Chapter 370

"Let the sheep go hand in hand!"

For the second time, Tianhuo casted his hand to lead the sheep, aiming at the fixed wind bead in the hands of Yimadao.

"Ding! The system prompts: Failed to take the sheep by hand, please try again!"

Another reminder of failure came, but Tianhuo didn't worry at all, and then cast it for the third time!
"Ding! The system prompts: Succeeded in stealing the sheep successfully, congratulations on obtaining the fixed wind bead!"

"It's done!"

Dingfengzhu suddenly appeared in Tianhuo's hands, Tianhuo was overjoyed, and looked up at Yimadao, who couldn't move, and saw that the light around Yimadao gradually faded, obviously it was time for the anti-forbidden scroll!
With this discovery, Tianhuo jokingly smiled, "Let's take the lead, I wanted to kick you down, but I suddenly remembered that you can be resurrected on the spot, kicking down is meaningless, let's play a more fun game!"

As he said that, Tianhuo and the immobile Yimao passed by first, "Teleport!"

Tianhuo teleported directly to the edge of the dangerous area outside the palace, just like the one who took the lead before, a large semicircular air arc was pressed out in front of him under the fixed wind bead, obviously, the dangerous area was in front of him, and behind him Not far away, it is still safe, and Tianhuo, who is in the air arc, is not damaged at all!

"I'm going, Tian Huo Da Da, kick him down, why did you let him go like this..." The fat man shouted, but the next scene abruptly made the fat man stop talking.

I saw that Tianhuo didn't care about his falling figure, turned around suddenly and looked at the opposite Fufeng, and grabbed it with his hand, "Catch the thunder hand!"

The huge Lei Guang hand suddenly appeared in front of Yima Xianxian, and the latter was still in a fixed state, without even a chance to react, he was pulled over by Tianhuo.

"Take the lead, enjoy it, remember to have a long memory, don't mess with me!" Tianhuo said, holding the Wind Orb, he teleported again, and swept towards the palace.

And the air arc in front of Yimadao disappeared, and suddenly, a majestic force swept in, tearing his figure into pieces in an instant!

The body that took the lead turned into powder and flew down. The moment he left the dangerous area, he suddenly condensed together and restored his body. Obviously, this is the effect of resurrection in place. Even if his body is smashed to pieces, he can still be resurrected in place!
But at this time of resurrection, it is obviously unlucky to take the lead, because there are still hundreds of meters from the ground!

He took the lead with a gloomy and terrifying face, this time when he met Tianhuo, he didn't even have a chance to resist at all, he was very unwilling in his heart!

"Tianhuo..." His face was gloomy and water dripped out, even though he couldn't see Tianhuo's figure, he still roared, "I'm going to tear you to pieces..."

After the words fell, he was not far from the ground, and he had lost the protection of the forbidden scroll, so how could he be safe and sound?

He took the lead and landed heavily on the square, and soon disappeared in the white light. It was less than a minute before the resurrection, and he could no longer be resurrected on the spot again. This time, he naturally hung back and left Fenghuobao. !
"Tsk tsk..." Fatty and the others smacked their tongues inwardly, staring at the place where they disappeared first, where only a few bottles of potions were left.

After a long time, the fat man raised his head to look at the palace in mid-air, and murmured: "I feel like this Fenghuo Land is opened for the Heavenly Fire, after all, no one else can go there!"

Hearing this, Yifeng and the others nodded slightly, and also looked up at the sky, really wanting to know what happened, but it seems that there is no chance, not to mention the fixed wind bead, even if there is, they can't fly up.

In the entire Fengshen palace, only Tianhuo entered. To some extent, it was really opened for Tianhuo.

"Tianhuo is big, record the situation inside and let us have a look!" Fatty said in the Legion channel.

As soon as Tianhuo walked to the gate of the palace, he heard Fatty's voice. He couldn't help but smile, and turned on the system's portable video function. As long as he could see it, it was within the scope of the video.

In front of him, the majestic blue palace stood erect, filled with a sense of simplicity, Tianhuo looked up and down, and then moved his gaze to the open gate of the palace. Here is the place where Fengshen lives.

And the light on the Glyph Saint's Ring is also pointing directly at the gate at this moment, which makes Tianhuo look forward to it even more. I don't know what part it will be.

Slowly walking into the palace, I saw that this place is very similar to the Fanshen Palace. The palace is also supported by huge pillars that reach the sky, but the palace is filled with blue light, which looks like a dream.

In the main hall, apart from those pillars, there is only a huge seat placed in the center of the hall, and on both sides, there is a passage that seems to lead to the side hall.

On the ring of the sage, the light pointed to the passage on the right. Tianhuo glanced at it casually, and after looking at the main hall for a while, he walked towards the passage.

Not long after walking in the passage, a side hall appeared in front of my eyes, which looked like a study room, with desks and the four treasures of the study, and portraits of people hung on the walls.

The moment he walked into the side hall, the light from the sage's ring was also pointing directly at the desk. Following the light, there was a mirror box besides the Four Treasures of the Study on the desk.

"Parts!" Tianhuo suppressed the excitement in his heart, and quickly walked towards the desk.

"Stop!" Suddenly, Tianling's voice came from his mind, making Tianhuo's movements stagnate, and he stopped hastily.

"That's the portrait of Fengshen, you should pay your respects." Tianling continued.

Looking up, behind the desk, there is a two-meter-high portrait hanging, which looks the same as the Fengshen on the floating peak, and it is Fengshen.

The man in this portrait embraces his arms, with a faint smile on his face, indescribably elegant, and his eyes are looking straight into the distance, calm and profound, this is Fengshen Yufei.

Tianhuo sized up the portrait for a moment, then bowed in salute, "Senior Fengshen, I'm only here for the parts of the Glyph Sage suit, I don't want anything else, and I hope Haihan will disturb you."

As soon as the voice fell, a system prompt sounded suddenly, "Ding! The system prompts: special reason, the recording function is turned off by itself!"

Before Tianhuo wondered why the video would turn off by itself, the figure in the portrait moved. With Tianhuo's astonished expression, he stepped out of the painting directly, and his eyes looking straight into the distance also looked at Tianhuo, but his face was faint. The smile became stronger.

Tianhuo was astonished. Even if he had seen the remnant soul of Thor before, he was far less astonished than he is now, because the Fengshen in front of him didn't look illusory, just like a real existence.

"Hehe, scholars are a little more polite and less domineering than a strong man should be, but it seems that you are doing well." Fengshen spoke, and his voice made the sky fire like a spring breeze.

Tianhuo hastily bowed again, "Boy Tianhuo has met Senior Fengshen!"

Ever since he saw the God of Thunder, Tianhuo had a faint feeling that these main gods were not as lofty as he imagined, and now that he saw the God of Wind, this feeling was even worse!

"You're welcome, have you met Thor? Do you have a lot of doubts?" Fengshen stepped down from the sky, sat behind the desk, looked at Tianhuo with a smile and asked.

Tianhuo nodded, his eyes lit up, could it be that Fengshen intends to explain himself?My biggest doubt is nothing more than the statue on Fufeng that looks the same as my father.

"Haha, I know what you want to ask, but I'm sorry, you don't know yet. When you get to the first-level area, you might as well go to God of War, and everything will be clear by then." Fengshen said with a smile.

Tianhuo secretly sighed in his heart, knowing that the time for all this had to be postponed, he clasped his fists again, "Thank you, Senior Fengshen, for your guidance!"

Fengshen nodded slightly, looked at Tianhuo's dantian, and was a little dazed for a while, as if he was remembering something, but Tianhuo didn't dare to disturb him when he saw this, but he was puzzled.

After a long time, Fengshen came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Seeing your innate spirit cauldron made me lose my mind, hehe, Tianhuo, cultivate your innate spirit cauldron well, and pay more attention to it than your profession .”

Tianhuo nodded. Although Fengshen didn't say it clearly, the meaning was obvious. If this innate spirit cauldron grows up, it will not be weaker than the literati profession!

"Yes! Senior!" Tianhuo said.

Fengshen nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the brocade box on the desk came into Tianhuo's hands, "Take it, the task that Thor God entrusted to you should be completed sooner, otherwise things will change later."

Tianhuo's heart moved, although he didn't know whether the Fengshen in front of him was alive or dead, but judging from this sentence, he seemed to have a connection with Thunder God, otherwise how would he know what Thunder God entrusted to him?

Without waiting for Tianhuo to think about it, Fengshen had already got up, looked up at the top of the side hall, as if he could see the sky through the top, and murmured: "You have been in Fenghuo Land for long enough, the outside is not the same as before. So calm, pay attention to safety when you go back, and go to the first-level area earlier."

The tone of Fengshen's speech to Tianhuo was as if he was talking to someone he knew very well, without the arrogance that the main gods should have, which made Tianhuo a little surprised, wondering if these main gods had the same attitude towards other people.

But this time is not the time to think too much, Tianhuo hurriedly nodded and said: "Senior, then I will take my leave."

Fengshen nodded, without looking at Tianhuo, and said, "There is still a main god in the second-level area, and he will open the sleeping place like me in a short time, but you must not go in, remember!"

This time, Fengshen's words were full of unquestionable flavor, without waiting for Tianhuo's response, Fengshen waved his hand, and suddenly, the expression in front of Tianhuo's eyes changed, and when he stabilized, he was already beside Fatty and the others.

Tianhuo hadn't recovered yet, and Fengshen's words echoed in his head. In the second-level area, is there such a treasure land that is about to open?I don't know which main god's treasure land it is, why did Fengshen tell him not to enter it?

However, judging from Fengshen's attitude towards him, he will definitely not harm him. It seems that he really can't go there at that time. No.

While thinking about it, a series of powerful attacks suddenly rushed towards Tianhuo, "Capture him! The treasure in Fengshen Palace must be on him!"

Tianhuo came back to his senses, raised his eyebrows, and hurriedly moved away to avoid the countless attacks, looked at the field intently, and said secretly: "The crime of Huaibi is about to be staged on me!" '

(End of this chapter)

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