The strongest saint

Chapter 367 5 Statues

Chapter 367 Five Statues
Under the light of the instruction light of the Glyph Saint Ring, there was still something beating in it, which made Tianhuo raise his eyebrows and hurriedly checked.

In the ring of the sage of the sage, the Suzaku fan is rushing, as if wanting to break away from the shackles of the sage of the sage.

Seeing such a situation, Tianhuo's heart moved. The Suzaku Fan was an artifact used by Fengshen in the early years, and now it has a reaction. Could it be that it can bring him into the blue light in front of him?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo looked around calmly, not far away, more than ten people were asking Guangwai to walk back and forth, not daring to try to enter the blue light.

Jin Da frowned and looked at the blue light in front of him, stepped on his right foot, and a boulder flew towards the blue light.

As soon as the boulder approached the green light, it immediately turned into fine powder and fell down. Such a situation made Wu Ping's expression slightly changed, "I finally got here, could it be that I can't get in?"

The dozen or so people at the side obviously knew the murderous intent hidden in the blue light long ago, so they wandered outside. Otherwise, they would have gone in a long time ago, so what are they waiting for here?

"There should be a way, and maybe after a certain period of time, this blue light will dissipate." Jin Da said.

Tianhuo looked around, but saw that there were such situations everywhere in his sight range, and there was no entrance at all. Maybe it was really like what Jin Da said, and he needed to wait until the blue light dissipated by itself.

Looking back, there are patches of white clouds beyond the mountainside, and this Fengshen Mountain is obviously towering into the clouds.

"Brother Tianhuo, let's wait and see. Since the Fenghuo Treasure is open, there should be a chance for us to enter the Fengshen Temple." Wu Ping said.

Tianhuo turned his head and smiled at Wu Ping, "Senior, Brother Yifeng, you wait here for Zi Meier and Fatty, I'll see if I can go in."

"No, it's dangerous!" Yifeng hurriedly stopped, but saw Tianhuo raised his arm wearing the ring of the sage, he couldn't help but stop talking, and looked at Tianhuo suspiciously.

Tianhuo smiled, Fatty and Zi Meier couldn't keep up with the crowd and were already left behind, but there was no danger on the road ahead, and they could come up safely, so don't worry, just let Wu Ping and the others wait here.

Nodding slightly to Yifeng, Tianhuo had a thought, and immediately, Suzaku Fan appeared in front of the mountain, and as soon as it appeared, Suzaku Fan flew towards the blue light by itself.

Tianhuo grabbed the Suzaku fan and felt a great pulling force coming from his hand, dragging Tianhuo towards the blue light abruptly!
Tianhuo took a deep breath, hoping that Suzaku Fan could take him in safely, otherwise, he would have to abandon Suzaku Fan!

Dragging Tianhuo, Suzaku Fan's speed is not fast, slowly moving to the front of the blue light, in the tense expression of Tianhuo, green and red rays of light burst out from Suzaku Fan, enveloping Tianhuo, and in this strange Under the radiant light, the blue light in front was forced away, forming an invisible channel of light!

"There's play!" Tianhuo frowned, knowing that he was safe under the protection of the Suzaku fan!

As soon as the light enveloped Tianhuo, the Suzaku fan also dragged Tianhuo into the blue light. At this moment, Tianhuo felt relieved, changed from passive to active, stepped out, and walked along the passage that was forced open by Suzaku fan.

A few minutes passed, the blue light in front of him faded, Tianhuo's eyes suddenly opened up, and an endless square appeared in front of Tianhuo's eyes, and as soon as he appeared here, Tianhuo looked up in surprise.

Hundreds of meters high in the sky, a large hall and an upside-down mountain are suspended, and the light from the ring of the sage is pointing directly at the palace!

The palace and the floating peak are separated by tens of thousands of meters, suspended at the same height, and a thick and simple atmosphere emanates from the two behemoths, permeating the sky above the square.

Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue, the altitude of hundreds of meters, if it was normal, anyone could easily go up, but now in Fengshen Mountain, it is impossible to fly, and most people probably have no chance to go up.

But for Tianhuo, this is not a problem at all. Tianhuo is not in a hurry to act at this moment, naturally because the Fenghuo Saint Elf said that it is impossible to approach the Fengshen Palace without the Fixed Wind Orb, and if you approach it, you will die. Naturally, Tianhuo dare not try.

Tianhuo looked at the two buildings in the sky for a moment, but the Suzaku fan didn't stop, and still led Tianhuo forward, until it came under the floating peak, and then changed the direction of the traction, pointing directly upwards.

Tianhuo looked at the floating peak above, and didn't know what the Suzaku Fan was pointing at, but since he couldn't go to the palace right now, Tianhuo could only hope that he could get the Fixed Wind Orb on the floating peak, otherwise, this time it would be a waste of time , and need to find the Dingfengzhu.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo moved his body and said lightly: "Teleport!"

The figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, and before falling, Tianhuo teleported again, and landed steadily on the floating peak, but the condition of his eyes made Tianhuo stunned.

On this inverted floating peak, there are actually five statues tens of feet tall. The three statues of Fanshen, Leishen, and Luoshen are recognized by Tianhuo at a glance, and there is one that he has never seen before. It's the man who looks the same as his father again!

"Oh, old master..." Tianling's voice suddenly rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, staring closely at the statue that looked the same as his father, and sighed: "Tianling, I thought you went to condense your physical body."

"Well, it has already started, the foundation has been laid, and it will be completed in a few days. Tianhuo, that is Lord Fengshen." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, he had already guessed it, since this is Fengshen's site, the statue he didn't know would naturally be Fengshen, and the one with the same appearance as his father made Tianhuo very helpless.

"Tianling, who can tell me who the statue at the head is?" Tianhuo sighed helplessly.

Tianling was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's been so long, why are you so anxious?"

Tianhuo shook his head and bowed to the five statues. Now he is at level 49, come on!In the future, when we reach the first-level area, we will definitely be able to figure out everything!

"The Suzaku Fan brought me here, but there is no movement now, so why don't you just let me see these five statues?" Tianhuo murmured, looking at the Suzaku Fan who had regained his calm in his hand.

The Suzaku fan didn't respond at all, maybe it just sensed that the statue of Fengshen was here, so it flew here by itself, and it had no other meaning.

Tianhuo originally hoped to find the Wind-fixing Orb here, but it seemed that he was going to be disappointed, there was nothing but the five statues, and there was no sign of the Wind-fixing Orb.

Sighing secretly in his heart, Tianhuo turned and looked at the floating palace on the opposite side. The palace was thousands of feet square, and the whole body was blue. the wind exists.

But after looking at it for a long time, I saw that the surrounding area of ​​Fengshen Palace was very calm, and there was no wind at all!

"Hee hee, you are here, you are not lazy!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came, and Tianhuo hurriedly turned to look at the place where the voice came from, and saw that the Fenghuo Saint Elf had arrived in the field at some point, sitting on the shoulder of the Fengshen statue, smiling Looking at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was taken aback, "You actually sit on Fengshen's shoulder?"

The smile on the face of the Fenghuo Saint Spirit remained unchanged, and he did not answer Tianhuo's astonishment, but said: "You are worrying about Dingfengzhu, right?"

Tianhuo's heart moved, "You have it? Can you lend it to me?"

The Holy Spirit of Fenghuo hurriedly shook his head, "I can come and go here freely, I don't need that thing, of course I don't have it, but it can show you the way."

The Glyph Saint suit is close at hand, Tianhuo naturally hopes to get it sooner, if it is too late and let the first one take the lead, it will be troublesome.

"Please tell me!" Tianhuo clasped his fists, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said.

"Hee hee, do you still remember the person who frozen me in the space before? He got the fixed wind bead, you just go and grab it." The Fenghuo saint said with a smile.

Tianhuo frowned, and said in a voiceless voice: "You got the Wind Orb in the first place?"

The person mentioned by the Fenghuo Saint Elf was naturally the first to take the lead. Tianhuo didn't expect that he actually knew to find Fengzhu!
When he first came here, Tianhuo didn't see the first horse, and saw that the place was completely covered by blue light, and he was secretly happy, because the first horse hadn't arrived yet, and even if he arrived, he might not be able to come in, but the news he got now made Tianhuo My heart sank.

To be the first to get the Dingfeng Orb, if he came in, he would be able to enter the palace safe and sound, that's not what I wanted to see!
If he was reborn first, he might know the way to pass through the blue light, and he has already obtained the Wind-fixing Orb, which means that he came prepared. This time, it is indeed like what the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo said, and he must do it by hand. Just grab the beads.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo raised his head and cupped his fists, but saw that the Fenghuo Saint Elf had disappeared, and he couldn't find her whereabouts when he looked around, which made Tianhuo feel puzzled. She came here just to tell herself this news?

However, the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo has disappeared, and Tianhuo has no chance to ask questions. Right now, finding a way to capture the Wind-fixing Orb from the leader is the most important thing.

At this moment, the surrounding blue light suddenly moved, twisted and began to rotate around this world, and during the rotation, all the blue light began to rise slowly!
"It's about to be opened!" Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, and after a little thought, he used the invisible skill to hide his figure. Once the blue light dissipated, everyone could come in. At that time, they must be able to see the leader.

The blue light rose slowly, like an overwhelming gate slowly rising, and the speed of rising was getting faster and faster. After dozens of breaths of effort, it had completely disappeared, allowing this square to be bathed in sunlight again.

As soon as the blue light disappeared, one after another silhouettes came from outside. Tianhuo stood on the edge of the floating peak, sizing up the people who came in, looking for the leading figure.

"Haha, Fengshen Temple! Treasure..." One after another voices resounded in the square, making this peaceful square suddenly noisy.

Tianhuo frowned. Looking around, there were people coming from all directions. According to a rough estimate, there might not be less than a hundred people. This time it was even more troublesome. There were too many people. Grab the Dingfeng Orb that takes the lead, in that case, you don't have much chance of grabbing it!
(End of this chapter)

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