The strongest saint

Chapter 376 The Land of Exile

Chapter 376 The Land of Exile
Before the teleportation formation, the three of Tianhuo walked side by side, Wu Ping said: "Please, let's go to the northernmost city."

All the way to the north, you can reach the Ziyaomen resident, so you don't need to pay attention to the cities you passed by on the way.

The teleporter casually glanced at the three of Tianhuo, and suddenly his expression froze. His eyes froze on the faces of Wu Ping and Gong Ming. He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Wanted criminal!"

"Come on, I found a wanted criminal!" The teleporter reacted and shouted hastily.

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at each other with serious eyes. They had just arrived at the first city of Ziyaomen, and they were discovered!
"Go, get out of here first." Wu Ping said in a deep voice, nodding towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo rubbed the tip of his nose. He heard from Wu Ping and the two of them before that they had broken into Ziyaomen, and they must have been wanted at that time. If so, then leave first and think of other ways.

"Don't run away!" The teleporter rushed over and hugged Gong Ming, causing the latter to frown and exert force. The powerful force directly shook the teleporter away, and then joined Wu Ping and Tianhuo together. Stepped into the sky and flew towards the outside of the city.

As soon as the three of them stepped into the air, guards everywhere in Ningling City also stepped into the air, chasing Tianhuo and the others together.

"Brother Tianhuo, you are not on the wanted list, why don't we separate first, get rid of these pursuers and then meet again." Wu Ping turned his head and said while galloping.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, turned his head and glanced at the chasing soldiers coming from all directions, "It's easy to get rid of them, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, or the two seniors go to the Palace of Fanshen to take shelter, and I will go directly to Ziyaomen. How about letting you out later?"

Tianhuo wanted to go to Ziyaomen by himself, so the goal would be smaller, but without two people to guide the way, it would be difficult to find the suit, so he could only use this method, and it would be the same for them to stay in the Fanshen Palace.

The two thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, let's do that."

Tianhuo smiled, turned the two of them into Fanshen Palace, stopped, and fell towards the city.

"Stop!" A group of guards fell down and quickly surrounded Tianhuo firmly, but all the guards had doubts on their faces. There were obviously three people before, why is there only one left now?

"Boy, hand over those two wanted criminals!" All the guards looked at Tianhuo up and down and said.

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders and was about to speak, but saw the encirclement circle formed by the guards spread out, and a middle-aged man in armor with the appearance of a leader walked over quickly. World adventurer, let's go!"

"Boss, he and those two wanted criminals should be in the same group!" Several guards said hastily.

The leader raised his hand to stop everyone's words, looked at Tianhuo again, then turned around and whispered to everyone: "I haven't seen those two wanted criminals, it's inconclusive, let him go."

The guards dispersed to make way for Tianhuo. Tianhuo didn't say much, and walked directly towards the teleportation array.

As soon as Tianhuo left, the guards were not happy. If they could catch two wanted criminals, it would be a great achievement, and rewards are indispensable. "Boss, let him leave like this?"

The leader showed a sneer on his face, and said: "I am a wanted criminal of Ziyaomen, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, but if we do it like this, it will make others gossip, hehe, there will naturally be other ways. "

The departing Tianhuo heard everyone's conversation clearly, this is the benefit of Wen Shenglun Scarf, if it was the same as before, how could he hear it?Hearing the conversation of those guards, Tianhuo became puzzled, once he left, would they still have a chance to make a move?
With doubts, Tianhuo set foot on the teleportation formation again, he was still the teleporter before, looked up and down suspiciously, but he remembered that Tianhuo and the two wanted criminals came together, there must be a lot of relationship, but now Tianhuo is alone Alone, the teleporter couldn't say anything.

"The northernmost city, right? Please!" The teleporter reluctantly made a gesture of please, and then activated the teleportation array.

The light on the teleportation array flickered, and at this moment, the helplessness on the teleporter's face suddenly turned into playfulness, as if the plot had succeeded.

Through the light of the teleportation array, Tianhuo clearly caught the expression of the teleporter, and a bad feeling surged in his heart, but just as this thought came up, the scenery in front of him has already begun to change.

The teleportation array returned to calm in an instant, but there was no sign of Tianhuo on the teleportation array, the teleporter stared at the teleportation array with a sneer, and murmured: "I have made a great contribution this time, so I shouldn't have to guard this damn teleportation anymore." Let's go!"

The scenery in front of Tianhuo stabilized, and he was still thinking about why the teleporter showed that look. When he raised his head inadvertently, Tianhuo was stunned. He wanted to teleport into the city, why did he turn into a forest?
It stands to reason that the sky fire should have been transported to another city, but this is not the case at this moment, the sky fire rises from the sky, and there is an endless forest in front of you, with no edge in sight.

The map is also dark, only the name of the map is displayed: Land of Exile!

Such a situation made Tianhuo frowned, and released Wu Ping and Gong Ming with his hands. After the two stabilized their figures, they looked around in confusion, "Brother Tianhuo, is this a place of exile?"

Tianhuo nodded, "I was tricked by the teleporter, he secretly changed my teleportation destination."

"The land of exile is a major method used by Ziyaomen to deal with the enemy. Many wanted criminals of Ziyaomen, and even people related to the wanted criminals, have been sent to the land of exile by Ziyaomen without anyone noticing. , it seems that no one can get out from here yet." Gong Ming's expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice.

Tianhuo frowned, Ziyaomen, what a ruthless method, but if you want to embarrass yourself, you are wrong!
"Teleportation skills and scrolls cannot be used here, Brother Tianhuo, I'm afraid we will have to stay here for a while!" Wu Ping said calmly, obviously not paying attention to the Land of Exile. The ground cannot trap the three of them!
Tianhuo secretly tried the rally skills, but found that, as Wu Ping said, he couldn't use them at all, which meant that he couldn't let Twilight pull him out, he had to go out by himself!

"Ding! World news: A player mistakenly entered the Lord God Treasure Land to activate it, and the Nangong Treasure Land will be opened!"

"Ding! World news: A player mistakenly entered the Lord God Treasure Land to activate it, and the Nangong Treasure Land will be opened!"


Suddenly, a series of three world news rang in Tianhuo's ear, which made Tianhuo stunned. Could it be that the Nangong treasure land is the treasure land that Fengshen said. At that time, Fengshen said it very clearly, telling him not to go!
With the emergence of news from this world, huge flashing portals appeared above all the cities, and they were the portals leading to Nangong Treasure Land!

"The sky is full of fire, and the treasure land is opened. Are you going? It's a pity that we are still in the Fenghuo treasure land!" Fatty's voice sounded on the legion channel.

"Head of the Skyfire Legion, many portals have appeared, shall we go?" Many legion members also asked, in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, most of the legion members have hung up, and most of them are outside at the moment.

Tianhuo looked up at the sky, in this exiled land, the portal did not appear!

"Look for yourselves, I won't organize this time, and I won't go either." Tianhuo responded, firstly, because of Fengshen's instructions, and secondly, because he was in the land of exile, he had no chance to go at all, because there was no A portal appears!

After closing the legion channel, Tianhuo looked at the calm sky again, and murmured: "Maybe it was the first to activate the Nangong treasure land. The name of this treasure land is a bit strange. I don't know which master god's treasure land it is..."

From Tianhuo's point of view, the only one who can take the initiative to activate the treasure land without waiting for it to be opened is probably the first one, if not him, who else could it be?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo shook his head and ignored it, and looked into the distance intently, hoping to find a way to leave here, while Wu Ping and Gong Ming were also trying their best to check the surrounding situation.

After a long time, the three of them shook their heads helplessly, and Tianhuo said: "How about going to the north? The farthest teleportation array can only teleport a distance of a hundred cities. This place of exile should be within the range of Ziyaomen. Let's go Bei might be able to reach Ziyaomen."

Even though he said this, Tianhuo also knew that the possibility was not high, otherwise there would not be rumors that no one could leave here, but if he didn't try, how would he know?

Wu Ping and Gong Ming also nodded. There is no better way at the moment, so they can only give it a try.

All three agreed without any delay, Tianhuo directly recruited the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and the three of them got on it and galloped towards the north, the scenery on both sides receded quickly.

After walking for half a day, there are still endless flat forests on both sides, and there is not even a mountain peak. Such a situation makes Tianhuo feel puzzled, thinking of the theory of illusion, but under the eyes of Wen Sheng, everything is normal. That made Tianhuo stop this idea.

"Master, there is the breath of a spirit beast." Suddenly, the Star Devouring Moon Beast turned its head and said.

"Spirit beast?" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he turned to Wu Ping and said, "Seniors, why not capture a spirit beast and ask about the situation. These spirit beasts should have lived here for a long time, and there might be clues."

"It's a good idea, you can try it." Wu Ping smiled, with hope in his eyes.

Seeing that Tianhuo agreed, the Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped towards the place where the spirit beast was. A few minutes later, before swallowing the star, a thin spirit beast flew up from the forest with its wings spread, and looked at Tianhuo warily. Several people.

"It's a savage beast without intelligence. It seems that we can't ask anything!" Wu Ping said disappointedly when he saw the monster with wings on his back.

"Brutal beast?" Tianhuo frowned. He had encountered wild beasts in the third-level area, but it was in the far west of the third-level area, where no humans set foot.

And right now, I also encountered wild beasts. Could it be that this is also a second-level area beyond the scope of human habitation?
(End of this chapter)

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