Chapter 369
In the arena, everyone looked at the Fenghuo Saint Elf who stepped into the air in horror, and they didn't dare to breathe.

The Fenghuo Saint Elf stopped hundreds of meters away, staring at everyone in the field with a cold gaze that was not what this appearance should have at all, and glanced around, "I warned you, anyone who doesn't listen will be at their own risk!"

After finishing speaking, the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo turned around and disappeared, and as she left, the heat wave on the square began to dissipate slowly.

"That... who is it?" Everyone asked each other with difficulty.

But obviously, no one knew the identity of the Fenghuo Saint Elf, and no one answered everyone's doubts.

There was silence in the field. The people who had been thinking about excavating the square sat down cross-legged, not daring to make any more changes. As time passed, people came one after another, but after seeing the situation in the field, they remained silent.

Tianhuo sat cross-legged on the edge of the Fufeng Peak, getting a little impatient for waiting, and looked at the light on the Glyph Saint's ring again, and asked, "Tianling, is there anything that can replace the Wind-fixing Orb? It's best if I have of."

The ray of light on the Ring of the Glyph Sage directed towards the opposite hall, but with that hidden murderous intent, Tianhuo didn't dare to teleport there at all!

"Who told you to use the injury-free spirit ball indiscriminately? Otherwise, it would be easy now." Tian Ling asked back.

Tianhuo shrugged. According to Tianling, there was no other way. Every time I used the injury-free spirit ball, it was a dangerous moment. I can't say that I used it indiscriminately. Spirit ball, that's easy.

"Don't look at the tranquility around the palace, but it is actually similar to the endless void, filled with powerful and chaotic forces. Once you get close, you will be like the man before, and you will be smashed to pieces in an instant!" Tianling said again, as if blaming Tianhuo for not avoiding injuries. Keep the spirit ball once.

"Endless void?" Tianhuo muttered to himself when he heard the words, a flash of light flashed in his mind, but he still couldn't catch it.

After a long time, Tianhuo asked helplessly: "Can the Dingfeng Pearl resist the chaotic forces in the endless void?"

"Eh? Of course not, I mean similar, but not the same, here is more of the power of the wind, and the endless void is almost a violent space turbulence." Tianling said.

Tianhuo stood up suddenly, "I thought of it, Void Ray!"

The void ray can fly in the void, naturally because its talent can ignore the turbulence in the void, so will it be safe and sound in the face of these winds?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't wait to connect with Void Ray, and it was enough for him to roam the Fenghuo Treasure Land for so many days!

"Void Ray, I'll pull you back, shrink your body as much as possible!" Tianhuo confessed, and then with a thought, Void Ray appeared beside Tianhuo.

"Huh?" Tianhuo looked at the fist-sized void ray in astonishment. Although he knew that the void ray could freely change its size since it came to the second-level area, it did not expect that it could become so small.

"Master!" Void Ray looked around and greeted.

Tianhuo settled down, nodded slightly, and pointed to the opposite palace, "Void Ray, there is a very mysterious power around the opposite palace, see if you can pass through!"

Dance of the Void: Passive skill, wings can fly in the void.

With this skill, Tianhuo is looking forward to it very much, maybe he can take the lead and get nothing!
Void Ray looked intently at the opposite palace, but in the anticipation of Tianhuo, he shook his head slightly, "Master, that's the power of wind. Although it's not as good as the turbulent flow of space, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass through it due to the relationship of attributes."

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, could it be that he really had to wait to snatch the Wind Orb from the lead?

As soon as this idea came to mind, Tianhuo looked down as if feeling something, and saw a familiar figure slowly walking towards the edge of the square, casually looking up at the palace and floating peaks in the sky, and then his eyes fell on the crowd. search up.

"Take the lead! After waiting for so long, it's finally your turn!" Tianhuo muttered to himself, curling up his mouth.

He took the lead in searching among the crowd in the square, apparently looking for Tianhuo, but after scanning the crowd but did not find Tianhuo, he took the lead to look suspiciously at Fatty, wondering in his heart, "This guy is here, Skyfire hasn't arrived yet? '

The fat man obviously noticed that the one who was walking slowly was leading the way, and he raised his brows and smiled jokingly, "You didn't hang up? But I'm afraid it will be soon!"

Immediately ignoring the fat man's provocation, he stopped a hundred meters away, looked up at the palace in mid-air, and said coldly: "The thief is the thief, remember to send a message to Tianhuo for me, if you want his suit, please come and beg me!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately took out a scroll and tore it open. Immediately, a soft light wrapped around his body, and in that light, the figure that took the lead slowly rose up!

"The Forbidden Scroll! It is the Forbidden Scroll that can ignore the prohibition here!" A strong NPC froze, staring at the rising lead, and said in amazement.

The places where some top powerhouses live are often set up with various restrictions. For example, Fengshen Mountain, the entire huge mountain cannot fly, and the anti-forbidden scroll is the nemesis of these restrictions. The time is limited, but it is enough to fly to the palace first!
Many npcs were astonished, but they had no chance to snatch it. After all, when they realized it, they were already tens of meters in the air. They couldn't reach such a height because they couldn't fly.

"What about the anti-forbidden scroll? This kid is dead, wait and see a good show!" After remembering the previous situation, everyone couldn't help laughing, waiting to see the horse take the lead and be smashed to pieces.

He took the lead and naturally heard the laughter, snorted coldly with disdain, and continued to rise into the air, flying towards the palace, while the people below were all smiling and waiting to watch the show.

On the Fufeng Peak, Tianhuo stared intently at the one who ascended into the air, "Tianling, is the Wind-fixing Orb like the Injury-free Spirit Ball and the Howling Flame Ball that can't recognize the owner?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Tianling responded.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up again, and he nodded, "It's fine if you can't recognize the Lord, hehe, let's see how I get it!"

What Tianhuo was worried about was that the Dingfeng Orb had been recognized as the owner first. In that case, unless he was the first to voluntarily cancel the recognition, he would not have the slightest chance to get it, and if he did not recognize the owner, the opportunity would come.

But Tianhuo didn't rush to make a move, everything will be discussed after seeing Dingfengzhu.

I saw that Yimadao had risen more than half of the distance, and the person who was smashed to pieces before was just tens of meters higher. It seemed that Yimadao was already approaching the area where the mysterious wind existed.

Suddenly, Yimadao flipped his hands and took out a cyan bead in his hand, and with the appearance of the cyan bead, a sunken air arc suddenly appeared within a range of more than ten meters above Yidaodao, unexpectedly abruptly turning those extremely dangerous The wind pushes away!

"That's the Dingfeng Orb? It's really useful!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, staring intently at the bead in the hands of the leader, who was two to 3000 meters away, and he could see the Dingfeng Orb clearly.

"Yeah, you still don't do it?" Tianling said.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Let this guy be happy first, and he will cry later!"

Taking the lead, he has already entered the dangerous area, and the air arc is completely pressed out of the air arc more than ten meters around him, just like Tianhuo using water drops to force the lake water away, he is extremely safe in it.

Seeing such a scene, the hundreds of powerhouses below immediately became dumbfounded, "This is not the result we want..."

"What is that thing? It seems that only with that thing can we go to the palace safely!"

Many npcs regretted it too late, until now, they didn't understand why they were so confident in the first place, because he has the fixed wind bead!

But it's too late to regret, the height where they are at the forefront is beyond their reach, how to snatch it?Even if a long-range attack is used, the attack will be swallowed immediately when it encounters those invisible winds, and the attack will not be able to take the lead.

"Damn it, this guy is cheating, and he can still do this..." The fat man also stared at the sky dumbfounded, and said viciously, and then there was a joking smile on his face, he knew that Tianhuo would not just sit idly by of!

Sure enough, at the moment when they arrived at the small square in front of the palace, a loud shout suddenly resounded in the sky, "Catch the thunder hand!"

The appearance of this violent shout made Fatty, Yifeng and others look excited, while the other npcs were full of doubts, staring up at the sky intently.

In that voice, a big hand flashing with thunder appeared out of nowhere above the head of the first horse. Before the latter could react, he was already grabbed by the big hand and yanked towards the Fufeng opposite the palace!
"Haha, Tianhuo is so powerful!" Fatty clapped his hands and laughed loudly, but at this moment, Tianhuo didn't have time to pay attention to Fatty and the others, and directly cast the thunder-capturing hand to pull the horse in front of him first, and then cast the immobilization spell ,"Certainly!"

The first move froze, his eyes were full of astonishment, he had no idea that Tianhuo was actually hiding here!
I had just spoken to Fatty before, asking Fatty to tell Tianhuo to ask me if he wanted the parts of the suit, but in the blink of an eye, Tianhuo appeared in front of his eyes, and was immobilized by the immobilization spell, so he couldn't even speak, let alone Revolt!

"Lead the sheep by hand!" Tianhuo's movements were done in one go, from capturing the thunder hand to the fixing spell to lead the sheep by hand, not a single second was wasted!

"Ding! The system prompts: Failed to take the sheep by hand, please try again!"

"Come again, take the sheep by the hand!" Tianhuo is not surprised, if it succeeds once, it will be a surprise!Anyway, there is 20 seconds of immobilization time, even if you have the equipment to reduce the negative status in the first place, it should be enough for you to use it several times to catch the sheep.

The level of taking the lead is not as high as his own, but he is not as difficult as the old man with bones. Tianhuo believes that he will succeed!
(End of this chapter)

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