Chapter 372

"Master, you hit the spot!"

Facing the roaring attacks of nearly a hundred people, the Star Devouring Moon Beast's eyes flickered solemnly, but its movements were not slow at all, and it retreated quickly.

Tianhuo was also extremely astonished, although he had expected that these people would retain their strength, but under the leadership of that Ziyao Sect disciple, the attack unleashed at this moment was terrifying!

Tens of meters apart, but one attack after another pierced the sky, Tianhuo just glanced at it casually, and felt his scalp tingling. Many of these attacks must be status skills. If they are hit, there is no doubt about the consequences.

"That kid seems to be doomed..." At this moment, those who watched the battle in the distance had this idea, and those who withdrew from the battle regretted it. If they persisted, they could get a share of the action!

"Haha, these guys don't have a long memory, Tianhuo planted the Nine Dragons battle flag, let's see how they attack!" The fat man laughed, without the slightest worry.

Tianhuo is also thinking this way. Although the Star Devouring Moon Beast is retreating, the speed of retreat is not enough compared to the speed of those attacks!
In the blink of an eye, the Nine Dragons Battle Flag appeared in his hand, and he thrust it down on the ground next to him, "Nine Dragons Battle Flag - Guard!"

"I still want to do this trick, dreaming!" Someone in the crowd yelled violently, and with the sound of yelling, the Nine Dragons battle flag planted by Tianhuo was blown away before it landed.

The Nine Dragons battle flag was blown away, so naturally it was impossible to form a safe area in this area, and those all-over attacks were coming!

"Take it, teleport!" Tianhuo's heart sank, and with a thought, he put away Star Swallowing and Void Ray, then teleported out, landed a thousand meters away, and successfully avoided those intensive attacks.

All over the sky, the attack landed on the place where Tianhuo was standing before, but there was no longer the figure of Tianhuo, only the Nine Dragons battle flag was left on the ground.

"Haha, the legendary Nine Dragons Battle Banner!" The Ziyao Sect disciple who rushed to the front laughed, changed his figure, and plundered towards the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, obviously wanting to get the Nine Dragons Battle Flag.

The distance is too close, but in the blink of an eye, the disciple of Ziyao Sect has arrived in front of the Nine Dragons Battle Banner, and Tianhuo's expression in the distance tightens, he only cares about dodging the attack, and has no time to retrieve the Nine Dragons Battle Banner, this time is too bad, even if he teleports there , too late.

Seeing that Ziyao Sect disciple was about to hold the Nine Dragons Battle Flag in his hands, Tianhuo also reached out and said, "Catch the Thunder Hand!"

At this moment, Tianhuo's heart was raised. If it was unsuccessful, the Nine Dragons Zhanqi would be snatched by that guy. After all, the Nine Dragons Zhanqi did not recognize the master, and it could play a role in the hands of any battle group. In other words , anyone can snatch it.

The big hand transformed by thunder and lightning approached in an instant, and the Ziyao Sect disciple sneered disdainfully, and a bronze-colored puppet suddenly appeared in front of him, just blocking the thunder-capturing hand!

The puppet was captured by Tianhuo in an instant, and the disciples of Ziyaomen laughed and grabbed the Jiulong Zhanqi. This time, Tianhuo had no chance to stop it!

At the moment when Ziyaomen's disciples reached out and touched the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, Tianhuo's heart sank completely, and thick anger burst out at this moment. He didn't think about killing these people before, but now, this Ziyaomen Disciple must die!
Just as he was about to teleport out, he saw the figure of the Ziyao Sect disciple flying upside down. At some point, Jin Da's figure appeared next to the Nine Dragons Battle Banner. He picked up the Nine Dragons Battle Flag and inspected it carefully.

"Old guy, you're looking for death!" The Ziyao Sect disciple stabilized his body and looked towards the field, but saw the Nine Dragons Battle Flag falling into Jin Da's hands, and couldn't help being furious.

Jin Da caressed the Nine Dragons battle flag, and slowly raised his head when he heard the words of Ziyao Sect disciples, and asked with some doubts: "I didn't hear clearly, what did you say?"

The disciples of the Ziyao Sect froze for a moment, then waved their hands, and led the fellow disciples beside them to shoot out. Now that they had the Nine Dragons Battle Banner, they put the Skyfire aside first.

"Old guy, I said you are looking for death!" The figure had already shot out, and the Ziyaomen's disciples shouted violently.

Jin Da shook his head slightly, his expression was still calm, but at the moment when everyone from Ziyaomen approached, he suddenly moved, his hands holding the Nine Dragons battle flag slowly lowered, his eyes flashed sharply, and he suddenly opened his mouth: "Ang!"

Immediately, the earth-shattering sound of the dragon's chant resounded throughout the world. Under the sound of the dragon's chant, fluctuations visible to the naked eye scattered in all directions. Several disciples of the Ziyao Sect were the first to bear the brunt of the fluctuation, and under this fluctuation, several people were shocked. He fell down while maintaining a forward posture, and never got up again.

After a dragon chant, Jin Da suddenly stepped into the air, and at the same time, his figure changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a huge golden dragon of hundreds of feet!
Jin Da, who had transformed into his body, floated quietly in the square, casually glanced at the people of Ziyaomen who had fallen to the ground and had no life, and then turned his gaze to those dull people, "This is a distinguished guest of my Dragon Clan, and Who dares to touch him?"

Everyone was startled and hurriedly backed away. They would never have thought that in this crowd, there was a peerless Dragon Clan expert!
With a dragon's chants, they killed the people from Ziyaomen. This kind of strength made them dare not make the slightest movement. For a while, only the sound of rapid breathing was left in the field.

While being terrified, everyone looked at Tianhuo in the distance even more anxiously. That kid is actually a distinguished guest of the Dragon Clan?
Tianhuo also looked at Jin Da in astonishment. He had known for a long time that Jin Da was a strong member of the Jinlong lineage of the Dragon Clan, but now that he saw Jin Da make a move, he realized how powerful Jin Da was. It is also a top existence!

And Jin Da said that he is a distinguished guest of the Dragon Clan, which made him even more confused. Before Jin Da said that he would follow him until he figured out why he could bring the pets of the Dragon Clan, but now it seems that because of the relationship between the Nine Dragons Zhanqi, he has changed.

"It seems that no one wants to do anything, that's good!" Jin Da said calmly, his figure twisted for a while, and he turned into a human figure and landed directly beside Tianhuo.

Tianhuo hurriedly cupped his fists towards Jin Da, and said with a smile: "Thank you, senior, for making the rescue!"

Jin Da shook his head, "Not to mention, even if I don't take action, I believe you have many ways to make those people suffer, here you are."

As he said that, General Jin handed the Nine Dragons Battle Banner to Tianhuo, and continued: "There are three copies of the Nine Dragons Battle Banner, and the three in one is the real Nine Dragons Battle Flag. If you have time, you have to go to the Dragon Clan with me."

Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, but he was sluggish after receiving the Nine Dragons Battle Banner. Such a powerful Nine Dragons Battle Banner is actually only one-third?What kind of powerful existence would it be if all three copies of the Nine Dragons Battle Banner were obtained?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo nodded hastily, "Senior, I will go!"

"When?" Jin Da then asked.

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, it seemed that Jin Da couldn't wait to take him to the Dragon Clan, but right now there are still things in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, and after leaving the Fenghuo Treasure Land, he should be able to do the task assigned by Thor, then Let's talk about it after completing that task!After all, Fengshen told himself just now that changes come later.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo said: "Right now I have to fetch one thing, and when I get it, I can leave Fenghuo Treasure Land, and after I leave, I have to do something very important, just finish it."

Jin Da was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll go with you and help you if I can, so as not to waste time."

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and nodded happily, "Then thank you senior first."

"Well, let's go, what do you want to take?" Jin Da nodded and said.

While speaking, Fatty and the others had already walked over, and they all looked at Jin Da in awe, apparently also severely shocked by Jin Da's previous actions.

Tianhuo nodded slightly to Fatty and the others before saying, "Hunyuan Spiritual Tree!"

Hearing this, Jin Da frowned, and said in surprise: "You actually met the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, but that Hunyuan Spiritual Tree not far from where I was cultivating?"

Tianhuo nodded, it seemed that Jin Da was no stranger to the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, but judging from his slightly surprised expression, it seemed that it was not easy to obtain the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree.

Seeing Tianhuo nodding, Jin Da looked at Tianhuo strangely, and was silent for a while before coughing dryly, saying: "Then let's go!"

Tianhuo was also surprised to see Jin Da's expression in his eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Senior, is there something wrong?"

Jin Da shook his head, "It's not wrong. Many experts who have entered the Fenghuo Treasure Land in the past have tried to use the spirit tree, but no one has ever succeeded. Instead, it has become the nourishment of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. I'm curious, you How to get it?"

When the sky fire froze, he still counted on Jin Da to be of great help. It seemed that Jin Da didn't know how to get rid of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree!
But with Tianling here, Tianhuo believes that there will always be a solution. Last time Tianling said that she is not strong enough, now her level has improved a lot, and she also got the seventh Glyph Saint suit, so it shouldn't be a big problem!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo followed Jin Da forward, Fatty and the others followed quickly.

With the departure of Tianhuo and others, the people in the square also left helplessly. After all, they could not go up to the Fengshen Palace, let alone get the treasures therein. However, they should be satisfied if they can go to the Fenghuo Palace to see the residence of Fengshen in this life. up.

The square was soon empty, and around the square, the blue light hung down slowly again, surrounding the whole square again, so far, no one could come in.

Among the floating palaces on the square, the side hall where Tianhuo had been, saw the figure of a little girl suddenly appearing here, it was the Fenghuo Saint Elf.

As soon as the Fenghuo Saint Elf appeared in this side hall, he walked straight towards the desk, "Father, why did you just give him the parts of the Glyph Saint's suit?"

After finishing the words, Fengshen walked out of the portrait, touched the head of the Fenghuosheng elf, and said: "The parts of Wensheng's suit are useless to you, why are you reluctant?"

The little girl curled her lips, "It's not that I don't want to part with it, but I just like that kind of breath very much. Father, do you know that kid?"

Fengshen smiled, and did not answer the Fenghuo Saint Elf's question, but said: "Girl, didn't you always want to go out to kill demons and demons? You can go now."

The Holy Spirit of Fenghuo was taken aback, he had been in this Fenghuo Treasure Land for countless years, and Fengshen never let him go out, but at this moment, he actually said that he could leave?At this moment, the Fenghuo Saint Elf felt a little unreal.

"But you have to remember, don't embarrass him, let alone make him an enemy, if necessary, even sacrifice yourself to protect him!" Fengshen said, his expression became serious.

The Fenghuo Saint Elf also frowned, looked up at Fengshen carefully, "Father, who is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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