The strongest saint

Chapter 371 Wen Shenglun Scarf

Chapter 371 Wen Shenglun Scarf
Every man is innocent and guilty!
Tianhuo knows this truth deeply, so Tianhuo has been keeping a low profile all along, and will not expose too much unless it is necessary.

But at this moment, hundreds of strong NPCs came to surround Tianhuo with only one purpose, that is to snatch the treasures in Fengshen Palace from Tianhuo.

In the eyes of these people, only the sky fire entered the palace, so there is no need to doubt that the treasures inside must have been swept away by the sky fire!
Fengshen, that is one of the main gods, the treasures in his palace can be understood even with his toes, they must be treasures, these people can't resist the temptation of treasures, at this moment, there are less than 200 people in the field, but most of them are rushing towards Tianhuo .

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, if he let these people know that he just took his own suit, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood, but obviously, they wouldn't believe it, so Tianhuo didn't intend to say more, and devoured the stars and the moon with a thought The beast appeared under the seat.

"What? I'm easier to bully?" Tianhuo said in a cold voice, flipping through the book and the pen of the sage of literacy into his hands.

"Hand over the treasure, so as not to suffer!" The crowd shouted without stopping.

Tianhuo sneered, these people were so red-eyed by Fengshen's unwarranted treasures, they didn't even see other treasures themselves!
Estimating the range of his attack, Tianhuo slapped the Star Devouring Moon Beast and retreated. As long as he didn't take the initiative to attack those who didn't come forward, things wouldn't be too difficult.

"Don't let him run away, chase after him!" Seeing Tianhuo retreating, everyone hurriedly shouted.

"Tsk tsk, this time I played too much..." The fat man stepped back, getting further away from Tianhuo.

Jin Da frowned and looked at Fatty, then at Yifeng and the others who were indifferent, and asked, "Aren't you going to help?"

The fat man laughed when he heard the words, "Senior Shenlong, you don't know about this, hehe, wait and see the good show."

As the fat man's voice fell, Tianhuo had already ridden the Star Devouring Moon Beast to a thousand meters away, and then stopped, looking at the bodies that were shooting out one after another, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Void ray, let's go!" Play, swallow stars, and you too!"

As he said that, Tianhuo took out the brocade box and opened it, only to see a Lun towel quietly placed in it, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, "The part of this suit is actually a Lun towel?"

Although he was puzzled, this was not the time to look at the attributes, and Tianhuo didn't look at it, and directly put on the Wensheng Lun scarf. Suddenly, there was an extra Lun scarf on his head, but it was immediately hidden by Tianhuo.

Some equipment can be hidden, and this piece is no exception. However, as the Wen Shenglun scarf was worn by Tianhuo, the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on collecting all seven Glyph Saint suits. The suit attributes have been enhanced. Please check the attribute panel for details."

Tianhuo had a rightful smile on his face, and he didn't check it. He could probably guess how many attributes he had increased, but as he put on the Wensheng Lun Scarf, Tianhuo discovered that the voices of Fatty and others a thousand meters away It all fell into my ears clearly.

"You know you can't run away? Haha, let's catch them!" At this time, the hundreds of people were not far from Tianhuo.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, "You are the ones who should run away! Verbal punishment, killing one is a crime!"

In the sky, a huge "kill" character appeared out of thin air, covering a radius of more than 700 meters. Under this big character, everyone felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts. At this moment, they seemed to be trapped in a world of ice and snow.

And as the word "kill" appeared, the second, third... Each and every golden character printed the square in gold!
Without waiting for everyone to be amazed, one big character fell down one after another, and it reached the top of everyone's heads in an instant, and they couldn't avoid it, so they could only defend in a hurry.

However, everyone's defense didn't seem to have much effect. As the big characters fell, damage values ​​of different sizes appeared above everyone's heads, ranging from thousands to the highest of more than 2. For a while, everyone's hearts were filled with chills.

It's not over yet, and beside Tianhuo, a strange pet with the size of a fist magnifies instantly, hovering above everyone's heads, enveloping everyone firmly, "Void Tremor!"


Strange fluctuations came out, visible to the naked eye, even the air in the place where everyone was trembling violently, and dense damage values ​​poured out continuously above everyone's heads!

At this moment, everyone was shocked, as such a single injury was nothing to them, but the speed of the injury was too fast, it would be very bad if it continued like this!
"So strong? Forget it, I won't wade into this muddy water..." Under the strong fighting spirit of Tianhuo, some people began to choose to quit, and quickly turned and retreated.

But that was only a few people, most people still believed that with the joint efforts of hundreds of people, they would definitely benefit from Tianhuo, so these people did not retreat but continued to shoot towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo's expression was calm, staring at those who were still rushing up, the ones who rushed to the front were actually a few disciples of Ziyaomen, and it seemed that they were the ones who provoked all this before.

Because the opponents are all NPCs, Tianhuo can't see their attributes, but facing the crowd who came here, Tianhuo dare not take their attacks. After all, those who can come here are not weak existences, at least no more than How weak is he.

However, seeing that there were no red-named npcs, Tianhuo was relieved a lot. He knew very well that he did not have the ability to kill these npcs, and it would be too easy to save his life in front of these people.

With the means to save his life, Tianhuo unscrupulously launched attacks, one by one golden characters continuously appeared in the sky, and then fell down, and those npcs were getting closer and closer to Tianhuo!

The leading disciples of the Ziyao Sect, regardless of the big characters falling from above their heads and the attack of the void ray, raised their hands, and the attacks also shot towards the sky fire.

"Swallowing Stars!" Facing those unrealistic attacks, Swallowing Stars and Moon Beast directly used the swallowing skill, absorbing all the attacks immediately.

However, the damage that the Star Devouring Moon Beast can devour is only three times its own life value. After several attacks are devoured, the Star Devouring Moon Beast is powerless, and it retreats again carrying the sky fire.

"Hey, it's too late to retreat now, hurry up!" The leading disciple of Ziyao Sect saw Tianhuo's weakness, that is close attack, as long as he gets close to Tianhuo, the latter will not be able to make much trouble!

"Haha, look at my strong restraint!" An NPC laughed and flied out, and violent fluctuations appeared under the Star Devouring Moon Beast when he raised his hand, and then the Star Devouring Moon Beast was restrained by ropes composed of rays of light.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast struggled desperately, but the ropes made of rays of light were so strong that it was impossible to break free, and while it was restrained, many npc powerhouses were already getting closer to Tianhuo.

"Haha, boy, hand it over!" Several people from Ziyaomen laughed and approached Tianhuo.

Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the seat, signaling that it doesn't need to struggle, and then looked up at everyone. He could take the Star Devouring Moon Beast back and then teleport it out, but after thinking about it, Tianhuo turned his hand Suddenly he took out the Nine Dragons Battle Flag and slammed it into the ground beside him.

The Kowloon battle flag was planted, and the surrounding area suddenly became a safe area. Only the evil people with red names and purple-black names can attack. These white-named npcs are obviously not of that type. Immediately, all of them shot towards the sky All incoming attacks disappeared abruptly.

Even the rope of light that binds the Star Devouring Moon Beast disappeared abruptly at this moment, Tianhuo patted the Star Devouring, stared straight at the dull crowd, and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, "Surprised, isn't it?"

Tianhuo didn't intend to fight these people to death. He originally hoped that the large-scale attack would make everyone retreat, but the effect was very unsatisfactory. It only scared a few people away. The best way right now is this, then It is to turn this area into a safe zone!
The strength of these npcs was unfathomable, and it was only because he had not stepped into their attack range that he was able to preemptively strike. However, Tianhuo knew very well that he could not kill them, and his strength was far from enough!

"Nine Dragons Battle Flag!" Jin Da raised his brows in the distance, staring intently at the Nine Dragons Battle Flag planted beside Tianhuo, his expression changed.

The Nine Dragons Battle Banner belongs to the Dragon Clan. As a member of the Dragon Clan, he can recognize it naturally.

"Boy, you'd better hand over the things. Anyone who sees them will have a share. You don't want to take it all, otherwise, you don't want to hang around in the second-level area in the future!" The leading disciple of Ziyaomen snorted coldly.

Tianhuo shrugged, "It's easy to say!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo pulled up the Nine Dragons Battle Flag beside him, and then opened the fourth page of the Book of Sages.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Oral punishment, killing one person in ten steps, never staying behind for a thousand miles!"

In an instant, large golden characters appeared in the sky, and this time, everyone suffered even more damage!
Star Devouring Moon Beast retreated tacitly at this moment, and immediately opened the distance between Tianhuo and everyone, and under Tianhuo's large-scale attack, everyone was stunned again, this kid dared to attack?
"The man restrained me at a distance of 30 meters before. Master, don't worry about attacking. I won't let them get close to this distance this time!" the Star Devouring Moon Beast murmured, walking up and down the square.

With the support of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo is like a fish in water, attacking as much as he wants. On the other hand, those npc powerhouses all turn pale. Everyone's attack range is limited, but it's not as terrifying as Tianhuo, who wants to attack He had to catch up with Tianhuo, but the speed of Devouring Star and Devouring Moon Beast was unmatched by anyone!
If this continues, if you don't retreat, you will only be worn to death by the sky fire!

Gradually, the Star Devouring Moon Beast saw that everyone could not catch up and was being attacked by Tianhuo all the time, so he couldn't help but feel relieved, but Tianhuo was not the same, and reminded: "Don't be careless, these people have no effort, and each other is afraid of being exposed. They are still in a wait-and-see state, once they use their skills, I am afraid it will not be easy."

As soon as the reminder sounded, the leading disciple of the Ziyao Sect was really furious, and a silvery longbow appeared in his hand instantly and pulled it full moon. Immediately, a powerful aura permeated the field.

This is not over yet, it seems that because they saw someone already attacking with all their strength, most of them played all their cards, and for a while, the atmosphere of destruction filled the air.

(End of this chapter)

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