The strongest saint

Chapter 374 Got the Spirit Tree

Chapter 374 Got the Spirit Tree
Although the Hunyuan Spirit Tree is a kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure, its ability is extraordinary, not to mention that it can capture others tens of thousands of miles away, and the mysterious light that emerges around it can dissolve and absorb everything.

The last time he chased after him, Tianhuo was almost killed by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree. This time, Tianhuo still had lingering fears and didn't know how to take the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree away.

Hearing Tianhuo's question, Tianling was silent for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: "I thought your strength would increase a lot these days, but it hasn't become much stronger, so it's very difficult to take it away!"

Tianhuo shook his head, "This is the only chance, otherwise I have to leave Fenghuo Treasure Land, let's try, tell me the way!"

"But your Nine Soul Yinglong is evolving. If you are bound, who will save you? The one next to you? He is a golden dragon. Although the level is high, the dragon flame may not be as good as the Nine Soul Yinglong, and it may not be able to burn out. Those roots." Tianling said.

"Don't think too much, tell me the solution first." Tianhuo said calmly.

"Uh... well, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree has a tree heart, you can control it if you get the tree heart, it's as simple as that." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, his eyes gradually glowed with white light, and the Glyph Sage's Eye was used to the extreme. Suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed. It seemed that because of the addition of an additional suit part, Tianhuo could clearly see the Hunyuan Spirit Tree at this moment. Milky white light flows in a branch, and the source of these milky white light is actually a dazzling heart in the trunk.

The basketball-sized heart was surrounded by white light, obviously, this was the heart of the tree that Tianling was talking about!

Tianhuo saw everything clearly, the white light in his eyes gradually dissipated, but his brows frowned, "The heart of the tree is in the trunk, and I can't use other weapons, so I can't break through the trunk to get the heart of the tree. Is there any other way?"

"Even if you can use other weapons, so what? The Primordial Spirit Tree can't be cut at will. At first, I thought you would be able to act if you got another suit, but now it seems that there are still great difficulties."

Tianhuo thought about it, and it took a few days to come here, if he just gave up like this, wouldn't he be too sorry for himself?And there is only one such opportunity. After all, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree is rare. After leaving here, who knows if you will meet others in the future?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo became more determined to get the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. Looking up, he saw the Hunyuan Spirit Tree standing quietly in the basin. The whole basin was extremely quiet, and no monster dared to appear here.

And I don't know when, there are many treasures hanging on the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, there are actually a lot of equipment, heaven and earth spirit grass!
It seems that during the period of time when Tianhuo left, someone was cheated by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree again!
However, Tianhuo is not surprising. Thinking about tens of thousands of miles away, this guy was able to use his roots to snatch the seeds of Huoshuyinhua. These days, there must be many strong NPCs and players passing by within tens of thousands of miles, and they were caught by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree. No surprise there either.

However, when he saw the treasures hanging on the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. Last time, there were also many treasures hanging on them. Then the mysterious light appeared and swallowed all the things hanging on it. That devouring power should come from the heart of the tree, right?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo became excited, wondering if the heart of the tree would appear when the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree devoured these treasures, if it would, then there was a chance!

"Tianhuo, there is no way?" Jin Da asked, seeing that Tianhuo hadn't responded for a long time.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, then shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, just wait and see."

Responding to Jin Da, Tianhuo asked via voice transmission: "Tianling, do you still remember the rays of light that gushed out from the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree last time? It swallowed everything. At that time, did the heart of the tree appear?"

"Eh? I was just about to talk about this problem. It's true, but the tree's heart has a huge devouring power. I'm afraid you can't bear it, and if the tree's heart is [-] meters away from the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, the whole tree will soon be destroyed." will die." Tianling said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "That's good, as long as you catch the tree's heart and put it away, it shouldn't be a big problem. Try it, but I don't know what will happen to the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree next time. when."

"You can take risks if you want. If you can't bear the devouring power, the strong man next to you should help you, but it seems that he doesn't want to wait any longer!" Tianling said.

Tianhuo glanced at Jin Da, smiled slightly, looked at the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree again, and said: "I guess, this Hunyuan Spiritual Tree should not perform that kind of devour on a regular basis, but when there are enough treasures on the tree! "

As he said that, Tianhuo flipped his hands to find out the equipment that exploded from the old man with bones before, and threw it towards the basin.

As soon as the two pieces of equipment landed, they were immediately dragged into the soil by the roots emerging from the ground, and appeared on the branches in an instant.

"Do you want to hang up the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree? It's really extravagant, but don't touch the spiritual grass of the Glyph Sage Ring, I'm useful." Tianling saw Tianhuo's mind and said.

Tianhuo smiled, and of course he would not give up the important things, but after some inspection, there were only a dozen pieces of equipment in the Glyph Sage Ring, none of which he could use, even the novice sword ( Bronze) are among them.

Without hesitation, Tianhuo threw all these unnecessary equipment into the basin, and soon, as in the previous situation, they were all picked up by the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree and hung on the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree.

However, after all the unused equipment was hung up, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree still did not respond, and the situation that Tianhuo expected did not appear.

Tianhuo waited quietly for a while, but still saw no movement on the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, and opened it again helplessly, but there was nothing to discard in the Ring of the Glyph Sage, so he looked into the backpack.

There are fewer things in the backpack, except for the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, there are only some potions that Tianhuo has never used, and many of these potions are even brought out of Novice Village!
In the blink of an eye, Tianhuo threw all the potions out, and the potions drew a long arc and fell straight into the basin.

"You treat him like a junk picker? Throw everything in there..." Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo shrugged, there was nothing he could throw away.

Suddenly, the potion on the ground was swept away by the roots, and then, a faint white light began to emerge on the trunk of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. Starting from the place where the heart of the tree was, the trunk began to turn into the color of white jade, slowly moving towards Diffuse above.

"Okay! I take back what I said before!" Tian Ling said with some joy.

Tianhuo didn't seem to hear Tianling's words, and looked at the field intently, his heart became even more excited, and he succeeded. In this case, there is no need to wait any longer, as soon as the heart of the tree comes out, he will do it himself!

Tianhuo waited intently. Seeing that from the trunk, the whole body of the Hunyuan Lingshu turned into white jade, but the heart of the tree hadn't appeared yet, so he couldn't help worrying, would it really appear?

Gradually, the white light began to spread towards the branches, devouring all the treasures on the branches, and at this moment, the main trunk finally had a reaction!

I saw the basketball-sized heart of the tree break away from the main trunk and slowly rise up. Wherever it passed, the white light on the branches became more intense!

"It's now! Teleportation!" The fire moved, and suddenly appeared in front of the tree heart, and grabbed the tree heart directly with his hand.

"Ding! The system prompts: Being swallowed by the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, the experience value of the spirit will lose 1000 million per second!"

When the system prompt came, Tianhuo had no time to pay attention, and hurriedly put the tree heart into the ring of the sage.

"Ding! The system prompts: This item cannot be collected into the Ring of the Sage of Gravity!"

"Huh?" The system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ear, causing Tianhuo to frown. At this moment, countless roots below had already shot towards Tianhuo.

One after another roots came through the air, with the sound of piercing the air, obviously wanting to kill the unexpected guest, Tianhuo.

Tianhuo remembered Tianling's warning that he couldn't leave a hundred meters away, but within this range, all the roots existed, and he couldn't avoid it!
"Fight it!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth, and moved the tree heart towards the palace of the gods with a thought.

This time, there was no system notification sound, and the tree heart also disappeared in Tianhuo's hands, and was successfully collected by Tianhuo.

As the heart of the tree disappeared into Tianhuo's hands, the roots and hairs that came from it also stopped suddenly, and the white light flashing on the whole Hunyuanling tree also receded like flowing water at this moment, and the branches and leaves of the Hunyuanling tree, At this moment, it withered even more quickly.

"Oops!" Tianhuo felt bitter in his heart. It was true that he got the heart of the tree, but he received it into the Palace of the Gods, which is equivalent to another dimension!A space away, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree would naturally wither as Tian Ling said, and it would soon wither.

"Hurry up and put the tree in!" Tianling reminded, if it was any slower, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree would just hang up like this!

Tianhuo's expression turned bitter, how could he take care of this huge tree of hundreds of feet?
"hold head high!"

At this moment, Jin Da's figure suddenly appeared beside Tianhuo, and after giving Tianhuo a thumbs up, his figure turned into a golden dragon, and the dragon's tail curled up directly onto the trunk!
Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and Jin Dalai came to help!

I saw the big golden dragon turned into a dragon body with its tail curling around its trunk, and flew up fiercely, pulling up the huge Hunyuan Spiritual Tree abruptly!
The ground was trembling, and the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree was slowly rising from the ground, while Tianhuo's eyes were straightened, seeing the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree withering more and more, he felt worried.

Within a few breaths, Jin Da had already pulled out the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree for dozens of meters, and the countless roots attached to it were also pulled out at this moment, "Skyfire, it's almost there!"

Tianhuo nodded, and with a thought, the gigantic Hunyuan Spiritual Tree disappeared from Jin Da's dragon tail.

"Haha, it worked!" Tianhuo was overjoyed. The moment the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree entered the Fanshen Palace, it stopped withering and was recovering quickly. Obviously, Tianhuo succeeded!
(End of this chapter)

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