The strongest saint

Chapter 368 The Way to Enter the Palace

Chapter 368 The Way to Enter the Palace

Tianhuo stood intently on the edge of the floating peak, used his invisible skills to hide his figure, and quietly observed the situation below.

On the square below, taking advantage of the blue light fading away, Dao Dao's figures came rushing forward. Not far ahead, they were all attracted by the floating peaks and palaces in the sky.

Tianhuo also took advantage of the crowd to stop, and began to search for the whereabouts of the leader among the sparse crowd.

After a while, Tianhuo frowned, and there was no leader in the field at all. It seemed that he hadn't arrived here yet, or was hiding somewhere and wanted to sneak into the palace.

"The treasure must be in the palace, haha, the old man went in first, take a look!" A strong NPC laughed, took out a hook rope and threw it straight towards the palace.

The hooked rope crossed a long arc, and landed steadily on the edge of the small square in front of the Fengshen Palace, tightly clasping the ground, while the strong npc pulled the rope, and after confirming it was stable, he grabbed the rope and flew quickly swept up.

You can't fly here, and if you can think of this way, this npc is considered smart, but this guy has good strength, and he just threw the hook rope up at a height of hundreds of meters.

"Good way!" Those strong men who reacted, their eyes lit up, and they rushed towards the place where the hook rope was, but it was too late, the guy had already climbed tens of meters along the rope, and waved his hand , immediately cut off the rope under his body.

Tianhuo, who was hiding on the Fufeng Peak beside him, smiled, this guy is really amazing, he won't let others take advantage of it, if he enters the palace alone, then the treasures in the palace will be his own.

But immediately, the smile on Tianhuo's face stopped, "The hook rope went directly to the front of the palace, but it was not destroyed. So, the surroundings of the palace are safe?" '

That's right, the hook rope actually went directly to the front of the palace without being destroyed, which means that there is no such mysterious wind around the palace as the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire said, but it is safe!
Tianhuo hesitated, but still stopped the steps he wanted to take. The man had already climbed more than half of it, so he might as well wait and see. If there was really no danger, it would not be too late for him to teleport there.

And at this moment, those people who were still in the square below couldn't sit still anymore, they racked their brains and thought of a way out, Fengshen's palace was right in front of them, they couldn't let others get there first!

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from above, and then everyone saw that the person who climbed up along the rope had disappeared, leaving only a piece of powder floating away.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped, "How did that person die?"

No one thought that the person who seemed to be on the verge of making the first move would turn into a powder just like that, completely smashed to pieces!
Tianhuo was also heartbroken, and stared at the place where the man disappeared in disbelief, but he could see clearly that the guy didn't even have a chance to scream and just hung up!

"Oops, brother Tianhuo..." Wu Ping in the square suddenly lost his voice, and his face became ugly.

And following his reminder, the faces of Gong Ming, Yifeng, Jin Da and the others all changed drastically. If there is no sign of Tianhuo here, there is probably only one possibility, that is, Tianhuo, like that person, has been smashed to pieces. !
"What's wrong with Tian Huo Da? Why do you have such an expression?" Fatty ran from behind, and at this moment, he and Zi Meier arrived.

Everyone's faces were very ugly, Yifeng gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty: "Tianhuo may..."

As he said that, Yifeng couldn't bear to continue talking, and a deep sadness appeared on his face.

The fat man rubbed his head, opened the battle group panel to take a look, and said doubtfully, "Is Tianhuo still doing well, what are you doing?"

"What? Brother Tianhuo is okay?" Gong Ming said excitedly, grabbing the fat man's shoulders in surprise.

The fat man's face turned bitter, and he struggled and said, "Senior Gong Ming, it hurts... Who is Tian Huo Da? How could he die?"

"Haha, it's good that it's okay, that kid must have already gone in, right?" Jin Da laughed and moved his eyes to the palace in the sky.

Although Tianhuo on Fufeng couldn't hear everyone's conversation, he could guess from the expressions of everyone, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and looked around again intently.

In the current situation, I'm afraid that only the one with the wind-fixing bead can safely enter the palace first, but Tianhuo really wants to know how to cross the hundreds of meters in the first place.

After waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the leader, and in the square below, everyone couldn't stay still for a long time. They tried various methods, and some people even wanted to pull the palace to the ground, but it was obvious that they were It won't work.

"Tian Huo Da Da, did you go in? What treasures are there?" Fatty's voice sounded in the friend system.

Tianhuo looked intently at the fat man below who was full of hope, and responded with a smile: "Not yet, I'm waiting to be the first. He has the Wind Orb on his body, and he can only enter if he has the Orb of the Wind."

"It's that kid again? Uh, the sky is so hot, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for him." The fat man said weakly.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, could it be that the fat man also saw a leader later?Hastily asked: "Quickly tell me, what's going on?"

"Hehe, Tianhuo is big, you must not have imagined that Xiaomu actually came here, and just now, she met us, and even met us at the head of the pack, so it goes without saying that the two of them died together..." Fatty helplessly Said.

Mu Yichen has been in Longdao all the time, because he couldn't be contacted for a long time, and everyone ignored him. They didn't expect this guy to come to Fenghuo Treasure Land secretly.

"Xiao Mu died?" Tianhuo frowned. Mu Yichen had always been able to take the lead, but now, he died in the hands of the lead?
"Hey, don't worry, Xiao Mu is dead, but the first one is also dead!" The fat man laughed.

Tianhuo frowned even deeper, if he hung it up immediately, then there would be no Wind Bead, so how could he go in and get the parts of the suit?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo turned on the friend system and called Mu Yichen, and soon, Mu Yichen connected, "Tianhuo, where did you go? Tsk tsk, you weren't there just now, the battle was really enjoyable!"

"Xiao Mu, you hung up the first horse? Have you left Fenghuo Baodi?" Tianhuo asked hastily.

"Eh? Tianhuo, I haven't seen you for so long, why don't you ask me what you are doing first?" Mu Yichen rolled his eyes and said, "That guy's strength has grown too fast. I've been in Longdao for so long. I can't keep up with him, Tianhuo, I really doubt that the way I met him was wrong."

Tianhuo couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and kept silent, waiting for Mu Yichen's next words.

"We died together just now, but you know, that bastard has a resurrection item, and he didn't know where he went after the resurrection. Anyway, I went back to the foot of the mountain, wasting a few days for nothing." Mu Yichen said displeased.

Hearing this, Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that it was because Mu Yichen and Yimadao didn't resurrect on the spot, making Fatty think that they had all hung up and said so, but in fact, both of them are still in Fenghuobao.

"It's fine, hurry up and come up!" Tianhuo said.

"Forget it, Fengshen Mountain is too big, I don't want to run again, I'll go around, hehe, remember to call me if something good happens." Mu Yichen laughed.

"The biggest good thing is here!" Tianhuo smiled, and then his heart moved, and he sent all the maps he opened to the legion to share, and then said: "Look at the map I uploaded, there is a special marked place, you go there and wait for it." Me, it should be exciting."

"Hey, I like it, I saw it, then I'll go first!" Mu Yichen's eyes lit up, and he followed the map shared by Tianhuo.

Tianhuo smiled, and when the matter of Fengshen Palace was finished, he should go to that place.

Turning off the friend system, Tianhuo began to look at it intently again, and when he saw the actions of those strong NPCs in the field, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He saw that hundreds of people each took out their weapons and started digging in the square directly below the palace!

"Work hard. Once you take away the things that make this palace levitate, the palace will come down. At that time, what treasures you can get depends on your ability!" A majestic voice resounded through the air.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and what made Tianhuo dumbfounded was that Jin Da, Fatty and others actually joined the ranks of digging, and they would not stop until they found the reason for the palace to be suspended.

"Smart but hateful method, I don't know who thought of it, if Lord Fengshen is still alive, I'm afraid he will be pissed to death!" Tianling said viciously, obviously disagreeing with this method of everyone.

"Tianling, so there is really something below that makes the palace levitate?" Tianhuo asked.

"That's natural, otherwise how do you think such a huge palace can be suspended?" Tian Ling said coldly, as if she was very angry with those people's actions.

Tianhuo coughed dryly, if the palace really landed, he would have no advantage, and if the mysterious wind around it disappeared because of the palace's landing, it would be all right.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo simply ignored it and waited quietly, hoping that everyone's actions could make the mysterious wind disappear.

Just because Tianhuo ignored it, it didn't mean that others ignored it.

Suddenly, a terrible heat wave surged in the square, mixed with strong winds.

The sudden appearance made most of the people in the field happy, "It seems that there is a reaction!"

However, Jin Da's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly called Wu Ping and others to quickly back away, "Go!"

With strong doubts, Wu Ping and the others did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly retreated after Jin Da. At this moment, a figure of a little girl came from the wind and heat waves, "I don't want to enter Fengshen Palace." Stop you, but if you continue to destroy Fengshen Square, I promise to destroy you!"

This little girl is naturally the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire, but the cold words made everyone dare not make any changes, because at the moment the little girl appeared, everyone felt that their throats became dry, and the coolness came from their hearts. flood out.

No one doubted that this little girl who looked only eight or nine years old must have the power to destroy the world.

(End of this chapter)

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