The strongest saint

Chapter 375 Leaving the Treasure Land

Chapter 375 Leaving the Treasure Land
It was easier than Tianhuo imagined, with Jin Da's help, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree was put away just like that.

In the Palace of Fanshen, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree directly pierced the ground of the square, its roots quickly plunged into the ground, and the tree's heart also quickly sank into the trunk of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree.

The Hunyuan Spiritual Tree stopped withering at this moment, and quickly recovered, and with the recovery of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, the surroundings of the entire Fanshen Palace could be seen rapidly extending away, and the earth was growing rapidly.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree. The reward is 100 million prestige and +1 spirit level."

"Ding! System prompt: level up, congratulations, you have reached level 50, the four attributes +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Received the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree enhancement, and the attributes of the Fanshen Palace are enhanced."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have reached the 50th level of spirit, the basalt spirit armor is activated, and the mission Thor's entrustment is activated."

Four system prompts appeared one after another, but Tianhuo stared blankly at the first one, and actually rewarded 100 million reputation points. Normally, how many bosses would he need to kill?How many tasks to do!
This time, only 2000 million experience points were lost, but in exchange, the level was directly increased, allowing Tianhuo to directly reach the spirit level of 50!
Spirit level 50, Thor's entrustment is activated, and the task-guided item is activated, leaving here, you can go to the task!

Without waiting for Tianhuo to check the changes and tasks of the Fanshen Palace, Jin Da has already recovered his human form and landed beside Tianhuo, looking at Tianhuo with a smile, "I don't know if I should be jealous of you, but I also wanted to take the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree away at the beginning. But I tried many times, but it didn’t work, congratulations!”

Tianhuo hurriedly cupped his fists, "Thank you for your help, senior!"

Tianhuo understood that if General Jin hadn't rolled up the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, he would have no way to collect it. At that time, he could only watch the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree wither, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Looking down, there was only a deep pit left below, which made Tianhuo stunned. Jin Da's strength was really unfathomable. This huge ancient tree was pulled up so easily by him, and the weight was no less than A mountain!

"You're welcome, I can't just watch this kind of strange thing wither, can I?" Jin Da laughed, not worrying about it.

Tianhuo smiled, this trip to Fenghuo Treasure Land was indeed not in vain, not to mention the suit parts, I am afraid that the Hunyuan Spirit Tree alone is enough for everyone to envy!
"Are you all right here? What are you going to do after you go out? When you're done, follow me to the Dragon Clan." Jin Da said.

Tianhuo nodded, "It's time to go out, senior wait a moment!"

As he said that, Tianhuo hurriedly checked the task, not knowing what it would look like after being activated.

Task: Thor's entrustment.

Task Difficulty: Grade A.

Task reward: Xuanwu Whip.

Mission Penalty: None.

Mission introduction: Fanshen fell, and his body fell into the hands of Ziyaomen. It must be retrieved as soon as possible. According to the instructions of Xuanwu Jingqi Armor, the specific location of Fanshen's body can be found.

"Ziyaomen?" Seeing the activated mission, Tianhuo raised his brows and was extremely surprised. It was such a coincidence that the divine body of all gods was in Ziyaomen!
The parts of Wensheng's suit and the god's body, Tianhuo can do these two things together, and Tianhuo has a faint feeling in his heart, I am afraid this time, together with the hatred between Wu Ping and Gong Ming, they will also be resolved together!

Looking at Wensheng Zhijie again, I saw that the tortoise shell whose name was all question marks was finally different.

Xuanwu Essence Armor (artifact), a quest item, cannot be used.

Explanation: The battle armor used by all gods before they became the main gods was bestowed by their masters with incomparably powerful defensive power.

"Tsk tsk, I got another artifact that the main god used in the early years!" Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly. Suzaku Fan, Xuanwu Whip, and Xuanwu Essence Qi Armor have followed the main god for countless years. If they can be used, they must be very powerful!

"How?" Jin Da's question interrupted Tianhuo's thinking.

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, and said: "I need to go to Ziyaomen to do something, I don't know how long it will take to finish."

Jin Da also frowned, and said: "It's hard for me to help you with matters related to the great sect, or others will definitely gossip about my Dragon Clan, Tianhuo, you can solve it yourself! By the way, you have a place of residence." ? I'll wait for you there."

Tianhuo was disappointed for a while, if Jin Da could take action, the matter would become easier, but Tianhuo also knew that it was really inconvenient for Jin Da to take action in such a matter, after all, it was related to the issue of identity.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo didn't force it, "Senior, just wait for me at the Great Xuanzong, my entire legion is there."

Jin Da hesitated for a moment, then handed Tianhuo a piece of dragon scale, "I will not go to the Great Xuanzong, and contact me through the dragon scale when you finish your work. calls me."

Tianhuo nodded and took the dragon scale, and understood Jin Da's meaning. If others knew that he was going to Xuanzong, they would definitely think that Xuanzong had something to do with the dragon clan. That was not what Jin Da wanted to see. To avoid suspicion, he still chose to leave alone. go.

Putting away the dragon scales, Tianhuo asked: "Senior, how do we get out of here?"

Teleportation skills and scrolls cannot be used here, and the city return scroll is naturally unusable, and the same is true for Tianhuo's city return technique, so Tianhuo asked this question.

Jin Da pointed to the sky, and said with a smile: "There are two ways to leave here, one is to leave through the portal in the sky, and the other is to wait until the Fenghuo Treasure Land is closed, and the Fenghuo Treasure Land will be closed for about a month. If you can’t wait, just leave through the portal!”

Tianhuo looked up at the sky, and suddenly became confused. The sky was clear and there was no shadow of the portal!

"Hehe, don't look at it, if you can't see it, it will be sent out when you fly to a certain height." Jin Da laughed.

Tianhuo nodded embarrassingly, and with a thought, he released Fatty and the others, and asked: "Senior Jin said that Fenghuo Treasure Land will be closed for a month, do you want to go out early?"

"Fuck me, Tianhuo is big, what is that big tree? It looks very powerful, your mortal god palace is getting bigger all the time!" The fat man looked at Tianhuo excitedly.

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "That's the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, let's talk about my problem first, do you want to leave?"

"Brother Tianhuo, we will follow you." Wu Ping and Gong Ming said in unison.

"Huh? The sky fire is big, I still want to play, it's so big here, hehe." The fat man shrugged.

Among the people in the arena, only Fatty still wanted to stay here. Yifeng and others all chose to leave. For Yifeng, the things to restore his father have already been obtained, so it is no longer necessary to stay here, and it is only for his father to restore. It's business, Yifeng can't wait.

Fatty was left alone, and everyone stepped into the sky and flew straight into the sky.

Fatty looked at everyone's movements suspiciously, and murmured: "Fuck me, I've learned more, can I still leave the Fenghuo Land by flying up like this?"

Amid Fatty's doubts, the figures of Tianhuo and others disappeared in the sky.

The scenery in front of him changed, and when it stabilized, Tianhuo and the others had already appeared above a city.

"Tianhuo, don't forget what I said, goodbye!" Jin Da arched his hands, turned around and disappeared.

Tianhuo nodded, stared at the city below for a while, and found that he didn't know this place at all, and shook his head helplessly, "Brother Yifeng, you and Zi Meier should go back to the Great Xuanzong first, and Senior Wu Ping and I will go directly to Zi Yaomen."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Ping and Gong Ming were immediately overjoyed. Going to Ziyaomen meant that it was time for revenge!
"Tianhuo, are you sure?" Yifeng frowned, he knew the strength of Ziyao Sect, it was a higher level existence than Daxuanzong!
Tianhuo nodded with certainty, smiled, and said: "Don't worry, if there is nothing we can do, we will come back."

Yifeng thought and shook his head, "Ziyaomen is just north of the Great Xuanzong, and they are constantly at war with my Great Xuanzong. Tianhuo, what are you going to do? If possible, I will bring the Great Xuanzong to help you."

"Eh?" Tianhuo was taken aback, and an idea popped up in his mind, if Ziyaomen and Daxuanzong were closely adjacent, then if Ziyaomen annexed them, wouldn't Daxuanzong be a first-class sect?

At the beginning, because Yifeng, a member of the legion, became the suzerain of the Great Xuanzong, all the members of the legion received good rewards, but if the Great Xuanzong became a first-class sect because of the annexation of the first-class Ziyao Sect, the rewards should be even higher. Is it rich?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, and said firmly: "Brother Yifeng, you reminded me, let's do this, you go back and prepare, we will go to investigate first, and strive to annex Ziyaomen!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yifeng's face changed, Wu Ping and Gong Ming also looked weird, only Zi Meier covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Head of the Skyfire Army, I am not attacking you, but want to annex the first-class sect, we are afraid Can't do it yet."

"No, maybe there is a real chance, Tianhuo, let's go back and prepare!" Yifeng calmed down, nodded and said, then pulled Zi Meier away.

Wu Ping and Gong Mingqi swallowed their saliva together, and said: "Brother Tianhuo, we are only looking for the great elder of Ziyaomen for revenge. If you want to annex Ziyaomen, I am afraid it will not be completed in a short time!"

Tianhuo grinned, "Seniors, don't worry, go and have a look first."

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at each other, then nodded, Wu Ping said: "If Ziyaomen can disappear in this world, we brothers are very happy."

Landing straight outside the city gate, Tianhuo turned his head to look at Wu Ping and the two in embarrassment, "Seniors, do you know that Ningling City is the site of that sect?"

"It happens to be the southernmost small city of Ziyaomen, and further south is the territory of the Great Xuanzong." Gong Ming said.

"Hey, that's a coincidence, let's go!" Tianhuo smiled, and took the lead to walk towards the city.

Now that the exquisite mask has long expired, Tianhuo can no longer pretend to be an NPC. It is not easy to sneak into Ziyaomen, but there should be a way to get there.

Thinking about it, the three of Tianhuo walked straight towards the teleportation formation, and Ziyaomen finally met.

(End of this chapter)

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