sounded in front of them, "Dare to trespass on Lao Tzu's territory? Get out of Lao Tzu!"

The owner of that powerful aura could not be seen at all, and the incomparably majestic voice had already resounded in the ears of Tianhuo and the others, like a torrent of thunder.

The old man in the lead looked calm, and his speed did not slow down at all. With his hands behind his back, he stepped out at random for a distance of tens of feet, and continued to plunder towards the powerful aura.

"Senior, let's take a detour?" Wu Ping said worriedly.

The old man glanced at Wu Ping, and he didn't stop walking. When he turned his head, a more powerful aura rose into the sky, "Iron-backed Cangxiong, who are you telling me to get out?"

Under this powerful aura, Wu Ping and the others felt uncomfortable all over, but Tianhuo didn't feel anything because he was carrying the innate spirit cauldron. However, as the old man burst out with a powerful aura, the previous voice suddenly didn't dare to appear again. Even its aura hastily restrained.

The old man ignored it, and went straight across the iron-backed bear's territory, and the iron-backed bear, who was shouting before, had long since gone to hide somewhere.

Such a scene made Tianhuo and the others dumbfounded, and secretly happy in their hearts. With such a strong person, they should be able to reach the top of the mountain faster. Here, it is very important to take the first step.

Going straight up all the way, I don't know how many powerful spirit beasts have passed through the territory, but without exception, after those spirit beasts sensed the powerful dragon breath of the old man, they evaded early, and did not dare to stop them. Said, for fear of offending the old man.

Going forward like this for three or four days, the surrounding ancient forests became more sparse, and through the sparse ancient forests, Tianhuo could already faintly see a blue light emerging from the sky ahead, which seemed to be the top of Fengshen Mountain up.

"It's almost there, let's take a rest first, we're almost there." The old man suddenly stopped and sat down cross-legged.

Tianhuo and the others also sat down and walked forward for several days, tired!

"Senior Jin, you have been in the Fenghuo Treasure Land for many years, do you know what is in the Fengshen Palace?" Yifeng asked, after a few days, everyone already knew that the old man was named Jin Da, a member of the Jinlong lineage of the Dragon Clan, and his identity seemed to be different. Not low.

Jin Da shook his head slightly, "I have a mission, I have never been there, the farthest I have been to is the Holy Relic."

Tianhuo and the others nodded, and looked towards the place where the top of the mountain meets the blue sky. There was a blue light there. It must be where the Fengshen Temple was, and it seemed that it was not far away.

"Huh? There's Fenghuo jade ginseng over there. Does anyone of you have a gathering technique above the spiritual level? Go pick it, don't waste it." Jin Da said, suddenly looked not far away, and said.

Following Jin Da's gaze, I saw a ginseng-like spiritual grass growing quietly on the land dozens of meters away, but Wu Ping and the others shook their heads regretfully, "Fenghuo jade ginseng needs Harvesting skills above the spiritual level can be used to harvest completely, we have no hope."

Tianhuo stared at the Fenghuo jade ginseng. It should be a not weak spirit grass that can grow here. It just so happens that his sage's laziness has already reached the spirit level, so collecting this Fenghuo jade ginseng should not be a problem.

You don't need to get close, Tianhuo is just a laziness of Glyph Sage, with a skill range of more than 600 meters, and there is no one to stop him. Gathering this spirit grass is just a matter of ease.

"Ding! The system prompts: You use the laziness of Wen Sheng to collect Fenghuo Jade Ginseng × 1."

Immediately, the Fenghuo Jade Ginseng appeared in Tianhuo's hands, making Jin Da and the others suspicious for a while, but Tianhuo didn't seem to notice the suspicious eyes of everyone, and looked at the Fenghuo Jade Ginseng in his hand.

Wind Fire Jade Ginseng: Spirit-level spirit grass, born in the place where wind and fire gather, taking it within half an hour after picking can increase the level of spirit by 10, and the medicine will have no effect if it expires.

"Huh? Tianling, take a quick look, can the time-limited panacea be used for alchemy?" Tianhuo hurriedly said via voice transmission.

After waiting for a while, there was no response from Tianling. It seemed that she had used the elf fruit to shape her body.

Unable to get a response from Tianling, Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose helplessly, just as Jin Da's voice sounded, "Hurry up and take it, and then go on your way. This thing won't work if it's out of date."

Tianhuo nodded and swallowed the Fenghuo Jade Ginseng in one gulp.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking Fenghuo Jade Ginseng, level +10."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations on reaching level 49, four attributes +50!"

Directly let Tianhuo upgrade from spirit level 39 to spirit level 49, the upgrade is unprecedentedly easy, but Tianhuo feels regretful, such a good thing, it is a pity that it is limited in time, otherwise it would be cool to take it after spirit level 90, after all It is not easy to upgrade in the second-level area, and such things are even more rare.

But already at level 49, Tianhuo is looking forward to it. He is only one level away from the task entrusted by Thor. At that time, the tortoise shell whose name is full of question marks will indicate the location of the divine body of the mortal god. Find it and you can complete it. Task.

"It seems that we are late, and someone is ahead of us, let's go!" Tianhuo hoped, Jin Da quickly got up and swept towards the peak.

"Be the first?" Tianhuo frowned. It doesn't matter if others take the lead, but he is afraid of being the first to take the lead. In that case, his suit will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo also accelerated his speed. Seeing that the peak was getting closer and the blue light was getting stronger and stronger, everyone frowned, because there were already many figures waiting around the blue light.

Not long after, the five members of Tianhuo also came here, and what caught their eyes was a thick cyan light curtain pouring down, completely blocking the field of vision, and they couldn't see the situation in the cyan light at all.

"It's here." Jin Da said softly, and looked at Qing Guang intently.

Tianhuo also raised his head to look up, the blue light wrapped the entire mountain top, and the sides could not be seen, so it was impossible to guess what was going on inside, but Tianhuo understood that the Fengshen Temple should be inside.

At this time, the ring of Wensheng suddenly shook, which made Tianhuo happy, and hurriedly looked down.

Sure enough, there were instructions on the ring of the sage of the sage that could only be found when the parts of the suit were found. However, looking at the light of the indicator on the ring of the sage of the sage, Tianhuo couldn't help raising his brows, shaking, not only the ring of the sage of the sage, but also Items in the Ring of the Glyph!
(End of this chapter)

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