The strongest saint

Chapter 373 Goodbye Hunyuan Spiritual Tree

Chapter 373 Goodbye Hunyuan Spiritual Tree
The Fenghuo Saint Elf was very puzzled, even if he sacrificed himself, he still wanted to preserve Tianhuo, why?
The Holy Spirit of Fenghuo is very aware of her identity. Although she was not born of Fengshen, she was born because of Fengshen, so she has always called Fengshen her father. In comparison, her life seems to be less important than Tianhuo. This is her The most perplexing place.

"Father, can you tell me?" The Fenghuo Saint Elf looked up at Fengshen and said again.

Fengshen touched the head of the Fenghuo Saint Elf, the seriousness on his face gradually faded, and he regained his composure, and said with a smile: "I can't tell you now, otherwise, with your temperament, Tianhuo will soon get it from you." Know, if you want to know, follow him to the first-level area, and you should be able to find out in a short time."

The Fenghuo Saint Elf looked at Fengshen suspiciously, nodded after a long time and said: "Then I want to see who he is, father, then I'm leaving!"

Fengshen nodded, and the smile on his face faded until the Fenghuo Saint Spirit disappeared. He looked into the distance, and seemed to be able to see everything in the Fenghuo Treasure Land through the palace, and murmured: "Senior Nangong, the matter is over. After so long, don't embarrass Tianhuo because of those past events!"

On Fengshen Mountain, Tianhuo and the others galloped, several times faster than they went up the mountain. Even so, five days passed when they went down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there were quite a few people gathered. When they saw Tianhuo and the others descending the mountain, greedy eyes appeared in their eyes. Those who can walk out of Fengshen Mountain must have many treasures on their bodies!

"Finally going down the mountain!" The fat man let out a long sigh of relief, everyone said that going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult, but with Jin Da present, everyone went straight forward without detours at all, and it seemed extremely relaxed.

"Damn it, look at those people, they seem to want to rob!" The fat man gloated at those people not far away.

Tianhuo and the others shook their heads, robbery?If those people really dare to step forward, they will never know how they will die.

Jin Da also glanced indifferently, ignoring those people who were slowly approaching, turned around and said: "The distance is far away, it will take too much time, are you sure you all have to go there?"

Fatty and the others nodded hastily, "Of course we have to follow Tianhuo, hehe, Senior Jin, there should be a teleportation array, right?"

Jin Da shook his head, "The teleportation array only goes to the outskirts of Fengshen Mountain, which can only save one day, since we have to go..."

As he said that, Jin Da suddenly stepped into the air, and his figure immediately turned into that of a dragon.

"Wow... Fuck me, Senior Jin is a good guy, haha!" The fat man was overjoyed, why didn't he understand that what Jin Da meant was to let everyone go up there!

And at the moment when Jin Da showed his body, the figures of the people who were slowly approaching not far away froze, and their expressions also became dull, staring at the dragon in midair in disbelief, "Dragon clan..."

Jin Da slightly turned his head and glanced at those people, but saw those people retreating in a hurry, how could he dare to step forward?Jin Da ignored it, and said to Tianhuo: "Tianhuo, you take them into your palace, and I will take you there."

As soon as this remark came out, the fat man who was extremely excited before shrank suddenly, thinking that Jin Da was going to take everyone there, but in the end it was only Tianhuo alone.

Tianhuo nodded, of course he understands how proud the Dragon Clan is, it is unprecedented for him to be able to ride a horse, presumably because of the Dragon God Token and the Kowloon Battle Flag, but Fatty, Wu Ping and the others, how could Jin Da let them ride? On your back?
After saying hello to everyone, Tianhuo took them all into the Palace of Fanshen, then stepped into the air and landed directly on Jin Da's back.

"Sit still, the Nine Transformations of the Dragon!" Jin Da yelled violently, but Tianhuo felt that breathing suddenly became difficult, and the scene around him also became blurred.

It took a long time for Tianhuo to barely adapt to this blurred scene, but he was amazed in his heart, how fast can the scene be blurred?Even the Star Devouring Moon Beast can't reach this level!

Tianhuo was surprised at the same time, but nodded secretly. It seems that the star devouring moon beast's level is still low. If it reaches Jin Da's level, its speed must not be slower than Jin Da.

After a long time, Tianhuo finally couldn't help it, and said: "Senior, I would like to ask, how many levels are you?"

Jin Da turned his head slightly, "According to your division, it is the 99th level of the Beyonder Spirit."

Beyond Spirit Level 99?Tianhuo frowned and thought about it. In that case, the level should have reached the upper limit of the second-level area, right?I don't know how the level [-] area classifies players.

I am only at level 49, and it will take a long time to get to the first-level area!
Taking advantage of nothing at the moment, Tianhuo checked his attributes. First of all, it was naturally the Wen Shenglun scarf he had just obtained. He was busy fighting those people, so he didn't even have time to check his attributes.

Wensheng Lun scarf, demon weapon, Wensheng exclusive suit. (Owned, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen, cannot be dropped.)
Attributes: None.

Occupational Requirements: Wen Sheng.

Side effect: As far as the eyes of the sage can see, so far can he hear.

"No wonder the hearing has been abnormal these days. It turned out to be an incidental effect of the Wensheng Lun Towel!" Looking at the attributes of the Wensheng Lun Towel, Tianhuo thought in his heart that he has the eyes of the Wensheng Lun, and his vision increases with the level and the strength of the attributes. But becoming stronger is better now, even hearing is the same.

This is a great thing. In the past, I used to see other people's mouth moving from a distance, but I couldn't hear what others were saying. Now it's different. Where the eyesight can reach, the hearing can also reach it!

Every part of the Wensheng suit has extraordinary power, bringing various skills or special effects to Tianhuo, and this time it did not disappoint Tianhuo.

Set attributes (currently seven pieces):
Attack +600%
Defense +600%
Four basic attribute bonus levels x60 (currently +8940)

Experience bonus +600%
Burst rate bonus +600%
Damage Reduction +30%
Critical strike chance +30%
Critical damage +600%
Negative status resistance +25%
Ignore Target Defense +10%
When looking at the attributes of the suit, Tianhuo showed the expression that it should be. Compared with the six pieces, the attributes are stronger, but there are no new attribute bonuses, but it is enough. Such powerful attributes only need your own As the basic attributes increase, all attributes also skyrocket!
Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Intermediate)

Level: Ling 49

Upgrade experience (spirit): 54761140/120099000
HP (spirit): 69005/69005
MP (Spirit): 13733/13733
Scroll Attack (Spirit): 11924-11924
Defense (Spirit): 7880
Strength: 51515, Constitution: 44625, Intelligence: 45775, Agility: 51305
Reputation: 5834800
Sin: -5292103
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (divine beast), Nine Soul Yinglong (advanced divine beast, evolving), Void Ray (divine beast)
Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Golem: none

Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Junior Legion)


Today's attributes, strength and agility are all over [-]. Tianhuo naturally values ​​the agility attribute more. After all, agility represents speed. With Tianyu in his body, he needs strong agility to exert his strength.

Generally speaking, every additional part of the suit, the attribute of Tianhuo will be stronger, and the next part of the Glyph Saint suit, I am afraid I can only go to Ziyaomen. Wu Ping said that he met himself in Ziyaomen. Although I don't know which part it is, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to get it.

It's just that after leaving the Fenghuo Treasure Land, Tianhuo still needs to complete the task assigned by Thunder God, and it is only half a level away from reaching the spirit level of 50. At that time, he will naturally see the task instructions. I am afraid that he will have to complete this task and follow Jin Da After joining the Dragon Clan, you can go to Ziyaomen to get your own suit parts.

Tianhuo secretly looked forward to it, hoping everything goes well!

A few days passed, Tianhuo and Jin Da had arrived at the outskirts of the area where the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree was located, and after these few days, Tianhuo did not see Mu Yichen's figure, and he still did not see Mu Yichen when he arrived here.

"Tianhuo, this Hunyuan Spiritual Tree has already given birth to spirituality. It is not easy to take it away, and I can't help you. You can figure it out!" Jin Da landed outside the basin, shaking his head and said.

Tianhuo nodded and fell from Jin Da's back, and looked intently at the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree in the basin. Of course, when he fled here, he said that he would come back to take this ancient tree. Now, he is finally back!

But thinking of the danger at the beginning, Tianhuo felt troubled in his heart. His strength had not improved much, so he didn't know if he could succeed.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo opened the friend system and called Mu Yichen, "Xiao Mu, where are you?"

"Eh? Tianhuo, don't tell me you're here, let me join the team first, I'll find out after looking at the map." Mu Yichen quickly responded, and at the same time sent an application for joining the team.

After agreeing to the application, Tianhuo also opened the map to search, but when he saw the location of Mu Yichen, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, "Xiao Mu, it seems that it will take five or six days to arrive, I think I should do it first."

"Come on, Tianhuo, how could this kind of thing happen without me?" Mu Yichen said hastily.

Tianhuo smiled, "The opponent is a big tree..."

"Wow... I'm going, Tianhuo, I'm not coming, you can do it, I see something more powerful!" Mu Yichen interrupted Tianhuo's words, and said.

Tianhuo was taken aback, what did this guy encounter halfway?

"Haha, Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, Skyfire, look at me taking it!" Mu Yichen laughed loudly, and turned off the call.

Tianhuo hesitated to speak, isn't the scarlet fire demon dragon the powerful beast that he met in the underground passage back then?With Mu Yichen's strength, he could only deliver food, but Tianhuo didn't stop him, and when Mu Yichen knew what to do, he would run away on his own, and there was no need to worry about his safety.

"Tian Ling, how can I bring the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree to the Fanshen Palace?" Tianhuo asked expectantly. You can get great benefits!

Not sure what the benefit would be!
(End of this chapter)

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